Project Name Graduate College of Social Work Student Health Center Project Phase Year Estimated Awarded Completion Planning Planning UH- Clear Lake Planning Freshmen Housing Cougar Substation Electrical Power Design Expansion Cullen Blvd Pedestrian and Planning Street Improvements Houston Public Media New TV Planning Studio and Parking Garage Hofheinz Renovation (Practice Facility Phase I) Construction TBD TBD TBD 2015 TBD TBD 2014 TBD UH BOR FC&MP Approval TBD UH BOR F&A Approval NA TBD TBD TBD TBD August 2018 August 2015 August 2015 October 2017 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 2015 TBD TBD TBD Initial THECB Approval TBD TBD TBD 2/12/2014 2/12/2014 TBD Bond Status Project Description Project GSF Funding Source TBD Conceptual design of new entry addition and first floor remodel for use in donor TBD solicitations TBD Replacement facility being programmed to include wellness, CAPS, and Career TBD Services TBD 200 bed freshmen housing complex for downward expansion to be located in center of UHCL campus TBD Gift TBD Board Approval Final Project Delivery Amount Cost (Including Method Change Orders) Project % Complete Project Project Design Design Start Date Completion Date NA 100% TBD TBD Private TBD $2,200,000 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD DesignLab TBD N/A University of Houston Jeanne LaMontagne TBD Preparing program for new television studio and addition and stand alone 200 TBD space parking garage TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD N/A University of Houston Jeanne LaMontagne TBD Renovation of Hofheinz and addition of basketball practice facilities 57,000 Bonds: Auxiliary/Gifts $25,000,000 TBD CMAR University of Cesar Consultant and contractor selection for practice facility Houston Villagran Trent Williams John Posch 300,000 TBD $75,000 TBD CMAR TBD Developing scernarios for improving Cullen Lbvd from Elgin to Wheeler including site utilities and pedestrianfriendly site improvements 75% TBD Repairs to pool infrastructure N/A TBD $8,600,000 TBD CSP Multi-disciplinary Research Engineering Building Design 2013 2016 May 2013 5/13/13 7/25/13 TBD 4 story wet lab building with a high performance data center. 120,000 Bonds $51,000,000 $51,000,000 Construction 10% Manager at Risk UH- Downtown Girard Street Active Parking Garage and Construction Visitors Center University Center Transformation Hilton Hotel Renovation- Life Safety Improvements Close Out & Final Audit Active Construction 2013 2011 2009 41760 42491 41883 May 2013 August 2011 N/A N/A NA May 2012 June 2012 N/A Half of the 4th Floor Buildout NA Approved Innovation Center is intended to be used 5,782 by DOR to promote Start-Up companies. New construction of a 3-story multi-use facility of approximately 63,000 GSF to be located northeast of the Center Building. User components include 63,000 Regional Center for Economic Development, Business Administration, Student Affairs, Career Development and Auditorium Transformation of University Center to include 2 additions for an additional September December 119,000 GSF and renovation of the 2011 2011 remaining 182,000 GSF structure. UCU will be decommissioned completely Oct 2007 and Oct 2009 N/A Cash TRB, HEAF, Grants, Local Funds Auxiliary Funds $1,300,000 $12,416,715 Pending final CM-at Risk Change Orders $12,796,104 $19M New Auxiliary 116,000/ Revenue/Student $81,720,000 Renovation Fees 184,000 This project renovated 90,428 SF of the Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant Management. The renovation project included major upgrades of teaching areas, cosmetic upgrades of public areas 40,961 and building infrastructure and structural upgrades. The renovation project is a result of a memorandum of understanding between UHS, the Hilton Corporation and the Hilton Foundation 100% Gifts, HEAF, CRDM, and Hilton $3,520,210 College Funds 2/2014 10/2015 2/2014 9/2015 Sep-13 9/2014 November Fall 2014 2013 Construction 99% Manager at Risk 9,000 UHD Girard Street Parking Garage and Visitors Center and 28,000 GSF academic 190,000 support space on one floor. May 2013 July 2013 August 2011 Phase 3 Approved January 2015 Dean Ruck Not started TBD 41852 Emily Messa TBD 5/2014 2012 TBD Shah Smith & Assoc. 5/2014 February 2012 TBD University of Houston Clear Lake NA 5/2015 Active Construction TBD Needs Development TBD 2014 UH- Victoria Academic and Economic Development Building TBD TBD January 2016 Construction NA TBD TBD Jeanne LaMontagne November 2015 Natatorium Renovation and Improvements NA TBD University of Houston Principal Project Manager September 2015 TBD Jul-15 University of Houston Project Manager February 2015 TBD UH ERP Bldg #4 Innovation Center TBD Inspector 1% 5/3/2013 Final Pay Apps & Closing 2013 Documents Brave TBD Campus CSP 5/3/2013 N/A TBD TBD Construction Status TBD NA 12/2016 N/A TBD Contractor MPEC NA 2014 N/A TBD Pre-Design A/E Design Firm Firm $24,000,000 budget estimate New 42 mega-watt transformer for additional electrical power to ERP and main campus expansion Design Spring 2015 TBD Project Complete Date University of Houston, Energy TBD Research Park 9 story, 300,000 sq. ft. building for College of Pharmacy, Department of Research and Integrated Care 2013 TBD TBD Health and Biomedical Sciences II HBSC Level 4 Phase Design II TBD TBD CMAR Construction Project Bid Due Date Construction Start Date 11/4/13 100% Nov-13 10/2014 11/2015 A/E COM DLR/PSP Austin Commercial 7/15/2015 7/2015 7/2017 Shepley Bulfinch Shepley Bulfinch Tellepsen Consultant and contractor selection University of Cesar Houston Villagran Trent Williams John Posch 9/2014 10/2014 6/23/2015 PBK PBK DivisionOne Consultant and contractor selection University of Cesar Houston Villagran Trent Williams John Posch Fall 2014 Fall 2014 Fall 2016 SHW/Stantec Tellepsen Construction started University of Houston Kelly Buehler John Posch Tellepsen Construction complete; substancial completion 6/29/15. Some user specific changes are pending. University of Jeff Brown Houston Kelly Buehler John Posch Vaughn Subtantially Completed on 10/10/2014 UHERP Joujou Z. Katherine M. Drymalla Punch List is scheduled for July 6 & 7th. Fire Marshall University of Stephen final inspections set for July 8, 9, & 10th. We anticipate Houston DeHart Substantial Completion in July, 2015 Victoria Maggie Manley Katherine Miller Construction in progress University of Stephen Houston DeHart Downtown Kelly Buehler John Posch Tellepsen Complete Jim Regan University of and Jeff Houston Brown Mei Chang Katherine Miller Vaughn UH BMS is completing the programming of the controls University of Jeff Brown installed by Vaughn. Houston Kimberly Burks Vickey Alsaker Apr-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 P+W Construction 99% Manager at Risk November December 2012 2013 October 2013 (GMP #1) & February December 2013 January 2014 2015 (GMP#2) Construction 85% Manager at Risk December April 2012 2013 December 2013 $81,720,000 Construction 100% Manager at Risk June 2011 October 2012 August 2012 $3,969,813 Construction 90% Manager at Risk January 2011 February 2012 In-House Bailey Architects/ Bailey Architects/ Shepley Shepley Bulfinch Bulfinch Spring 2014 Mar-14 John Posch March 2012CM selection Courtney Harper & Assoc. April 2014 October 2015 Summer 2012 Phase 1December 2013; Phase 2- Holzman Moss Winter 2014 Phase 3 May 2015 May 2012 August 2015 In-House URS P+W Perkins and Will WHR WHR URS Vaughn Bill Grote HBSC Level 4 Partial Buildout HBSC 5th Floor Buildout New Football Stadium Close-out Active Construction Active Construction 2013 2012 2012 42309 N/A NA May 2012 February 2012 NA N/A N/A May 2012 N/A October May 2012 2012 N/A Half of the 4th Floor Buildout for Dr. Fletcher N/A This is the buildout of the 5th floor shell space in HBSC as a rodent vivarium for 23,000 the Division of Research and Animal care TBD Replacement of Robertson Stadium including the complete demolition and removal of the existing football complex (pavilions, locker rooms, concession buildings, field, seating, etc.). The existing football complex will be replaced by a 210,000 new stadium and associated facilities capable of seating 40,000 spectators with an opportunity for phased expansion to a total of 60,000 seats. The new football complex will be delivered for use by the Owner before the start of the 2014/2015 season 1A is a 2 -story building intended to be used as swing space for multi-user groups. Currently, Advancement and Marketing are occupying about 70% of the second level. 9,000 UH ERP Bldg #1A Final Punch List Items 2013 Aug-14 UH ERP Bldg #4 NCALM Final Pay Apps & Closing 2013 Documents May-14 NCALM is intended to be used by the Engineering Department. May-16 5 is intended to be used as a wet lab incubator and provide for wet lab 31,100 manufacturing space for companies such as C-Voltaic. UH ERP Bldg #5 Construction UH ERP Bldg #8 Final Pay Apps & Closing 2013 Documents 2014 Feb-13 UH Cougar Village Close-out Phase II 2011 2011 August 2013 2013 Katherine Miller Katherine Miller Joujou Z. $840,220 Pending final CM-at Risk Change Orders 100% Jun-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 May-14 P+W P+W Vaughn Subtantially Completed on 4/23/2014 UHERP Bill Grote Joujou Z. Katherine M. Commercial Paper $13,000,000 Pending completion of CM-at Risk project. 10% Sep-14 Dec-14 Feb-15 Mar-15 May-16 P+W P+W Vaughn Sutanatial Completion on 5/2016 UHERP Bill Grote Joujou Z. Katherine M. Cash $1,263,651 Pending final CM-at Risk Change Orders 100% Jun-13 Oct-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Sep-14 P+W P+W Vaughn Subtantially Completed on 10/21/2014 UHERP Bill Grote Joujou Z. Katherine M. Complete University of Jeff Brown Houston John Kelly Buehler Posch $6,272,313 Competitive 100% Sealed Proposal May 2011 $2,269,351 $2,269,351 Competitive 60% Sealed Proposal April 2014 August 2014 $45,000,000 $38,693,196 Competitive 100% Sealed Proposal February 2009 Design Build September January 2012 2011 August 2011 250 bed housing complex for sophomore September December and upper division students adjacent to 109,550 2011 2011 Jaguar Hall August 2011 800 bed, 4-story, housing complex for sophomore and upper division students to replace existing Cougar Place apartments. Project includes large September December classroom & seminar room, and student 318,000 2011 2011 common spaces such as computer lab, learning center, lounges, fitness room, group study rooms, and two courtyards @ 318,000 SF Bonds: Auxiliary $48,500,000 Housing Revenue This project will construct an approximately 1,100 bed undergrad December residential facility in the Wheeler 2011 Precinct, adjacent to and similar in features and appearance to the 7-story Phase 1 Cougar Village project Bonds: Auxiliary $50,000,000 Housing Revenue 287,872 Elevated Concrete Structure is complete. Structural Steel is complete. Precast seating treads and risers are complete. Work has begun on the upper half of the lower bowl concrete treads and risers and is approximately 50% complete. Excavation of the field to final elevation should begin mid Novevember. MEP trades are installing ductwork, plumbing piping, University of Cesar electrical conduit and fire sprinkler piping, Houston Vilagran approximately 20% complete. CMU walls are complete on the East and North sides and work continues on the West and South sides. Roofing is complete on the East building and is progressing on the North, West and South. Interior and exterior stud wall framing is progressing throughout the building Bill Grote August 2011 May 2011 June 2011 John Kelly Buehler Posch UHERP January 2010 May 2011 Complete University of Jeff Brown Houston John Posch Subtantially Completed on 3/13/2015 April 2009 April 2009 August 2011 Broaddus Manhattan & PageSoutherlandPage Construction Associates Kelly Buehler Vaughn N/A June 2013 July 2013 December 2012 July 2014 Tellepsen University of Jeff Brown Houston P+W This project replaces existing Central Plant equipment with 3 new boilers; the project will also replace existing cooler towers 1 to 4 and add cooling tower #5. New 8,000/ Three new chillers will be installed in the Bonds: HEAF Renovation building expansion along with a new $45,181,000 7,776 office suite for the plant staff. Solar panels on the roof of the utility plant offices will provide power to support the offices 2013 July 2013 March 2014 Construction is complete; users have moved in. Aug-15 P+W 83,832 2,014 June 2012 July 2013 2013 Bailey Architects/ Bailey Architects/ Shepley Shepley Bulfinch Bulfinch Tellepsen Feb-14 N/A N/A 2013 February 2014 Dec-13 Half of the 4th Floor to be built out N/A Construction 30% Manager at Risk 2013 November 2013 Dec-13 N/A February 2015 $120,000,000 2013 Summer 2013 Jun-13 N/A 2014 Construction 63% Manager at Risk TBD 7/16/13 100% May 2008 Construction 4/15/13 $7,000,000 Part of the $57M project Science Teaching Lab 4th Floor Complete Cash 100% Katherine M. Tuition Revenue Bonds May 2008 Cougar Place Replacement 5,934 CMAR Pending final CM-at Risk Change Orders February 2009 2013 Close-out 27,283 Cash & Commercial $85,000,000 This project renovates a portion of the Fleming Building. The project addresses the major life safety issues. Renovation 117,155 scope has been added, to accommodate student success-related scope 2011 UH- Victoria Sophomore Housing Bonds: Auxiliary/Gifts 8 is intended to be used/ rented out to Mayer Electric. Close-out 2010 $10,000,000 Gifts and Donations, Part of $21 NRUF Million $11,000,000 Septemeber 2014 Fleming Renovation Central Plant Close-out Utilities Expansion $2,009,451 Bailey Architects/ Bailey Architects/ Shepley Shepley Bulfinch Bulfinch Bonds: Auxiliary Housing $11,500,000 Revenues $11,226,925 $48,500,000 Design Build $50,000,000 Design Build 100% October 2011 July 2012 August 18, 2014 January 2010 July 2010 100% September June 2012 2011 99.9% October 2011 June 2013 August 2012 March 2012 September 2012 August 2013 LAS LAS Vaughn Construction October 9, 2014 February 4th, 2015 PGAL PGAL Vaughn Construction Phase 1 is complete; Phase 2 to be completed 10/2015 University of Cesar Houston Villagran Kelly Buehler John Posch August 2010 September Shah Smith Shah Smith & Assoc. & Assoc. 2013 Vaughn Construction Complete University of Jeff Brown Houston Kelly Buehler John Posch August 2012 August 2013 Vaughn Beyond 1-year warranty phase; Pkg. 1 - 8/23/12; Pkg. 2 University of 9/17/12; Pkg. 3 - 10/30/12 Jeff Brown Houston Maggie Manley Katherine Miller Final Payment for orginal project released; close-out documents complete; one year warranty complete; however, we are issuing separate contracts for removal University of Cesar of old water meter and vault and the addition of PreHouston Vilagran Heat to the rooftop air handling units as project upgrades Maggie Manley Katherine Miller Project is completed with the exception of minor warranty repairs to be completed in August 2015. Dean Ruck John Posch In-House Smith Associates March 2012 August 2013 In-House SpawGlass Page Southerland Page Construction Corp. April 2012 August 2013 In-House KSQ / Brave Austin Commercial University of Jim Regan Houston Bidding UH ERP Parking Lot Process 2015 Approx. 490 parking spaces to be used as 303,613 needed. Novemeber 2015 Bond $ Pending 1,230,000 completion of project. CM-at Risk 5% Apr-15 Jun-15 Jun-15 Pending P+W P+W Vaughn UHERP Bill Grote Joujou Z. Katherine M. NA NA UHERP Bill Grote Joujou Z. Katherine M. NA UHERP Bill Grote Joujou Z. Katherine M. Leasing Agreement NA NA NA UH ERP, Pre-Bidding Schlumberger Road Process Expansion NA NA WP Moore WP Moore UH ERP, TCRC UH-Downtown Parking Garage Welcome Center Student Garage Close-out Close-out 2011 2012 2011 2013 N/A August 2011 N/A August 2011 N/A This project constructed a 2 new intermediate parking levels 60,000 (approximately 60,000 GSF) to the existing Academic Building Visitor Parking with an internal entry/exit ramp Auxiliary N/A October 2010 The Welcome Center Student Garage is a five story, 500,000 SF student only parking facility consisting of 1,500 vehicle spaces and a bridge connection to 300 additional parking spaces at the Welcome Center Garage. Additionally, 500,000 this project provided for the replacement and reconfiguration of parking equipment and signage at the Welcome Center Garage to facilitate the bridge design Bonds $20,000,000 N/A $2,797,275 Construction 100% Manager at Risk September April 2011 2010 $20,000,000 Design Build March 2012 90% August 2012 August 2012 June 2011 January 2012 Prozign August 2012 August 2013 Morris Morris Architects Architects Prozign University of John Houston Steve DeHart Kelly Buehler Posch Downtown Vaughn Project is complete. Audit completed. Closing out project account Tellepsen The building structure is completed. Installation of University of Stephen metal mesh and logo to be completed by Nov 30, 2013 Houston DeHart John Posch John Posch