Healthy People 2020 Day Two PUBLIC HEALTH UNIT Today’s Objectives: Content Objectives: TSWBAT establish different types of health disparities. TSWBAT assess reasons why HP20120 failed and how HP2020 can meet realistic expectations for our country. TSWBAT brainstorm ideas to create a PSA around an objective from the HP2020 statement. Language Objectives: TSWBAT establish different types of health disparities by comparing & contrasting what makes every person in the USA different. TSWBAT assess reasons why HP2020 failed from recalling causes of death & life expectancy numbers from the previous class and start to develop ways how HP2020 can meet realistic expectations for our country. TSWBAT brainstorm ideas to create a PSA around a chosen objective from the HP2020 statement by reading the HP2020 brochure and looking at previous years examples for PSA projects. Health Disparities What makes us different from each other? Sex / Gender Race / Ethnicity Income / Education Socioeconomic Status Disabilities Sexual Orientation Do you think your life expectancy could change depending on which health disparity you are? HP 2020 Pamphlet & Website A statement of national health objectives designed to identify the most significant preventable threats to health and to establish national goals to reduce these threats What do you think should be major issues to address in 2020? What are health issues important to you? HP 2020 PSA Project Secretary Burwell has hired you to help promote & advertise HP2020. CONGRATS!!! You now are a public health educator: 1. 2. 3. Choose one of the 42 objectives (see handout) Decide why this objective is a serious public health issue to you. What health disparities would you gear this towards? Establish a campaign around this objective that can hopefully change the US life expectancy number in 2020 PSA Campaign Ideas Poster Flyer (Microsoft Publisher or done by hand) Pamphlet (Microsoft publisher or done by hand) Photography presentation or story board If you would like to try one of the following options, they MUST be approved prior by Mrs. P: Rap song / rock song lyrics (must perform it in class) Video – commercial, PSA, role playing, music video, etc. (posted to youtube) Cartoon Strip ‘other’ NO: POWERPOINTS; PAPERS; NOTHING ON “LINED PAPER”; NOTHING COMPLETED IN PENCIL HP 2020 PSA You will have two health classes to work on your project All projects will be done individually or with one partner you may use your classmates & teacher for support If your partner is absent BOTH days in the IMC – the partner will now work by themselves… You do not have to be artistic – just CREATIVE! Handouts – HP2020 pamphlet, project directions & grading rubric You do NOT have to present the completed project in front of the class …THE NEXT TWO CLASSES… We will meet the next two classes in the IMC First class will be research / information online Second class for putting the project together Extra time needed will be homework or 9th period The rest of class today is for you to brainstorm: A topic for your PSA campaign How you will present your PSA campaign