College Application Essay:  11 Composition Notes  

College Application Essay: 11 Composition Notes Choosing a Topic: DO ➢ Write about what you care about and what you spend your time doing because that says more about you ➢ write about a single event ➢ Pick something risky and bold that stands out ➢ Focus less on the problem/topic you picked and focus more on how you handles it and how it has affected you. ➢ Topic that you least expect to be good ➢ Write about a single event ➢ Pick a scenario that shows overcoming odds ➢ Even average kids write great essays. ➢ Narrow down large topics. ➢ Pick a topic that highlights something your resume can't ➢ Find something unexpected to write about ➢ Use an everyday topic ➢ Think about your hobbies ➢ Take an ordinary thing and put meaning into it ➢ Make connections to how you grew up ➢ Remember troubles you faced ➢ Describe the world you come from and tell us how it shaped your aspirations and dreams. ➢ Talk about real life obstacles, and real life stories of hardship. ➢ Start by identifying qualities about yourself ➢ Find something unexpected and different to write about ➢ Describe the time you had a problem ➢ Use something mundane rather than impressive Writing the Essay: Do ➢ Make sure points remain serious and thoughtful ➢ Write a twist because it is not predictable ➢ Start with an anecdote because it grabs the reader's attention ➢ Show don’t tell, give examples ➢ Tell a story ➢ Start with anecdote as a hook; (could be a story in the past that highlights one of your qualities) ➢ Highlight a conflict and explain how you dealt with it. ➢ Conversational tone. ➢ Add a twist ➢ Use concrete details. ➢ Focus on one thing ➢ Be honest ➢ A little self deprecating: Poke fun at yourself so you don’t seem better than anyone else ➢ Make the reader care ➢ Better to have no title than no title ➢ Write how you talk ➢ Write in a narrative style ➢ Shows grit ➢ Include who, what, where, and why ➢ Mention in you've been in space ➢ Make it personal; write in YOUR OWN VOICE ➢ Admit failures ➢ Be specific ➢ Write an essay that is engaging from the start that carries your unique voice ➢ Be thoughtful and have a serious tone ➢ Know yourself and establish distance from your subject ➢ Be specific ➢ Write in your own voice (The way you speak) ➢ Share flaws Do NOT ⇣
Do NOT ⇣
Do not pick a large life event Avoid cliche topics Trying to impress with grand topic. Don't disregard ideas Don't write about inflammatory topics Don't talk about do good experiences Topics to avoid; sharing how lucky you are, inflammatory talk, politics, illegal activity, the most important or person in my life, death, divorce, tragedies, humor Don't pick something cliche or generic Don't choose something entirely tragic (traumas, crises) ⇣
Don’t try to impress just be yourself don't be cute, quirky, or odd don't be snobby Don't use a crappy title. Don't be a perfectionist Don't use too many adjectives. Don't list your accomplishments Don't use fancy or obscure words to sound impressive Don't undermine yourself or your position Don't use too many adjectives, but use enough Don't be too unrealistic in your dreams or goals Forget five paragraph essay OTHER​
: ●
Does not need to be a formal format have a clear theme Zuniga is a good site for organizing your essay Have people proofread for mechanical errors Find a Twist­ Use a problem that needs solving ○
Can be small or large Use surprises and irony to solve this problem that is unexpected by the reader Read sample essays Don't try to impress Take a risk 