Student Local Offer – Nunthorpe Academy.

Student Local Offer – Nunthorpe Academy.
Welcome to Nunthorpe Academy. Please take your time in reading
the following information about how we support any student with Special Educational
Needs and Disabilities. If you want to ask any further questions then please contact:
Senior Leadership Team Responsible for SEND: Mrs Kate Kell (Vice Principal)
Director of Inclusion and SENCO: Mrs Benita Shaw
Intervention Specialist Teacher and SENCO: Miss Natasha Pearson
Please speak with your form tutor and/or PDL if you have any concerns or worries.
1) How does the Academy know if I need extra help?
When you are joining the Academy in year 7 from your primary school:
You will be invited to a ‘Welcome to Nunthorpe Open Evening’ with your parents.
You can have a look around the Academy and join in with the activities. You will be
able to chat with teachers and students at the Academy. Your parents can speak
with Mrs Shaw (the teacher in charge of helping students who have Special Needs)
Further meetings can be arranged between your parents and Mrs Shaw (SENCO) or
other appropriate member of staff.
Our Director of Primary Liaison (Mrs. Deen) meets with the Heads of Primary schools
and they pass on information to us.
Mrs Deen and Mrs Shaw come into your Primary School to collect information from
them. Your Primary school will tell us how they supported you so we can try things at
You and your parents are invited to an Additional Needs Y6 Parents evening for
students with Additional Needs held in June so we can meet you and start to inform
all of your teachers of the best way to support you.
If you have an Education Health Care Plan/Statement Mrs Shaw will come to your
Year 6 Annual Review at your Primary School.
Mid Term Admission students (If you join the Academy other than in Year 7)
Every student joining Nunthorpe Academy Mid Term has an
individual meeting between the student/parent and our
Assistant Vice Principal (Admission) who has responsibility for
all Mid Term Transfer students. Information is shared regarding any SEN
Information and data is requested from all previous schools. Provision and support is
organised where required.
As students of Nunthorpe Academy:
All your teachers check your progress throughout the year, if they feel you are
struggling then they should speak with you and then your parents. They will then
speak to their Head of Faculty and then speak with Mrs Shaw (SENCO). She may
come and have a chat with you and observe you in your lessons.
Your form tutor, Pastoral manager and Head of House will check that you are making
the progress you should be in all of your lessons and speak with your classroom
teachers if needed.
If required the Academy will bring in professionals who work for the Academy to
have a chat with you and they may do further assessments and give
recommendations to help you be supported in lessons.
If you have a Learning Support Assistant in you lessons they may see you need extra
help and will speak with your teacher about this.
2. Support – What should I do if I think I need extra help?
If you feel you need extra help then please tell your parents and the class room
teacher in the firstly.
You may also tell your form tutor, Pastoral Manager and Head of House.
If you have any Learning Support Assistants in your lessons you can tell them and
they will speak to the teacher of the SENCO for you.
3. Curriculum – How will my work be organised to meet my individual needs?
All of your teachers have a responsibility to make sure you can progress in your
lessons and that work is set at the right level for you to complete.
Teachers can offer you lots of ways to ensure you can complete the work and to help
you understand things better. This maybe; providing writing frames, key words lists,
allow you to use a lap top, use of an overlay for reading, giving you extra time to
complete tasks, giving you additional support in lessons.
You may be asked to complete a ‘Learning Passport’ which
provides your teachers will the different ways that they can
help you in lessons.
4. My Involvement – How will I be involved in planning for my needs?
It is very important to us that you are involved in all the planning to help you make
progress in your lessons.
When you are in Year 5, you and your parents will be invited to ‘Welcome to
Nunthorpe’ Open evening where you can look around and take part in some
All students who are placed on the Special Educational Needs Digest and may
require extra support are invited to a Termly Progress Day meeting with their
parents and the Inclusion Faculty staff to discuss talk about how your lessons are
going, how you are feeling, what else the Academy can do to support you.
The SENCO will be available at all Parents Evenings to talk to you and your parents
about how things are going at the Academy. Your tutor will be there as well to speak
with your parents and you.
Selected students are given a Key Worker to provide additional support if needed
and they will listen to any worries you may have and how they can support you.
All students will be spoken with regarding any plans are being put in place for them.
You can speak with your form tutor, Pastoral Manager, Head of House and classroom
teacher about any concerns.
You can come and find any member of the Inclusion Faculty and have a chat about
any worries you have and we will help support you.
4a. Learning – Who will tell me how I am working at the Academy and how I can improve?
All subject teachers have to provide feedback to tell you how you are working and
also how you can progress further, this may be from marking your work/ homework
or having a chat with you.
Five times a year you will receive a mini report on the levels that you are at – this will
be discussed with your tutor and also at any meetings with Mrs Shaw and your
parents. The focus is if you have progressed from the last set of data provided.
Mrs Shaw keeps an overview of the grades/levels you are
reaching and if you need extra support or some intervention
to help you progress then this will be discussed with you and
your parents.
Once a year you will have a full written report from all your classroom teachers with
targets for you to work towards in your individual lessons.
If required you will have an Inclusion Support Plan written with a member of the
Inclusion Faculty, your parents and you to help you reach targets in numeracy and
literacy. These will be reviewed at the SEN Progress Day meetings.
5. Overall Well-being – What should I do if I am worried about anything at the Academy?
You will be placed in one of Nunthorpe’s five houses. (Valiant, Triumph, Victory,
Endeavour and Invincible).
Each house is led by a Head of House and a Pastoral Manager who are there to look
after you and help support you.
You will be a member of a form which is led by a form tutor who you see every day.
You can speak with your form tutor about any worries or concerns as well as things
that are going really well.
Within your form there are students from all Year groups 7-11 within one form. This
allows the older students to support younger students within the form group.
The Inclusion Faculty supports the Houses within the Academy. Within the faculty
there a specialised support staff that students can be referred to such as Inclusion
Mentors. These offer both 1:2:1 support and group work on areas such behavioural
support, parent support, raising self esteem, building friendships, bereavement
The Inclusion Faculty has links with many outside agencies/ trained specialists who
they can refer students too if required.
The school nurse is in the Academy every Monday lunchtime for students to drop in
and discuss any concerns they may have.
Your Pastoral manager and Attendance Officer monitors daily attendance and
addresses with parents any concerns or issues relating to attendance.
The Academy has two Inclusion Officers that will support students with any
6. Involvement of activities outside of the Academy:
Nunthorpe is a fully inclusive Academy and everyone is
encouraged to take part in any extracurricular activities they want to.
There are a large and varied number of extracurricular activities for all students to
participate in before, during and after the school day.
The Academy will not stop any students from going on a trip due to their special
educational need and or disability if the trip is suitable for the child and their safety
and the safety of others is not compromised (Equality Act 2012).
The main Academy building has lots of steps and stairs and does not have a lift;
therefore is unsuitable for a wheelchair to be used to get to any upstairs lessons.
The 6th form building does have a lift and wheelchair access throughout.
7. What help is there to help me move from Primary to the Academy?
Transition from Primary to Secondary:
 Year 5/6 Parents and students are invited to ‘Welcome to Nunthorpe’ evening held
in July.
 You will have a small group meeting with the member of staff in charge of moving
Year 6 students to Nunthorpe.
 Lots of Primary schools are involved with different activities throughout the
academic year held at the Academy such as sporting events, science and enterprise
activities, enrichment programmes. Some Primary’s are taught maths and a foreign
language by Nunthorpe Academy teachers.
 Your Primary School may take part in some sport events organised by our Primary
School Sports Co-ordinator Mrs Amer.
 If you have an Education, Health and Care Plan/Statement our Academy SENCO will
come to your Annual Reviews in Year 6.
 Information on all students joining the Academy is shared from your Primary School.
 There is an Additional Needs Parents Evening held in June for parents. This enables
communication between parents and the Inclusion Faculty to happen.
 A transition plan for all students on an EHCP plan and other identified students will
be invited to extra transition sessions based in the Inclusion Faculty within the
Summer Term.
 All students will be invited to Transition Weeks held in July.
 Selected students will be targeted and highlighted for an invitation to Nunthorpe’s
Summer School held in August.
 A key worker may be put in place as a familiar adult to support the transition.
How will I be prepared to move onto college or employment when I
am in Year 11?
Transition from Nunthorpe Academy to a College or Training Provider:
Work experience is offered to all year 10 students.
We have close links with all of the colleges in the area and can arrange visits.
The Careers Advisory Service works within the Academy. They meet with all KS4
students to create pathways for the students to consider for when they are in Year
11. The pathways will consider 6th form, college, apprenticeship or other training
providers. (This includes the 6th form at Nunthorpe Academy)
The Careers Advisory Service meets with the SENCO throughout the Year to share
information regarding the students’ needs and what support they may require in
their post16 choices so we can share this with your new college if required.
All students study Careers and Post 16 study as part of the Life programme of study.
KS4 Students with SEND have regular meetings with a member of the Inclusion
Faculty to ensure they have transition plan in place.
Meetings, open days and events are organised between the Academy and Providers
for SEND students.
The Academy holds an Annual Careers Conference for all KS4 students.
Any student with an EHCP plan will have a careers advisor attend their Year 9 Annual
Review to ensure early planning and identification occurs.
The Inclusion Faculty will liaise with parents and students to ensure that provision is
available if required.
SEN Support
Special Education Needs and Disability
Education Health and Care Plan (replacing Statements)
The group name of students who require additional support.
This can be attained in various ways.
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator
Learning Support Assistants.
Senior Leadership Team