Evaluation of Facilities, Classroom, and Labs - Academic Year 2010 Student Satisfaction with Classroom ‐ Fort Bliss Campus Building Item Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Total 3117 Enough space for the number of students 105 90.5% 11 9.5% 116 Adequate lighting 106 91.4% 10 8.6% 116 No disturbance from outside activity 101 86.3% 16 13.7% 117 Adequate seats/desks 108 93.1% 8 6.9% 116 Adequate acoustics 104 90.4% 11 9.6% 115 Comfortable temperature 61 52.1% 56 47.9% 117 Good ventilation 68 58.6% 48 41.4% 116 Well maintained floor/carpeting 99 84.6% 18 15.4% 117 Adequate chalkboards 103 90.4% 11 9.6% 114 Satisfactory paint 106 92.2% 9 7.8% 115 Satisfactory overall cleanliness 102 87.9% 14 12.1% 116 Enough space for the number of students 114 91.2% 11 8.8% 125 Adequate lighting 124 99.2% 1 0.8% 125 No disturbance from outside activity 103 82.4% 22 17.6% 125 Adequate seats/desks 117 92.9% 9 7.1% 126 Adequate acoustics 122 97.6% 3 2.4% 125 Comfortable temperature 76 60.3% 50 39.7% 126 Good ventilation 81 64.3% 45 35.7% 126 Well maintained floor/carpeting 110 88.0% 15 12.0% 125 Adequate chalkboards 113 94.2% 7 5.8% 120 Satisfactory paint 115 92.7% 9 7.3% 124 Satisfactory overall cleanliness 119 96.0% 5 4.0% 124 3118 A standard was set that at least 80% of students must satisfactory agree with a statement or rate a service as excellent/good/acceptable in order for the EPCC to be adequately addressing the needs of students. Page 1 of 1