Local Offer – Nunthorpe Academy. Senior Leadership Team Responsible for SEND: Mrs Kate Kell (Vice Principal) (kkell@nunthorpe.co.uk) Director of Inclusion and SENCO: Mrs Benita Shaw (bshaw@nunthorpe.co.uk) Intervention Specialist Teacher and SENCO: Miss Natasha Pearson (npearson@nunthorpe.co.uk) Director responsibility for SEND: Mr Malcolm Robinson. In line with the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (2014) Nunthorpe Academy outlines how we contribute to Redcar and Cleveland Local Authority Offer in detailing the support and provision you and your child can expect to receive at the Academy if they have Special Education Needs. IDENTIFICATION OF NEEDS. 1a) How does the Academy identify students with special educational needs? At transition point from primary to secondary school: Information gathered from the Year 5 Nunthorpe Open Evening from parents. Further meetings are arranged between parents and Mrs Shaw (SENCO) or other appropriate member of staff. Information gathered from the work of the Director of Primary Liaison (Mrs Deen) from the Primary Heads meetings held every term. Data collection from the primary schools held between Year 6 teacher/Senco and Nunthorpe Academy. Information from the Inclusion Faculty Y6 Parents evening for students with Additional Needs held in June. Attendance at Year 6 Review meetings for students with EHC (Statements). Mid Term Admission students: Every student joining Nunthorpe Academy Mid Term has an individual meeting between the student/parent and the Assistant Vice Principal who has responsibility for all student admissions. Information is shared regarding any SEN requirements. Information and data is requested from all previous schools. Provision is organised where required. As students of Nunthorpe Academy: Monitoring from the Progress Data Collection reports. After each Progress Data collection (5 times per year) a meeting is held between the core subjects and Nunthorpe SENCO to monitor students’ progress and to identify any concerns. Teachers (in liaison with parents) inform their SENCOF (SEN Lead in each faculty) who shares their concern with the SENCO. SENCO will investigate further and may carry out more in depth assessments of needs either in response to data or staff concerns. If required the Academy will bring in external professionals to further assess and give recommendations for appropriate provision. 1b. How do we involve parents in planning for those needs? Attendance at any Year 5/ Year 6 Annual Review of an EHCP (Statement). All students placed on the Special Educational Needs Digest are invited to a Termly Progress Day meeting with the Inclusion Faculty to discuss progress and provision. The SENCO will be available at all Parents Evenings to discuss any student’s needs. Selected students are given a Key Worker to provide additional support if required. Parents will be informed by the relevant staff member (classroom teacher/SENCO/form tutor/Pastoral manager/Head of House) with any concerns regarding progress. Parents will be informed if the SENCO advises any support from external professionals. Further information is available in the parental involvement section found within point 5. 2a. Who in the Academy will support my child and how will this be monitored and evaluated? The Vice Principal (Mrs Kate Kell) with responsibility for the Inclusion Faculty and the Academy’s Head of Inclusion who is the main Academy SENCO have overall charge of all students on the SEND register and oversees the monitoring and evaluation of progress and provision. All teachers at Nunthorpe have a responsibility for the teaching, monitoring and evaluating of students identified with SEND. They will provide and plan Quality First teaching to allow all individuals to progress and access the curriculum. A team of Learning Support Assistants who are specialists in a curriculum area support the teachers in breaking down barriers to learning and assisting SEN students to progress. All students will be part of the House system led by a Head of House and Pastoral Manager within the Academy and be placed in a form group. The form tutor will play an integral part of the students’ life at Nunthorpe. All Faculties have a SENCOF (lead SEN teacher); they will hold responsibility for tracking and monitoring the SEN Students within their faculty. 2b. How are decisions made about the type and amount of provision a young person will need? Decisions are based on quality evidence the Academy has collected; both quantative evidence and qualitative that from talking to everyone involved in teaching the student. From liaising with parents and the student to understand and establish the priority of need. Advice and feedback from other professionals will support any decisions made regarding provision. The amount and type of provision is decided in line with the needs of the student. Provision could be short or long term. Effectiveness of the intervention will be monitored after each programme or at the SEN Progress Meetings with the core subjects. Provision and progress is the main priority at the SEN Progress Days held between the student/parent and the Inclusion Faculty. 3. Curriculum. Overall curriculum structure is directed by the government and the National Curriculum. All students attending the Academy have an entitlement to study a full curriculum. All teachers are responsible for delivering Quality First Teaching and ensuring the progress of all groups of students, particularly those with special educational needs and those who speak English as an additional language, match those of their peers. Teachers have an accurate knowledge of their needs to ensure each individual makes the best progress they can. Differentiation is the responsibility of all teachers. The Academy has a support base for students who require additional support in literacy and numeracy. The programmes are run by the Learning Support Assistants in liaison with the Core subjects. At the Academy’s discretion the curriculum can be varied to meet the needs of the individual student. Students and parents will be given advice and guidance within Year 9 for option choices for KS4. 4. Accessibility. Nunthorpe Academy main building was built in 1964. The main building is over three levels with no lift available. Ramps have been added to allow access to the ground floor of the main academy. Nunthorpe 6th Form was built in 2009 and has full wheelchair accessibility with disabled toilets on both floors. Communications with parents whose first language is not English is put in place to respond to need. The Academy’s English Additional Language teacher (EAL) has access to interpreters if required. 5. Parental Involvement. Daily monitoring of progress, rewards and behaviour through SIMS Learning Gateway. Parental access to the Academy’s data management system; SIMS. Allowing parents to see their child’s attendance, timetable, reports, interim data, rewards and behaviour log and further attached documents. Interim Progress Reports to all parents through 5 data capture points and by opportunities to meet with the students form tutor at the parents’ consultation evenings. SEND students will have termly meetings between parents, students and a member of the Inclusion Faculty. Progress and provision will be the main focus of these meetings. Students with an EHCP will have the termly meetings as well as the formal Annual review of the EHCP Plan. In line with the Academy’s parental communication Policy (Link to Policy) all teachers will reply to parents’ emails and telephone calls within the designated 48 hours. 6. Overall Well-being. All students belong to one of Nunthorpe’s five houses. (Valiant, Triumph, Victory, Endeavour and Invincible). Each house is led by a Head of House and a Pastoral Manager who have overall responsibility of the house and in particular students’ progress and wellbeing. Every student is placed in a form which is led by a form tutor. They are the students and parent’s first point of contact for sharing information as they see the students daily. At Nunthorpe the form groups are vertically organised therefore there are students from all Year groups 7-11 within one form. This allows peer mentoring and buddy support to occur naturally within the form group. The Inclusion Faculty supports the Houses within the Academy. Within the faculty there are specialised support staffs available that students can be referred to such as Inclusion Counsellors and Behaviour Specialists. These offer both 1:2:1 support and group work on areas such behavioural support, parent support, raising self esteem, building friendships and bereavement support. The Inclusion Faculty has links with many outside agencies who they can refer students too if required. (Please see section 7 for more details) The school nurse is in the Academy every Monday lunchtimes for students to drop in and discuss any concerns they may have. She will support parents and does complete home visits if necessary. The Attendance Officer monitors daily attendance and addresses with parents any concerns or issues relating to attendance via the Pastoral Systems. The Academy has two Inclusion Officers who support the Pastoral System and Senior Leadership Team in investigating any incidents that may have happened both in the Academy and within the community. Peer mentoring occurs regularly within the House system. All mentors are trained and complete a course to ensure they provide high quality support. Nunthorpe has a full medical Policy. First Aiders are available throughout the Academy Day from 8.15am till 4.00pm. Any student requiring ongoing medication throughout the Academy Day will have a Health Care Plan provided in liaison with the parents, students, medical service and Head of Inclusion. Student Leadership allows students to take responsibility for areas within the Academy such as student voice, specialist initiatives, KS3 Prefects, KS4 Prefects and mentoring. Students can volunteer to be on the student voice committee or they can contribute their views to their house prefects within form time. Committees within student leadership meet with Senior Leaders of the Academy to ensure that the student’s views are heard. 7. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the Academy? Nunthorpe Academy has a wealth of expertise from its staff over and above the qualifications required for their roles. Specialist services are often used when the need arises and the Academy feels it needs more support and advice to ensure the students make best progress with their attainment or well being. Below is a snapshot of the services that Nunthorpe uses but it is not an exhaustive list. The Inclusion Faculty will source specific support where necessary. Expertise Within Nunthorpe Academy. National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator held by 2 staff. Level 1 / 2 Supporting students with Autism. Miskin Reading Programme Tutors Inclusion Sports Club ran by the SPORT Faculty Child Psychology and Education Studies Child and Adolescent Group Work Therapy Counselling Support Mental Health Education and Health Promotion Services Bereavement Counselling. Expertise/Specialist Service accessed by the Academy. Educational Psychologist Speech and Language Therapists Specialist Teaching Service – Dyslexia Specialist Teaching Service – Numeracy Specialist Teaching Service – Autism Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Hearing Impaired Service and teachers of the Deaf Targeted Youth Support The Junction – therapeutic support for Young Carers School Nurse The Link – Therapeutic Support CREST – Dependency Support Barnardos/ SECOS Fairbridge and the Princes Trust for disaffected young people. Social Care and Outreach Forget me not – bereavement support 0-19 LEA service for children and young adults Daisy Chain – Autism support Main - Autism support Integrated Youth Support Service Redcar and Cleveland and Middlesbrough Special Education Needs Advisors Redcar and Cleveland Child Protection Education Officers Multi Cultural Service – English as an Additional Language teacher (3 days per week) Access arrangements Specialist Connexions Careers Advice My Sisters Place – Domestic Violence support for adults and children 8. Staff Training Priorities within the Academy: All staff are either teachers of, or are supporting students with SEND. Nunthorpe values staff development and all staff follow a full training programme led by a member of Senior Leadership. Whole Academy training and training for individuals is paramount to the needs of the students. The table summarises the most recent staff training in respect of SEND. Full Staff Training Annual Child Protection Training Dyslexia Training for all Teaching Staff Awareness of SEND and ways to support the students in a classroom – led by the Learning Support Staff Raising boys achievement Implementation of the Code of Practice 2014 Raising attainment of LAC Students ADHD Awareness Training – supporting students in the classroom. Individual Staff Training Child Protection Officers Training National Award – SEND New SEN Code of Practice Training NASEN SEN Leaders Conference Miskin Tutor Reading Recovery Programme Teaching Lower Level Maths Raising the attainment of LAC (Looked after children) students Autism awareness and support. Supporting students in the classroom Awareness of Self harm 9. Activities Outside of the Academy: Nunthorpe is a fully inclusive Academy and will put in place the support a student needs in order for them to join in with their peers in a chosen activity. There are a large and varied number of extracurricular activities for all students to participate in before, during and after the school day. The Academy will not stop any students from going on a trip due to their special educational need and or disability if the trip is suitable for the child and their safety and the safety of others is not compromised (Equality Act 2012). A member of the Senior Leadership Team oversees all trips, all paperwork must be completed before any trip can take place taking into account all students needs. The staff who are leading the trip will discuss with parents and the Inclusion Faculty if additional support is required. 10. How is Transition planned and managed by the Academy? Transition from Primary to Secondary: Year 5/6 Parents and students are invited to ‘Welcome to Nunthorpe’ evening held in July. Parents meetings are held in several Primary Schools led by the Principal of Nunthorpe and the Director of Transition. Primary schools are involved with different activities throughout the academic year held at the Academy such as sporting events, science and enterprise activities, enrichment programmes. Many Primary students are taught maths and a foreign language by Nunthorpe Academy teachers in their Primary School. The designated Academy Sport Co-ordinator works predominately in the Primary schools. One of her key roles is providing the link between KS2 and KS3. The Academy SENCO will attend all year 6 Annual Reviews for students with an EHC. Information is gathered by the Director of Transition and the Year 6 teachers and key students will be highlighted to the SENCO. Communication regarding the student’s needs and the students SEN file will occur during the Spring and Summer Term. There is an Additional Needs Parents Evening held in June for parents. This enables communication between parents and the Inclusion Faculty to happen. A transition plan for all students on an EHC plan and other identified students will be invited to extra transition sessions based in the Inclusion Faculty within the Summer Term. All students will be invited Induction Transition held in July. Selected students will be identified and highlighted for an invitation to Nunthorpe’s Summer School held in August. A key worker may be put in place as a familiar adult to support the transition. Transition from Nunthorpe Academy to a College or Training Provider: Work experience is available for all year 10 students. We have close links with all of the college providers in the area. The Careers Advisory Service (Routes to Employment) works within the Academy. They meet with all KS4 students to create pathways for the students to consider for when they are in Year 11. The pathways will consider 6th form, college, apprenticeship or other training providers. (This includes Nunthorpe Academy 6th form) The Careers Advisory Service meets with the SENCO throughout the Year to share information regarding the students’ needs and what support they may require in their post16 choices. All students study Careers and Post 16 study as part of the Life and/or weekly tutorial programme of study. KS4 Students with SEND have regular meetings with a member of the Inclusion Faculty to ensure they have transition plan in place. Meetings, open days and events are organised between the Academy and Providers for SEND students. The Academy holds an Annual Careers Conference for all students. Any student with an EHCP plan will have a careers advisor attend their Year 9 Annual Review to ensure early planning and identification occurs. The Inclusion Faculty will liaise with parents and students to ensure that provision is available if required. 11. How are the Academy’s resources allocated and matched to the young person’s special educational needs? All resources are allocated to and matched using the extensive data that the Academy holds about each student. The Academy receives the AWPU (Annual Weight Pupil Unit) funding for every student, and in addition may receive additional funding depending on students’ individual needs. The Academy Senior Leadership Team and SENCO in liaison with the Director of Business and Finance will use this funding appropriately in improving outcomes for students. Service Level Agreements are in place with all additional services used by the Academy to raise the level of support offered. This is reviewed annually based on impact and effectiveness of cost. All students with an EHCP will have a Provision Map to track the interventions for that individual student to ensure they are improving the outcomes for the student and that interventions are cost effectiveness. How is the SEND budget allocated? Nunthorpe has a number of different SEND Provisions and interventions which are matched to the students Special Education Needs and financed through the SEND budget, and more general funding allocations such as Pupil Premium. Provision Nurture Group Year 7 Nurture Group Year 8 Targeted Literacy Year 9 Targeted Numeracy Year 9 Learning Support Assistants Miskin Reading Scheme Rainbow Reading Scheme Reading for Dogs Toe by Toe Morning Maths Inclusion 2 KS4 Study Support Group Alternative Education Small group teaching Specialist Literacy Workshops Literacy 1:2:1 support Additional Notes Students in Year 7 with significant SEND who need small group teaching and a high level of support. They are taught by a Nurture Specialist for Core subjects. This is to support the transition between Primary and Secondary. As above in Year 8 Supporting students with their Literacy understanding. Supporting students with their understanding of the four operations of mathematics. Team of 10 Learning Support Assistants who work within the classroom and with small groups to support students with SEND. Small group Reading Scheme to raise reading ages and comprehension levels. Individual reading scheme to raise reading ages and working memory. A small reading group focusing on reading out loud and improving reading confidence. 1:2:1 reading Intervention 1:2:1 maths recall and recap. A base for students with social and emotional concerns. This can be full time or on a part time bases. Students can follow modified timetables. Students follow individual programmes of study. Vocational Qualifications are offered throughout the Academic year. One option block for targeted support for students requiring support and intervention within their core subjects and additional options. Information, support and guidance Using the services of other providers to better meet the needs of SEND students. This is both available on a full or part time basis. Core Faculties teach in adapted small groups to aid confidence and self esteem. Small group workshops targeting students with Specific Literacy Learning Difficulties. 1:2:1 specialist sessions to aid individual strategies to improve confidence. Cool it workshops Self Esteem Workshops Break and Lunch Club ICT Small Targeted group working with students with emotional and behavioural difficulties. Small Targeted group working with students to raise their self esteem and confidence. Safe base for break and lunch for a small group of students who require this support. This build social and communication skills between students. The Academy will provide ICT support if felt appropriate to enable the students to progress. Glossary SEND EHCP SEN Support SENCO LSA SLT Special Education Needs and Disability Education Health and Care Plan (replacing Statements) The group name of students who require additional support. This can be attained in various ways. Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator Learning Support Assistants. Senior Leadership Team