A note on the Lovász theta number of random graphs Sanjeev Arora Aditya Bhaskara Abstract We show a strong concentration bound for the Lovász ϑ function on G(n, p) random graphs. For p = 1/2, for instance, our result implies that the ϑ function is concentrated in an interval of length polylog(n) w.h.p. The best known bound previously was roughly n 1/4 . The general idea is to prove that all the vectors in an optimal solution have “roughly equal lengths” w.h.p. 1 Introduction The Lovász ϑ function of a graph is a quantity introduced by Lovász to study the Shannon capacity of a graph [4]. It is a semidefinite programming relaxation for the independent set of a graph. For a graph G = (V, E), it is formally defined as follows (see [4] for other equivalent formulations) X vi · v0 s.t. ϑ(G) := max i vi2 v02 = v i · v0 =1 ∀i hvi , vj i = 0 ∀{i, j} ∈ E(G) The expected value of the Lovász ϑ function for G(n, p) random graphs was first studied by Juhász [3], who showed that for G ∼ G(n, p) and p ≥ log 2 n/n, we have r r n n 1 ≤ ϑ(G) ≤ 2 w.p. at least 1 − . p p n More recently, Coja-Oghlan studied the concentration properties of the ϑ function for G(n, p) random graphs [2]. He proved that the ϑ function is concentrated in intervals of length O(1) w.h.p. when p < n−1/2 . More precisely, he proves the following large deviation bound for ϑ(G): suppose G ∼ G(n, p) and let µ be the median value of ϑ(G). Then Pr[|ϑ(G) − µ| > t] ≤ e−t 2 /(µ+t) . Note that for say p = 1/2, this only says that ϑ(G) is concentrated in an interval of length roughly n1/4 w.h.p.1 In this note, we will show a better tail bound. More precisely, Theorem 1. Let G = (V, E) be a graph drawn from G(n, 1/2). Let µ denote the median of ϑ(G) for this distribution. Then for some absolute constant C, we have Pr[|ϑ(G) − µ| > t] ≤ e−t 1 4/3 /(C Throughout, when we say “w.h.p.”, we mean w.p. at least 1 − parameters which naturally depend on c). 1 log3 n) 1 nc , (1) for any constant c (there will be certain Our techniques are not specific to p = 1/2, but for ease of exposition, we will only work with this case. This implies, for instance, that for G(n, 1/2) random graphs, ϑ(G) is concentrated in intervals of size only polylog(n). Comment. The exponent 4/3 is unnatural, and we believe it is an artefact of our proof – we 2 conjecture that the “true” tail bound is in fact (1) with e−t /C log n on the RHS. 2 Proof In what follows, let µ denote the median of ϑ(G) for G ∼ G(n, 1/2), and let t be a given parameter. Let s be a parameter (we will set it to be max{t2/3 , log n}). A graph G is said to be s-bad if for all vector solutions vi which “realize” the optimum value for the relaxation ϑ(G), we have X kvi k4 > (1 + s) log2 n. i∈V Lemma 2. Suppose G is s-bad for some s ≥ log pn. Then there exists an S ⊆ V of size k ≥ s such that the induced subgraph H on S has ϑ(H) > k(1 + s) log n. Proof. Let {vi }ni=1 denote an optimum vector solution for the ϑ relaxation on G. It is easy to see 1 (we that there exists a solution with value at least ϑ(G)/2 and the additional property kv i k2 ≥ 2n can simply set vectors which are smaller than this length to zero). Now divide the v i into log n levels based on kvi k2 , such that thePvalue of kvi k2 varies by a factor at most 2 in each level. Since G is s-bad, we have that i kvi k4 ≥ (1 + s) log2 n. There exists a level which contributes at least a 1/ log n fraction to the sum: let S be the set of indices in this level, and let k = |S|. Thus 1/2 p P for each i ∈ S, we have kvi k2 ≈ (1+s)k log n , implying that i∈S vi2 ≥ 12 k(1 + s) log n. Since vi is a feasible solution to the relaxation ϑ(G), it is clear that the restriction to S gives a feasible p solution to ϑ(H). Thus ϑ(H) ≥ k(1 + s) log n. Finally, since kvi k2 ≤ 1, we must have k ≥ s, thus proving the lemma. We can now bound the probability that G ∼ G(n, 1/2) is s-bad for some s ≥ log n. Fix some set S ⊆ V of size k and let H be the induced subgraph on S in G. We now use a bound of [4] relating ϑ(H) to the eigenvalues of its adjacency matrix. Lemma 3. [4] Let G be a graph with adjacency matrix A(G), J denote the n × n matrix of ones, and I the identity matrix. Then ϑ(G) ≤ λmax (J − 2A(G) − I). We refer to the paper of Lovász for the proof [4]. It follows from one of the equivalent definitions of the ϑ function. The second ingredient is a concentration bound for the top eigenvalues of a random matrix due to Alon, Krivelevich and Vu [1]. They prove the following. Lemma 4. Let A be a symmetric n × n matrix with the upper diagonal entries drawn i.i.d. from a distribution with mean zero and variance 1. Then for all t > 0, and integer r ≥ 1, we have Pr[|λr (A) − µ(λr (A))| ≥ t] ≤ e−t 2 /2r 2 . (2) (As usual λr denotes the rth largest eigenvalue, and µ(λr ) denotes the median of this value over the distribution) 2 Now we note that for any fixed S ⊆ V of size k, the matrix J − 2A(H) − I is a k × k symmetric matrix with entries being i.i.d. √±1 (and zero on the diagonal). Thus the median of λ max (J − 2A(G) − I) is at most (2 + o(1)) k, and by Lemma 4, we have p Pr λmax (A(H)) > k(1 + s) log n < e−k(1+s) log n . p k(1 + s) log n is also bounded by the same Now by Lemma 3, the probability that ϑ(H) > quantity. Thus we can take a union bound over all subsets of size k ≥ s, and by Lemma 2, we have X X n 2 e−sk log n ≤ e−s log n . · e−(1+s)k log n < Pr[G is s-bad] ≤ k k≥s k≥s n (In the above we used k ≥ s, and a simple bound on k ). We have thus proved that Lemma 5. Let G ∼ G(n, 1/2), and s ≥ log n. The probability that G is s-bad is at most e −s 2 log n . We can now follow the proof of Coja-Oghlan [2] (and [1]) and use Talagrand’s inequality. Let us first recall it. Theorem 6. (Talagrand)[5] Let Ω be a set with a measure µ defined on it, and let A, B ⊆ Ω n . Let µn denote the product measure obtained from µ. Suppose A Pand B are “t-separated” in the following way: for every b ∈ B, there exist weights {αi }ni=1 with i αi2 ≤ 1 such that X αi ≥ t. ∀ a ∈ A, i:ai 6=bi Then we have µn (A)µn (B) ≤ e −t2 . The theorem is very powerful, and we typically use it with finite sets Ω. Let us now define two sets of graphs as follows A := {G : ϑ(G) ≤ µ}, and B := {G : ϑ(G) ≥ µ + t, and G is not s-bad for s = max{t2/3 , log n}}. Let m(A) (similarly B) denote the measure of A in the set of graphs G(n, 1/2). Since µ was defined to be the median, m(A) = 1/2. Lemma 7. m(A) · m(B) ≤ e−t 2 /(1+s) log n . Proof. Consider a graph B ∈ B. Let {vi }ni=1 be the set of vectors in an optimal solution to the ϑ-relaxation on B. Now consider any A ∈ A. Let αi be 1 if vertex i has precisely the same set of neighbors in both A and B, and 0 otherwise. Now observe that {αi vi } is a feasible vector solution to the ϑ relaxation for B (because P 2 αi αj 6= 0 implies {i, j} is an edge in B iff it is an edge in A). Thus i (αi vi ) ≤ ϑ(B), hence P 2 ≥ t (since ϑ(B) < µ). v i:ΓA (i)6=ΓB (i) i P 2 2 2 Now by the definition of B, B is not s-bad, hence we have i (vi ) ≤ (1 + s) log n. By 2 Talagrand’s inequality, we have m(A) · m(B) ≤ e−t 2 /(1+s) log2 n . Formally, the product space here is Ωn , where Ω consists of vectors in {0, 1}n representing the adjacency vectors of a vertex in the graph. In these terms, αi is an indicator for the ith vectors corresponding to A, B being equal. 2 3 Corollary 8. Let G ∼ G(n, 1/2). Then Pr[ϑ(G) > µ + t] ≤ e−t 4/3 / log2 n . Proof. From the above lemmas, we can bound the desired probability by Pr[G is s-bad] + Pr[G ∈ B] 2 = e−s + e−t 2 /(1+s) log2 n ≤ e−t 4/3 / log3 n . The last inequality is due to our choice of s. Lower tail. A bound for the lower tail is actually easier to prove: as before, define two sets A := {G : ϑ(G) ≤ µ − t}, and B := {G : ϑ(G) ≥ µ, and G is not log n-bad}. 2 The key is to note that the probability that G is log n-bad is only e− log n 1/10, and thus m(B) ≥ 1/3 (because without this restriction, the measure is 1/2, since µ is the median). Now using precisely the same argument as above, we obtain m(A) ≤ e−t 2 / log3 n . This completes the proof of Theorem 1. References [1] Noga Alon, Michael Krivelevich, and Van Vu, On the concentration of eigenvalues of random symmetric matrices, Israel Journal of Mathematics 131 (2002), 259–267, 10.1007/BF02785860. [2] Amin Coja-Oghlan, The lovsz number of random graphs, Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization.. 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