Maximizing Your Experience Abroad

Maximizing Your Experience Abroad
Study abroad is an investment in your education and your personal development. Make sure you
get the most out of your investment by setting goals for yourself in advance and creating a plan to
achieve those goals. Life-changing experiences and intercultural encounters do not just happen
automatically, without effort on your part. It is up to you to get out of your comfort zone, immerse
yourself in the culture and language of your host country, and make choices from day-to-day that
allow you to maximize your experience.
Questions to Ask Yourself:
What do I really want out of this experience?
How and with whom do I want to spend most of my time abroad?
What skills and knowledge do I want to gain as an outcome of my study abroad experience?
How can I engage in the community to learn as much as possible about the culture of my
host country while I am there?
When I look back on my experience, what would I regret not having done?
What are the top places I want to visit and things I want to try?
Goal-Setting: Define your goals and list concrete ways that you will go about working toward
those goals.
i.e. make friends with
locals, try new foods,
learn to tango, gain
more self-confidence,
learn to navigate
public transportation,
(These should be
specific to your
coursework or field of
(Think of the skills or
experiences you
would like to put on
your resume at the
end of your study
abroad experience.)
Maximizing Your Experience Abroad
Ten Tips for Maximizing Your Study Abroad Experience
1) Research the culture and customs. Familiarizing yourself with the culture before you
leave will reduce culture shock and help you better understand and appreciate what you
observe during your first few days. It may also help you avoid making embarrassing
cultural blunders.
2) Meet people. Making international friends is one of the most rewarding parts of study
abroad. You can learn so much more about your host culture by spending time with locals.
You may even be invited to stay at someone’s place for free if you return one day!
3) Break away from Americans. As tempting and comfortable as it may be, don’t hang out
exclusively with Americans. The point of studying abroad is to learn about another culture
and have experiences that you could not have in the United States.
4) Use the language. Practice what you know and do not be afraid to make mistakes. You will
be surprised at how quickly you pick up new vocabulary and become more comfortable
speaking in another language when you practice it daily.
5) Explore the city. Really get to know the place where you are living. While it is great to
travel to other cities and countries, do not miss out on the opportunities right next door.
6) Live like the locals. Totally immerse yourself in the rhythm of life of your host culture.
Adapt to the meal schedule. Eat what locals eat. Read the local newspaper. Listen to the
radio and watch popular shows. Hang out at popular local spots.
7) Disconnect from technology. Limit your communication with the people back home.
Spend more time getting to know your host culture instead. It would be a shame to have
invested so much time and money into study abroad and then end up spending all your
time talking to people online. You can do that at home!
8) Get involved in the community. Connect to organizations that align with your interests
and offer you the chance to meet like-minded people. Take dance classes, become a
member of a fitness center, join an environmental group, attend a church, do community
service work, set up an internship. The possibilities are endless!
9) Keep a journal or blog. Document your experiences and reflect on your newfound
knowledge and insights through journaling. It can help you process the new experiences
you are having.
10) Take lots of photos. While it can be annoying to always have a camera in tote, you will be
glad to have the photos later to look back on and show others. They will help you
remember the experiences you had while abroad.