Panaski’s Environmental Dilemmas

Name: __________________________________________________ Pd./Letter Day: _____________________
Panaski’s Environmental Dilemmas
Directions: Read the following 11 situations. Using your notes from the introduction to Environmental Health,
decide which agency or law/act/federal funding can help improve the environmental health in each situation.
Write the correct solution in the line below each dilemma.
1. Recently, a liquid has leaked into my basement. It smells like gasoline. I think the tanks at the gas station
next door may be leaking, but the owners insist that that is impossible. What AGENCY can I contact to
help me?
2. I work in a carpentry shop. There’s a lot of sawdust in the air and I’ve been having trouble breathing lately.
What AGENCY can I contact to help me?
3. I’m thinking about starting a business. I want to be sure my employees have the safest work environment
that I can provide. What AGENCY can I contact to find out about the latest research on workplace safety?
4. I’ve been trying to build a house on a nice piece of country property. Recently, an inspector found an
endangered plant growing on the spot where I want to build. What LAW governs the discovery?
5. A factory in my community has always found it easiest to dispose of our wastes in the nearby river. Is
there an ACT that might prevent the factory from doing this?
6. Some people in my city want to build a sewage treatment plant just upstream of the water treatment
plant. Is there a LAW that can help me fight this?
7. Recently, there was a big oil spill in the lake near my home. Is there any way my community can get
FEDERAL FUNDING to help clean it up?
8. There is a factory near my home that sends off chemicals into the air, making our whole neighborhood
smell awful. Is there a LAW allowing standards to be set for such pollution?
9. I want to start a company that will manufacture pesticides and other toxic substances. Are there any
LAWS that could affect the way I make and distribute my product?
10. In my new company, what LAW might I have to follow to make sure my employees are safe?
11. My state plans to build a new road near my house. The construction could cause more erosion in my area.
What LAW ensures that my state will study the road’s environmental impact before beginning to build?