Course Requirements and Grading The course will be letter graded. Grades will be assigned based points earned on the following requirements: Final Exam 30 points The final will count for a maximum of X points and will include objective questions, short answers identification type questions and case studies. The objective scoring questions will be sampled from the text website questions and questions from the formative evaluation feedback quizzes. Because the night of the course falls on two off limits days, the examination will be self scheduled during the examination period. The details will be announced. Course Self-Directed Learning 25 points A report of a self directed learning project will count for a maximum of X points. Select and investigate a topic of interest to you and related to ethical and legal aspects of counseling. The topic selected should allow you to expand your learning beyond that provided by the introductory course survey format. The goal, the method, the learning outcome and you assessment of the value of the exercise should be summarized in a paper of approximately five pages of content. Although the report should be in the format described in the Fifth Edition of Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2001) this is not a course paper. It could be based on field research, library research and reading, interviews, observations; Internet based instruction or any method that provides the learning you need. DUE BY NOVEMBER 29 The learning objective should be clearly stated and the importance of the information to your development as a professional counselor should be clear. The goal is for spend the time you would normally spend on a course paper on this self directed learning. The report is due Learning Team Presentation 20 points Each learning team will have 45 minutes to instruct on a course related topic of their choosing. The topic or guest will have a 40 minute period (This will require a short break, careful adherence to scheduling, and perhaps going a few minutes past 9:45 for this class meeting.) The instruction format is the choice of the team. The instruction could be a role ply, a video, a "game show", a mock hearing, a lecture or a "gee whiz". Teams will select the topics on a first selected first assigned basis. The topics should be selected from an important topic of the course such as, confidentiality, boundary issues, diversity, ethical concepts, malpractice, and records. The objective is to be as creative as possible to teach and/or review an important content area in a short time period. Each team member will receive the points awarded for the presentation or any team that reports they have devised and implemented a scheme to give colleagues feedback on their performance will receive maximum. One brief description of the method (not the feedback to colleagues or evaluation of the team) is required for this option. The team presentations will be November 15 A previous class did case studies for a similar assignment and that is one option. The following is adapted from that assignment. Learning Teams will lead class discussion of an ethical/legal/ professional dilemma from you own experience or based on a case from the ACA Ethical Standards Casebook. Discussion should be planned for at leas half of the period and should address the following: What are the ethical and/or legal issues involved in this case? Discuss the conflicting factors (what makes this a dilemma) and note the competing “goods” or “bads”). What standards in the ACA Code of Ethics are pertinent to the case, and what guidance does the code offer? What recommendation(s) do you make for resolving the dilemma? What is your rationale for this recommendation? Each team will submit to the instructor a written analysis of the case (1-3 pages, double spaced) and will prepare and distribute a list of recommended readings on the topic to the class at least one week before their presentation (may distribute via email Study of Ethics Codes 10 points Study the ACA, and the AMCHA or the ASCA Ethics codes. Study means read thoroughly and then read again. Write a brief comment about what you found most interesting and your area of greatest disagreement or confusion. DUE BY NOVEMBER 29 Activity Points 25 Total possible You may earn up to 25 points toward grade for completing the following options. COMPLETION OF THE POSTING OR A REPORT OF THE ACTIVITY IS DUE BY NOVEMBER 29. 1. SBS IRB Training 5 points Complete the University of Virginia Institutional Review Board for the Behavioral (IRB) Sciences Internet training on research ethics and legal compliance and submit copy of certificate of completion. 2. Develop and Post Team Consumer Brochure (LEARNING TEAM ACTIVITY) 10 points Develop and post a "consumer" brochure that addresses the topics listed below in a fashion appropriate for a setting you select. The following criteria will be applied to the evaluation of the consumer brochure: (a) inclusion of pertinent information and accuracy of interpretation of the relevant codes and laws; (b) ability to summarize complex information in a succinct format; (c) ability to use language understandable to consumers; (d) ability to put information in user-friendly format clients. Brochure Topics Confidentiality and its limits (school counselors should aim this at students, teachers, and/or parents) Informed consent in counseling: What types of information consumers should expect and what their rights are in the counseling relationship regarding treatment Boundary/Dual relationship issues: What consumers need to know about sexual and non-sexual dual relationships Complaint and grievance procedures against counselors in the state of Virginia and through professional organizations 3. Synchronous ON-LINE chat covering an course related topic. 5 points Participate in a synchronous Learning Team discussion (chat) on a courser related topic for at least 45 minutes. The teams will organize the chat and determine the topic. 4. Post your Study of Ethics Codes 3 points 5. Post a short reaction to colleagues Study of Ethics Codes. 2 points Grades All course assignments except for completion of Activity Point activities will be graded on a 100- point scale and converted to points. Final Course Grades will be assigned based points earned. A = 95-100 B+ = 85-89 A- = 90-94 B = 80-84 It is possible to earn 110 points so selection of appropriate activities is expected and encouraged.