1 Master Course Outline PSYC& 180 Human Sexuality Course Description: A survey of the biological, psychosocial, behavioral, cultural, and clinical dimensions of human sexuality and their interrelationships. Specific topics covered will be determined by class interests and needs. 5 lecture hours. Satisfies specified elective requirement for the AA degree. Credits: 5 Prerequisites: None Recommended Preparation: ENGL 095 or placement in ENGL& 101 Co-requisites: None Learning Outcomes: A. Identify trends and changes in the past and present that influenced sexual attitudes and values of themselves and others and be aware of how some of these values differ from those in other cultures. (disciplinary learning, critical thinking, social and personal responsibility) B. Identify various parts of male and female sexual anatomy and be aware of how these parts function. (disciplinary learning) C. Be able to interact with others on a social and sexual basis to achieve fulfilling relationships. (social and personal responsibility, literacy, disciplinary learning) D. Describe the various sexual diseases and dysfunctions, how their risk can be minimized, and how they can be dealt with if they occur. (disciplinary learning, critical thinking, information use) E. Describe methods of pregnancy prevention and termination and discuss their own standards and values related to these issues. (critical thinking, literacy, social and personal resp.) F. Describe various types of unconventional sexual behavior, the factors that contribute to this behavior, and why they are considered unconventional. (disciplinary learning, information use, social and personal resp.) G. Describe the reasons for, and the effects of, commercial sex (prostitution and pornography). (critical thinking, disciplinary learning, information use) H. Describe the causes of sexual assault, how to minimize the probability of such assault, and what to do after an assault has occurred. (disciplinary learning, critical thinking, social and personal responsibility, literacy) 2 I. Describe the changes that occur in a woman during pregnancy and birth and how these changes affect her interactions with others. (disciplinary learning, social and personal responsibility) Course Textbooks: Welch, K. (2011). Think: Human Sexuality (1st edition). Pearson Publishers. Academic Integrity: All forms of cheating, falsification, and plagiarism are against the rules of this course and of Grays Harbor College. Students who are unsure what constitutes academic dishonesty are responsible for asking the instructor for clarification. Instances of intentional academic dishonesty will be dealt with severely. Disabilities: Students who have documented disabilities that require accommodations in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act should contact the Disability Support Services coordinator as well as the instructor of the course in order to ensure that together we create an optimal environment for educational achievement. W Day, the final day to officially withdraw from a course, is the Thursday of the seventh week (Thursday of the fourth week for summer quarter). Students who do not withdraw by that date will receive the grades they have earned, regardless of whether they are attending the course or completing the work. Students who are considering withdrawal are strongly advised to consult with the instructor, advisor and financial aid prior to withdrawing. The only withdrawals allowed after W Day are complete withdrawals from all courses.