9(1) English Book Review


9(1) English Book Review

TASK: Write a review of your self-selected reading book. Unlike a book report, a book review

EVALUATES a book’s quality, critiquing iits various aspects, and offering a specific recommendation. This assignment is worth 65 points. No outside sources are permitted, but you are encouraged to look at reviews of other books to help you understand the format and style of a book review. Look for the link on my website. You can also look at “One Taxi

Town”—the book review we read for To Kill a Mochingbird.

Components of a Book Review:

I. Summary: 200-300 words--20 points

Describe what your book is about. First describe the book’s genre and publication date. Give the plot details (setting, conflict, characters) so people have a sense of the book’s content.

Embed at least two essential quotes from the book into your summary. Also include

“teasers” that will make others curious. Don’t give away the ending! Maybe you can ask questions that will get the reader thinking and interested.

II. Your review: 300-400 words--30 points

First, start the section with your opinion. Don’t be wishy-washy: Did you like the book? Then, support your opinion by critiquing the book’s flaws and highlighting the book’s strengths .

Give specific examples from the book to illustrate your opinions.

Areas to consider (focus on a few in-depth; not ALL)

 Is the book relatable? Discusses conflicts, characters, setting, themes with which the reader can connect.

 Is the book thought provoking? Does it make you think or get you interested in new or important ideas or areas?

 Book’s originality or creativity (place, time, characters, situations that are clever, new, interesting,)

 Character development [round or flat? Realistic or stock? (stereotypes) Static

(staying the same) or dynamic (changing)]

 Elements of fiction: descriptiveness of setting, effectiveness of the point of view utilized, use of foreshadowing and flashback, movement of the plot, symbolism…

 Author’s writing style (type of language/vocabulary, sentence style, use of figurative and artful language)

 Satisfying ending

Arrangement ideas:

 If you don’t recommend: Start by mentioning a few of the book’s strengths ;then develop more fully its weaknesses.

 If you do recommend: Start by mentioning a few of the book’s weaknesses; then develop more fully its strengths.

*You decide, depending on the number of areas you cover, how to split into paragraphs.

III. Recommendation-5 points

Rate the book out of five stars (1=the worst thing I’ve read; 2=did not enjoy; 3=okay;

4=enjoyable/good; 5=one of the best books I’ve read). SPECIFICALLY describe who would like this book (age, gender, reading level, personality and interests) and what they might like about the book.

Presentation and GUM: 10 points (-1 each error)

 Typed, double spaced, with specified heading: book title and author followed by

“reviewed by” and your name

 Italicized title, correct capitalization, correct spelling and homonym usage, correct use of apostrophes and semicolons, complete sentences.

NOTE: On the due date, provide a printed copy AND email me a copy as an attachment (so I can access word count if necessary). No email=-10 points

Outline due:_________________________________



Book Review Outline

Title and author____________________________________________________________________________________

Reviewed by:______________________________________________________________________________________


Genre and publication date:____________________________________

List key details you will include (not the resolution):

List teasers or questions you can insert to gain reader interest:

Find and record two ESSENTIAL quotes from the book that you can embed into this paragraph

II. Review: Did you like it? YES or NO (circle one)

Areas (see list on assignment sheet)



Evidence from book

*You don’t have to have three areas for each. You decide, It’s better to have fewer areas and more detail than more areas and less detail on each.

III. Recommendation:

____/5 Stars

Who would like this book?


Gender (if you think it applies):__________________________

Reading level /ability: _______________________________________________________________________________

(you can give estimated grade level or describe general ability )

Interests or personality type____________________________________________________________________________

