Cddfs Course Name Principles of Accounting I Principles of Accounting II Introduction to Archaeology: Theory & Method Introduction to Physical Anthropology & Archaeology Introduction to Social & Cultural Anthropology Architectural Freehand Drawing I Architectural Freehand Drawing II Introduction to Computer Graphics Typography Computer Illustration History of Communication Graphics Portfolio Development for Graphic Design Art Appreciation Pre-Renaissance Art History Renaissance and Modern Art History Design I Design II Basic Drawing I Basic Drawing II Painting I Painting II Life Drawing I Life Drawing II Sculpture I Sculpture II Printmaking I El Paso CC ACCT 2301 ACCT 2302 ANTH 2302 ANTH 2346 ANTH 2351 ARCH 2301 ARCH 2302 ARTC 1325 ARTC 1327 ARTC 1353 ARTC 2311 ARTC 2335 ARTS 1301 ARTS 1303 ARTS 1304 ARTS 1311 ARTS 1312 ARTS 1316 ARTS 1317 ARTS 2316 ARTS 2317 ARTS 2323 ARTS 2324 ARTS 2326 ARTS 2327 ARTS 2333 NMSU ACCT 252 ACCT 251 ANTH 205 ANTH 202G ANTH 125G ART 156 ART 252 ART 255 ART 256 ART 160 ART 254 ART 267 ART 101G ART 295G ART 296G ART 155 ART 156 ART 150 ART 151 ART 260 ART 261 ART 250 ART 294 ART 265 ART 266 ART 280 *NMSU reserves the right to modify these course equivalencies based on curriculum changes and program requirements. Modified: 3/17/15 Page 1 of 14 Cddfs Course Name Printmaking II Ceramics I Ceramics II Photography In the Art Studio I Photography In the Art Studio II Astronomy Laboratory Stars and Galaxies Astronomy Laboratory Solar System Stars and Galaxies Solar System Business Computer Applications General Biology-Science Majors I (New) General Biology-Science Majors II (New) Introductory Biology Laboratory (New) Human Biology Laboratory (New) General Biology-Science Majors I (New) General Biology-Science Majors II (New) Introductory Biology (New) Human Biology (New) General Biology-Science Majors I (Old) General Biology-Science Majors II (Old) Introductory Biology (Old) Human Biology (Old) Genetics (New) Research Techniques in Biology (New) Anatomy & Physiology I Anatomy & Physiology II El Paso CC ARTS 2334 ARTS 2346 ARTS 2347 ARTS 2356 ARTS 2357 ASTR 1103 ASTR 1104 ASTR 1303 ASTR 1304 BCIS 1305 BIOL 1106 BIOL 1107 BIOL 1108 BIOL 1109 BIOL 1306 BIOL 1307 BIOL 1308 BIOL 1309 BIOL 1406 BIOL 1407 BIOL 1408 BIOL 1409 BIOL 2316 BIOL 2389 BIOL 2401 BIOL 2402 NMSU ART 281 ART 275 ART 276 ART 270 ART 294 ASTR 100 E ASTR 100 E ASTR 110G ASTR 105G BCIS 110 BIOL 111GL BIOL 211GL BIOL 100E BIOL 101GL BIOL 111G BIOL 211G BIOL 110G BIOL 101G BIOL 211G & 211GL BIOL 111G & 111GL BIOL 110G BIOL 101G & 101GL BIOL 260 BIOL 250 BIOL 154 or BIOL 225 BIOL 254 & 254L *NMSU reserves the right to modify these course equivalencies based on curriculum changes and program requirements. Modified: 3/17/15 Page 2 of 14 Cddfs Course Name Microorganisms & Disease General Microbiology Vertebrate Zoology Introduction to Business Business Law/Contracts Small Business Management/Entrepreneurship Quantitative Methods for Business & Economics Curriculum Resources for Early Childhood Programs Child Guidance Early Childhood Development 0-3 Years Emergent Literacy for Early Childhood Children with Special Needs Special Topics in Child Care Provider/Assistant Diverse Cultural/Multilingual Education Administration of Programs for Children I The School Age Child Fundamentals of Electronics Health Science Chemistry Laboratory I (New) Health Science Chemistry Laboratory II (New) General Chemistry Laboratory I (New) General Chemistry Laboratory II (New) Chemical Calculations (New) Health Science Chemistry I (New) Health Science Chemistry II (New) General Chemistry I (New) General Chemistry II (New) El Paso CC BIOL 2420 BIOL 2421 BIOL 2428 BUSG 1301 BUSG 2305 BUSG 2309 BUSI 2370 CDEC 1313 CDEC 1319 CDEC 1339 CDEC 1356 CDEC 1359 CDEC 1395 CDEC 2315 CDEC 2326 CDEC 2341 CETT 1407 CHEM 1106 CHEM 1107 CHEM 1111 CHEM 1112 CHEM 1204 CHEM 1306 CHEM 1307 CHEM 1311 CHEM 1312 NMSU BIOL 221 & BIOL 221L BIOL 221 & BIOL 221L BIOL 222 BUSA 111 BLAW 230 BA 202 A ST 251G ECED 201 ECED 253 CEP 215 OR ECED 115 ECED 235 SPED 215 ECED 299 ECED 135 ECED 206 ECED 201 ET 180 CHEM 100E CHEM 100E CHEM 100E CHEM 100E MATH 100E CHEM 251 CHEM 210 CHEM 111G CHEM 112G *NMSU reserves the right to modify these course equivalencies based on curriculum changes and program requirements. Modified: 3/17/15 Page 3 of 14 Cddfs Course Name Health Science Chemistry (Old) Health Science Chemistry I (Old) Health Science Chemistry II (Old) General Chemistry I (Old) General Chemistry II (Old) Organic Chemistry I (New) Introduction to Community Health Publications I Mass Media & Society Introduction to Cinematic Production Writing for the Mass Media I Writing for the Mass Media II Writing for the Electronic Media Introduction to Film Introduction to Computer & Information Sciences Programming Fundamentals I Programming Fundamentals II Computer Organization & Machine Language Programming Fundamentals III Introduction to Criminal Justice Court Systems & Practices Crime in America Fundamentals of Criminal Law Juvenile Justice System Correctional Systems & Practices Criminal Investigation El Paso CC CHEM 1406 CHEM 1407 CHEM 1408 CHEM 1411 CHEM 1412 CHEM 2423 CHLT 1301 COMM 1129 COMM 1307 COMM 2304 COMM 2311 COMM 2315 COMM 2339 COMM 2366 COSC 1301 COSC 1436 COSC 1437 COSC 2425 COSC 2436 CRIJ 1301 CRIJ 1306 CRIJ 1307 CRIJ 1310 CRIJ 1313 CRIJ 2313 CRIJ 2314 NMSU CHEM 110G CHEM 210 CHEM 100 E CHEM 111G CHEM 112G CHEM 211 CHSS 100 CMT 140 JOUR 105G CMT 108 JOUR 110 JOUR 210 CMT 165 CMT 126 C S 110 C S 172 C S 271 C S 273 C S 272 C J 101G C J 250 LAWE 205 C J 205 LAWE 201 C J 230 C J 221 *NMSU reserves the right to modify these course equivalencies based on curriculum changes and program requirements. Modified: 3/17/15 Page 4 of 14 Cddfs Course Name Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement Police Systems & Practices Counseling Alcohol & Other Drug Addictions Ballet Folklorico II Dance Performance I Dance Performance II Spanish Dance I Spanish Dance II Ballet I Ballet II Modern Dance I Modern Dance II Jazz I Jazz II Ballet Folklorico I Ballet Folklorico III Ballet Folklorico IV Dance Appreciation Basic Computer Aided Drafting Introduction to Theater Stagecraft Acting I Acting II Voice for the Theater Theater History & Literature I Theater History & Literature II El Paso CC CRIJ 2323 CRIJ 2328 DAAC 2341 DANC 1150 DANC 1151 DANC 1152 DANC 1222 DANC 1223 DANC 1341 DANC 1342 DANC 1345 DANC 1346 DANC 1347 DANC 1348 DANC 1349 DANC 2149 DANC 2150 DANC 2303 DFTG 1409 DRAM 1310 DRAM 1330 DRAM 1351 DRAM 1352 DRAM 2336 DRAM 2362 DRAM 2363 NMSU C J 206 C J 210 PSY 274 DANC 220 DANC 203 DANC 203 DANC 110 DANC 210 DANC 123 DANC 123 DANC 126 DANC 226 DANC 124 DANC 224 DANC 120 DANC 220 DANC 220 DANC 101G DRFT 109 THTR 101G THTR 141 & 141L THTR 110 THTR 210 THTR 115 THTR 203 THTR 204 *NMSU reserves the right to modify these course equivalencies based on curriculum changes and program requirements. Modified: 3/17/15 Page 5 of 14 Cddfs Course Name Basic Economic Issues Principles of Macroeconomics Principles of Microeconomics Mastering Academic Excellence Introduction to the Teaching Profession Industrial Electronics College Prep Writing Basic English Composition Expository English Composition Research Writing & Literary Analysis Creative Writing I Creative Writing: Application and Workshop Technical and Business Writing (New) Technical Report Writing (Old) British Literature I British Literature II American Literature I American Literature II World Literature I World Literature II Introduction to Literature Introduction to the Novel and Short Story Introduction to Drama Introduction to Engineering Introduction to Electrical Engineering Statics El Paso CC ECON 1301 ECON 2301 ECON 2302 EDUC 1300 EDUC 1301 ELMT 2433 ENGL 0309 ENGL 0310 ENGL 1301 ENGL 1302 ENGL 2307 ENGL 2308 ENGL 2311 ENGL 2314 ENGL 2322 ENGL 2323 ENGL 2327 ENGL 2328 ENGL 2332 ENGL 2333 ENGL 2341 ENGL 2342 ENGL 2343 ENGR 1401 ENGR 1470 ENGR 2301 NMSU ECON 201G ECON 251G ECON 252G UNIV 150 EDUC 100 E T 274 CCDE 105N CCDE 110N ENGL 111G ENGL 112 ENGL 220G ENGL 100 E ENGL 218G ENGL 218G ENGL 271 ENGL 272 ENGL 251 ENGL 252 ENGL 261 ENGL 262 ENGL 240 ENGL 100 E ENGL 100 E E T 101 E E 110 C E 233 *NMSU reserves the right to modify these course equivalencies based on curriculum changes and program requirements. Modified: 3/17/15 Page 6 of 14 Cddfs Course Name Mechanics II: Dynamics Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Video Graphics & Visual Effects I Audio Post Production Video Graphics & Visual Effects II Beginning French I Beginning French II Fashion Sketching Fashion Illustration Media Apparel Product Development Garment Construction Physical Geography Cultural Geography Principles of Earth Sciences Laboratory (New) Principles of Geology Laboratory (New) Physical Geology Laboratory (New) Historical Geology Laboratory (New) Principles of Earth Sciences (New) Principles of Geology (New) Physical Geology (New) Historical Geology (New) Environmental Geology Principles of Earth Sciences (Old) Principles of Geology (Old) Physical Geology (Old) Beginning German I El Paso CC ENGR 2302 ENGR 2305 FLMC 1331 FLMC 2330 FLMC 2331 FREN 1311 FREN 1312 FSHD 1322 FSHD 1346 FSHD 2371 FSHN 1311 GEOG 1301 GEOG 1302 GEOL 1101 GEOL 1102 GEOL 1103 GEOL 1104 GEOL 1301 GEOL 1302 GEOL 1303 GEOL 1304 GEOL 1305 GEOL 1401 GEOL 1402 GEOL 1403 GERM 1311 NMSU M E 234 E E 201 CMI 260 CMI 200 CMI 280 FREN 111 FREN 112 CTFM 270 CTFM 200 CTFM 200 CTFM 273 GEOG 111G GEOG 112G GEOL 212GL GEOL 111GL GEOL 111GL GEOL 212GL GEOL 212G GEOL 111G GEOL 111G GEOL 212G GEOG 120G GEOL 212G GEOL 111G GEOL 111G GER 111 *NMSU reserves the right to modify these course equivalencies based on curriculum changes and program requirements. Modified: 3/17/15 Page 7 of 14 Cddfs Course Name Beginning German II American Government & Politics Vector Graphics for Productions Introduction to Hospitality Industry Nutrition & Diet Therapy History of the United States History of the United States Since 1865 World History to 1648 World History to 1648 to Present Health Care Statistics End of Life Issues Introduction to Humanities I: Women's Studies Mexican-American Art Web Design I Cisco Exploration 1-Network Fundamentals Introduction to Computers Introduction to C++ Programming Programming Logic & Design Fundamentals of Information Security Operating System Security Conditioning Martial Arts Basketball Soccer Foundations of Kinesiology Principles of Wellness El Paso CC GERM 1312 GOVT 2305 GRPH 1359 HAMG 1321 HECO 1322 HIST 1301 HIST 1302 HIST 2321 HIST 2322 HITT 1255 HPRS 1303 HUMA 1301 HUMA 1311 IMED 1316 ITCC 1301 ITSC 1301 ITSE 1307 ITSE 1329 ITSY 1300 ITSY 2300 KINE 1100 KINE 1108 KINE 1116 KINE 1120 KINE 1301 KINE 1305 NMSU GER 112 GOVT 100G CMT 250 HRTM 221 HNDS 251 HIST 201G HIST 202G HIST 111G HIST 112G STAT 251 SOC 262 WS 202G ART 294 ART 165 EE 201 CS 110 CS 177 CS 171G ET 285 ET 286 PE 206 PE 153 PE 114 OR PE 115 PE 111 PE P 185 PE P 286 *NMSU reserves the right to modify these course equivalencies based on curriculum changes and program requirements. Modified: 3/17/15 Page 8 of 14 Cddfs Course Name First Aid & Safety Weight Training I Swimming I Volleyball I College Prep Math Introductory Algebra Precalculus I College Algebra & Geometry Introductory Mathematics for Business and Social Science Introductory Analysis for Business Or Social Science College Mathematics Math in the Modern World Fundamentals of Statistics Fundamentals of Mathematics I Fundamentals of Mathematics II Discrete Mathematics Calculus II Calculus III Linear Algebra Precalculus II Calculus I Introduction to Basic Military Skills Military Leadership I Introduction to Leadership Skills Individual Instruction in Stringed Instrument I Individual Instruction in Stringed Instrument II Individual Instruction in Woodwind Instrument I El Paso CC KINE 1306 KINE 2100 KINE 2116 KINE 2124 MATH 0301 MATH 0303 MATH 1314 MATH 1324 MATH 1325 MATH 1332 MATH 1333 MATH 1342 MATH 1350 MATH 1351 MATH 2305 MATH 2314 MATH 2315 MATH 2318 MATH 2412 MATH 2413 MILS 1170 MILS 1171 MILS 1270 MUAP 1201 MUAP 1202 MUAP 1217 NMSU SP M 250 PE 102 OR 103 PE 130 PE 112 OR 113 CCDM 103N CCDM 112N MATH 121G MATH 121G MATH 142G MATH 210G MATH 210G STAT 251G MATH 111 MATH 112G MATH 279 MATH 192G MATH 291G MATH 280 MATH 190G MATH 191G MSC 110 MSC 111 MSC 210 MUS 130 MUS 130 MUS 130 *NMSU reserves the right to modify these course equivalencies based on curriculum changes and program requirements. Modified: 3/17/15 Page 9 of 14 Cddfs Course Name Individual Instruction in Woodwind Instrument II Individual Instruction in Brass Instrument I Individual Instruction in Brass Instrument II Individual Instruction in Percussion Instrument I Individual Instruction in Percussion Instrument II Individual Instruction in Guitar Instrument I Individual Instruction in Guitar Instrument II Individual Instruction in Keyboard Instrument I Individual Instruction in Keyboard Instrument II Individual Instruction in Voice I Individual Instruction in Voice II Vocal Coaching I Vocal Coaching II Individual Instruction in Stringed Instrument III Individual Instruction in Stringed Instrument IV Individual Instruction in Woodwind Instrument III Individual Instruction in Woodwind Instrument IV Individual Instruction in Brass Instrument III Individual Instruction in Brass Instrument IV Individual Instruction in Percussion Instrument III Individual Instruction in Percussion Instrument IV Individual Instruction in Guitar Instrument III Individual Instruction in Guitar Instrument IV Individual Instruction in Keyboard Instrument III Individual Instruction in Keyboard Instrument IV Individual Instruction in Voice III El Paso CC MUAP 1218 MUAP 1237 MUAP 1238 MUAP 1257 MUAP 1258 MUAP 1261 MUAP 1262 MUAP 1265 MUAP 1266 MUAP 1281 MUAP 1282 MUAP 1285 MUAP 1286 MUAP 2201 MUAP 2202 MUAP 2219 MUAP 2220 MUAP 2239 MUAP 2240 MUAP 2259 MUAP 2260 MUAP 2261 MUAP 2262 MUAP 2267 MUAP 2268 MUAP 2283 NMSU MUS 130 MUS 130 MUS 130 MUS 130 MUS 230 MUS 130 MUS 130 MUS 145 MUS 146 MUS 141 MUS 142 MUS 141 MUS 142 MUS 130 MUS 130 MUS 130 MUS 130 MUS 130 MUS 130 MUS 130 MUS 130 MUS 130 MUS 130 MUS 145 MUS 145 MUS 141 *NMSU reserves the right to modify these course equivalencies based on curriculum changes and program requirements. Modified: 3/17/15 Page 10 of 14 Cddfs Course Name Individual Instruction in Voice IV Orchestra I Orchestra II Mariachi I Mariachi II Guitar Ensemble I Guitar Ensemble II Chamber Music Ensemble I Chamber Music Ensemble II Jazz Ensemble I Jazz Ensemble II Chorus I Chorus II Orchestra III Orchestra IV Mariachi III Mariachi IV Guitar Ensemble III Guitar Ensemble IV Chamber Music Ensemble III Chamber Music Ensemble IV Jazz Ensemble III Jazz Ensemble IV Piano Class I for Music Majors Piano Class II for Music Majors Sight-Singing & Dictation I El Paso CC MUAP 2284 MUEN 1123 MUEN 1124 MUEN 1131 MUEN 1132 MUEN 1133 MUEN 1134 MUEN 1135 MUEN 1136 MUEN 1137 MUEN 1138 MUEN 1141 MUEN 1142 MUEN 2123 MUEN 2124 MUEN 2131 MUEN 2132 MUEN 2133 MUEN 2134 MUEN 2135 MUEN 2136 MUEN 2137 MUEN 2138 MUSI 1114 MUSI 1115 MUSI 1116 NMSU MUS 141 MUS 150 MUS 150 MUS 179 MUS 179 MUS 175 MUS 175 MUS 164 MUS 164 MUS 163 MUS 163 MUS 162 MUS 162 MUS 150 MUS 150 MSU 179 MUS 179 MUS 175 MUS 176 MUS 164 MUS 164 MUS 163 MUS 163 MUS 145 MUS 145 MUS 211 *NMSU reserves the right to modify these course equivalencies based on curriculum changes and program requirements. Modified: 3/17/15 Page 11 of 14 Cddfs Course Name Sight-Singing & Dictation II Piano Class I Piano Class II Voice Class I Guitar Class I Guitar Class II Music Fundamentals Music Appreciation Jazz to Rock Harmony I Harmony II Music Student Recital I Music Student Recital II Music Student Recital III Music Student Recital IV Introduction to Philosophy Logic Ethics General Physics Laboratory I (New) General Physics Laboratory II (New) Principles of Physical Science Laboratory I (New) General Physics I (New) General Physics II (New) Principles of Physical Science I (New) General Physics I (Old) General Physics II (Old) El Paso CC MUSI 1117 MUSI 1181 MUSI 1182 MUSI 1183 MUSI 1192 MUSI 1193 MUSI 1301 MUSI 1306 MUSI 1310 MUSI 2311 MUSI 2312 MUSR 1011 MUSR 1012 MUSR 2013 MUSR 2014 PHIL 1301 PHIL 2303 PHIL 2306 PHYS 1101 PHYS 1102 PHYS 1115 PHYS 1301 PHYS 1302 PHYS 1315 PHYS 1401 PHYS 1402 NMSU MUS 212 MUS 145 MUS 146 MUS 141 MUS 130 MUS 130 MUS 110 MUS 101G MUS 210G MUS 260 MUS 260 MUS 121 MUS 121 MUS 121 MUS 121 PHIL 201G PHIL 211G PHIL 223G PHYS 211GL PHYS 212GL PHYS 100 E PHYS 211G PHYS 212G PHYS 110G PHYS 211G + 211GL PHYS 212G + 212GL *NMSU reserves the right to modify these course equivalencies based on curriculum changes and program requirements. Modified: 3/17/15 Page 12 of 14 Cddfs Course Name Engineering Physics Laboratory I (New) Engineering Physics Laboratory II (New) Thermal & Fluids Physics (Old) Research Techniques in Physics (New) Engineering Physics I (New) Engineering Physics II (New) Engineering Physics I (Old) Engineering Physics II (Old) Introduction to Plastics Introduction to Psychology Human Growth & Development Psychology of Adjustment Statistics & Research Design Introduction to Quality Assurance Law of Contracts Real Estate Finance Management of Food Production & Service Film & Video Editing Technical Physics I Applied Human Anatomy & Physiology I Assessment & Case Management Introduction to the Interpreting Profession Introductory Sociology Social Problems Sociology of Marriage & the Family Chicanos in American Society El Paso CC PHYS 2125 PHYS 2126 PHYS 2270 PHYS 2289 PHYS 2325 PHYS 2326 PHYS 2425 PHYS 2426 PLTC 1301 PSYC 2301 PSYC 2314 PSYC 2315 PSYC 2317 QCTC 1200 RELE 1311 RELE 1319 RSTO 2405 RTVB 2330 SCIT 1322 SCIT 1407 SCWK 2301 SLNG 1321 SOCI 1301 SOCI 1306 SOCI 2301 SOCI 2319 NMSU PHYS 215GL PHYS 215GL PHYS 290 PHYS 290 PHYS 215G PHYS 216G PHYS 215G + 215GL PHYS 216G + 216GL PHYS 290 PSY 201G CEP 110G PSY 290 STAT 271G BMGT 255 BGMT 264 BGMT 265 HRTM 221 CMI 216 PHYS 111 BIOL 225 SWK 253 CD 221 SOC 101G SOC 201G SOC 258 SOC 270 *NMSU reserves the right to modify these course equivalencies based on curriculum changes and program requirements. Modified: 3/17/15 Page 13 of 14 Cddfs Course Name Introduction to Social Work Beginning Spanish I for Non-Native Speakers Beginning Spanish II for Non-Native Speakers Intermediate Spanish I for Non-Native Speakers Intermediate Spanish II for Non-Native Speakers Intermediate Spanish I for Spanish Speakers Intermediate Spanish II for Spanish Speakers Fundamentals of Effective Speech Interpersonal Communication Organizational & Professional Communication Plane Surveying Family, School & Community Wellness of the Young Child Child Growth & Development Customer Sales & Services Introduction to Travel & Tourism El Paso CC SOCW 2361 SPAN 1311 SPAN 1312 SPAN 2311 SPAN 2312 SPAN 2313 SPAN 2315 SPCH 1315 SPCH 1318 SPCH 1321 SRVY 2448 TECA 1303 TECA 1318 TECA 1354 TRVM 1201 TRVM 1300 NMSU SWK 221G SPAN 111 SPAN 112 SPAN 211 SPAN 212 SPAN 213 SPAN 214 COMM 253G COMM 265G COMM 265G SUR 222 ECED 135 ECED 125 ECED 115 HRTM 200 HRTM 201 *NMSU reserves the right to modify these course equivalencies based on curriculum changes and program requirements. Modified: 3/17/15 Page 14 of 14