Sheet nº 232 January 2006 New light on the tropical climate of the past: 20 000 years ago the Amazon basin was wetter than predicted Ice cores from Andean glaciers constitute excellent records of the tropical climate. Their water isotopic compositions (in deuterium and 18O, i.e. _D or _18O) yield information valuable for quantifying past climatic variations. Nevertheless, interpretation of such information is still a point of controversy among scientists. IRD researchers decided therefore to calibrate the _D signal on the basis of present-day precipitation. They consequently deployed a rain gauge network ©IRD/Denis Wirrmann in the Zongo Valley of Bolivia, around 50 km from the Illimani glacier where an ice core was extracted that corresponded to the past 20 000 years. Rain sample analysis, combined with results from climatic modelling for the South American region, showed regional precipitation count and origin to be the dominant control factor of isotopic composition. At interannual scale, the Andean glaciers would therefore contain the record of regional humidity variations rather than temperature variations which had been assumed to be the case up to now. he Andean glaciers represent only a small proportion of the world’s continental ice packs. Yet they are excellent as archives of climatic history. The water isotopic composition (in 18O and deuterium, i.e. _D or _18O) of the ice they contain is a powerful analytical instrument for reconstructing past climates. However, interpretation of these geochemical indices in tropical ice is still difficult and has been the subject of controversy in the scientific community for over ten years. For polar ice-caps, variations in _D signal can be interpreted in terms of temperature variations but this is not the case for tropical situations. The hydrological cycle is more complex than at the poles, hence isotopic fractioning (1) between T the different water phases (ice, liquid water, vapour) during changes that are taking place in a mass of air cannot be linked simply to temperature. Some researchers have assumed that precipitation quantities exerted the dominant control on _D composition of Andean ice cores. However, no calibration to verify this had yet been conducted using observations on present-day precipitation. A sampling programme therefore became necessary in order to interpret correctly the water isotopic composition of a drilling core taken from the Illimani glacier in Bolivia. This ice core, obtained in 1999, yields particularly interesting climate data accumulated over the past ../... 20 000 years. In collaboration with the Bolivian electricity company COBEE (2) and the country’s hydrological institute IHH (3), scientists from IRD’s research unit Great Ice (4) set up a survey system to record the _D signal of present-day rainfall in the Zongo Valley, about 50 km from Illimani glacier. This valley is in a strategic position in that it is the point of passage for air masses moving in from the Amazon Basin, before they are lifted up on to the Andean tops where they deposit the snow which accumulates with time. Rain gauges were deployed at different altitudes along this valley. From September 1999 to August 2004, five of them collected monthly rain samples, and three others captured samples after each bout of rainfall. The meteorological conditions were measured in parallel. Analysis of each precipitation sample gave its oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition. These isotopic compositions were first correlated with both local and regional meteorological parameters (ground temperature, rainfall count, humidity), then with those reconstructed from re-analysis of existing meteorological data from tropical South America as a whole (rainfall count, convection system intensity, atmospheric temperature). This process indicated that, on the seasonal and interannual scale, surface temperature was not a key control parameter for explaining the isotopic contents found. It was rather the rainfall count, both local and regional, that appeared to be the dominant control. With a more detailed study of the interannual changes in these compositions a objective, the researchers could not rely only on five years’ data. Redaction – IRD : Béatrice Le Brun Translation : Nicholas Flay They applied climate modelling in order to achieve a 92-year simulation of rainfall isotopic compositions for the entire globe. Evidence emerged that the isotopic composition of Andean ice packs is linked to precipitation in upstream reaches of the Andes, along the trajectory of air masses that move over the Amazon Basin from their origin over the tropical Atlantic. The water isotopic composition of these ice packs therefore indeed depends much more on regional humidity variations than on temperature variations, which was previously taken to be the case. The tropical Atlantic currently constitutes the main zone of origin of the air masses that precipitate on the Andes, before they cross the Amazon Basin. The calibration obtained with the present-day precipitation figures was applied to the _D signal record obtained from the Illimani ice core, using the assumption that the air-mass trajectories changed little in the past. The results showed that the atmosphere over the Amazon Basin and the northern tropical Atlantic was wetter during the last glacial maximum at 20 000 years B.P. than previously thought, by a few per cent. These interpretations must now be refined by studying the potential impact of second-order climatic parameters on the isotopic compositions (net condensation temperature in convection clouds for example) and investigating the climatic mechanisms that could explain these variations in humidity in tropical South America at the timescale of glacial-interglacial transition. ________________________ (1) Redistribution of heavy and light molecules between the different water phases (2) Compañia Bolivia de Energia Eléctrica (Bolivia) (3) Instituto de Hidraulica e Hidrologia (Bolivia) (4) Glaciers et Ressources en Eau d’Altitude – Indicateurs Climatiques et Environnementaux For futher information CONTACTS: Françoise Vimeux –IRD researcher, Great Ice Research Unit (UR032 –, hosted by the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE) CEA Saclay Bâtiment 709- Orme des Merisiers 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France. Tel.: +33 (0)1 69 08 57 71. Fax : +33 (0)1 69 08 77 16, E-Mail: Great Ice web site: IRD Communication : Sophie Nunziati (press officer), Tel.: +33 (0)1 48 03 75 19, Email: REFERENCES Françoise Vimeux, Robert Gallaire, Sandrine Bony, Georg Hoffman, John C.H. Chiang - What are the climate controls on dD in precipitation in the Zongo valley (Bolivia) ? Implications for the Illimani ice core intrepretation, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 240, Issue 2, 1 December 2005, Pages 205-220. ILLUSTRATIONS Contact Indigo Base, IRD picture library, Claire Lissalde or Danièle Cavanna, Tel.: +33 (0)1 48 03 78 99, Email : The illustrations can be viewed on: