Document 14103736

Dear Prospective Student Leadership Team Candidate:
Thank you for your interest in joining the Student Leadership Team for the 2015-2016 academic year.
At GHC, there are a variety of ways that students can be involved on campus. Supported by the Services
and Activities Fee collected from every student’s tuition, The Office of Student Life provides events,
lectures, campus organizations, multicultural programs and leadership opportunities to all currently
enrolled students.
Membership in Student Leadership gives you the opportunity to gain valuable work experience, learn
administrative skills, earn extra income, and serve the campus community. Throughout your term of
service you will have numerous opportunities to develop your leadership potential, get involved with
state and campus governance, have opportunities for travel, and make a difference for other GHC
students! Organizational descriptions and membership details are as follows:
Student Government serves as a bridge between the students and the administration. Members
attend weekly meetings, serve on campus committees, work together to ensure students are
represented at the college, set policies, and oversee all campus organizations. The Executive
Board is made up of five (5) members.
Activities Board programs social, cultural, recreational, and educational opportunities for the
campus community through a yearly series of student programs, and events that provide a
marketplace of ideas for students to be engaged outside of the classroom. The organization is
made up of three (3) members.
Office of Student Life provides consultation to all campus organizations, supports the Bishop
Center, oversees the study abroad and transfer trip programs. There is one (1) student position on
staff. This position includes providing the office and other clubs and organizations with
consultations with graphic design.
Application packets are due by Friday, April 15th at 4:00 PM to the Office of Student Life. To learn
more about what Student Leadership has to offer, consider attending an information session, visit our
website, or send us an email! If you have any questions do not hesitate to stop by the Office of Student
Life or email us!
Thanks – Go Chokers!
Aaron Tuttle
Kathryn Staats
Aaron M. Tuttle, M.A.
Director of Student Life
President, Executive Board
Kathryn Staats
Lindsey Coulson
Lindsey Coulson
Student Life Advisor
Office of Student Life Mission Statement
To promote activities which embrace the diversity of each student’s unique interests by providing out of
classroom experiences that enrich and enhance their academic experience.
Hiring Process
Please complete this application if you are interested in any positions for the 2016-2017
academic year:
Applications are due by Friday, April 15th at 4:00pm
Candidates may apply for more than one (1) position, in either organization
Turn in candidate application & petition to the Office of Student Life, HUB 171
Submit questionnaire electronically to or in the Office of Student
Life, HUB 171
 Selected students will be contacted to participate in an individual interview tentatively
scheduled for April 26th-27th.
Membership Requirements
Responsible for fulfilling their job description
Maintain a quarterly and cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher
Responsible for enrolling in a minimum of 10 credits (fall, winter, and spring)
Expected to attend all scheduled organization meetings
Expected to work regular minimum 12 hours a week during the academic quarter(s)
Hours Required:
Twelve (12) a week. Tasks consist of:
Organization/department meetings
Student sponsored events and activities
Office hours
Weekly 1-1 meetings with supervisor
Leadership Development Conferences
o Committee meetings
o Attend Monthly All Staff Meeting (First
Friday of every month 7:00am-9:00am)
o Bi-weekly Club Council meetings
Spring Trainings:
- June 16th – Transition meeting at 3:00pm
Summer Trainings:
- August 15th-17th - 2 nights and 3 days training – All Positions
- August 25th - Club Council Training
- September 7rd-9th CUSP Leadership Institute– All Positions
- August 15th-September 19st Training for Fall Quarter
Other Trainings:
- November 18th-19th-Student Legislative Academy (Student Government Only)
- Wednesday, November 9th – Sunday, November 13th -NACA West (Activities Board Only)
- January-Student Legislative Action Day (Student Government Only)
- May 5th-6th 2017 Student Voice Academy (Student Government Only)
All positions will be paid hourly minimum wage on a monthly basis.
Candidate Application
2016-2017 Student Leadership Application
Student ID #:
Phone #
Expected Graduation Date
How long have you attended GHC?
Cumulative GPA
Please submit this candidate application to Student Life and the questionnaire, electronically to All required documents must be submitted by 4:00 PM on April 15th, 2016. No
Available Positions: You may apply for more than one position:
Student Government
[ ] President
[ ] Executive Officer of Government Relations
[ ] Executive Officer of Budget & Finance
Activities Board
[ ] Lectures & Awareness Coordinator
[ ] Intramurals & Athletics Coordinator
[ ] Executive Vice President
[ ] Executive Officer of Community Relations
[ ] Entertainment Coordinator
Student Life
[ ] Graphic Design Consultant
Required Documents: [ ] Candidate Application [ ] Questionnaire
[ ] Candidate Petition
1) Why do you want to be a part of Student Leadership? (150 word max)
2) What skills do you have that you could contribute to the student leadership team? (150 word max)
3) What aspects of this position appeals to you and why? If applying for more than one position, please
answer this question for each position you are applying. (100 word max)
4) What ideas do you have to make GHC a more enjoyable and/or inclusive campus? (150 word max)
5) List any volunteer experiences or prior participation in school-related activities you have or any projects
you have contributed to. Include name of organization, describe your role, and dates.
Your signature authorizes Grays Harbor College to access your education records, contact references, and verify
information listed in this application in order to verify your eligibility for a student leadership position.
Candidate Signature
Printed Name
Birth Date
Today’s Date
Candidate Petition
2015-2016 Student Leadership Application
Please sign legibly and completely
Printed Name
Student ID
Faculty/Teaching Staff Endorsement
(You must collect signatures from any faculty or teaching staff who you are currently enrolled with or have taken previously)
We appreciate your interest in Student Leadership and your willingness to serve students of Grays Harbor College. All
required documents must be submitted by 4:00 PM on April 15th. No exceptions.
If a High School student, two letters of recommendation from a faculty or staff member can be substituted for signatures.
1) Promote the goals and objectives of the Executive Board
2) Promote and participate in all Student Life activities.
3) Serve as conduits of information and expression of concerns or problems between the college administration, the
Executive Board, and students
4) Attend all Executive Board meetings as a voting member, with the exception of the President who only votes in
the event of a tie and Executive Assistant who shall be a non-voting member of the Executive Board.
5) Perform other duties as assigned by the Director of Student Life.
6) Attend mandatory training and leadership development sessions / classes.
7) Serve, when appointed, on applicable standing, ad hoc, and College committees as assigned.
8) Complete a program portfolio and quarterly reports.
9) Adhere to all State laws and College policies, procedures, and departmental guidelines.
10) Be willing to work with the institution’s internal procedures to voice concerns and resolve conflicts, should a
conflict arise.
11) Communicate well through spoken, written, and electronic means of communication.
12) Demonstrate a working knowledge of the procedures for facilities use, custodial, stage setup requests, and campus
security requirements for all club events.
13) Participate in a quarterly job evaluation process.
14) Attend and represent the Executive Board at College events as assigned.
15) Strive to achieve leadership skills in team building, conflict management, and delegation.
16) Post and maintain regular office hours
17) Maintain records, reports, and documents of business on file.
18) Write an annual report for archive purposes.
19) Actively work to reach out to students about activities and ways to get involved on campus.
1) Serve as the primary student administrator for the Associated Students.
2) Serve as the liaison to the College administration and attend the Board of Trustees meetings as the student
3) Support all members of the Executive Board to ensure completion of tasks as outlined in the job description.
4) Maintain a working relationship with local legislators on issues that affect community college students; update the
Executive Board on legislative issues that affect community college students.
5) Participate as a member of the College Legislative Committee or appoint a designee.
6) Prepare the annual program budget for the Executive Board in conjunction with the Advisor.
7) Appoint Executive Board members to all College, standing and ad hoc committees, with the exception of all
tenure committees if not otherwise stated in Article II or as the need arises.
8) Represent the Association at legislative functions such as testifying in Olympia.
9) Acquire a working knowledge of Washington State legislative structure, hotlines, and bill procedures.
10) Implement action on motions passed by the Executive Board.
11) Represent students at President’s Cabinet as directed by the Vice President of Student Services.
12) Meet as needed with the Vice President of Student Services.
Perform the duties of the President in the case of absence, resignation, or forfeiture of office by the President.
Serve as chair of the ASGHC Constitution and Bylaws Review Committee.
Appoint student representatives to the Tenure Review committees and monitor their attendance.
Train students on how to be effective representatives on committees to which they are nominated and/or
5) Facilitate the appointment process to the Executive Board due to vacancy as outlined in the
Appointment/Selection Handbook and Article VIII of the Bylaws.
6) Oversee and coordinate club-coordinating meetings in conjunction with the Director of Student Life and Student
Life Advisor.
7) Review and update the Selections/Appointment Handbook, filing forms, and other information, in coordination
with the Student Life office staff.
8) Work as an advocate for campus clubs & organizations.
9) Provide the Executive Board with reports on club activities, chartering, and affairs.
10) Work with the Director of Student Life and Student Life Advisor on the club chartering process.
11) Understand the club chartering process and assist clubs in understanding policies and procedures related to club
chartering and programs.
12) Coordinate the quarterly club fairs with the exception of summer quarter.
13) Attend club meetings and programs as assigned by the Director of Student Life.
14) Annually update the Clubs & Organizations Handbook in conjunction with the Director of Student Life.
15) Serve on the Advising Committee and Diversity Committee.
1) Act as the financial manager of the Associated Students.
2) Act as the financial advisor to all programs financed by the Service & Activities (S&A) Fee.
3) Monitor accounts from all organizations by reviewing monthly budget status reports for all such accounts,
checking for accuracy, and identifying potential budgetary problems.
4) Acquire a working knowledge of Washington State purchasing, and travel procedures.
5) Enforce the policies and procedures contained in the Financial Code.
6) Annually review and update the Financial Code, in coordination with the Director of Student Life.
7) Maintain an accurate inventory of all property purchased during the fiscal year.
8) Develop and chair the annual Services and Activities Fee budget allocation process.
9) Advocate for technology support and training for all students.
10) Make reports to the Executive Board, College administration, and Board of Trustees upon request and/or as
11) Meet as needed with the Vice President of Finance and Campus Operations, and Vice President of Student
Services to discuss ASGHC budgets and fees.
12) Act as the Executive Board representative on the Technology Fee Committee.
13) Meet as needed with the Chief of Information Technology.
1) Serve as a legislative liaison working with the Washington Community and Technical Colleges Student
2) Serve as a member of the WACTCSA, which may include sitting as an executive position on the board, and
spending time in Olympia during Legislative Sessions;
3) Organize and implement legislative events (i.e. government and student government voter registration drives,
student lobby and empowerment days, hosting government officials on campus, letter writing campaigns,
legislative information forums for students, etc.).
4) Maintain at most ten (10) hours of work per week while ensuring that all work is completed;
5) Record minutes of the Executive Board meetings, Club Coordinating Council, and Constitution and Bylaws
Review Committee Meetings.
6) Distribute and post minutes within three (3) business days of the approval of minutes.
7) Maintain an ongoing calendar of all official Executive Board meetings.
8) Attend City and County Council Meetings as necessary.
9) Serve on the Legislative Committee.
Be responsible for student advocacy.
Support all campus wide diversity efforts.
Participate on the Diversity Committee and Library Committee.
Serve on one (1) tenure review committee.
Provide advocacy for co-curricular, service learning, and volunteer programs.
Coordinate with local non-profits for community engagement opportunities (i.e. blood drives, food drives, toy
drives, etc.)
7) Meet as needed with the Vice President for Instruction.
8) Be responsible for coordinating/conducting the Faculty Excellence Award in collaboration with the Director of
Student Life.
9) Assist in the coordination of all student and club recognition banquets.
10) Manage, review and make recommendations in collaboration with the Director of Student Life regarding all
issues brought to the Executive Board’s attention.
11) Organize and facilitate regular campus outreach events regarding student issues and concerns through Pizza &
Politics, surveys, & other efforts;
12) Promote the goals and objectives of the Executive Board.
13) Assist with necessary legislative matters.
1. Work in collaboration with the other board members to complete all activities/programs.
2. Provide training and assistance to other student groups on running campus activities/fundraisers.
3. Actively participate in the board meetings by coming prepared with your reports and your agenda items.
Coordinators will take turns keeping minutes at the weekly meetings.
4. Maintain Programmer’s Notebook to include Board meeting agendas, all Press Releases, individual program
promotion, etc. Throughout the term of office, compile and edit a procedure log. Maintain and complete an event
file for each program and/or activity, to include all components of Events Checklist.
5. Invite student groups to attend Programs Board meetings for possible co-sponsorships, when appropriate.
6. Attend and work at a minimum of 75% of student functions and events as is deemed appropriate.
7. Make the necessary contract negotiations, with the approval of the campus contract authority, and facilities
arrangements for each activity. Supervise the crew and handle any problems that may arise.
8. Insure that there is adequate and timely publicity for each program. Responsible for the distribution of publicity
in accordance with school posting policies.
9. Coordinate and prepare a monthly calendar of events and programs for the GHC campus.
10. Assist in the distribution, promotion, and compilation of student interest questionnaires/surveys that aid in the
selection and planning in the development of programs.
11. Maintains, disperses and acquires knowledge about the GHAB budget allocation, assist with the preparation of the
annual request for the program budget to the S&A Fees Budget Committee Spring Quarter.
12. Coordinate campus activities, events, lecture series and any other co-curricular activities on campus.
13. Shall work to diversify the dates, time, location, and cost of all events in order to involve a variety of students.
14. Stewardship of College resources. (e.g.: phone, office supplies, computer, printer, etc).
15. Be an active representative of the College.
16. Meet with the Activities Board Advisor on a weekly basis and attend weekly Grays Harbor Activity Board
17. Participate in weekly tabling of all Student Life events and student involvement opportunities.
18. Actively work to reach out to students about activities and ways to get involved on campus.
19. Adhere to all state policies, procedures and guidelines.
1. Shall coordinate events with faculty members and clubs to further enhance education outside the classroom.
2. Shall promote lectures that may include, but not limited to, alcohol and substance abuse, the environment, sexual
issues, culture and ethnicity, disability, crime prevention, health and wellness, legislation, education, and current
political and global issues.
3. Shall be responsible for educating the campus and community with workshops, awareness weeks/months, or
special events that appeal to issues affecting the campus, community, region, nation or world.
4. Seek out pertinent social, economic, or cultural issues and promote forums/discussions.
5. Shall be point person for one of the three Welcome Weeks at the beginning of each quarter.
1. Shall sponsor quarterly intramural activities that appeal to the sports and recreation interests of students and
2. Shall work to diversify the dates, times, locations, and cost of all events in order to involve a variety of students.
3. Sponsor quarterly activities that promote Choker Athletics.
4. Coordinate quarterly off-campus trips to athletic themed events
5. Shall be point person for one of the three Welcome Weeks at the beginning of each quarter.
1. Shall be responsible for providing comprehensive and collaborative events that celebrate campus, seasonal,
national, international, & cultural events.
2. Shall facilitate the booking of entertainment activities of a diverse nature to entertain students, staff, faculty, and
the community. This includes the booking of comedians, bands, solo artists, games and group activities, variety
entertainment, and events that appeal to a wide array of ages, gender, ethnicity, and interests.
3. Shall be the point person for Mayhem.
4. Shall be the point person for the Fall Festival.
5. Shall be point person for one of the three Welcome Weeks at the beginning of each quarter.
6. Shall work in conjunction with all coordinators to ensure that week-long activities are diverse and will entertain
the students, and campus community.
Graphic Design Consultant
The Promotions and Publicity Consultant takes on the responsibilities of designing of promotional material and
marketing of events organized by charted Clubs & Organizations at Grays Harbor College as well as
Create promotional material for charted campus clubs and organizations
Train students and organizations on how to use Adobe Photoshop
Teach organizations about the promotions process
Work with the Athletic Department to design promotional materials
Work with the Student Activities to design promotional materials
To serve from the time of selection to the last day of the spring term upon which he/she assumes full responsibility as
Promotions and Publicity Consultant.
Attend promptly all weekly Communications meetings.
Attend monthly Student Life meetings.
Attendance and support Student Activities events whenever possible.
Stewardship of College resources. (e.g.: phone, office supplies, computer, printer)
Throughout the term of office, compile and edit a procedure log.
The criteria for evaluation in this position include, but are not limited to the following:
Ability to fulfill job description requirements in a timely and effective manner
Maintain 10-12 regularly scheduled office hours a week
Ability to meet organization’s and Student Life goals and objectives.
Proactive demeanor and willingness to work with individuals of various backgrounds and ages.