Quick Reference Guide for Blackboard Video Everywhere

Quick Reference Guide for Blackboard
Video Everywhere
Possibly the best new thing in Blackboard Learn is the Video Everywhere tool and which uses YouTube so that faculty and students
can post video in your Blackboard courses. Students were relegated to using third party tools and hoping that the embed code they
would use worked within the old text editor.
Now faculty and students can easily present, share and communicate inside blackboard via the Video Everywhere tool.
Newest tool - Video Everywhere.
You and your students can record video inside of Blackboard using the new content editor.
As the instructor you can allow your student to record video’s and add them to any Assessment, Assignment, or Discussion.
Users must have a Google® account that is registered on YouTube.
 A YouTube channel is required to process and save your webcam videos.
Once installed and activated, a new icon is added to the content editor that controls a user’s webcam.
When activated, users can record video from the content editor and save it directly to YouTube™ secure account.
When activated, users can record video from the content editor and save it directly to YouTube™ secure account.
Record from a webcam
You can create a video providing your student with instruction from within the context editor.
Click on the camera icon on the text editor and log into your YouTube account.
Click on Start recording.
i. Recommend to keep it under 3 minutes per video.
Video are in YouTube and are unlisted. Only you and your student can access form your course.
Note : Your video will not appear in the YouTube search if a student searches for it outside of your course
To access the Video Everywhere feature just click the little webcam button on your content editor. Video Everywhere is available anywhere you
use a content editor. You can add video to discussions, blogs, tests/quizzes, wikis, journals and feedback conversations with your instructor via
the grade book.
El Paso Community College Distance Learning Support Services Department
Contact Distance Learning Support Services at dlss@epcc.edu or 915-831-3111
April 19, 2016
Steps to create a Video Everywhere inside of Blackboard
Creating an Account
Creating Your Video
A new screen opens – click on Sign in to YouTube
Note: If you do not have Gmail Account you will
need to Create an Account. The following is
a step by step process in creating an account.
Enter your Gmail user name and Password
Click sign in
Click Signup
Fill out all information
Name: Your name will be used across Google
Username isn’t case sensitive, and you can use letters, numbers,
or periods.
Recommend that you use your College user name with
Jdoe.epcc.edu@gmail.com for your user name
Password: Keep your account secure by choosing a good password. When
creating a password, be sure to do the following:
Instruction for setting up your
Gmail account see Creating an
You will need to Grant access
If a security warning appears click on the Yes to continue loading Application.
Go to any content area and select build
Select Item
Provide title (required), and add any text
to the Content Editor.
 You may want to switch to full
screen so you can get a better
idea of the alignment and size
of the embedded video or
You will also need to be in the advanced mode to display all tools.
Select the Record from Webcam On the Privacy tab, select Allow to give
permission for the program to access your Webcam and microphone.
When the Webcam interface appears, select Sign in to YouTube.
Once you have signed in, click – Record from Webcam.
An Adobe Flash Player Settings dialog box opens.
 Select the Microphone tab to set recording volume or to
choose a microphone if you have more than one connected
to your computer.
 If you have more than one camera connected to your computer select the Webcam tab to choose the one you wish to
 Click Close in the dialog box.
Choose a smart password.
Do not reuse this password on another site.
Use our strength meter to help ensure your password is difficult to guess.
Use at least eight characters.
Date of birth: Your date of birth helps us provide
you with things like age-appropriate settings.
If you do not have an account click
on Signup to create an account.
Username: You will use your username, which will also be your new Gmail
address, to sign in to your Google Account.
For example, when you create content that you want to share with
others, your name will appear with
this content.
Note: We won’t display it without your permission.
Gender. We will use your gender for things like
improving our messages.
Anyone who views your profile or receives a
message. But you can change who can see
your gender once you’ve created your Google
If you specify “other” instead of “male” or
“female,” or choose to keep your gender
private, we’ll use gender-neutral terms (e.g.,
“Pat shared their photo with you.”).
Mobile phone: Having a mobile phone number on
your account is one of the easiest and most reliable ways to help keep your account safe.
For example, we will use the term “he” or
“she” if you share a photo with someone.
sage, click Stop Recording.
Since you have physical possession of your
phone, we can provide easier ways for you to get back into your account if
you ever forget your password.
 Select Upload.
NOTE: You can use the Browse tab to configure and select a previously uploaded
We can use it to challenge unusual accesses to your account. This field is
optional, but strongly recommended if you have a mobile phone.
Current email address: Current Email Address should be an additional email
address, such as an address you used before signing up for your Google
 Then select Start Recording. When you complete your mes-
For new Google Account users, providing this address allows for useful
features including helping people find you
Aiding in account security and recovery, and providing an alternate address for notifications from Google services. You can update this email
address through your Account Settings.
Note: Information Provided by Google/Gmail
Once you have selected Upload Recording, you will be prompted to
choose Play in place or Thumbnail.
You will also need to set the size of
the video.
10. After you make your selection, click
11. A place holder appears in the Content Editor. Configure any other
settings on the Announcements page and select Submit.
12. Your video should appear on the announcement page. Click the play
button to launch the video
El Paso Community College Distance Learning Support Services Department
Contact Distance Learning Support Services at dlss@epcc.edu or 915-831-3111
April 19, 2016