9(1) English Midterm Mrs. Kirk Mostly definition/synonym and completing-the-sentence type questions

9(1) English Midterm
Mrs. Kirk
1) Vocabulary Units 1-6 (approximately 25 points)
Mostly definition/synonym and completing-the-sentence type questions
(Study by completing reviews in the workbook and looking over quizzes)
2) Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics (approximately 25 points)
Be prepared to identify parts of the sentence:
Parts of the sentence
 Subjects
 Verbs (helping, action, linking)
 Subject complements (Predicate nominatives, Predicate adjectives)
 Objects (Direct and Indirect)
 Preposition phrases
(Study by looking over worksheets and notes and test)
Be prepared to identify/correct errors related to the following:
 Semicolons
 Indentifying and repairing run-ons
 Punctuating dialogue
 Correctly citing and embedding quotes
 A few things you should already know: capitalization, apostrophe usage,
word usage (your, too, its)
(Study by reviewing handouts. You can also see my website for practice
3) Literature Essay: (100 points: 50=essay structure, 50=quality of content)
Be prepared to write a five paragraph essay that includes all necessary
Funneled Introduction: Attention grabbing hook, background, thesis
Body paragraphs:
Topic sentence beginning with transitions and stating ¶ focus
Several specific details and examples
Your explanation/analysis of the ideas and examples
Conclusion: Summary of points—bringing all together, interesting
concluding thought
This essay will require you to refer to both To Kill a Mockingbird and Of
Mice and Men.
(Study by reviewing your notes for main characters and themes and basic
plot lines. Look at returned essays and sample for five-paragraph
structure and areas you need to improve)