“Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom,”

Example FIRST paragraphs
Example 1: “Success
is how high you bounce when you hit
“Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom,” to
me this quote defines my playoff game against
Brookhaven when I was fourteen years old. This quote
means that no matter how far down you are in anything,
the more you bounce back from it the more successful you
will be. The main reason why I picked this quote is because
out of all the quotes I read, this was the one that really
explained who I am as a person. I am someone that could
be in last place and still have the mind-set that I could
easily come back and win, and that is the reason why I
picked this quote.
Example 2 “Be the change you want to see in the
In middle school, students are like Play-Doh; they
can be molded and manipulated many different ways.
Everything that occurs during these oh-so awkward
years will shine through when each individual
eventually develops his own personal identity. So, when
I first saw this quote, “Be the change you want to see in
the world,” it was simply an old, wrinkly poster on my
middle-school teacher’s wall. When I was bored in class,
I would stare at it as if it was written in another
language. I was never really sure what this quote was
telling me, or how it was helpful in life until I was in a
situation where it actually applied.
Example 3: “There’s nothing so contagious as
“Pass the buffalo chicken dip,” my sister shouted from across the living
room. She was sitting cross-legged on the floor, flanked by her pile of
snacks, fountain Coke, and a few of my cousins. It was Wednesday
night, so naturally we were all gathered together to watch Lost--all ten
of us: my two sisters, my mother, my four female cousins, my aunts, and
me. My sister and I began watching Lost season one in our separate
homes. Inevitably, each episode ended with strings of paragraph-long
texts or frantic phone conversations to each other asking “What just
happened!” By midseason we were alternating homes, watching
together. After my sister and I ruined countless family get together with
our gushing praise and incessant conversation about the show, my
cousins decided to join us to see what the fuss was about. They were
quickly hooked, and then our mothers joined us, enticed by our
conversations and the prospect that a bottle of wine would be cracked
open during viewing. What started as a simple get together between
sisters with minimal snackage, had now turned into a massive potluck
viewing party complete with rules, directed toward my mother of
course, about not opening one’s mouth except to discreetly crunch on
some chips. Our enthusiasm for the show had spread like wildfire
through our family.
Body example: Okay. How can this be improved?