Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE C.T. BAUER COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Small Business Development Center Investigator: Young, Frederick Dr. 100% Award Amount: $89,145.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5019 / H0053 / B0001 / C107072 / 54732 Agency: Houston Community College System Pass_Thru Agency: Goldman Sachs Foundation Agency Type: Duration: FOUNDATION 12/1/2013 to 8/31/2014 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Non Restricted Research Contract - Research 10,000 Small Businesses Initiative COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Curriculum and Instruction Investigator: Dominey, Wallace Dr. 100% Award Amount: $160,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5015 / H0062 / C0001 / G108230 / 55411 Agency: University of Texas at Austin Pass_Thru Agency: U.S. Department of Education Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 5/1/2014 to 7/31/2015 Mathematics and Science Partnerships 84.366 Non Research Grant - Public Service University of Houston Regional Science Collaborative Educational Psychology Investigator: Tolar, Tammy Dr. 50% Award Amount: $119,366.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0288 / B0001 / G107007 / 53824 Agency: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 1 of 33 FEDERAL 9/1/2013 to 8/31/2014 Center for Research for Mothers and Children 93.865 Restricted Research Grant - Research Predictors of Growth in Algebra Achievement in Adolescents Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Educational Psychology Investigator: Reitzel, Lorraine Dr. 100% Award Amount: $55,533.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5018 / H0064 / B0001 / G107626 / 55317 Agency: University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Pass_Thru Agency: Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas Agency Type: Duration: STATE 12/1/2013 to 11/30/2014 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Non Restricted Research Grant - Research Taking Texas Tobacco-Free: Expanding the Integral Care Campus and Community Model into a Statewide Cancer Prevention Program COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES African-American Studies Investigator: Conyers, James Dr. 100% Award Amount: $4,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5021 / H0094 / B0100 / G107146 / 54499 Agency: The Houston Arts Alliance Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: NON PROFIT 10/1/2013 to 6/16/2014 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Non Restricted Research Grant - Research 2013 Black Images in the Media Film and Arts Conference: From Mammy, Momma to Madea" Arte Publico Press Investigator: Kanellos, Nicolas Dr. 100% Award Amount: $25,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5021 / H0093 / B0100 / C108508 / 55478 Agency: Sierra Health Foundation Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: FOUNDATION 6/1/2014 to 5/31/2015 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 2 of 33 Non Restricted Research Grant - Research Youth Pathway to Health - Latino Men and Boys Project Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Center for Public History Investigator: Perales, Monica Dr. 45% Award Amount: $45,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0517 / B0100 / G107094 / 54729 Agency: National Endowment for the Humanities Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 3/1/2014 to 12/31/2016 Promotion of the Humanities_Teaching and Learning Resources and Curriculum Development 45.162 Non Restricted Research Grant - Research The History of Food Production and Consumption in the U.S. Gulf Coast Region Investigator: Romero, R. Todd Dr. 45% Award Amount: $45,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0517 / B0100 / G107094 / 54729 Agency: National Endowment for the Humanities Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 3/1/2014 to 12/31/2016 Promotion of the Humanities_Teaching and Learning Resources and Curriculum Development 45.162 Non Restricted Research Grant - Research The History of Food Production and Consumption in the U.S. Gulf Coast Region Communication Disorders Investigator: Joshi, Ashwini Dr. 100% Award Amount: $1,880.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5021 / H0087 / B0001 / C108260 / 55246 Agency: Texas Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: FOUNDATION 12/1/2013 to 11/30/2014 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 3 of 33 Restricted Research Grant - Research The Effects of Voice Therapy on Student Teachers in Music Education Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Communication Disorders Investigator: Maher, Lynn Dr. 100% Award Amount: $154,250.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5021 / H0087 / C0001 / C107774 / 54542 Agency: United Way of Greater Houston Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: NON PROFIT 1/1/2014 to 12/31/2014 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Non Research Grant - Public Service United Way Support for Services:2014 Cynthia Woods Mitchell Center for the Arts Investigator: Farber, Karen Ms. 100% Award Amount: $6,063.33 Cost Center: 00730 / 5021 / H0473 / C0001 / C106723 / 55414 Agency: The Houston Arts Alliance Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: NON PROFIT 7/1/2013 to 6/30/2014 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Non Research Grant - Public Service Sound and Vision Investigator: Farber, Karen Ms. 100% Award Amount: $440.86 Cost Center: 00730 / 5021 / H0473 / C0001 / C108499 / 55378 Agency: PuSh International Performing Arts Festival Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: NON PROFIT 1/1/2014 to 12/31/2014 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 4 of 33 Non Research Grant - Public Service PuSH International Performing Arts Festival 2014 Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Cynthia Woods Mitchell Center for the Arts Investigator: Farber, Karen Ms. 100% Award Amount: $15,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5021 / H0473 / B0100 / C106715 / 55382 Agency: New England Foundation for the Arts Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: FOUNDATION 4/9/2014 to 4/11/2014 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Non Restricted Research Grant - Research ECLIPSE Health and Human Performance Investigator: Layne, Charles S. Dr. 100% Award Amount: $19,997.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0065 / B0001 / G105384 / 52168 Agency: NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Johnson Space Center Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 7/31/2012 to 7/30/2015 Basic Research, Educational Outreach, or Training in the area of Exploration 43.003 Restricted Research Grant - Research University of Houston SLS Graduate Research Stipend (ST-II) Investigator: Layne, Charles S. Dr. 100% Award Amount: $66,517.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5043 / H0065 / B0001 / G108400 / 55267 Agency: WYLE Laboratories Pass_Thru Agency: NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Johnson Space Center Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 5 of 33 FEDERAL 3/1/2014 to 9/30/2014 Aerospace Education Services Program 43.001 Restricted Research Contract - Research Enhanced Development of the Office of Scientific Data Review and Dissemination - Shona Robin Elgart Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Health and Human Performance Investigator: Layne, Charles S. Dr. 100% Award Amount: $7,216.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0065 / B0001 / G108462 / 55430 Agency: Universities Space Research Association Pass_Thru Agency: NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Johnson Space Center Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 6/1/2014 to 8/15/2014 Aerospace Education Services Program 43.001 Restricted Research Grant - Research Summer student support for Developing Predictive Measures of Sensorimotor Adaptability to Produce Customized Countermeasures History Investigator: Perales, Monica Dr. 5% Award Amount: $5,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0517 / B0100 / G107094 / 54729 Agency: National Endowment for the Humanities Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 3/1/2014 to 12/31/2016 Promotion of the Humanities_Teaching and Learning Resources and Curriculum Development 45.162 Non Restricted Research Grant - Research The History of Food Production and Consumption in the U.S. Gulf Coast Region Investigator: Romero, R. Todd Dr. 5% Award Amount: $5,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0517 / B0100 / G107094 / 54729 Agency: National Endowment for the Humanities Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 6 of 33 FEDERAL 3/1/2014 to 12/31/2016 Promotion of the Humanities_Teaching and Learning Resources and Curriculum Development 45.162 Non Restricted Research Grant - Research The History of Food Production and Consumption in the U.S. Gulf Coast Region Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Investigator: Norton, Peter Dr. 50% Award Amount: $17,457.50 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0125 / B0001 / G105782 / 53189 Agency: National Institute of Mental Health Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 6/1/2013 to 5/31/2015 Mental Health Research Grants 93.242 Restricted Research Grant - Research Anxiety Reduction Treatment for HIV+ Individuals Investigator: Francis, David Dr. 10% Award Amount: $118,874.90 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0288 / B0001 / G101918 / 48510 Agency: Institute of Educational Sciences Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 8/1/2011 to 7/31/2015 National Institute on Student Achievement, Curriculum and Assessment 84.305 Restricted Research Grant - Research Scale-up Evaluation of Reading Intervention for First Grade English Learners Investigator: Sharp, Carla Dr. 100% Award Amount: $2,703.83 Cost Center: 00730 / 5021 / H0125 / B0001 / G099469 / 45521 Agency: National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia & Depression (NARSAD) Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: NON PROFIT 1/1/2010 to 12/31/2014 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 7 of 33 Restricted Research Grant - Research fMRI of Reward-Related Decision-Making in Adolescents at High Risk for Major Depressive Disorder Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Investigator: Carlson, Coleen Dr. 10% Award Amount: $118,874.90 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0288 / B0001 / G101918 / 48510 Agency: Institute of Educational Sciences Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 8/1/2011 to 7/31/2015 National Institute on Student Achievement, Curriculum and Assessment 84.305 Restricted Research Grant - Research Scale-up Evaluation of Reading Intervention for First Grade English Learners Investigator: Mehta, Paras Dr. 20% Award Amount: $1,200.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0288 / B0001 / G096157 / 42840 Agency: Lehigh University Pass_Thru Agency: U.S. Department of Education Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 7/1/2008 to 6/30/2014 Special Education Research 84.324 Restricted Research Grant - Research National Research & Development Center on Serious Behavior Disorders at the Secondary Level Investigator: Venta, Amanda Ms. 100% Award Amount: $3,296.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0125 / B0001 / G105729 / 53741 Agency: National Institute of Mental Health Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 8 of 33 FEDERAL 8/1/2013 to 7/31/2015 Mental Health Research Grants 93.242 Restricted Research Grant - Research Oxytocin and Social Engagement Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Investigator: Spitzmueller, Christiane Dr. 100% Award Amount: $24,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5022 / H0125 / B0100 / C108063 / 54844 Agency: ExxonMobil Exploration Company Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: PROFIT 2/1/2014 to 12/31/2014 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Non Restricted Research Grant - Research DEVELOPING COMMERCIAL DESIGN SKILLS THROUGH TRAINING NEEDS AND GAP ANALYSIS Investigator: Alfano, Candice Dr. 100% Award Amount: $207,080.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0125 / B0001 / G106660 / 55111 Agency: National Institute of Mental Health Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 4/1/2014 to 3/31/2015 Mental Health Research Grants 93.242 Restricted Research Grant - Research Sleep, Emotional Processing, and Risk for Affective Disorders in Children Investigator: Spitzmueller, Christiane Dr. 100% Award Amount: $10,095.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0125 / B0100 / G108523 / 55562 Agency: Veterans Affairs Medical Center Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 9 of 33 FEDERAL 4/1/2014 to 9/30/2014 Intergovermental Personnel Act (IPA) Mobility Program 27.011 Non Restricted Research Grant - Research IPA: Linking Clinician Interaction and Coordination to Clinical Performance in VA PACT Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Investigator: Zvolensky, Michael Dr. 50% Award Amount: $17,457.50 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0125 / B0001 / G105782 / 53189 Agency: National Institute of Mental Health Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 6/1/2013 to 5/31/2015 Mental Health Research Grants 93.242 Restricted Research Grant - Research Anxiety Reduction Treatment for HIV+ Individuals Investigator: Zvolensky, Michael Dr. 100% Award Amount: $52,545.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5043 / H0125 / B0001 / G104161 / 49980 Agency: Stony Brook University Pass_Thru Agency: Centers for Disease Control Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 9/30/2011 to 9/29/2014 Tobacco Education and Prevention 93.000 Restricted Research Contract - Research Enhanced Smoking Cessation Intervention for WTC Responders Investigator: Kosten, Therese Dr. 100% Award Amount: $40,828.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5015 / H0125 / B0001 / G107575 / 54840 Agency: University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Pass_Thru Agency: National Institutes of Health Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 10 of 33 FEDERAL 12/1/2013 to 11/30/2014 Mental Health Research Grants 93.242 Restricted Research Grant - Research Hypothalamic Neuronal Plasticity in Chronic Stress Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES School of Communication Investigator: Vardeman-Winter, Jennifer Dr. 100% Award Amount: $3,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5021 / H0084 / B0100 / C107371 / 54623 Agency: Penn State University - The Arthur W. Page Center Research Center Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: UNIVERSITY 11/5/2013 to 8/5/2014 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Non Restricted Research Grant - Research Ethics and Health Public Relations School of Music Investigator: Austin, Alan Mr. 100% Award Amount: $4,955.19 Cost Center: 00730 / 5021 / H0090 / A0001 / C106740 / 55415 Agency: The Houston Arts Alliance Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: NON PROFIT 7/1/2013 to 6/30/2014 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Non Research Grant - Instruction University of Houston, Texas Music Festival Sociology Investigator: Dworkin, Anthony Gary Dr. 100% Award Amount: $31,200.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5019 / H0126 / B0001 / C108076 / 55222 Agency: Aldine Independent School District Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: LOCAL 4/1/2014 to 12/31/2014 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 11 of 33 Restricted Research Grant - Research The Attitudinal Climate in the Aldine Independent School District Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS Chemistry Investigator: Meen, James Dr. 30% Award Amount: $1,570.50 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0452 / B0001 / G108541 / 55540 Agency: Houston Community College System Pass_Thru Agency: National Science Foundation Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 6/2/2014 to 8/8/2014 Education and Human Resources 47.076 Restricted Research Co-Op Agreement - Research Characterization of Lunar Regolith through Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Diffraction Techniques Computer Science Investigator: Chapman, Barbara M. Dr. 50% Award Amount: $50,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5021 / H0246 / B0001 / G106248 / 53943 Agency: UT-Battelle, LLC Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: NON PROFIT 11/1/2012 to 9/30/2014 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Restricted Research Contract - Research OpenSHMEM Support Investigator: Chapman, Barbara M. Dr. 100% Award Amount: $20,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5022 / H0108 / B0001 / G105518 / 51920 Agency: Shell International Exploration and Production Inc. Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: PROFIT 10/1/2012 to 12/31/2014 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 12 of 33 Restricted Research Grant - Research Novel algorithms and their implementations for heterogeneous computing in the Oil & Gas industry Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS Computer Science Investigator: Garbey, Marc Dr. 100% Award Amount: $50,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5022 / H0108 / B0001 / C106511 / 52697 Agency: Mixed Multi-Donors Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: PROFIT 2/1/2013 to 7/31/2014 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Restricted Research Special Research Agreement - Research Consortium Membership cost center - Industry Membership- Full Center Grant: I/UCRC for Cyber-Physical Systems for the Hospital Operating Room Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Investigator: Han, De-Hua Dr. 100% Award Amount: $160,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5022 / H0109 / B0001 / C106965 / 53599 Agency: Various Private Profit Agencies Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: PROFIT 5/30/2013 to 12/31/2020 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Restricted Research Contract - Research Fluid & Rock Properties and Seismic Hydrocarbon Indicators Investigator: Lefer, Barry Dr. 48% Award Amount: $33,694.08 Cost Center: 00730 / 5021 / H0429 / B0001 / G106085 / 53151 Agency: Rice University Pass_Thru Agency: Houston Endowment, Inc. Agency Type: Duration: FOUNDATION 4/3/2013 to 5/31/2015 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 13 of 33 Restricted Research Grant - Research Houston Aerosol Characterization and Health Experiment (HACHE) Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science Investigator: Lefer, Barry Dr. 48% Award Amount: $33,694.08 Cost Center: 00730 / 5021 / H0429 / B0001 / G106085 / 53151 Agency: Rice University Pass_Thru Agency: Houston Endowment, Inc. Agency Type: Duration: FOUNDATION 4/3/2013 to 5/31/2015 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Restricted Research Grant - Research Houston Aerosol Characterization and Health Experiment (HACHE) Mathematics Investigator: Qiu, Jingmei Dr. 100% Award Amount: $120,017.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0110 / B0001 / G104165 / 51306 Agency: U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 8/1/2012 to 6/14/2015 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 12.800 Restricted Research Grant - Research A High Order Multi-scale Numerical Approach for Kinetic Simulations Physics Investigator: Freundlich, Alexandre Dr. 50% Award Amount: $3,881.50 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0453 / B0001 / G105313 / 52153 Agency: U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 14 of 33 FEDERAL 11/16/2012 to 6/30/2014 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 12.800 Restricted Research Grant - Research Superlattice Intermediate Band Solar Cell on GaAs Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS Physics Investigator: Weglein, Arthur Dr. 100% Award Amount: $49,700.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5022 / H0112 / B0001 / C106694 / 52863 Agency: Various Private Profit Agencies Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: PROFIT 1/1/2013 to 12/31/2014 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Restricted Research Contract - Research Mission-Oriented Seismic Research Program Investigator: Lan, Yucheng Dr. 33% Award Amount: $44,550.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5043 / H0452 / B0001 / G106483 / 52950 Agency: U.S. Air Force Academy Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 5/1/2013 to 4/30/2018 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 12.800 Restricted Research Grant - Research Vibration Spectrometer for Detecting Single Atoms Using Carbon Nanotube Resonator Arrays Investigator: Ren, Zhifeng Dr. 17% Award Amount: $22,950.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5043 / H0452 / B0001 / G106483 / 52950 Agency: U.S. Air Force Academy Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 15 of 33 FEDERAL 5/1/2013 to 4/30/2018 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 12.800 Restricted Research Grant - Research Vibration Spectrometer for Detecting Single Atoms Using Carbon Nanotube Resonator Arrays Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS Physics Investigator: Hungerford, Ed V. Dr. 100% Award Amount: $223,250.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0112 / B0001 / G106423 / 55569 Agency: National Science Foundation Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 6/15/2014 to 5/31/2017 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 47.049 Restricted Research Grant - Research Collaborative Research: Direct Search for Dark Matter with Underground Argon at LNGS Investigator: Chen, Shuo Dr. 33% Award Amount: $44,550.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5043 / H0452 / B0001 / G106483 / 52950 Agency: U.S. Air Force Academy Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 5/1/2013 to 4/30/2018 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 12.800 Restricted Research Grant - Research Vibration Spectrometer for Detecting Single Atoms Using Carbon Nanotube Resonator Arrays Investigator: Pinsky, Lawrence S. Dr. 50% Award Amount: $126,020.07 Cost Center: 00730 / 5043 / H0112 / B0001 / G104670 / 50110 Agency: Wyle Science Technology and Engineering Group Pass_Thru Agency: NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Marshall Space Flight Center Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 16 of 33 FEDERAL 11/28/2011 to 9/30/2014 National Aeronautics and Space Administration 43.000 Restricted Research Contract - Research Medipix 3 Collaboration and support for on orbit technology development and demonstration Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY Optometry, Community Investigator: Burns, Alan Dr. 100% Award Amount: $27,090.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0114 / B0001 / G108271 / 55197 Agency: University of Alabama at Birmingham Pass_Thru Agency: NIH/National Center for Research Resources Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 9/1/2013 to 3/31/2015 Clinical Research Related to Neurological Disorders 93.853 Restricted Research Grant - Research Testing and modification of various fixation strategies for preserving and imagining endothelial light junctions COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Heart and Kidney Institute Investigator: Asghar, Mohammad Dr. 50% Award Amount: $153,750.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0117 / B0001 / G103420 / 49540 Agency: National Institute on Aging Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 9/15/2011 to 5/31/2015 Aging Research 93.866 Restricted Research Grant - Research Renal Dopmaine and Angiotension II Receptor Function in Age-Related Hypertension Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences Investigator: Asghar, Mohammad Dr. 50% Award Amount: $153,750.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0117 / B0001 / G103420 / 49540 Agency: National Institute on Aging Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 17 of 33 FEDERAL 9/15/2011 to 5/31/2015 Aging Research 93.866 Restricted Research Grant - Research Renal Dopmaine and Angiotension II Receptor Function in Age-Related Hypertension Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences Investigator: Cuny, Gregory Dr. 100% Award Amount: $95,019.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0117 / B0001 / G105191 / 50789 Agency: Brandeis University Pass_Thru Agency: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 3/1/2012 to 5/31/2015 Allergy, Immunology, and Transplantation Research 93.855 Restricted Research Grant - Research IMPDH-targeted antibiotics for select agents COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Center for Information Security, Research and Edu Investigator: Conklin, William Dr. 100% Award Amount: $52,500.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0554 / C0001 / G108498 / 55405 Agency: BayTech Pass_Thru Agency: U.S. Department of Labor Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 4/7/2014 to 1/31/2015 Employment Service 17.207 Non Research Grant - Public Service Wagner-Peyser BayTech subaward Investigator: Conklin, William Dr. 100% Award Amount: $35,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0554 / C0001 / C108338 / 55391 Agency: BayTech Pass_Thru Agency: U.S. Department of Labor Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 18 of 33 FEDERAL 4/7/2014 to 1/31/2015 Employment Service 17.207 Non Research Grant - Research Wagner-Peyser BayTech subaward Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Center for Technology Literacy Investigator: Cline, Raymond Dr. 100% Award Amount: $84,745.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5014 / H0423 / C0001 / G107598 / 54802 Agency: Texas Workforce Commission Pass_Thru Agency: U.S. Department of Labor Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 2/18/2014 to 12/31/2014 H-1B Job Training Grants 17.268 Non Research Grant - Public Service E3 - Education,Entrepreneurship, and Energy: Governor's Science and Technology Champion's Academy CULLEN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Biomedical Engineering Investigator: Larin, Kirill Dr. 100% Award Amount: $110,250.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0071 / B0001 / G105793 / 53861 Agency: Baylor College of Medicine Pass_Thru Agency: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 7/1/2013 to 6/30/2015 Heart and Vascular Diseases Research 93.837 Restricted Research Grant - Research Biomechanics of early mammalian cardiogenesis Investigator: Mohan, Chandra Dr. 100% Award Amount: $133,351.42 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0071 / B0001 / G107639 / 54788 Agency: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 19 of 33 FEDERAL 9/3/2013 to 8/31/2015 Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism Research 93.847 Restricted Research Grant - Research Foreboding Lupus Nephritis in Minority Woman Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE CULLEN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Biomedical Engineering Investigator: Shevkoplyas, Sergey Prof. 100% Award Amount: $169,625.16 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0071 / B0001 / G107605 / 54523 Agency: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 9/1/2013 to 12/31/2017 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 93.839 Restricted Research Grant - Research Eliminating Mediators of Toxicity from Stored Blood Investigator: Mohan, Chandra Dr. 100% Award Amount: $2,809.55 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0071 / B0001 / G107503 / 54328 Agency: National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 8/1/2013 to 5/31/2015 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 93.846 Restricted Research Grant - Research Immunogenetics of Antibody Induced Nephritis Chemical Engineering Investigator: Varadarajan, Navin Dr. 90% Award Amount: $528,990.30 Cost Center: 00730 / 5016 / H0067 / B0001 / G105369 / 54326 Agency: Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: STATE 6/1/2013 to 9/30/2014 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 20 of 33 Restricted Research Grant - Research Single-Cell Biomarkers of Clinical-Grade T Cells and NK Cells to Optimize Tumor Immunotherapy Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE CULLEN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Chemical Engineering Investigator: Stein, Gila Dr. 100% Award Amount: $98,726.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0067 / B0001 / G108131 / 55546 Agency: National Science Foundation Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 8/1/2014 to 7/31/2017 Engineering Grants 47.041 Restricted Research Grant - Research Predictive Semiconductor Lithography based on Theoretically-Informed Reaction-Diffusion Models Investigator: Vekilov, Peter Dr. 100% Award Amount: $50,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0067 / B0001 / G108045 / 55239 Agency: NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Marshall Space Flight Center Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 3/3/2014 to 3/2/2015 Space Operations 43.007 Restricted Research Grant - Research Formation Mechanisms of the Protein-Rich Clusters Investigator: Rimer, Jeffrey Dr. 100% Award Amount: $100,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0067 / B0001 / G104584 / 51554 Agency: National Science Foundation Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 21 of 33 FEDERAL 9/1/2012 to 8/31/2015 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 47.049 Restricted Research Grant - Research Collaborative Research: Design of Peptide Crystal Growth Modifiers Using Experiments and Simulations Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE CULLEN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Civil Engineering Investigator: Shrestha, Ramesh Dr. 60% Award Amount: $428,846.40 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0068 / B0001 / G106637 / 53710 Agency: National Science Foundation Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 8/1/2013 to 7/31/2018 Geosciences 47.050 Restricted Research Grant - Research Collaborative Research: Facility Support to Renew Operation of the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) Investigator: Glennie, Craig Dr. 20% Award Amount: $142,948.80 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0068 / B0001 / G106637 / 53710 Agency: National Science Foundation Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 8/1/2013 to 7/31/2018 Geosciences 47.050 Restricted Research Grant - Research Collaborative Research: Facility Support to Renew Operation of the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) Investigator: Carter, William Dr. 20% Award Amount: $142,948.80 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0068 / B0001 / G106637 / 53710 Agency: National Science Foundation Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 22 of 33 FEDERAL 8/1/2013 to 7/31/2018 Geosciences 47.050 Restricted Research Grant - Research Collaborative Research: Facility Support to Renew Operation of the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE CULLEN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Civil Engineering Investigator: Chellam, Shankar Dr. 100% Award Amount: $10,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0068 / B0100 / G108162 / 55465 Agency: National Science Foundation Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 6/1/2014 to 5/31/2015 Engineering Grants 47.041 Non Restricted Research Grant - Research Student Travel Support for the North American Membrane Society 2014 Annual Conference Investigator: Glennie, Craig Dr. 20% Award Amount: $12,626.40 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0068 / B0001 / G107417 / 55553 Agency: University of Kentucky Pass_Thru Agency: National Science Foundation Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 9/1/2013 to 8/31/2014 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 47.075 Restricted Research Grant - Research The Political Landscape of the Tres Zapotes Region Investigator: Carter, William Dr. 20% Award Amount: $12,626.40 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0068 / B0001 / G107417 / 55553 Agency: University of Kentucky Pass_Thru Agency: National Science Foundation Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 23 of 33 FEDERAL 9/1/2013 to 8/31/2014 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 47.075 Restricted Research Grant - Research The Political Landscape of the Tres Zapotes Region Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE CULLEN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Civil Engineering Investigator: Shrestha, Ramesh Dr. 60% Award Amount: $37,879.20 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0068 / B0001 / G107417 / 55553 Agency: University of Kentucky Pass_Thru Agency: National Science Foundation Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 9/1/2013 to 8/31/2014 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 47.075 Restricted Research Grant - Research The Political Landscape of the Tres Zapotes Region Electrical & Computer Engineering Investigator: Contreras-Vidal, Jose Dr. 100% Award Amount: $143,846.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0070 / B0001 / G105902 / 53310 Agency: National Science Foundation Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 5/1/2013 to 5/31/2017 Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) 47.070 Restricted Research Grant - Research HCC: Medium: Collaborative Research: Neural control of powered artificial legs Investigator: Jansen, Ben H. Dr. 50% Award Amount: $31,096.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0070 / B0001 / G104462 / 51676 Agency: University of Georgia Pass_Thru Agency: National Institute of General Medical Sciences Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 24 of 33 FEDERAL 8/15/2012 to 4/30/2015 Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biological Chemistry Research 93.859 Restricted Research Grant - Research Integrated Cell Enrichment Microfluidic Chip for Low Resource Cancer Screening Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE CULLEN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Electrical & Computer Engineering Investigator: Chen, Ji Dr. 50% Award Amount: $31,096.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0070 / B0001 / G104462 / 51676 Agency: University of Georgia Pass_Thru Agency: National Institute of General Medical Sciences Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 8/15/2012 to 4/30/2015 Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biological Chemistry Research 93.859 Restricted Research Grant - Research Integrated Cell Enrichment Microfluidic Chip for Low Resource Cancer Screening Investigator: Kayali, Mohammad Dr. 20% Award Amount: $3,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5022 / H0070 / B0001 / C106693 / 52848 Agency: Various Private Profit Agencies Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: PROFIT 2/1/2013 to 1/31/2020 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Restricted Research Contract - Research Membership - Center for Electromagnetic compatibility Research Investigator: Chen, Ji Dr. 80% Award Amount: $12,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5022 / H0070 / B0001 / C106693 / 52848 Agency: Various Private Profit Agencies Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: PROFIT 2/1/2013 to 1/31/2020 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 25 of 33 Restricted Research Contract - Research Membership - Center for Electromagnetic compatibility Research Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE CULLEN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Electrical & Computer Engineering Investigator: Roysam, Badrinath Dr. 10% Award Amount: $58,776.70 Cost Center: 00730 / 5016 / H0067 / B0001 / G105369 / 54326 Agency: Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: STATE 6/1/2013 to 9/30/2014 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Restricted Research Grant - Research Single-Cell Biomarkers of Clinical-Grade T Cells and NK Cells to Optimize Tumor Immunotherapy Investigator: Contreras-Vidal, Jose Dr. 100% Award Amount: $292,708.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0070 / B0001 / G105004 / 50465 Agency: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 11/1/2011 to 6/30/2015 Clinical Research Related to Neurological Disorders 93.853 Restricted Research Grant - Research Noninvasive Neural Decoding of Walking Investigator: Chen, Ji Dr. 100% Award Amount: $100,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5022 / H0070 / B0001 / G096630 / 42373 Agency: St. Jude Medical Cardiac Rhythm Management Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: PROFIT 1/1/2008 to 12/31/2014 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 26 of 33 Restricted Research Grant - Research NUMERICAL MODELING STUDY Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE CULLEN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Industrial Engineering Investigator: Chen, Thomas Dr. 100% Award Amount: $5,422.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5016 / H0072 / B0100 / G108415 / 55366 Agency: University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: STATE 4/1/2014 to 6/30/2014 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Non Restricted Research Grant - Research Patient Flow in Emergency Department (Anish Goyal) DIVISION OF RESEARCH Center for Advanced Computing and Data Systems Investigator: Chapman, Barbara M. Dr. 50% Award Amount: $50,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5021 / H0246 / B0001 / G106248 / 53943 Agency: UT-Battelle, LLC Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: NON PROFIT 11/1/2012 to 9/30/2014 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Restricted Research Contract - Research OpenSHMEM Support Investigator: Pinsky, Lawrence S. Dr. 50% Award Amount: $126,020.07 Cost Center: 00730 / 5043 / H0112 / B0001 / G104670 / 50110 Agency: Wyle Science Technology and Engineering Group Pass_Thru Agency: NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Marshall Space Flight Center Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 27 of 33 FEDERAL 11/28/2011 to 9/30/2014 National Aeronautics and Space Administration 43.000 Restricted Research Contract - Research Medipix 3 Collaboration and support for on orbit technology development and demonstration Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE DIVISION OF RESEARCH Center for Advanced Computing and Data Systems Investigator: Ebalunode, Jerry Mr. 100% Award Amount: $6,999.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0246 / B0001 / G107175 / 53957 Agency: University of South Carolina Pass_Thru Agency: National Science Foundation Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 9/1/2013 to 8/31/2015 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 47.049 Restricted Research Grant - Research Computational modeling of mechanism of action of antimicrobial cationic resin acids Investigator: Mehta, Paras Dr. 10% Award Amount: $600.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0288 / B0001 / G096157 / 42840 Agency: Lehigh University Pass_Thru Agency: U.S. Department of Education Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 7/1/2008 to 6/30/2014 Special Education Research 84.324 Restricted Research Grant - Research National Research & Development Center on Serious Behavior Disorders at the Secondary Level Center for Advanced Materials Investigator: Ignatiev, Alex Dr. 100% Award Amount: $25,000.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5022 / H0453 / B0001 / C106966 / 53976 Agency: Various Private Profit Agencies Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: PROFIT 9/1/2013 to 8/30/2015 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 28 of 33 Restricted Research Grant - Research CAM Consortium Memberships Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE DIVISION OF RESEARCH Center for Advanced Materials Investigator: Freundlich, Alexandre Dr. 50% Award Amount: $3,881.50 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0453 / B0001 / G105313 / 52153 Agency: U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 11/16/2012 to 6/30/2014 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 12.800 Restricted Research Grant - Research Superlattice Intermediate Band Solar Cell on GaAs TcSUH Investigator: Meen, James Dr. 70% Award Amount: $3,664.50 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0452 / B0001 / G108541 / 55540 Agency: Houston Community College System Pass_Thru Agency: National Science Foundation Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 6/2/2014 to 8/8/2014 Education and Human Resources 47.076 Restricted Research Co-Op Agreement - Research Characterization of Lunar Regolith through Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Diffraction Techniques Investigator: Ren, Zhifeng Dr. 17% Award Amount: $22,950.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5043 / H0452 / B0001 / G106483 / 52950 Agency: U.S. Air Force Academy Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 29 of 33 FEDERAL 5/1/2013 to 4/30/2018 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 12.800 Restricted Research Grant - Research Vibration Spectrometer for Detecting Single Atoms Using Carbon Nanotube Resonator Arrays Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE DIVISION OF RESEARCH TIMES Investigator: Tolar, Tammy Dr. 50% Award Amount: $119,366.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0288 / B0001 / G107007 / 53824 Agency: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 9/1/2013 to 8/31/2014 Center for Research for Mothers and Children 93.865 Restricted Research Grant - Research Predictors of Growth in Algebra Achievement in Adolescents Investigator: Mehta, Paras Dr. 70% Award Amount: $4,200.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0288 / B0001 / G096157 / 42840 Agency: Lehigh University Pass_Thru Agency: U.S. Department of Education Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 7/1/2008 to 6/30/2014 Special Education Research 84.324 Restricted Research Grant - Research National Research & Development Center on Serious Behavior Disorders at the Secondary Level Investigator: Francis, David Dr. 40% Award Amount: $475,499.60 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0288 / B0001 / G101918 / 48510 Agency: Institute of Educational Sciences Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 30 of 33 FEDERAL 8/1/2011 to 7/31/2015 National Institute on Student Achievement, Curriculum and Assessment 84.305 Restricted Research Grant - Research Scale-up Evaluation of Reading Intervention for First Grade English Learners Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE DIVISION OF RESEARCH TIMES Investigator: Carlson, Coleen Dr. 40% Award Amount: $475,499.60 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0288 / B0001 / G101918 / 48510 Agency: Institute of Educational Sciences Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 8/1/2011 to 7/31/2015 National Institute on Student Achievement, Curriculum and Assessment 84.305 Restricted Research Grant - Research Scale-up Evaluation of Reading Intervention for First Grade English Learners GRADUATE COLLEGE OF SOCIAL WORK Child & Family for Innovative Research Investigator: Torres-Hostos, Luis Dr. 100% Award Amount: $96,197.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0509 / B0001 / G107885 / 55015 Agency: University of Minnesota Pass_Thru Agency: National Institute on Drug Abuse Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 1/1/2014 to 7/31/2014 Drug Abuse Research Programs 93.279 Restricted Research Grant - Research Effectiveness of Recovery High Schools as Continuing Care-Houston Site Investigator: Berger Cardoso, Jodi Dr. 100% Award Amount: $19,250.00 Cost Center: 00730 / 5021 / H0509 / B0001 / C107835 / 55413 Agency: Hogg Foundation for Mental Health Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: FOUNDATION 6/1/2014 to 8/31/2015 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 31 of 33 Restricted Research Grant - Research Parenting in the context of deportation risk: An exploratory study of parenting stress and mental health in Latino immigrants and their children. Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE HILTON COLLEGE OF HOTEL AND RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT Hotel and Restaurant Management Investigator: Neal, Jack Dr. 60% Award Amount: $182,497.80 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0081 / B0100 / G106157 / 54543 Agency: National Institute of Food and Agriculture - USDA Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: FEDERAL 1/1/2014 to 12/31/2015 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 10.310 Non Restricted Research Grant - Research Development of Effective Behavior Based Standard Operating Procedures for Fresh Cut Leafy Greens in Retail Foodservice Operations Investigator: Sirsat, Sujata Dr. 40% Award Amount: $121,665.20 Cost Center: 00730 / 5013 / H0081 / B0100 / G106157 / 54543 Agency: National Institute of Food and Agriculture - USDA Pass_Thru Agency: Agency Type: Duration: CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Page 32 of 33 FEDERAL 1/1/2014 to 12/31/2015 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 10.310 Non Restricted Research Grant - Research Development of Effective Behavior Based Standard Operating Procedures for Fresh Cut Leafy Greens in Retail Foodservice Operations Generated on : 9/12/14 11:32 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Division of Research New/Continuation Sponsored Research Grants and Contracts Fiscal Year 2014 - Received during JUNE HONORS COLLEGE Dean, Honors College Investigator: Price, Daniel Dr. 4% Award Amount: $2,807.84 Cost Center: 00730 / 5021 / H0429 / B0001 / G106085 / 53151 Agency: Rice University Pass_Thru Agency: Houston Endowment, Inc. Agency Type: Duration: FOUNDATION 4/3/2013 to 5/31/2015 CFDA: CB Designation: Project Type: Project Title: Restricted Research Grant - Research Houston Aerosol Characterization and Health Experiment (HACHE) REPORTING PERIOD ACTIVITY SUMMARY Federal Funding: State Funding: Local Funding: Profit Funding: Non Profit Funding: Foundation Funding: University Funding: Total: Page 33 of 33 $5,839,872.27 $648,722.00 $31,200.00 $443,700.00 $272,413.21 $220,471.00 $3,000.00 $7,459,378.48