Annual Report Bold Be Bright | Be Plano Independent School District

Be Bright | Be Bold
in Plano ISD
Plano Independent School District
Annual Report
Dear Community
Dear Plano ISD Community:
This 2013 Annual Report highlights many examples of how our 55,000 students and 6,500
employees are encouraged to “be bright, be bold and belong in Plano ISD.” We established this
theme for our 2013-14 school year to reflect all the ways students in our district are able to find
their fit. With the opening of three campuses of the Academy Programs of Plano this year and
a strong core curriculum with numerous pathways to success, Plano ISD offers students more
academic choices than ever before. The Plano ISD community recently affirmed its desire and
expectations to sustain the district’s educational offerings by voting to adjust the tax rate that funds
our schools in a Tax Ratification Election held on November 5, 2013.
Throughout the pages of this report, you will read about several bright and bold students, staff
and partners who have contributed to Plano ISD’s selection for a “What Parents Want Award” by
SchoolMatch®, the nation’s largest school selection and consulting firm. The district has captured
this award for 20 consecutive years. You will read about the successes of the Plano ISD Education
Foundation and their volunteers who helped raise nearly $1.2 million in private donations to
support Plano schools. Also featured are the post-secondary achievements and measures that
indicate Plano ISD is preparing students for their futures beyond graduation.
Our district’s success is directly linked to the commitment and dedication of Plano ISD’s highly
engaged parent and business communities. On behalf of the Plano ISD Board of Trustees, our
faculty and students, I thank you for taking time to read this annual report and invite our entire
school community to “be bright, be bold and belong in Plano ISD.”
Richard Matkin
Superintendent of Schools
Superintendent of Schools Richard Matkin was honored in October, 2013, with a Distinguished Alumni
Award at Austin College. Mr. Matkin credits his strong foundational preparation from Austin College as the
springboard into what has become a sterling educational and business career culminating in his current role as
the superintendent. Before accepting the superintendent post, Mr. Matkin served as Plano ISD’s chief financial
officer overseeing business and financial services, facility management, legislative advocacy and assisting the
Texas Education Agency as a contributing author of its fiscal and financial accountability standards for all Texas
school districts. His skills as a public school finance expert, coupled with his credentials as a Certified Public
Accountant, make him an authority to navigate state education funding while maintaining the needs of each
child at the heart of his service.
We envision schools where all children succeed, feel safe and their curiosity is
cultivated. We see schools that foster a sense of belonging and community and that inspire collaboration. We see learning standards that challenge and intentionally designed experiences that
delight students, develop their confidence and competence and cause every child to value tasks
Table of Contents
that result in learning. Ultimately, we see schools and related venues that prepare all children
for many choices and that give them the tools and attitudes to contribute to our democratic
way of life and live successfully in a rapidly changing world.
– Public Education Visioning Institute, “Creating a New Vision for Public Education in Texas”
Mission, Goals and Vision
District Leadership
Community Facts
Class of 2013 Post-Secondary
National Merit Semifinalists
National AP Honor Roll District
State Accountability Ratings
Plano East senior, and
Williams High School staff
members, presented a report
to the school board in October
2013 about the “graduation
mindset” program at
Bond Program Update
School & Community
Financial Focus
Education Foundation
Student Achievements
Mission Statement
The mission of the Plano
Independent School District is to
provide an excellent education for
all students.
District & School Honors
Faculty & Staff Achievements
District Goals
• Ensure continued improvement in student learning
• Ensure efficient use of financial
Vision Statement
Participating in Plano ISD schools
empowers students to be able to
adapt to new learning opportunities
throughout their lives, collaborate
with, and contribute to, the global
community and to be creative and
disciplined in their thinking.
Principles and Premises
The principles and premises we
embrace are:
• A digital learning environment
• New learning standards
• Assessments for learning
• Accountability for learning
• Organizational transformation
• Balanced and invigorated state and local partnerships
2013 Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees consists of seven members elected to serve, without compensation, for overlapping terms of four years each.
Elections are conducted in May of odd numbered years. While candidates run for specific places, they do not represent specific
geographical areas; rather, each represents Plano ISD at large. Following the election, the board elects a president, vice-president and
secretary to serve for one-year terms.
2013 Superintendent’s Cabinet
Richard Matkin Superintendent of Schools
Steve Fortenberry Associate Superintendent for Business and Facilities Services
Dr. Cathy Galloway Associate Superintendent for District Services
Jim Hirsch Associate Superintendent for Academic and Technology Services
Patty Meyer Associate Superintendent for Campus Services
Karla Oliver Assistant Superintendent for Government, Community and Planning Initiatives
Denise Gillespie Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and Board of Trustees
About Our Community
Plano ISD serves the residents of approximately 100 square miles in southwest Collin County. This area includes 66 square miles in
the City of Plano, with the balance including northern portions of the cities of Dallas and Richardson and parts of the cities of Allen,
Carrollton, Garland, Lucas, Murphy, Parker and Wylie.
Plano at a Glance
Plano ISD at a Glance
Plano consists of an educated and diverse population located 20
miles north of Dallas, TX. Plano is home to a number of global
companies and serves as corporate or regional headquarters
for major employers like Bank of America Home Loans, HP
Enterprise Services, Capital One Finance, JCPenney Corporation,
Inc., Frito-Lay, Dell Services, Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. and
many more.
Grade Level # of Campuses
Preschools (ages 3-5) Elementary Schools (K-5) Middle Schools (6-8) High Schools (9-10) Senior High Schools (11-12) Academy High School (9-10) Special Programs Centers (K-8 & 9-12) 3
Median Age37.3
Total Number of Schools 72
Educational Attainment of Citizenry (25 years and older)
Graduate or professional degree 21.3%
Bachelor’s degree 30.6%
Associate’s degree 7.3%
Student Enrollment
47 Elementary (PreK-5) 25,763
13 Middle (6-8)12,621
8 High (9-10) 8,495
Population (16 years and older)
Median household income
Per capita income
Median Owner Occupied Home Value$212,600
Top Employment Industries
Professional, scientific, management, administrative
and waste management 18.4%
Educational services, health care and social assistance 17.4%
Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing 12.6%
Retail trade 11.2%
Manufacturing 10.2%
Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation
and food services 8.5%
Information 4.2%
Construction 4.1%
Other services except public administration 5.4%
Wholesale trade 3%
Transportation, warehousing and utilities 2.5%
Public administration 1.5%
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting and mining 0.9%
Source: U.S. Census, 2012 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates
(includes: Academy High School, The IB World School at Plano East
and the Health Sciences Academy)
3 Senior High (11-12) Total Number of Students
Teachers 3,813
Librarians 71
Education Aides 573
Interpreters 13
Other Professionals (Instructional) 153
School Principals 72
Assistant Principals 88
Instructional Officer 10
Athletic Director 3
Counselors 143
School Nurses 71
Educational Diagnosticians, Psychologists & Social Workers 51
Superintendent, Deputy, Associate & Assistant 6
Non-Campus Professionals 222
Auxiliary 1,250
Total Number of Employees 6,538
Source: Fall Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS). Submissions with full-time equivalent employees as of the last Friday in October.
Notes: Full-time instructional employees of the district are employed for 189
contract days. Campus Administrators and Student Services employees are primarily
employed for 220 days. Central administrative and non-campus professional staff
are employed for 246 days. Auxiliary staff are employed on an hourly basis with
daily hours worked ranging from 8 hours to 4 hours.
Class of 2013 Post-Secondary Readiness
2013 SAT Average Scores
Plano ISD students’ scores on college entrance exams far exceeded state and national averages in 2013. The incomparable PLANO
Critical Reading
performance of Plano ISD students on these exams gives them a competitive edge for college admission and college success. In
addition to exceptional college entrance exam scores, a significant number of students are challenging themselves by taking Advanced
Placement courses and participating in the International Baccalaureate programWriting
and Collin College dual enrollment. These statistics
indicate a strong dedication of Plano ISD teachers and counselors to get more students enrolled in honors and advanced courses.
College Entrance Exam Results
2013 SAT Average Scores
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Results
2013 ACT Composite Scores
• 2,682 Plano ISD seniors (71% of class) took the SAT.
• The SAT critical
reading score of 555 compares to 471 at the state level and 491 for the nation’s students.
• The SAT math average score was 593 for Plano ISD students and 496 and 503, respectively, for students in Texas and
the nation.25
• SAT writing average scores were 541 for Plano ISD students and 456 and 480 across the state and nation, respectively.
• 2,654 (68%) of Plano ISD juniors participated in the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT).
American College
15 Test (ACT) Results
• 1,964 (52%) Plano ISD seniors took the ACT exam in 2013 as compared to 1,785 (49%) the previous year.
• The ACT English
average score of Plano ISD students (25.1) far exceeded the average scores of students across Texas (19.8) and the nation (20.2).
• Plano ISD students
scored an average 26.6 on the math exam. Statewide and nationally, students’ average scores on the same exam were 21.5 and 20.9, respectively.
0 averaged 25.8 for Plano ISD students and 21 and 21.1, respectively, for students in Texas and the nation.
• Reading scores
• The science reasoning average score of Plano ISD students was 25.3. Statewide and nationally, students averaged 20.9
and 20.7, respectively.
• The percent of ACT tested students ready for college-level coursework as compared to ACT tested students across Texas and the nation are as follows.
• English composition: PISD-90%, TX-61%, US-64%
• Algebra: PISD-83%, TX-48%, US-44%
• Social Science: PISD-74%, TX-43%, US-44%
• Biology: PISD-72%, TX-36%, US-36%
• All Four Subjects: PISD-62%, TX-26%, US-26%
Critical Reading
2013 ACT Composite Scores
Advanced Placement Program
Plano ISD is one of 477 school districts in the U.S. and Canada and 14 school districts in Texas to be honored by the College
Board with placement on the 4th Annual AP® District Honor Roll for increasing access to AP® course work while simultaneously
maintaining or increasing the percentage of students earning scores of 3 or higher on AP Exams. (See related article, page 7.)
Through the Advanced Placement Program, Plano ISD has opened the door for many students to take AP and honors courses. For
many of these students, 2013 was the first time to take an AP test. Plano ISD’s AP program is one of the largest in the nation.
• 43% (3,306) of Plano ISD senior high school students took AP tests for college credit in 2013, and 31% (2,541) of high school students took AP tests for college credit.
• 12,598 exams were administered to students in Plano ISD high schools and senior high schools in 2013, an increase from 11,508 exams administered the previous year.
• 79% of AP test scores at the high schools and senior high schools were 3, 4 or 5.
• 132 middle school students in Plano ISD who took the AP Spanish exam had a 73% passing rate.
International Baccalaureate Program
The IB World School at Plano East is a rigorous course of study designed to meet the needs
of highly motivated secondary students and to promote international understanding. Many
students earning the IB diploma are awarded advanced college credit at prestigious universities
around the world.
• In 2013, Plano ISD had 113 full diploma candidates in the IB program.
• 80 IB diplomas were awarded in 2013.
• IB students took 767 IB exams.
Dual Enrollment through Collin College
Since fall, 2005, Plano ISD has offered a dual enrollment program through Collin College.
Spring 2013 enrollment was 511 students. Fall 2013 enrollment was 665 students. Students
earned college credit through Collin College in the following courses: US History, Government,
Economics and English IV.
Plano ISD Advanced Academics Programs
To help students invest in their future, Plano ISD is proud to provide students with a wide array
of advanced academic courses, programs, and competitions that appeal to varied interests,
experiences and educational goals. Students learn and grow through meaningful educational
challenges. Participating in one or more advanced academic opportunities allows students to
explore existing talents while uncovering new talents. Advanced academic opportunities begin
in the elementary years and increase in frequency at the secondary level in Plano ISD.
Plano ISD Assessment & Accountability
Plano ISD believes that assessment provides the information necessary to improve student
performance and that assessment data should be analyzed for the purpose of setting priorities
for instructional decision-making, allocating system resources, and setting accountability goals.
Plano ISD also believes that assessment data should be reported to students, parents, the
community and the mandated state and federal education authorities for the purpose of building
partnerships in education.
from Plano
ISD’s three
2013 graduation
Readiness Indicators
Help Measure
Student Progress
Post-secondary readiness assessments
measure the preparedness of students
for rigorous work required for a career
or college education. The goal is for
students to have an opportunity to
choose a path and, if necessary, make
career changes even after graduating
from senior high school.
MAP (Measures of Academic Progress)
tests provide an accurate prediction
of a student’s STAAR (State of Texas
Assessment of Academic Readiness)
performance at satisfactory and
advanced levels. STAAR provides an
accurate prediction of a student’s
preparedness and likelihood for success
in the next grade level or course. STAAR
measures whether a student is on track
for college and career readiness.
Longitudinal data systems enable Plano
ISD educators to identify students in
need of academic intervention at an
early stage, when problems are still
solvable, giving teachers and students
more time to strengthen these skills
before graduation.
The MAP focused data analysis provides
a structured process for analyzing
and discussing student growth in the
general learning domains of reading,
mathematics and science. Each
student’s performance on the nationally
normed MAP test is compared to the
growth demonstrated by Plano ISD
students in prior years who shared the
same starting point on the growth scale.
Scale scores and performance levels
convey information about how a student
performed in the current year. Progress
measures provide additional information
by communicating how much the
student has improved from the prior
year to the current year. When used
together, this information provides a
more complete picture of the student’s
(See related story, page 7.)
2013 National Merit Semifinalists
One hundred and twenty-eight seniors achieved Semifinalist standing in the 2013 National Merit Scholarship Program based on their
performance on the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test. These academically gifted students were among 16,000 of their peers
nationwide who represent less than one percent of high school seniors. Those who advanced to Finalist standing competed for
National Merit Scholarships worth more than $36 million.
Plano East Senior
High School
Vedika Agrawal
Akul Arora
Nicolas M. Bergstein
Vishal R. Bhat
Amanda D. Brown
Christina Bui
Benjamin A. Carroll
Punya Chittajallu
Alex Z. Dao
Ishrat Hafiz
Meiqiong Hong
Brendan P. Hopper
Stanley G. Joseph
Farzin Khoshravan
Ellen J. Kim
Shane Kok
Ryan H. Kwon
Adrienne Lamb
Matthew H. Laux
Shannon H. Lee
William F. McEowen
Eszter Mihaly
Daniel T. Nguyen
Gokul Prabhakaran
Arjun U. Sachdeva
Jasmair S. Sangha
Susana A. Serralde
Shreya K. Shenoy
Christopher Sicking
Robert S. Stricklin
Victor Tieu
Helen Wang
Carlos Molina, Plano
West; Stanley Joseph,
Plano East; and Aileen
Huang, Plano Senior
Wilhelmina D. Watts
Andrew R. Wei
Karl J. White
Edward Zhao
Plano Senior High School
Bryan P. An
Achyuta N. Burra
Amanda K. Chandler
Eric Chen
Susan Chen
Zi-Khan L. Cheung
Logan S. Crossley
James C. Darling
Zachary J. Dewey
Scott M. Fisher
Ben Y. Fu
Rachel J. Goldman
Benjamin G. Greenho
Justin R. Hairston
Paul J. Hellemn
Rachel A. Hodge
Aileen Y. Huang
Sarah Huang
Derek P. Hui
Alisha S. Karkera
Abby E. Krach
Ian S. Kwan
Keum Yong Lee
Kimberly K. Lennox
Rachel W. Li
Nicholas Liu
Max C. Lu
Joanna Ma
Madeleine Q. Ma
Kimberly L. Mei
William A. Mills
Kevin Allen Ong
Shruthi N. Prabhu
Tian Qiu
Nishesh Sharma
Ting E. Wang
Margaret M. Wu
Marilyn Wu
Stephen W. Xi
Amy Xia
Ray Xia
Michael Yang
Anthony Y. Zhang
Daniel L. Zhang
Plano West Senior
High School
Young-Cho An
Shira Beder
Patrick T. Celsus
Eric Chao
Andrew H. Chen
Samuel R. Cheng
Albert P. Chung
Cory E. Dunn
Yue Gao
Shreya Ghoshal
Micah A. Gilbert
Michael P. Gioia
Camille W. Goldstein
Cosette M. Goldstein
Vicky Gu
Robert J. Holland
Jonathan L. Huang
Kevin Huang
Michael M. Hwang
Elizabeth Kang
Srishti Kapur
Kwonsu J. Lee
Jessica Lin
Emma V. Livingston
Preston A. Maness
Colleen P. Maney
Lesley A. Miller
Carlos A. Molina
Olivia T. Nguyen
Naina M. Noorani
Taiyi Ouyang
Surya R. Pochareddy
Grant T. Powell
Evan C. Remmele
Midori E. Rinkliff
David C. Rosen
Shravan V. Shaastri
Andrew R. Su
Daniel G. Suh
Emily Y. Tang
Shannon Wan
Tim T. Wang
Gordon Werthmann
Dennis R. Wu
Kimberley Yu
Daniela Yuan
Kelsey Zhu
Jennifer C. Ziauddin
Advanced Placement & STAAR Results
Plano ISD Places on the College Board’s 4th Annual AP®
District Honor Roll
Plano ISD is among 477 school districts in the U.S. and Canada
and one of 14 in Texas honored in 2013 by the College Board
with placement on the 4th Annual AP® District Honor Roll for
increasing access to AP® (Advanced Placement) course work while
maintaining or increasing the percentage of students earning scores
of 3 or higher on AP Exams.
Honor roll distinction is based on examination of three years of AP
data — 2011 to 2013 — regarding the following criteria. Districts
• Increase AP participation/access by at least 4 percent in large school districts, at least 6 percent in medium districts, and at least 11 percent in small districts;
Paul Weaver, Plano ISD assistant executive director of guidance
and family education services and College Board trustee.
• Increase or maintain the percentage of exams taken by
African American, Hispanic/Latino, and American Indian/
Alaska Native students, and;
• Improve performance levels when comparing the percentage of students in 2013 scoring a 3 or higher to those in 2011, unless the district has already attained a performance level at which more than 70 percent of its AP students are scoring a 3 or higher.
“Of these three lofty measures, the one that speaks volumes is the standard to increase or maintain the number of traditionally
underrepresented students participating in Advanced Placement exams,” noted Paul Weaver, Plano ISD assistant executive
director of guidance and family education services and College Board trustee. “Our students break barriers and bring credibility to
the quality and accessibility for Advanced Placement.”
In 2013, more than 3,300 colleges and universities around the world received AP scores for college credit, advanced placement
and/or consideration in the admission process, with many in the United States offering credit in one or more subjects for qualifying
AP scores.
All Plano ISD Schools ‘Met Standard’ on New Texas STAAR Tests
The Texas Education Agency’s 2013 state accountability ratings represent the first year for a new, index-based approach to
academic accountability. The ratings apply one of two labels to districts and campuses: “Met Standard” or “Improvement
Required.” Plano ISD and all 66 of its rated schools “Met Standard” in all applicable indices: student achievement, student
progress, closing performance gaps and post-secondary readiness. District and campus scores were well above state targets, with
several schools earning distinction.
The indices reflect student performance on the State
of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR)
exams, Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills
(TAKS) assessments, graduation rates and more.
This is a transitional year for state accountability
ratings. The system is expected to undergo changes
before August 2014.
2013 Plano ISD Accountability Rating
Met Standard (Met all 4 index standards)
The numbers outlined in the green boxes are the
benchmark percentages for all Texas students. The
numbers at the top of each bar are Plano ISD’s
percentages of students who met each of the four
index standards.
Facility and Technology Bond Initiatives
Plano ISD Facilities and Technology Bond Task Forces have considered major bond initiatives that resulted in bond elections every four
years from 1996 to 2008. Plano ISD voters have passed these bond elections with an overwhelming majority in favor of revitalized
schools in neighborhoods while implementing and utilizing the latest technology. Schedules for most of these initiatives are contingent
upon bond sales. Construction planning is continuing; however, the interest rate and timing of improvements in the market will
determine actual bond expenditures. Detailed bond project quarterly reports can be viewed on the district website at
New Schools/Facilities
Schell Elementary School
Employee Child Care Center
Land Acquisition - Future School Sites
Isaacs Early Childhood Center
Barron Elementary School Conversion
New Elementary School
Otto Middle School
McMillen High School
Timing to be determined
Major School Renovations
Mendenhall Elementary School
Jackson Elementary School
Weatherford Elementary School
Memorial Elementary School
Brinker Elementary School Daffron Elementary School
Hedgcoxe Elementary School
Bethany Elementary School
Mitchell Elementary School
Rasor Elementary School
Under Construction - Complete Fall 2014
Under Construction - Complete Fall 2014
In Planning/Design - Complete Fall 2015
In Planning/Design - Complete Fall 2015
Additions and Modifications
Plano East Senior High School - Science, Kitchen/Dining
Vines High School - Fine Arts and Science
Plano West Senior High School - Kitchen/Dining
Haggard Middle School - Fine Arts
Plano Senior High School - Fine Arts
Forman Elementary School - Classroom Addition
Guinn Center - Classrooms, Kitchen & Serving Line
Capital Improvements - Instructional
Science Classroom Needs
Career Education
Fine Arts
PE Lockers
Capital Improvements - Physical
Bird Center Parking Project
Safety and Security
Food & Nutritional Services
Transportation - Buses
Energy Efficient Lighting
Water Conservation/Irrigation Upgrades
Athletic Capital Improvements
Districtwide Capital Projects
Systems and Compliance
Districtwide Facility Upgrades/Replacements for
Security Systems, Roofs, Flooring, HVAC, Energy Management, Fire Alarms, Fire Lane Parking
Curriculum and Technology
Replacement Program
Digital Visual Presenters
PC Operating & Productivity Systems Upgrades
Digital Cameras
Web Based Enterprise Applications
Art (K-5)
Career & Tecnology Education (6-12)
Elementary (K-5)
Foreign Language (6-12)
Health & PE (K-12)
In Progress
Learning Media Services (K-12)
In Progress
Mathematics (6-12)
Science (6-12)
Special Education (K-12)
Speech (9-12)
Theatre Arts (6-12)
Food & Nutritional Services
Wireless Infrastructure Upgrade
In Progress
Additional Projects Funded With 2008 Bond Program
Plano ISD Academy High School
Hunt Elementary School Classroom Addition (In progress)
Plano East Senior High School: IB World School at Plano East
Williams High School Renovations
Williams High School: Plano ISD Health Sciences Academy
Saigling Elementary School Renovations
Clark High School Addition
Plano West Senior High School Expansion
Transportation Building Renovation
Security Vestibules (In progress)
The Academy Programs of Plano – Plano ISD Academy High
School (building and students pictured), Plano ISD Health
Sciences Academy and the IB World School at Plano East Senior
High School – opened in August, 2013 with the support of bond
funds and corporate donations.
Bond initiatives have included technology upgrades in
classrooms across the district, including that of Lilli
Wisler, fifth grade teacher at Barron Elementary School.
School and Community Engagement
Plano ISD develops community partnerships to promote collective responsibility, involvement and support of public education to
ensure student success. A few of the many collaborative efforts are spotlighted here.
Carlos Sastoque, Plano ISD Education
Foundation; Donna Shepard, M&A Technology;
Manoj Chhabra, DCS Global Systems; Mike
Evans and Mary Jo Dean, Texas Health
Presbyterian Hospital Plano; Kirk Bell, Plano
Rotary Club; Beth Kolman, Cisco Systems;
and Harvey Fishero, Plano ISD Education
Foundation board of directors president-elect.
Not pictured: Methodist Richardson Medical
Center. School trustees seated at the board
dais are Missy Bender, Carrolyn Moebius, Mike
Friedman, Nancy Humphrey, Superintendent
Richard Matkin, David Stolle, Tammy Richards
and Marilyn Hinton.
Corporate and Civic Donors Gift More than a Half Million Dollars to the Academy Programs of Plano
The Plano ISD Board of Trustees in October 2013 recognized six donors whose contributions to the Academy Programs of Plano —
through the Plano ISD Education Foundation — totaled $511,000. Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Plano led giving at the Silver
Level with a $250,000 donation. Bronze partner Plano Rotary Club contributed $100,000. And, $50,000+ contributors were Cisco
Systems, DCS Global Systems and Methodist Richardson Medical Center. M&A Technology donated $10,000. These generous gifts
support the innovative programs for students attending the Plano ISD Health Sciences Academy, IB World School at Plano East Senior
High School and the Plano ISD Academy High School. “Plano ISD understands the need to be progressive and innovative in our
financial management, while also continuing to serve as good stewards of taxpayer dollars,” said Karla Oliver, assistant superintendent
for government, community and planning initiatives. “Our district is committed to having the Academy Programs of Plano thrive as a
result of corporate and community giving.”
Superintendent’s student advisors are:
Plano West Senior High School—Cassi Pollock, Matthew
Abernathy, Alex Hancher, Ethan Wright;
Plano Senior High School­—Avery Atterstrom, Taylor
Chambers, Hudson Kuykendall, Jason Head; and
Plano East Senior High School—Justin Johnson, Britni
McElvy, Kali Staples, Ernesto Arvayo Manzano. Students
are pictured here with Associate Superintendent for
Campus Services Patty Meyer, Superintendent of Schools
Richard Matkin and Associate Superintendent for
District Services Dr. Cathy Galloway.
Superintendent and Student Advisory Committee Share Issues of Importance
Superintendent Richard Matkin meets monthly with student representatives from the district’s three senior high schools to share
issues of mutual importance. During meetings, the juniors and seniors share their concerns and celebrations with Mr. Matkin and his
leadership team and offer their input and perspective on district issues and initiatives.
“Significant to my role as superintendent of schools is gaining community input from a variety of leaders, including our student
leaders,” noted Mr. Matkin. “The Student Advisory Committee affords an opportunity for me to hear what is important to our
students, to share information with them about new and innovative district programming and to seek their advice regarding
programs that directly affect them.”
Annual MLK Tribute Event Showcases Student Talent & Celebrates Community Diversity
Hundreds of students, educators and community leaders attended Plano ISD’s Martin Luther King, Jr., tribute event in January,
2013, to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King and the diversity in our community. Held at Williams High School, the MLK Tribute
showcased students through musical entertainment, essay readings and theatrical performances. Awards were presented to MLK art
contest winners and for diversity leadership.
Plano ISD and Law Enforcement Partner for Added
Many Plano ISD Schools Host Cultural Diversity Celebrations
In addition to the school district’s annual Martin Luther King, Jr., Tribute held each
January, many schools host celebrations of diversity at the campus level. Schools
across Plano ISD celebrate the numerous cultures that make up their communities
during evening and other school-wide events. PTAs, families, teachers, parents and
students gather to share food, facts and fun as they appreciate their differences and
similarities in these district-wide occasions.
Plano ISD launched the Campus Protection Patrol Program
in August 2013, when uniformed police officers contracted
through local law enforcement agencies began patrolling
middle, elementary and early childhood schools in marked
police vehicles provided by Plano ISD. This program and
other new security features complement Plano ISD’s existing
measures and provide added safety to all campuses. The
security of campuses and school facilities remains at the
forefront of district priorities.
Key Communicators Program Encourages Dialogue Between District and
The Plano ISD Key Communicators program is one of many valuable aspects of the school district’s ongoing, two-way
communications efforts with parents, students and other citizens in the district. The communications department coordinates
the Key Communicator program with a planning committee led by parent volunteer and national PTA board member Sharon
Goldblatt. Each school selects three parents to serve as Key Communicators during each school year. Key Communicators attend
meetings throughout the year at which time the superintendent and other key staff share information and interact with the group.
They also facilitate balanced and factual communication between the district and schools.
Plano ISD Partners with Local Youth Groups & Heritage Farmstead Museum for First-Ever ‘Funtastic Fair’
Plano ISD and the Heritage Farmstead Museum in Plano partnered with local youth organizations to support the first-ever
“Funtastic Fair” recruitment for Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas, Boy Scouts of America Circle Ten Council and the Plano Family
YMCA in September 2013 at the Farmstead Museum. The free event drew approximately 1,300 students and family members
who came to learn more about the participating youth groups. Families had the opportunity to participate in activities such as
bounce houses, games, crafts, Dutch oven cooking, leather working and more.
“We appreciate Plano ISD and its vision for partnering with local youth organizations and the Farmstead to provide this
opportunity. We had a great first-time event,” said Jayson Killough, Plano Family YMCA vice president of operations. “We look
forward to continuing this successful partnership and building even stronger relationships among these groups.”
School PTAs and District PTA Council Awarded by State for Leadership
Plano ISD Council of PTAs and school PTA members are pictured at the Texas PTA Summer Leadership Seminar held in Dallas.
Plano ISD Council of PTAs, comprising 70 local units with more than 28,000 members, is the key link in the line of communication
between the local, area, state and national PTAs as well as with the school administration and general public. The council serves
to strengthen local PTAs, develop leadership potential, promote membership and serve the community and its children. For its
excellent service, the district council captured the Texas PTA Gold Award for “Outstanding PTA Council,” and several school
PTAs were awarded by the state PTA for their websites and newsletters, parent education, legislative action, arts education and
environmental education.
Plano PTA leaders pictured at the 2013 Texas PTA Summer
Leadership Seminar held in Dallas.
Superior Financial Results
2013 was a banner year for Plano ISD’s financial status and recognitions. Financial agencies gave Plano ISD the highest bond rating
possible for a school district; a critical tax ratification election was held and approved by voters and the district was recognized for 30
years of excellence in financial reporting.
2012-13 Financial Data
Assessed Values Percentages
Residential $20,515,276,000 60%
Commercial/Industrial $13,582,588,000 40%
Rural $608,232,000 2%
Personal $3,750,946,000 11%
Exempt ($4,561,327,000)
TOTAL $33,895,715,000 100%
General Fund
Local Funds State Funds Federal Funds Other Resources TOTAL REVENUE $360,715,161 $50,927,739 $5,304,164 $2,396,045 $419,343,109 86%
Less than 1%
General Fund Expenditures
Salary and Benefits Other Expenses Other Uses TOTAL OPERATING COSTS $337,930,398 $63,703,878 $1,158,689 $402,792,965
Flow-Thru Costs
Recapture Payments TIF Flow-Thru TOTAL OPERATING FUND
EXPENDITURES Cost Per Pupil $24,960,598
Plano ISD Reduces Debt Service Tax Rate, Receives Highest Bond Rating
Plano ISD received bids in October 2013 to refund a portion of its outstanding bonds
issued in 2004. The lowest bid of 0.972% from BOSC, Inc. was accepted. The bids were
rated Aaa/AAA by Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s Rating Agencies by virtue of the State’s
Permanent School Fund Guarantee Program. Plano ISD’s stand-alone ratings were Aaa/
AA+, the highest that either agency assigns to Texas school districts.
“We are pleased we were able to restructure our short-term debt payments to reduce
our debt service tax rate by five cents. As an added bonus to this planning, we also
reduced the total payments for our taxpayers,” said Steve Fortenberry, Plano ISD associate
superintendent for business and facility services.
The primary purpose of the refunding was to adjust the debt payments due within the
2014-18 timeframe to allow for a reduction of 5.04 cents in the district’s 2013-14 debt
service tax rate. Increases in payments in 2016, 2017, 2018 as a result of the refunding will
be offset by scheduled decreases in other existing debt payments, thus having the end effect
of leveling the debt service tax rate through 2018.
Because of the historically low interest rates at which the bonds were sold, the district will also realize a cumulative decrease of
$307,135 in total principal and interest payments on the new bonds compared to what would have been paid on the bonds which
were refunded. When the time value of money is factored in, the district will realize a net present value savings of $974,115 on the
Voters Approve 2013 Tax Ratification Election
The reduced debt service tax rate of 5.04 cents was used to help offset
the district’s requested tax ratification of 13 cents for the maintenance and
operations (M&O) portion of the tax rate, which funds salaries, utilities and
day-to-day operations that directly support campuses. Plano ISD lowered
the interest and sinking rate (I&S) by 5 cents, resulting in a net tax increase
of 8 cents. The total proposed tax rate approved by Plano ISD voters in the
November 2013 Tax Ratification Election was $1.4530.
In 2011, the Texas legislature reduced funding for Plano ISD by $59 million over a two-year period. In 2013, the legislature provided
partial relief, returning 29% of Plano’s funds, compared to the state average of 77%. The unrestored loss is $466 per student, leaving
the district with a $20 million deficit. Contingency funds were used to cover the shortfall for the last two years. If the TRE had not
been approved, Plano ISD would have had to cut programs and potentially reduce staff by nearly 300, severely impacting class sizes
and educational choices.
Plano ISD trustees decided to let the taxpayers decide if they were willing to make up the budget shortfall with a tax increase. Plano
ISD will use these funds to sustain enriched educational offerings while maintaining its track record for fiscal responsibility.
Plano ISD Awarded for 30 Years of Financial Reporting Excellence
At their June 2013 meeting, the Plano ISD Board of Trustees recognized the financial services team for capturing, for the 30th
consecutive year, the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government and Financial Officers
Association of the United States and Canada.
“Achievement of this award would not be possible without the hard work of the finance department. Leading that team is Linda
Madon, executive director of financial services, who has been here all 30 of those years,” said Steve Fortenberry, associate
superintendent for business and facilities services. “This achievement places both the district and Linda in very elite company.”
For the 30th consecutive year, Plano ISD’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) has been judged by an impartial panel
to meet high standards, including demonstrating a constructive spirit of full disclosure to clearly communicate the school district’s
financial story.
Financial reports are
reviewed by a select
review committee, which
includes experts in public
sector finance, independent
auditors and other
finance professionals. This
certificate of achievement
is the highest form of
recognition in the area
of governmental financial
reporting and accounting.
Its attainment represents
a significant achievement
by government and its
Executive Director Linda Madon (center) with members of the Plano ISD financial services team.
Plano ISD Education Foundation
In 2012-2013, the Plano ISD Education Foundation raised nearly $1.2 million in private
donations supporting quality education in Plano schools, made possible through an annual
“Ski Plano” gala, Plano ISD employee donations, a parent and community annual fund drive
and gifts from corporations, foundations and individuals.
As a result nearly $900,000 was gifted to Plano ISD for priority programs that enhance
student learning; ensure all students are college ready; recruit, retain and recognize the
very best teachers; and support the role of parents and families in students’ learning. The
Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization governed by a board of business and
community leaders.
Major Donors
Alliance Data
Capital One Bank
Cisco Systems
Employees of Plano ISD
Encana Oil & Gas
United Way of Metropolitan Dallas
$20,000 +
Gay, McCall, Isaacks, Gordon, & Roberts, P.C.
Huawei Technologies
Metroplex Technology Business Council
Park Place Lexus Plano
Texas Instruments Foundation
The Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy
Distinguished Achievement
$10,000 +
Richard Matkin, Plano ISD superintendent of schools; Dana Beckman, Alliance Data; Mitch
Bramlett, Plano ISD Education Foundation board president; and Rodney Davenport, Alliance Data,
are pictured at Plano ISD Education Foundation’s 2012-13 Donor Recognition reception.
Foundation Funds Nearly $100,000 in Grants to Educators
In November, 2012, Plano ISD Education Foundation board members, program
sponsors, district staff and parent leaders personally delivered nearly $100,000 in
monetary awards – a record amount – to fund 79 innovative instructional programs.
Plano ISD teachers received surprise visits by district and community leaders and
the announcement of their winning grants in their classrooms was shared across
the school district. Since the Foundation’s inception, more than $795,000 has been
awarded to Plano ISD teachers through the Grants to Educators program. Funding
for the 2012 grants program was generously donated by these sponsors: Park Place
Lexus, Huawei, Alliance Data, Plano ISD Council
of PTAs, Frost Bank and Central Market.
Beverly Elementary School kindergarten teachers were surprised November
2012 with two grants from the Plano ISD Education Foundation Grant
Patrol. Thanks to the grants, their students are benefiting from innovative
programs entitled “Writing for a Reason!” and “Kindergarten Cares Club.”
ATMOS Energy
Ebby Halliday Realtors
Fossil, Inc.
GE Capital Retail Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Heffernan
InTouch Credit Union
Junior League of Collin County
Kathy & Greg Nelson
M&A Technology
The Heart Hospital Baylor Plano
With Honors
$5,000 +
Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd & Joplin, P.C.
Bartlett Cocke General Contractors
Baylor Regional Medical Center
at Plano
Sara & Mitch Bramlett
Central Market Plano
Frost Bank
GCA Service Group
Richard Matkin
Medical Center of Plano
Plano Wildcat Quarterback Club
Quaker Steak & Lube Plano
SHW Group, LLP
The Shops at Willow Bend
Transamerica Life and Protection
ViewPoint Bank
Wells Fargo
Also Sponsored by the Foundation in 2012-13
• STEM education improvement initiatives.
• Student scholarships for economically disadvantaged students to attend fifth grade camp.
• Plano ISD’s annual teacher of the year gala, teacher recruitment open house and employee convocation.
• Emergency grants to Plano ISD employees experiencing short-term crisis.
• Funding for Plano ISD pilot programs that hold promise of bridging student achievement gaps and ensuring
all students are college ready.
• Funding for family services and literacy programs.
Plano ISD Education Foundation volunteers
at the 5th Annual Central Market Thrill of
the Grill included Kandi Sigonia, event chair,
Mitch Bramlett, 2012 board president,
Rebecca Egelston Caso, president elect, and
Carlos Sastoque, executive director.
Central Market Thrill of the Grill 5K Breaks Records,
Supports Plano ISD Education Foundation
The fifth Annual Central Market Thrill of the Grill 5k,
benefitting the Plano ISD Education Foundation, was a
sizzling success with a record 1,500 runners, who included
school groups and community members. The walker- and
pet-friendly race featured a new 5k route, bandanas for
pets, hot breakfast and live music at the post-race party and
awards ceremony. Haun Elementary School took home the
top participation award for the second consecutive year.
Employees ‘Touch the Heart of a Child’
Plano ISD employees once again gave generously “from
the heart” during the annual employee giving campaign
to benefit students and teachers through the Plano ISD
Education Foundation. One-hundred percent of schools
and departments participated in the campaign in February
2013, with 3,013 employees contributing a total of $115,424
to the effort. More than half of contributing schools and
departments met or exceeded their goals for the campaign.
Ski Plano emcees Marshall and Mabrie Jackson are pictured at Ski
Plano 2013, where hundreds of school district supporters enjoyed
dinner, dancing and bidding on live and silent auction items.
Ski Plano 2013 Celebrates Another Successful
Fundraising Year!
Plano ISD Educators Capture 2013 Texas Instruments
Foundation Innovations in STEM Teaching Awards
The Plano ISD Education Foundation is pleased to report
that its fundraising gala, Ski Plano 2013, broke records
for revenue and attendance. The Ski Plano Lodge once
again overtook Southfork Ranch in Parker for the sold-out
event. Nearly $200,000 was raised in event proceeds and
will benefit the programs of the Foundation for the 55,000
students of Plano ISD. More than 800 guests wore their
favorite ski sweaters and jeans, danced the night away to
two live bands and browsed the slopes of astonishing auction
items. Honorary emcees for the event were proud Plano
Senior High School alumni Marshall and Mabrie Jackson, who
met in the second grade at Shepard Elementary in Plano ISD.
Kayla Olivas, McMillen High School; Kevin Ng, Plano Senior
High School; and Nicole Lyssy, Plano West Senior High
School, captured the 2013 Texas Instruments Foundation
Innovations in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and
Math) Teaching Awards. The trio was among six Plano ISD
teachers honored for superior teaching by the TI Foundation
and the Plano ISD Education Foundation. Each of the three
selected 2013 winners received $10,000 in awards, including
a $5,000 cash award and $5,000 for classroom technology
and professional development. Supporting the improvement
of STEM education, the Texas Instruments Foundation
continues to provide the Plano ISD Education Foundation and
our school district the
opportunity to recognize
outstanding teachers of
secondary STEM courses,
donating $150,000
over the past seven
years in funding the TI
Foundation Innovations
in outstanding STEM
Teaching Awards for
Plano ISD.
Richard Matkin, Nicole
Lissy, Kevin Ng, Kayla Olivas
and TI Foundation Board
President Louis McMahan
Foundation Board of
Plano ISD Alumni News
For the fourth consecutive year, the Plano ISD Education Foundation has worked
to bring together alumni in support of Plano ISD. This year the alumni association
held tailgate events for all three senior high school homecomings. The foundation
uses social media to reach alumni and provide a forum for interaction. “Plano ISD
has more than 100 years of graduates who know first-hand the value of a Plano
ISD education. It seemed logical to engage alumni as they have potential to be the
district’s biggest cheerleaders and supporters,” said Marshall Jackson, who co-chairs
the alumni committee with Beth Webb.
Pictured at the Plano West 2013 homecoming tailgate party are (back) Plano ISD alumni Martin
Jackson, Marshall Jackson and Beth Webb, alumni co-chairs, and (front) Plano ISD Trustee Missy
Bender and Plano ISD employee Suzanne Drotman.
Joa Muns Honored among Top Women of Collin County
Joa Muns, a passionate supporter of Plano ISD and the Plano ISD Education
Foundation for more than 15 years, was named among the Top Women of Collin
County at a reception held in 2013 at Neiman Marcus Plano. She has provided
countless hours to help Plano schools maintain the highest standards of academic
excellence. As a member of the Plano ISD Education Foundation Board of Directors,
Ms. Muns has helped the Foundation raise critical dollars to fund priority programs
identified by the school district. In past years, she has chaired Ski Plano, the
Foundation’s largest fundraising event, and she has chaired the Plano ISD Teacher of
the Year Gala.
L. Mitchell Bramlett, Board President
Rebecca Egelston Caso,
Board President-Elect
Dennis Oliver, Treasurer
Octavio Ortiz, Secretary
Jamie Beringer
Chris Bragg
Jean Callison
Windon Chau
Allison Cunningham
Rodney Davenport
Mary Jo Dean
David Doyle
Harvey Fishero
Robert Fitzgerald
Marshall Jackson
Marshall Johnson, DDS, MS
Robin Joseph-Williams
Cathy Larson
Don McClure
Jim McGee
Joa Muns
Kelly Palmer
Rajesh Rao
Lisa Raskin
Kathy Schell
Kandi Sigona
Ralph Stow
Rob Sumner
Michael Urtso
Mike Van de Ven
Mary Von Ahnen
Beth Webb
Carlos Sastoque, Executive Director
Richard Matkin,
Superintendent of Schools
Tammy Richards,
Plano ISD Board of Trustees Representative
Annette Maule,
PTA Council Representative
Board of Honor
The Late Jim Boswell
Sharon Goldblatt
Rutledge Haggard
Rebecca Morris
Joan Slater
John Wroten
Carlos Sastoque, Plano ISD Education Foundation executive director, Joa Muns and Rusty Smith,
Neiman Marcus vice president/general manger.
Student Achievements
Hundreds of Plano ISD students captured awards and honors during the 2012-13 school year. Many of our top achieving students’
accomplishments are featured in the next few pages of this report.
2013 United States Presidential Scholar
Kimberley was also a semifinalist in
the national Intel Science Talent
Search for research she did on the
genetics of brain structure. Along
with science competitions, she has
been recognized for her artwork,
qualifying multiple times for the
state’s Visual Arts Scholastic Event
competition. She was also among her
school’s National Merit Finalists.
• Sugirtha Paneerselvam, Plano East Senior High School,
2nd place in environmental management,
asteroid named in her honor
•Jessica Hong and Michael Trinh, Clark
High School and Plano East Senior High
School, respectively, 4th place award
from American Chemical Society
•Nirali Thakor and Niranjan
Balachandar, Shepton High School 2nd Place in mathematics, Arizona
State University Provost scholarship
with a research grant, NASA 3rd
place award, Sigma Xi Award,
asteroid named in their honor
Plano West Senior High School Salutatorian Kimberley Yu
was among four students in Texas named a 2013 United
States Presidential Scholar. Kimberley’s selection was based
on her academic success, artistic excellence and
evidence of community service, leadership and
demonstrated commitment to high ideals.
• Alicia D’Souza, Clark High School - 4th place in
biochemistry; Arizona State University Provost
scholarship with a research grant
2013 Valedictorians & Salutatorians
Kimberley Yu
Congratulations to Plano ISD’s 2013
valedictorians and salutatorians: Stanley Joseph,
valedictorian, and Alex Dao, salutatorian - Plano East
Senior High School; Aileen Huang, valedictorian, and Amy
Xia, salutatorian - Plano Senior High School; and Carlos
Molina, valedictorian, and Kimberley Yu, salutatorian - Plano
West Senior High School.
Students Garner Awards at International Science &
Engineering Fair
Nine Plano ISD students competed in the Intel International
Science and Engineering Fair, the premier global science
competition for students in grades 9–12. Plano students who
attended the event brought home more than $200,000 in
cash, scholarships and travel opportunities. Congratulations
to the following award winning students.
• Nazia Ahmed, Williams High School - 4th place in
behavioral and social science
Elisabeth Ashmore, Plano East Senior High School - 2nd
place in computer science, asteroid named in her honor,
award from the CERN European organization, all
expenses-paid trip to Switzerland to visit CERN
Students Excel in Science Research at
All Levels
Annually, Plano ISD students excel in science
competitions at the regional, state and international levels.
Following are the results of further major competitions.
Nine Plano ISD senior high school students achieved
semifinalist standing in the 2013 Siemens Competition in
Math, Science & Technology, the nation’s premier research
competition for high school students. These students
invested significant time and energy to advance research and
exploration in critical fields to earn semifinalist distinction.
• Alicia D’Souza, Plano East Senior High School
• Krithika Iyer, Plano East Senior High School
• Michael Trinh, Plano East Senior High School
• Rachana Vemireddy, Plano East Senior High School
• Jessica Hong, Plano Senior High School
• Monisha Veerapaneni, Plano Senior High School
• Katherine Xiu, Plano Senior High School
• Caroline Gao, Plano West Senior High School
• Lisa Michaels, Plano West Senior High School
Plano ISD Students Sweep Texas Junior Academy of
Science Competition Awards
Academic & Extracurricular Awards
WorldQuest ~ A team of students from Plano West Senior
High School won the 11th Annual Academic WorldQuest™
contest hosted by the National World Affairs Council on
April 27 in Washington, D.C. Academic WorldQuest™ is a
team competition testing high school students’ knowledge of
international affairs, current events and foreign policy issues.
Plano ISD students captured all six grand prize awards at the 2013 Texas
Junior Academy of Science (TJAS) competition. These six grand prize
winners all qualified for a trip to the American Junior Academy of Science
competition. Pictured among attendees are first place winners Sugirtha
Panneerselvam, Phillip Yu, Karthik Prabhakaran, Anoop Vemulapalli,
Michael Thrin, Claire Gilmore, Sachit Menon and Krithika Iyer.
Forty-three Plano ISD students were recognized for their
scientific prowess at the 2013 ExxonMobil Texas Science and
Engineering Fair. Winning best in show for the junior division
was Nicky Wojtania, Rice Middle School. Winning best in
show for the senior division were teammates Jessica Hong,
Clark High School, and Michael Trinh, Plano East Senior High
Plano ISD elementary and secondary students swept nearly
all grand prize awards at their respective regional science
fairs. Plano ISD students captured all of the grand prize and
runner-up grand prize awards in the senior division at the
2013 Beal Bank Dallas Science & Engineering Fair held in
Dallas. Three of the four grand prize awards captured at the
elementary regional science
Nicky Wojtania, Rice Middle School
fair were won by Plano ISD
Encana Oil & Gas Co. and Plano
ISD hosted the 2013 Secondary
District Science Fair at Plano
Centre with hundreds of
seventh through twelfth grade
Plano ISD students submitting
entries. Nazia Ahmed, Williams
High School, won the high
school division grand prize
trophy. Rodney Belcher and
Nicholas Goodman, Wilson
Middle School, won the middle school grand prize trophy.
Seven Plano ISD students were among 300 students
nationally to earn semifinalist standing in the Broadcom
MASTERS™ program sponsored by the Society for Science &
the Public in which sixth, seventh and eighth grade students
demonstrate their mastery of Math, Applied Science,
Technology and Engineering as Rising Stars through science
fair competition.
WorldQuest winning teammates Jeffrey Chang, Jonathan Huang,
Samuel Cheng and Carlos Molina with teacher/sponsor John Scott
Spelling Bee ~ Chetan Reddy, Rice Middle School,
captured his fourth annual championship in the Dallas
Morning News Regional Spelling Bee. Chetan and two guests
received an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C.,
where he competed in the 2013 Scripps National Spelling
Bee. Chetan was honored for his 7th place finish in the
Scripps National Spelling Bee by the Plano City Council.
Chetan Reddy with Plano
Mayor Harry LaRosiliere who
presented Chetan with a
certificate of achievement
Mock Trial ~ Mock
trial teams from
Carpenter Middle
School won first place
at the Collin County
Bar Association’s Mock
Trial Competition.
Teammates from
Robinson Middle School
won second place.
Teams from several
Plano ISD middle
schools competed.
Career & Technical Education ~ Seventy four Plano
ISD Career and Technical Education students advanced to
national/international level competitions in their various
student organizations. Career competitions in which
students won awards include agriculture science, automotive
technology, business leadership, computer science, culinary
arts and distributive education.
Speech/Debate ~ Plano ISD speech and debate students
ranked among the top 35 Public Forum Debaters in the
nation in 2013. Two teams from Plano West Senior High
School: seniors Vishal Vusirikala and Samuel Wang and juniors
Haneya Khan and Farah Zaman, and Plano Senior High
School’s Shah Sridhar have achieved top slots in the national
competition, which is sponsored by the Institute for Speech
and Debate.
a $4,000 scholarship. Plano West also won the best scenic
design award.
Murphy Middle School theatre students captured first
place in the 2013 Plano ISD Middle School One-Act Play
Competition. Otto Middle School and Renner Middle
School students captured second and third place overall,
respectively. Also capturing awards were students from
Armstrong, Bowman and Wilson middle schools.
Plano ISD students captured numerous fine arts awards in
2012-13, including the following:
Seventy-three students earned positions in coveted 2013
Texas All-State Music groups, including band, choir and
The Texas Music Educators Association invited the treble
choirs from Rice and Robinson Middle Schools to perform
in front of the largest gathering of music educators in the
country at its 2013 state convention.
Fine Arts Awards
The Plano Senior High School A Cappella Mixed Choir
was selected to perform during the 2013 American Choral
Directors Association national conference. The awardwinning choir, directed by Derrick Brookins, was also
selected to perform in the choral celebration “Among
Friends: North Texans Helping North Texans,” a benefit
concert for the North Texas Food Bank.
Plano Senior High School’s cast and crew captured the best
musical award and the award for best crew and technical
execution in The Dallas Summer Musicals 2nd annual High
School Musical Theatre Awards. From Plano West Senior
High School’s cast of “Sweeney Todd,” Jacob Abaraoha won
Plano Senior High School Award-Winning A Cappella Choir
Murphy Middle School “Midsummer Night’s Dream” award winners
Two Plano ISD students were awarded for their artwork at
Congressman Sam Johnson’s Congressional Art Competition
during a ceremony held on May 2 at the McKinney
Performing Arts Center. Abigail Lam, Plano Senior High
School, won 2nd place for her artwork “Texas Summer,”
and Plano West Senior High School junior Danish Tejani
received the People’s Choice Award for his photo artwork of
a jellyfish.
Plano ISD high school and senior high school students’
artworks represented 66 percent of the 95 works that judges
advanced from the Region 10 Visual Arts Scholastic Event
(VASE) to the State VASE contest.
Five Plano ISD students’ artworks were displayed among 100
works selected for the 2013 Texas Youth Art Month Capitol
Exhibit. The students were recognized during an awards
reception at the state capitol.
Several Plano ISD senior high school students enrolled in
Plano ISD Fine Arts Program Advanced Placement (AP)
courses, experienced tremendous success, including a sweep
of the first place awards categories, in the 2013 Young
Masters Exhibition at the Dallas Museum of Art. Awards
were presented to students at a reception held at the
The Plano ISD 2012
Holiday Greeting
Card Art
Contest drew
entries from
School; Lena
Khanolkar, Hendrick
Middle School; and Juan Arango,
Clark High School. The finalist and winner whose artwork
appeared on the cover of Plano ISD’s and sponsor Webb &
Webb’s holiday card was Rachel Sandene, Plano West Senior
High School.
Trey Stricklin, Plano East Senior High
School music theory student, accepted
his first place award at the DMA Young
Masters awards ceremony.
Robinson MS A Cappella Treble Choir, Robinson MS Mixed
Choir, Plano East SHS Chamber Orchestra and Clark HS
Wind Ensemble were named National Winners in the Mark
of Excellence Awards. Commended Winners included the
Jasper HS Chorale and Plano East SHS Wind Ensmble.
Based on the number of AP exams taken in 2013, Plano
Ranked #1 in the state in each of the AP Fine Arts Programs
and #1 in the state in 4 out of 5 AP Fine Arts programs.
Athletic Achievements
Baseball Plano West & Plano district co-champions; Plano
advanced to regional quarterfinals; Plano West advanced to
regional semifinals
Basketball (Girls) Plano & Plano West tied for 1st in district;
Plano East won 3rd, advanced to area round; Plano advanced to
regional quarterfinals; Plano West advanced to regional semifinals;
(Boys) Plano East district champion, advanced to regional
semifinals; Plano West 3rd place
Cross Country Plano West Boys & Girls, Plano East Boys &
Girls, and Plano Girls advanced athletes to regionals; Plano West
Boys advanced to state meet
Football Plano West placed third in district, advanced to state
quarterfinals; Plano 4th in district, advanced to bi-district round
Golf (Girls) Plano West 2nd in district, team advanced to
regionals; (Boys) Plano West advanced 2 medalists to regionals and
one medalist to state
Soccer (Girls) Plano West celebrated 6th state championship;
(Boys) Plano East 4th in district and advanced to bi-district round
Softball Plano West 2nd, Plano 3rd and Plano East 4th in district;
Plano East advance to area round; Plano defeated Plano West
in regional quarterfinal series and advanced to regional semifinal
Swimming At state meet, Plano advanced 6 athletes, Plano East
advanced 7 athletes, Plano West advanced 5 athletes; Diving At
state meet, Plano ISD advanced 2 athletes
Team Tennis Plano West won district championship; Plano East
was 2nd; both teams advanced to regional tournament; Plano West
advanced to state semifinal round; Spring Tennis Plano West
advanced 5 boys and 4 girls to the regional tournament; Plano
advanced 1 boy to the regional tournament
Track (Girls) Plano East named district champion; advanced one
athlete to state meet; (Boys) Plano West named district champion
and area champion; All 3 senior highs advanced numerous athletes
to the regional meet.
Volleyball Plano and Plano West tied for 2nd place in district;
Plano West advanced to regional quarterfinal round, while Plano
advanced to semi-final round of the regional tournament.
Wrestling (Girls) Plano East’s Luciana Schement won 2nd place
in 119-weight class at state, held a 36-1 season record, was the 1st
state medalist for girls wrestling in Plano ISD and was Plano ISD’s
first girls regional champion; (Boys) Plano’s Michael Kubic won 3rd
place in 182-weight class; Plano East advanced 1 athlete, Plano
West advanced 2 athletes
Eighteen Plano ISD students captured awards in the 2013-14 City of
Plano Fire Prevention Poster Contest. All winners were invited to attend
an awards ceremony fall, 2013, at the City of Plano Municipal Center
in the Council Chambers. Student award winners are pictured with Fire
Chief Brian Crawford and City Council Member Andre’ Davidson.
District and School Honors
Dr. Myrtle Hightower, retired
Plano ISD educator, elementary
school namesake and dedicated
community volunteer, was
honored as Plano Citizen of the
Year at the 2013 “Best of Plano”
dinner and awards ceremony,
sponsored by the Plano Chamber
of Commerce on September 5
at the Plano Marriott at Legacy
Town Center. Also honored at the
event were Teachers of the Year Erin Swain and Ramy Mahmoud. Dr.
Hightower is pictured at the “Best of Plano” event with Jamie Schell,
2012 Citizen of the Year.
Seven Plano ISD Schools Capture ‘2013 Mark of
Excellence Awards’ from the Foundation for Music
The Foundation for Music Education announced seven winners
from Plano ISD in the 2013 Mark of Excellence project.
This year, 178 musical ensembles from 35 states entered
the competition by submitting their musical recordings.
Adjudicators named national winners representing the top
quarter of musical groups. The second quarter earned
commended honors. The Plano ISD national winners
are featured on a compilation recording prepared by the
Foundation. Congratulations to the following Plano ISD
directors and music groups.
Plano East Band Captures Honors from John Philip
Sousa Foundation
Director Kimberly Ahrens
The Plano East Senior High School Band captured the 2013
Sudler Shield Award, presented by the John Philip Sousa
Foundation. The band was honored during a concert held
at the University of Arkansas. The international award
recognizes high school and youth marching bands of world
class excellence. Only a handful of awards are given every
year, and past winners include bands from across the United
States as well as from Japan, the Netherlands, Indonesia and
Robinson Middle School A Cappella Mixed Choir,
National Winner in National Choral Honors Project
Director Kimberly Ahrens
National Winner in Middle School Open Class
Clark High School Wind Ensemble, Director John Mays
National Winner in 4A Classification & in New Music Division
Jasper High School Jaguar Chorale, Director Judy Putney
Commended Winner in National Choral Honors Project
Plano East Senior High School Wind Ensemble,
Director Evelio Villarreal
Commended Winner in National Wind Band Honors Project
Robinson Middle School A Cappella Treble Choir,
All 44 Elementary Schools Capture USDA
HealthierSchools Award
Accepting the Sudler Shield Award were (right to left) Evelio Villarreal, band
director; John Brennan, associate band director; Karen McDonald, former
principal; Lee Redfearn III and Rikki Endsley, associate band directors.
Presenting the award was Dale Warren, University of Arkansas.
Schools Awarded for Environmental Initiatives
Three schools – Beverly, Shepard and Wyatt elementary
schools – were recognized at the City of Plano’s annual
Environmental Community Awards celebration. The city
recognizes outstanding environmental leadership and
achievement by honoring businesses, non-profits, schools
and individuals with the Environmental Star of Excellence
award. Submitted projects, programs or services positively
benefit the Plano community and its environment.
Congratulations to these award winners. Wyatt Elementary
School also captured its second consecutive national “Green
Ribbon School” award for efforts to “go green” and beautify
its campus.
Plano ISD’s 44 elementary schools captured bronze awards
through the United States Department of Agriculture’s
HealthierUS School Challenge program. The award recognizes
schools that are creating healthier environments through
their promotion of good nutrition and physical activity.
The award was earned through collaborative efforts of the
district’s food and nutritional services (FANS) staff and health/
physical education staff. The Healthier US School Challenge
was established in 2004 to recognize schools that are creating
healthier school environments through their promotion of good
nutrition and physical activity. FANS staff members are pictured
proudly displaying a banner that was provided to each of 44
elementary schools for capturing the bronze award.
Five Plano ISD Schools Selected as Healthy Zone Schools
The Healthy Zone School program, sponsored by the United
Way of Metropolitan Dallas and The Cooper Institute,
encourages community health and works to reduce childhood
obesity. Healthy Zone Schools in Plano ISD are Bethany,
Huffman, Jackson, Rasor and Thomas elementary schools.
Currently, 30,000 North Texas students and their families are
impacted by this program, which gives schools resources to
engage teachers, students, parents and the broader community
to improve the health of their communities.
2013 Plano ISD Teachers of the Year
Plano ISD’s 2013 Elementary and Secondary Teachers of the Year, Erin Swain of Bethany Elementary School and Ramy Mahmoud
of Williams High School, respectively, were announced by Superintendent of Schools Richard Matkin at Plano ISD’s Teacher of the
Year Gala held on May 9, 2013, at Plano Centre. In addition to Erin and Ramy, eight additional educators were named “Excellence
in Teaching Award” winners and all 71 nominees were recognized at the event, which was attended by 1,300 educators, PTA and
community leaders and gala sponsors.
Ramy Mahmoud
Williams High School
Science Department Head
Plano ISD
Secondary Teacher of the Year
“Passion has always been part
of my everyday life. I’ve always
worked to be committed to every
endeavor I’ve pursued,” says Plano
ISD’s Secondary Teacher of the Year
Ramy Mahmoud. “Everything I do, I do
with all of my heart. Every experience I have,
good or bad, inspires a new pathway towards success
and happiness.” To be a student in his class is to have access
to the learning in a unique way as students prepare for the
lesson via teacher-made videos and presentations before
they ever step foot into the classroom. Principal Lynn Ojeda
remarked, “Ramy is a pioneer in engaging our students in
their digital high-tech world and utilizes our students’ natural
desire to incorporate their devices and Internet use to enrich
their learning and maximize their mastery. No student EVER
wants to be moved out of his class because they feel valued,
important, and needed in order for learning to happen.”
Plano West Senior High School Syncopation choral group and early
childhood school students took to the stage at the 2013 Plano ISD
Teacher of the Year Gala in celebration of their “Everyday Heroes.”
the many gifts
presented to Ramy
Mahmoud and Erin
Swain at the 2013 Teacher
of the Year gala were
“Summer in a Lexus”
packages from Park
Place Lexus Plano.
Erin Swain
Bethany Elementary School
Fourth Grade Team Leader
Plano ISD Elementary Teacher of the Year
“Erin is an outstanding role model for
students and teachers, an excellent mentor
and skilled teacher who devotes herself to
instilling in students a love for and desire to reach
their full potential,” says Bethany Elementary School Principal
Bryan Bird. “She builds students’ self-confidence and provides
them with a new self-assurance of their academic, social and/
or emotional capabilities. Her influence does not end with the
students that she teaches directly. Mrs. Swain takes interest in
ALL students at Bethany.” Erin likens her students to hikers on
the trail to success. “Each hiker following me is unique, and as
their guide I must know them well. Who are the leaders? Who
will fall behind? Who will surprise us with an unexpected gift?
Leading my students along the trail requires me to continually
implement lessons that fulfill the grade level objectives while
inspiring students to celebrate their individual gifts and remain
confident in their personal strengths.”
Faculty & Staff Achievements
Plano ISD employees captured numerous awards and honors and served as leaders within their professional organizations during the
2012-13 school year. A few of their many accomplishments are featured here.
Richard Matkin with 2013
Superintendent’s Service
Award winners Monica Pilcher,
Plano ISD Employee Childcare
Center II secretary; Neenu
Suri, Stinson Elementary
School special education
teacher assistant; Janet
Johnson, Plano West Senior
High School curriculum
secretary; and Ara Jackson,
Armstrong Middle School food
service manager.
2013 Superintendent’s Service Award Winners
Winners of the 2013 Superintendent’s Service Awards were announced at the 48th Annual Plano ISD Service & Retirement
Banquet held in April 2013 at Southfork Ranch. These outstanding employees were selected from among
60 fellow nominees for the annual award for going beyond the call of duty in performing their job
responsibilities and demonstrating outstanding loyalty to Plano ISD. Also honored at the annual
employee banquet were retiring employees and hundreds of staff members with 15, 20, 25, 30, 35
and 40 years of service to Plano schools.
PWSH Orchestra Director Named Finalist for First-Ever
GRAMMY Music Educator Award
Plano West Senior High School’s Jo Wallace-Abbie captured
finalist standing in the first-ever GRAMMY Music Educator
Award competition. Nominated by a current student, Ms.
Wallace-Abbie is one of only 10 music teachers from 24 cities
across 15 states to be announced as a finalist. The 55th Annual
GRAMMY Awards Music Educator nominations were open to current
United States music teachers. One winner will be recognized at the
2014 GRAMMY Awards event for his/her remarkable impact. “I love
seeing teenagers enjoy playing beautiful music,” said Ms. Wallace-Abbie. “I
believe in teaching the whole child. I try to make my class a haven for them and
get to know each student on a personal basis.”
2013 Texas Nurse of the Year Shares Her Gifts with Carlisle Elementary School Community
Judith Grace, RN, is a nurse’s nurse – a cheerleader for the school nursing profession. “We have
the best job in the world,” said the 2013 Texas Nurse of the Year who shares her passion daily
with the community of Carlisle Elementary School. Judie joined Plano ISD in 2007, serving five
years at Renner Middle School before joining the Carlisle team in 2012. “Once Judie arrived
in Plano ISD, she rose to a leadership role from the beginning,” said Megan Schuler, RN, BSN,
coordinator for district health services. “She quickly became known as the ‘go to’ person and
utilized her assessment skills, her previous experience and her knowledge base to affect the lives
of those she worked with – children and their families, staff and colleagues.”
executive director
for elementary campus
services, topped the
awards list with 40
years of distinguished
service to Plano
Human Resources Executive Director Named State Personnel
Administrator of the Year
Plano ISD Executive Director and Chief Human Resources
Officer Tamira Griffin captured the Texas Association of Personnel
Administrators’ 2012-13 Dr. Mary Hopkins TASPA Administrator
of the Year Award. Ms. Griffin oversees functions such as employee
contracts, personnel records, pay, substitutes, benefits, school health,
workers’ compensation, occupational health, recruitment, employee
relations, HR legal issues, position inventory, HR administration and
supervision of reception areas at central office, Shiloh, and Cox
administration buildings.
Director Named Certified Education Technology Leader
Dan Armstrong, executive director of technology operations, is one
of 90 education professionals in the U.S. to achieve the Certified
Education Technology Leader (CETL)™ certification in 2013. The
Tamira Griffin (standing center) with colleagues Andrea Hoffman and
Jun Melvin (seated) and Welch Vizzo, Becky Wussow, Suzanne Drotman
certification is one way to ensure a deep understanding of all facets of
and John Burdett.
educational technology leadership. Dan’s entire 23-year technology
career has been dedicated to education technology and Plano ISD.
As executive director, he manages a department of 33 people who support the district’s technology infrastructure, applications,
TEAMS, business intelligence, Help Desk services, telecommunications and deployment services.
District Professional Development Initiatives
The district conducts learning activities for staff throughout the year. Nationally recognized experts with critical messages, such
as Eric Jensen and Marcia Tate, on brain-based instruction and Patrick Briggs on connecting and motivating students from all
backgrounds, challenge staff to integrate current research into their practice. Following are topics for professional development
offered by Plano ISD.
Cultural Competency – Attended by all employees to improve relationships with students, parents, the community and colleagues.
Mentor Program – All new teachers are paired with a mentor teacher at their campus.
ESL Certification – Elementary teachers are completing requirements for state English
as a Second Language (ESL) supplemental certification.
Gifted and Talented – Experience for teachers to complement existing curriculum
Summer Learning – Optional multi-day professional development opportunity
attended by approximately 1,600 elementary faculty and staff in 2013.
Curriculum Design Projects – An
opportunity for secondary teachers to
perfect their instructional design skills.
Team Leader Academy –
Approximately 100 team leaders,
department chairs and future leaders
from each campus attend this annual
weeklong training.
Professional Learning Communities
– Teachers and campus administrators
collaborate to investigate, research and
develop action plans to address local
student needs.
PD 360° – Library of professional videos
focused on work of internationally
acclaimed experts and educators in
classrooms across the nation.
Plano ISD’s assessment and accountability department
hosted the 6th Annual Texas MAP Users’ Conference at
which 260 educators met at the district’s Sockwell Center
to learn about the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress)
test related to student success. Plano ISD employee hosts
at the Texas MAP Users’ Conference included Michael
Lindsey, Bowman Middle School teacher, and assessment and
accountability teammates Lydia Li, Jeannette Ginther, Dr.
Paul Dabbs, Sandi Youngblood, Jennifer Ruth and Dr. Dash
Weerasinghe, executive director.
Annual Report
Plano Independent School District
Communications Department
2700 W. 15th Street
Plano, TX 75075
Plano schools, including (clockwise from left) Haun Elementary, Beverly Elementary, Bird
Special Programs Center and Dooley Elementary, have celebrated the 2013-14 district
theme “be bright, be bold and belong in Plano ISD” in unique ways.