DESIGN SCHOOL Verbal Hands-on Spontaneous Problem When the team members enter the room, tell them, “This is a verbal hands-on problem. You have 1 minute to select the five team members who will compete. The others must sit and watch. They may not participate in any way.” JUDGE READS TO TEAMS: (Do not read material in parentheses.) This is a two-part problem. In Part 1, you will have 7 minutes to discuss the problem and create solutions. You can ask the judges questions; however, time will continue. In Part 2 you will have 7 minutes to give responses by number. There is a number in front of each of you; that is your number. Your problem is to use these materials (point to materials) to create something that you can wear. Nothing else can be used. Each team member should create their own solution. When Part 1 ends you are to place your solution on the table next to your number. The judge will then read Part 2. I repeat … in Part 1, your problem is to use these materials (point to materials) to create something that you can wear. No other materials can be used. Each team member should create their own solution. Your time begins now. (Allow team members 5 minutes to each create a solution.) (When time ends, read part 2.) Part 2 You will have 5 minutes to give responses. Once time begins, it will not be stopped, even if the judge asks you to repeat, clarify, or give a more appropriate response. You cannot talk to each other at any time. You should speak loudly and clearly. Each of you has 7 response cards, numbered one through five and two marked “Free Choice” (point to a card stack). You will take turns in order, going clockwise. You may not skip your turn. If one member of the team is stuck, the team is stuck. Your problem is to say something about the items designed in Part 1. For example, you might say, “I would love to wear that to school on spirit day.” When it is your turn, you will place a card that matches the number of the item you want to respond to on the table next to the item, then you will give your response. The next team member will place a card on the table, give a response, and so on. You can use your Free Choice cards to respond to any item. Competition is over when time runs out or you run out of cards. You will receive 1 point for each common response, 5 points for each creative response, and 1-15 points for the overall creativity of the designs. DESIGN SCHOOL Verbal Hands-on Spontaneous Problem FOR JUDGES ONLY: Tape numbers from 1 to 5 on a table and have the team members sit or stand in place, one team member at each number. At the end of Part 1, have team members place their solution next to their number. In Part II, team members should stand so they have a good view of all the solutions. Supply each team with the following: o 4 pieces of construction paper o 1 roll of clear tape o 10 pipe cleaners o 5 pieces of plain paper o 4 paper plates o 5 plastic straws o 3 plastic cups, 12 oz. or larger o 5 colored markers o 10 cotton balls o 1 cardboard box o 10 paper clips o 36” yarn o 1 scissors In Part II, give each team member a set of seven cards. Each set should include cards numbered 1 to 5, and two marked “Free Choice.” Each set should be different from the others in appearance, such as different colors, shapes, etc. Make sure team members surrender a card before each response, and that they respond to the item with a corresponding number or a Free Choice card. Be sure to give exactly 5 minutes for Part I. Warn the team when 1 minute and again when 30 seconds remain. Give the team exactly 5 minutes in Part II. Score: 1 point for each common response, 5 points for each creative response 1–15 points for the overall creativity of the designs. When scoring overall creativity of the designs consider their appearance, if they feasibly could be wearable items, how out of the ordinary they are, if the team used the materials in an unusual or artistic way, etc. Examples of Common Responses: Literal descriptions: “It‟s a hat”; “It‟s red”; “It‟s warm”; “It looks like it might fit.” Personal opinion: “It looks weird”; “That‟s cool”; “I like it”; “Mine is the best”; “I wouldn‟t wear it to take out the trash”; “It‟s right in style.” Miscellaneous: “Hopefully it won‟t be breezy on the runway;” “This is the „next big thing‟”; “I saw Mary wearing one of those the other day.” Examples of Creative Responses: Unexpected explanations: “It‟s my spontaneous shirt;” “This is a new item in the Odyssey of the Mind clothing line”; “It‟s this year‟s Halloween costume”; “It‟s what I‟ll be wearing to my next trip to outer space.” Humorous comments: “Add matching shoes and you have a chic ensemble”; “I knew people dressed weird in the „60‟s but this is outrageous.” NOTE: If the team gives a response very similar to a previous one, count it as common and then declare any other responses that are basically the same as a duplicate. Do not pause the time. DESIGN SCHOOL Verbal Hands-on Spontaneous Problem Team Scoresheet Coache(s): ______________________________________________________ Use hashmarks to tally answers. Overall Creativity of the Designs (1-15) Creative Responses: Common Responses: Judges‟ Comments: __________