XVII BOOK WEEK 2011 BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, PITAMPURA # 27028600, 8700 ; FAX : 27016600 E-mail : ppbbps@hotmail.com XVII BOOK WEEK 25th - 29th April 2011 Dear Principal We are glad to inform you that our school is celebrating its XVII Annual Book Week from 25th April to 29th April. We are also holding our Annual interschool English Debate on 21st April. The Book Week offers the students a chance to participate in a wide variety of events which will help to encourage their talent in debate, drama, art, dance and IT. It will also be an opportunity to expose them to the richness of various subjects and make learning fun for them. In our endeavour to familiarize the student fraternity with the global issues, the themes selected for the events this time have cross cultural relevance. It will be a pleasure to have your students with us once again. We promise an enriching experience to all the participants. With Kind Regards. Meenu Goswami Principal. Please Note We take the utmost care to complete the events in time but, over the past nine years, experience has shown that some events take a little longer due to: a) The nature of the event b) A larger than expected number of participants. c) Some teams arriving late. It is requested that necessary arrangements be made at your end should events end later than anticipated. Overseas entries may be sent online or by post. Participation/ Winning Certificates for overseas entries will be sent by post. XVII BOOK WEEK 2011 BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, PITAMPURA # 27028600, 8700 ; FAX : 27016600 E-mail : ppbbps@hotmail.com XVII BOOK WEEK 25th - 29th April 2011 Dear All With great pleasure I welcome you all to the 17th Book Week-BOKEN VECKA. This year we bring you a fresher and newer book week wherein the competitions have been designed to create a perfect fusion of creativity and originality. From a scintillating Dance performance to a mind boggling book discussion, we have incorporated all aspects of school life in one dynamic forum. Spread over the five days, the participants will find themselves going beyond the conventional to create something surreal. They will debate, enact, lobby, deliberate, convince to work out solutions multi-laterally .The Book Week promises a thought provoking and enriching experience to its participants. Over the past few months, we at BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, PITAMPURA have worked earnestly and energetically to make this event a memorable experience for all its participants. If there are any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school authorities. We are here to give you a lively and memorable week! With warm regards, Dishi Bhomawat Chairperson-BOOK WEEK 2011 XVII BOOK WEEK 2011 BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, PITAMPURA # 27028600, 8700 ; FAX : 27016600 E-mail : ppbbps@hotmail.com The School getting maximum points in all the Competitions during the BOOK WEEK Will be awarded the BOOK WEEK TROPHY XVII BOOK WEEK 2011 BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, PITAMPURA # 27028600, 8700 ; FAX : 27016600 E-mail : ppbbps@hotmail.com PRIIMMAARY DDEPAARRTMMEENNT((2255tthh AApriill 200111) Maths ........................................................................... Science ......................................................................... English ......................................................................... Computer ........................................................................ Hindi ........................................................................... Art ............................................................................. Social Studies .................................................................. Nupur Dhwani .................................................................... MIDDDDLLE && SENNIIORR DDEPPAARRTMMEENT((2266tthh––229tthh Aprriil 220011)) SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (26TH APRIL 2011) Eureka .......................................................................... Mathematica ..................................................................... Cryptex ......................................................................... HERITAGE FEST (27TH APRIL 2011) Renaissance ..................................................................... Wall Street ..................................................................... Disegno ......................................................................... LANGUAGE FAIR (28TH APRIL 2011) Ecstasy ......................................................................... Abhimanch ....................................................................... NUPUR UTSAV (29TH APRIL 2011) Entry form for all competitions is on the last page. Please visit www.balbharatipp.org and click on the Book Week link of Annual Events for more details. XVII BOOK WEEK 2011 DATE TIME BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, PITAMPURA # 27028600, 8700 ; FAX : 27016600 E-mail : ppbbps@hotmail.com : : 25th April 2011 9.00 A.M MATTHHSS DDRREESSSS DDEESSIIGGNNIINNGG CCLLAASSSSEESS IIVV--VV RRUULLEESS:: 1. The students will design a dress using mathematical shapes only. They can also design accessories to beautify the designed costumes. 2. The students will bring their own material as per requirement. 3. The material should be eco-friendly. 4. Preparation has to be done on the spot only. 5. A team of two students can participate from each school. 6. One hour will be given for preparation. 7. At the end, 10 minutes will be given to drape the newly designed dress. 8. Suggested Material: - Pastel sheets, cardboard, colours, paints, ecofriendly decorative material, stapler pins, U-pins, double Tape. 9. No prior preparations will be accepted. For any queries contact: Ms Seema Gera (9868676916) SCIIEENNCE FFOOOODD FFEESSTT CCLLAASSSSEESS IIVV--VV RRUULLEESS:: 1. Each team comprising of three students will present a dish from any one of the following countries: Italy, China, Mexico and UK. 2. The dish may be already prepared and brought along. However, the laying out should be done in the host school. 3. An attractive nutritional value chart should be displayed along with it. 4. One of the participants describes the dish and the other talks about its nutritional value. 5. Minimum permissible time for presentation will be 5 minutes 6. Creativity in presentation will also be considered for the judgment. 7. Only a table and a Pin board will be provided. The teams are expected to bring any other required material. For any queries contact: Ms Deepti (8860414142) Overseas entries may be sent online or by post. Participation/ Winning certificates for overseas entries will be sent by post. XVII BOOK WEEK 2011 DATE TIME BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, PITAMPURA # 27028600, 8700 ; FAX : 27016600 E-mail : ppbbps@hotmail.com : : 25th April 2011 9.00 A.M ENGGLLIISH CCHHAARRAACCTTEERRSS CCOOMMEE AALLIIVVEE CCLLAASSSSEESS IIVV--VV RRUULLEESS:: 1. A dialogue between famous characters from different story books. For example- Rapunzel and Noddy, Peterpan and Cinderella. 2. A maximum of two participants per team should be there.(one each from class IV and V.) 3. The maximum time limit is 7 minutes. 4. The participants will be judged according to choice of characters, content and presentation. For any queries contact: Ms Garima (9891149529) COMMPPUUTERR CCOOMMPPUUTTEERR KKEE RRAANNGG HHAASSYYAA KKAAVVIITTAA KKEE SSAANNGG CCLLAASSSSEESS IIVV--VV RRUULLEESS:: 1. Each school is required to send one participant. 2. Medium of the KAVITA can be Hindi / English or mixture of both. 3. 3 minutes will be given for the presentation. 4. The poem should be on any IT related topic with a message. 5. Hard copy to be submitted in a file or folder at the time of registration. 6. Judgement will be done on the basis of concept, humour, costume and performance. 7. The decision of the judges shall be final and binding. For any queries contact: Ms Navneet Malhotra (9953779451) Overseas entries may be sent online or by post. Participation/ Winning certificates for overseas entries will be sent by post. XVII BOOK WEEK 2011 DATE TIME BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, PITAMPURA # 27028600, 8700 ; FAX : 27016600 E-mail : ppbbps@hotmail.com : : 25th April 2011 9.00 A.M SOCCIIAAL SSCCIENNCCE SSOOCCIIOO--SSTTRREEEETT CCLLAASSSSEESS IIVV--VV RRUULLEESS:: 1. The school can send a team of maximum of 10 participants. 2. The maximum time limit is 8 minutes. 3. A street play on any social issue to be staged. 4. The script should be original and in english. For any queries contact: Ms Alka Tandon (9811651246) ARTT BBEESSTT OOUUTT OOFF WWAASSTTEE ((DDeessiiggnneerr JJeewweelllleerryy)) CCLLAASSSSEESS IIVV--VV RRUULLEESS:: 1. Duration of the competition is two hours. 2. Two participants are invited. 3. Participants should bring their own materials. 4. Jewellery can be made with any type of waste materials. 5. Decision of judges will be final. For any queries contact: NUPPUURR DHHWWANII Ms Nidhi Arora (9811611876) CCLLAASSSSEESS IIVV--VV RRUULLEESS:: 1. The participants should be from classes IV and V. 2. The number of participants should not exceed 12. 3. The dance form should be Indian Folk (Traditional). 4. Participants must bring their own Audio CD’S. 5. No extra marks shall be awarded for properties and live music. 6. Marks will be given on the basis of costumes, music, originality and presentation. 7. The decision of the judges shall be final and binding. For any queries contact: Ms Rajni (9811818496) Overseas entries may be sent online or by post. Participation/ Winning certificates for overseas entries will be sent by post. XVII BOOK WEEK 2011 DATE TIME BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, PITAMPURA # 27028600, 8700 ; FAX : 27016600 E-mail : ppbbps@hotmail.com : : 11.. EENNGGLLIISSHH OONNEE AACCTT PPLLAAYY 28th April 2011 9.00 A.M CCLLAASSSSEESS VVII--XXIIII RRUULLEESS:: 1. The duration of the play should not exceed twelve minutes. 2. A maximum of five minutes will be allowed between plays. 3. The number of participants in each play should be a minimum of four and a maximum of twelve. 4. Microphones will not be used. 5. Marks will be given on the way a play is presented. 6. Music should not be used unless the play stands to clearly benefit from it. 7. The use of scenery, properties and costumes is at the participants’ discretion. 8. Properties have to be arranged by the participating teams. 9. A comic play should be based on current issues (National/International) related to politics, culture, education, sports etc……. For any queries contact: Ms Pamela Sandhu (9999436455) Overseas entries may be sent online or by post. Participation/ Winning certificates for overseas entries will be sent by post. XVII BOOK WEEK 2011 DATE TIME BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, PITAMPURA # 27028600, 8700 ; FAX : 27016600 E-mail : ppbbps@hotmail.com : : 28th April 2011 9.00 A.M ECSSTTAASY 22.. BBOOOOKK DDIISSCCUUSSSSIIOONN CCLLAASSSSEESS XXII--XXIIII BOOK : The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. AUTHOR : Mark Haddon PUBLISHER: Definitions RRUULLEESS:: 1. Each school is required to send a team of two students from classes XI-XII. 2. The discussion consists of two parts: Formal and Informal. 3. Formal Discussion: The formal presentation will be the discussion of various aspects of the book. One of the two speakers will get 2-3 minutes for his/her presentation. A warning bell will be rung at the end of 2 ½ minutes and a final bell at the end of 3minutes. Marks will be deducted for exceeding the time limit. Reading from a written script is not encouraged. This part of the discussion holds 15 marks. 4. Informal Discussion: This part of the discussion includes a question answer session which will be conducted by the moderator. The participants may speak up to a minute when called or asked by the moderator to do so. They may raise their hand to attract the moderator’s attention. Time allotted to this part of the discussion is 1 hour. Although the time would be extended if felt that not everybody has got a chance. However we suggest you to concentrate on what you feel is the most important and relevant aspect of the book while speaking. This part of the discussion holds 25 marks. The decision of the judges will be final and binding. For any queries contact: Ms Bineeta Fialok (9811554165) Overseas entries may be sent online or by post. Participation/ Winning certificates for overseas entries will be sent by post. XVII BOOK WEEK 2011 DATE TIME BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, PITAMPURA # 27028600, 8700 ; FAX : 27016600 E-mail : ppbbps@hotmail.com : : 27th April 2011 9.00 A.M RENNAAIISSAANNCE 11.. RRAADDIIOO SSHHOOWW CCLLAASSSSEESS XXII--XXIIII RRUULLEESS:: 1. A team would comprise of 3-4 participants. 2. Time duration allotted for the show is 5-7 minutes. Participants can keep 2 minutes for an advertisement which can be pertaining to any social issue. 3. Participants have to bring their own properties, if required. 4. Participants would be seated on the stage and the team would do the required stage setup. 5. The participants are required to prepare a script bearing traces of humour, satire or should be directed towards public welfare & awareness. 6. The essence of the script should be distinctly brought forth through voice modulation only. 7. The script should be essentially original & in English. 8. The participants are required to prepare a script keeping in mind a topic which can be about anything under the sky like a discussion on the present state of the world etc. EVALUATION CRITERIA: 1. 2. 3. 4. Presentation Voice modulation Innovation Content of the script 5. Adherence to time limit For any queries contact: Ms Mini Pruthi (9911669125) Overseas entries may be sent online or by post. Participation/ Winning certificates for overseas entries will be sent by post. XVII BOOK WEEK 2011 BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, PITAMPURA # 27028600, 8700 ; FAX : 27016600 E-mail : ppbbps@hotmail.com DATE TIME : : 27th April 2011 9.00 A.M RENNAAIISSAANNCE 22.. GGEEOOGGRRAAPPHHYY TTHHRROOUUGGHH CCAARRTTOOOONN CCLLAASSSSEESS IIXX--XX TTHHEEMMEE:: ((AAnnyy oonnee ttooppiicc)) WATER IS LIFE. ANTHROPOGENIC ACTIVITY DESTROYING ENVIRONMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT. RRUULLEESS:: 1. In this event two participants are required to make a cartoon on one of the given topic. 2. The participants will be provided with a white chart paper of 22 inches x 28 inches. 3. A suitable caption in English should be written to support the cartoon. 4. It is obligatory on the part of the participants to bring their own stationery items such as paints, colours, pencils, sketch-pens, markers etc. 5. Time Limit – 2 hours. EVALUATION CRITERIA 1. Relevance with the topic 2. Presentation 3. Illustrations 4. Satire/Humour element For Any Queries Contact: Ms. Tejinder Kaur (9818106072) Overseas entries may be sent online or by post. Participation/ Winning certificates for overseas entries will be sent by post. XVII BOOK WEEK 2011 DATE TIME BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, PITAMPURA # 27028600, 8700 ; FAX : 27016600 E-mail : ppbbps@hotmail.com : : 27th April 2011 9.00 A.M WAALLL SSTRREEET 11.. BBUULLLL’’SS EEYYEE CCLLAASSSSEESS XXII--XXIIII RRUULLEESS:: 1. A team of two participants from classes XI-XII is invited from each school. 2. A preliminary round consisting of a written quiz based on business and economic situations will be conducted. 3. In the final round an atmosphere of a stock market will be created where the participants will trade in shares. 4. 10 actual companies will be listed in the ‘stock market’ and their share value will be given. The competition is a simulation of country’s Share Market. The share prices will be fictional. 5. The final round will have 5 sub rounds. In each round the participants will be given a set of news items and rumours which will help them gauge the future prices of share. 6. The time given to the participant for every round will be 5 minutes in which they have to submit their quotes. 7. Winning team will be decided on the basis of highest net profit or lowest net loss after 5 rounds. 22.. SSTTRREEEETT PPLLAAYY CCLLAASSSSEESS XXII--XXIIII RRUULLEESS:: 1. A team of 10 to 12 students from classes XI to XII is invited from each school. 2. The Topic for the street play is Malpractices of business. 3. The play may be in English, Hindi or a combination of two languages. 4. The play should not exceed 10 minutes. 5. Inappropriate language should not be used. 6. The decision of the judges shall be final and binding. For Any Queries Contact: Mr. Pankaj Bhanwani (9899971997) Overseas entries may be sent online or by post. Participation/ Winning certificates for overseas entries will be sent by post. XVII BOOK WEEK 2011 DATE TIME BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, PITAMPURA # 27028600, 8700 ; FAX : 27016600 E-mail : ppbbps@hotmail.com : : 27th April 2011 9.00 A.M DISSEEGGNO 11.. OONN TTHHEE SSPPOOTT PPAAIINNTTIINNGG CCOOMMPPEETTIITTIIOONN CCLLAASSSSEESS VVII--VVIIIIII 22.. CCLLAAYY MMOODDEELLLLIINNGG CCLLAASSSSEESS IIXX--XX RRUULLEESS:: 1. Only one participant is invited. 2. The Duration of the competition is two hours. 3. Participants should bring their own colours. (Any Medium). 4. Topics will be given on the spot. 5. Half Cartridge sheet will be given to the participants. 6. The decision of thejudges will be final. RRUULLEESS:: 1. Only one participant is invited. 2. The Duration of the competition is two hours. 3. Topics will be given on the spot. 4. Clay will be provided by the host school, participants have to bring their own tools. 5. The decision of the judges will be final. 33.. PPOOSSTTEERR DDEESSIIGGNN CCLLAASSSSEESS XXII--XXIIII RRUULLEESS:: 1. Only one participant is invited. 2. The Duration of the competition is two hours. 3. Topics will be given on the spot. 4. Participants should bring their own colours. (Any Medium) 5. Full imperial Ivory sheet will be given. 6. The decision of the judges will be final. For Any Queries Contact: Ms. Anjali Kaul (9811096001) Overseas entries may be sent online or by post. Participation/ Winning certificates for overseas entries will be sent by post. XVII BOOK WEEK 2011 DATE TIME BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, PITAMPURA # 27028600, 8700 ; FAX : 27016600 E-mail : ppbbps@hotmail.com : : 26th April 2011 9.00 A.M EEUUREKKAA 11..SSCCIIEENNCCEE OOUUTT OOFF WWAASSTTEE CCLLAASSSSEESS VVII--VVIIIIII 22.. SSCCIIEENNCCEE--SSTTAATTIIOONN CCLLAASSSSEESS IIXX--XX RRUULLEESS:: 1. Each school is required to send a team of three students. 2. Each team will bring their own waste material. They will be given a time of one and a hours to make an exhibit depicting any scientific phenomena/principle/laws. E.g.-a green house 3. Judgment will be on the basis of innovation, presentation, and appropriate utilization of the waste material. RRUULLEESS:: 1. Each school is required to send a team of three students from classes IX-X. 2. Each team will be provided with necessary material and will be asked to perform specific activities based on scientific principles/knowledge. 3. A stipulated time will be allotted for performing each activity. 4. Total score of each team will be cumulative of their scores in each of the different activities. For Any Queries Contact: Ms. Namrata Alwadhi (9891535700) Overseas entries may be sent online or by post. Participation/ Winning certificates for overseas entries will be sent by post. XVII BOOK WEEK 2011 DATE TIME BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, PITAMPURA # 27028600, 8700 ; FAX : 27016600 E-mail : ppbbps@hotmail.com : : 26th April 2011 9.00 A.M MATTHHEEMATTIICA 11..WWIINNDDOOWWSS OOFF MMAATTHHEEMMAATTIICC CCLLAASSSSEESS VVIIIIII--XX 22.. DDOOUUBBLLEE OORR QQUUIITT CCLLAASSSSEESS XXII--XXIIII RRUULLEESS:: 1. Each team will consist of 3 students ,one from each class 2. Each team will be provided with one display board of size 8ftX4ft 3. This display board is to be used by the team to display their creativity related to any topic or theme of mathematics e.g. concepts , mathematicians applications etc 4. In this viva round the participants will be questioned about their display 5. The judgment will be based on the display round as well as the viva round 6. Teams are required to bring their own material .Use of ecofriendly material will be appreciated. 7. The displays will not be returned back. RRUULLEESS:: 1. Each team will consist of two students, one from each class. 2. There will be two rounds ,one for each class and each round can go upto a maximum of five levels in increasing order of difficulty 3. A participant will start by answering a question of Level-1. If his answer is correct, he will get 10 points and the option of “DOUBLE OR QUIT”. If he opts for “DOUBLE” he gets the chance to answer a question of level-2 which if he answers correctly, will win him double points, that is, 20. If his answer is wrong he loses half of his marks and his turn ends. This process continues to Level 3rd, 4th, and 5th. A student can quit at any level if he feels he cannot cope with the next level and maintain the points he has earned. 4. At the end of two rounds the points of each member of a team (school) will be added and the grand totals of all the teams will decide the winning team. For Any Queries Contact: Ms. Leena Pushkarna (9818376864) Overseas entries may be sent online or by post. Participation/ Winning certificates for overseas entries will be sent by post. XVII BOOK WEEK 2011 DATE TIME BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, PITAMPURA # 27028600, 8700 ; FAX : 27016600 E-mail : ppbbps@hotmail.com : : 26th April 2011 9.00 A.M CRYYPPTTEX 11.. IINNTTEERRNNAATTIIOONNAALL CCYYBBEERR DDIIRREECCTTOORR CCLLAASSSSEESS VVIIIIII--XX 22.. CCOODDEE BBRREEAAKKEERRSS CCLLAASSSSEESS XXII--XXIIII RRUULLEESS:: 1. Each team will consist of two students. 2. The topic for the event will be given on the spot. 3. No cd’s/floppy/pen drive will be allowed. 4. The students will have to weave a humorous silent story using the clippings provided by the school. 5. Movie Maker software will be provided. 6. Time limit will be 1 Hr. 7. The duration for the movie should be not more than 3 minutes. RRUULLEESS:: 1. A team of two students is invited from each school. 2. The event will have the prelims followed by the finals. 3. Prelims will be in the form of a ‘break the code’ contest. The participants will be given some witty questions for which they have to break the code and the best teams will make it to finals. 4.Finals will be in the form of a basic computer quiz blended in an all New tic-tac-tech format. 5. The game will be based on a Tic Tac Toe grid, where strategies kick in and teams vie to put noughts and crosses on chosen tiles to make a line. For Any Queries Contact: Ms. Mona S Gupta (9911076727) Overseas entries may be sent online or by post. Participation/ Winning certificates for overseas entries will be sent by post. XVII BOOK WEEK 2011 BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, PITAMPURA # 27028600, 8700 ; FAX : 27016600 E-mail : ppbbps@hotmail.com INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENTRY FORM 1. Please type the names in CAPITAL LETTERS. 2. Kindly carry an individual print out of the entry form for each subject with the following details: NAME OF THE SCHOOL : _____________________________________________ NAME OF THE DAY : _____________________________________________ NAME OF THE PARTICIPANTS NAME OF THE EVENT CLASS & SEC 1. 2. 3. 4 . 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. NAME OF THE ACCOMPANYING TEACHER :____________________________ MOBILE NO. of the accompanying teacher:____________________________ DATE : ___________________________ LAST DATE OF SUBMISSION OF THE FORM IS 15th APRIL 2011. XVII BOOK WEEK 2011 BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, PITAMPURA # 27028600, 8700 ; FAX : 27016600 E-mail : ppbbps@hotmail.com NNUUPPUURR UUTTSSAAVV DATE TIME : : 11..SSOOLLOO DDAANNCCEE 29th APRIL 2011 9:00 A.M. CCLLAASSSSEESS VVII--XXIIII Rules: 1. The dance should be in any Indian Classical form. 2. The time limit is 10 minutes. 3. The school can bring audio cassettes. Film or pop music is not allowed. 4. Marks will be given as per the rules of Natyashastra and Abhinaya Darpana. 5. The costume should be in accordance with the tradition of the dance. 6. The decision of the judges will be final. 7. Major items will carry extra marks. 22..GGRROOUUPP DDAANNCCEE CCLLAASSSSEESS VVII--XXIIII Rules: 1. The choreographed item should have a strong devotional concept behind it. 2. The Choreography should be based on classical semi classical and mixed contemporary dance style but should be based on devotional concept. 3. The time limit is 8 to 12 minutes. 4. Each team should not have more than 16 participants. 5. The school team can bring audio cassettes but they should not belong to any film. 6. Classical albums and fusions are allowed. 7. The school team should bring their own costumes and required material for the performance. 8. No extra marks shall be awarded for live music. 9. The decision of the judges will be final. Eligibility for the Nupur Utsav Trophy To be eligible for the Nupur Utsav Trophy the school must participate in both of the events. For Any Queries Contact : Mr. Bala Krishnan (9899128089) Overseas entries may be sent online or by post. Participation/ Winning certificates for overseas entries will be sent by post. XVII BOOK WEEK 2011 BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, PITAMPURA # 27028600, 8700 ; FAX : 27016600 E-mail : ppbbps@hotmail.com NUPUR UTSAV ENTRY FORM NAME OF THE SCHOOL : _____________________________________________________ EVENT DAY AND DATE : _____________________________________________________ EVENT SUBJECT : __________________________________________________ NAME OF THE PARTICIPANTS WITH CLASS: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ STAND BY(S) (if any) : ____________________________________________________ Teacher Incharge ________________________________ Contact no. ___________________ School Stamp _________________________ School phone no._____________________ Fax_______________ NOTE: PLEASE MAKE MULTIPLE COPIES OF THIS FORM IF YOUR SCHOOL WISHES TO PARTICIPATE IN MORE THAN ONE BOOK WEEK DAY. LAST DATE OF SUBMISSION OF THE FORM IS 15th APRIL 2011.