2016- 2017 Annual Schedule PROPOSED ANNUAL SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 Credit ACCOUNTING ON CAMPUS ACCT 113 ACCT 113 ACCT 114 ACCT 114 ACCT& 201 ACCT& 201 ACCT& 202 ACCT& 202 ACCT& 203 ACCT& 203 ACCT 175 ACCT 176 ACCT 220 A 17 A 17 A 17 A 17 A 17 A A A Introduction to Accounting I 5 Introduction to Accounting I 5 Introduction to Accounting II 5 Introduction to Accounting II 5 Principles of Accounting I 5 Principles of Accounting I 5 Principles of Accounting II 5 Principles of Accounting II 5 Principles of Accounting III 5 Principles of Accounting III 5 Business/Payroll Tax Accounting 3 Computerized Accounting Functions 3 Federal Income Tax I 5 Day Arr Arr Arr Time FALL 2016 Rm Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Instructor Day Time WINTER 2017 Rm Instructor MTWTh 1-1:50 pm 2204 Cohen, M Arr MTWTh Arr 12-12:50 pm Arr 2104 Barker, S Cohen, M Barker, S Frederickson Day MTWTh Arr Arr MTWTh MTTh 11-11:50 am 2250 MTWTh ACCOUNTING ILWACO ACCT 113 17 ACCT 114 17 Introduction to Accounting I Introduction to Accounting II 5 5 MTWTh ON CAMPUS ALCOHOL/SUBSTANCE ABUSE ALSA 100 A Medical Issues and Chemical Dependency 2 ALSA 120 A Pharmacology of Alcohol/Drugs 4 ALSA 136 A Group Dynamics 3 ALSA 140 A Chemical Dependency/Case 3 ALSA 270 A Alcohol/Substance Abuse Counseling 4 HSSA& 101 A Introduction to Addictive Drugs 4 MW 5:30 - 7:20 pm 2416 Staff ON CAMPUS ALLIED HEALTH ON CAMPUS AHLTH 150 17 Arr Arr Arr Staff 2107 Staff 1 T 3 3 3 T 5 Arr 5 5 5 5 5 5:30 - 7:20 2416 Arr 2101 Time Rm 5:30-7:50 pm 11-11:50 am MTWTh Arr 12 - 12:50 pm Arr 2101 Arr Cohen, M Barker, S Arr MTWTh Arr 11 - 11:50 am Arr 2101 Fredrickson Cohen, M 1-1:50 pm 2205 Cohen, M Cohen, M Barker, S Frederickson, C Cohen, M 2101 Cohen, M 2-2:50 pm REC 206 Cohen, M MTWTh 12 - 12:50 pm REC 206 Cohen, M MTWTh 12 - 12:50 pm CEC 106 Cohen, M 2-2:50 pm CEC 106 Cohen, M 5:30 - 7:30 pm TTh 5:30 - 7:20 pm Arr Arr T 5:30-7:50 pm 2416 Staff 2416 Staff Arr Staff 2104 Staff M T 5:30 - 8:30 pm 5:30 - 8:30 pm 2416 2416 Staff Staff Arr Arr Arr Staff 2107 Staff T Arr Arr Arr Instructor Staff MW Comprehensive Medical Terminology 5 Art Appreciation Art Appreciation Art Appreciation Art Appreciation Drawing I Arr 12-12:50 pm 2101 Arr Day MW MTWTh 5 5 A 17 27 27C A 2-2:50 pm Arr Instructor Cohen, M Introduction to Accounting I Introduction to Accounting II ART ON CAMPUS ART& 100 ART& 100 ART& 100 ART& 100 ART 101 SPRING 2017 Rm Frederickson ACCOUNTING RAYMOND ACCT 113 17 ACCT 114 17 AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE ASL 196 17 Beginning Sign Language I ASL 197 17 Beginning Sign Language II ASL 198 17 Beginning Sign Language III ANTHROPOLOGY ON CAMPUS ANTH& 100 17 Survey of Anthropology Time Michael, T MTWTh Arr TTh Arr Arr Danner, K Arr 9:00 - 9:50 am Arr 4129 Arr Sandgren, E. Michael, T MTWTh Arr 10-11:50 am 4128 Sandgren, E. TTh GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE ANNUAL PROPOSED SCHEDULE 2016-2017 Arr Arr Danner 9-9:50 am Arr 4129 Arr Sandgren, E Michael, T 10-11:50 am 4128 Sandgren, E. 5:30-8:00 pm Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr TTh Arr Arr Arr 10-11:50 am Arr Arr Arr Arr 4123 Danner Michael, T Michael, T Michael, T Sandgren, E 6/2/2016 2016- 2017 Annual Schedule PROPOSED ANNUAL SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 Credit ART 102 A Drawing II 5 ART 103 A Drawing III 5 ART 104 A Design I 5 ART 105 A Design II 5 ART 260 A Introduction to Printmaking 5 ON CAMPUS ASTR& 100 ASTR& 100 ASTR& 100 Day Time FALL 2016 Rm Instructor Arr 10-11:50 am Arr 10-11:50 am Arr 10-11:50 am Arr Arr Brakes/Suspension/Steering 16 Electrical/Electronics/ABS 16 Engines/Electrical/Tune-up/Ignition 16 Co-op Work Experience 5V BIOLOGY ON CAMPUS BIOL& 100 A Survey of Biology 5 BIOL & 100L 1 Survey of Biology Lab 0 BIOL& 100 17 Survey of Biology 5 BIOL& 100 17C Survey of Biology 5 BIOL 175 A Human Biology 5 BIOL 175L 1 Human Biology Lab 0 BIOL140 A Ecology w/Lab 5 BIOL 140 L Ecology Lab 0 BIOL& 160 A General Biology 5 BIOL& 160 B General Biology 5 BIOL& 160L 1 General Biology Lab 0 BIOL& 160L 2 General Biology Lab 0 BIOL& 211 (formerly A known MajorsasCells/Molecular BIOL& 222) w/lab 5 BIOL& 211L 1 Majors Cells/Molecular Lab 0 BIOL& 212 (formerly A known MajorsasOrganismal BIOL& 223Physiology w/lab 5 BIOL& 212L 1 Majors Organismal Physiology Lab0 BIOL& 213 (formerly A BIOL& Majors221) Ecology/Evoluation w/lab 5 BIOL& 213L 1 Majors Ecology/Evoluation Lab 0 BIOL& 241 A Human Anatomy/Physiology I 5 BIOL& 241 B Human Anatomy/Physiology 5 BIOL& 241L 1 Human Anatomy/Physiology I Lab0 BIOL& 241L 2 Human Anatomy/Physiology I Lab0 BIOL& 242 A Human Anatomy/Physiology II 5 BIOL& 242 B Human Anatomy/Physiology II 5 BIOL& 242L 1 Human Anatomy/Physiology II Lab0 BIOL& 242L 2 Human Anatomy/Physiology II Lab0 BIOL& 260 A Microbiology 5 BIOL& 260L 1 Microbiology Lab 0 Time WINTER 2017 Rm 4128 4128 4128 4128 4128 4128 4128 Instructor Sandgren, E. Sandgren, E. Sandgren, E. Sandgren, E. Sandgren, E. Sandgren, E. Sandgren, E Day Arr TTh Arr TTh Arr MW Arr Time Arr 10-11:50 am Arr 10-11:50 am Arr 10-11:50 am Arr SPRING 2017 Rm 4128 4128 4128 4128 4128 4128 4128 Instructor Sandgren, E. Sandgren, E. Sandgren, E. Sandgren, E. Sandgren, E. Sandgren, E. Sandgren, E Day Arr TTh Arr TTh Arr Arr 10-11:50 am Arr 10-11:50 am Arr Rm 4123 4123 4123 4123 4123 Instructor Sandgren, E Sandgren, E Sandgren, E Sandgren, E Sandgren, E 9-9:50 am Arr 10-11:50 am Arr 4128 4128 4123 4123 Sandgren, E Sandgren, E Sandgren, E Sandgren, E 9-9:50 am Arr 4432 Arr Hillier, J Glozman Arr 1916 1916 Samson, D Samson, D. T T Arr Arr 12-1:50 pm 2-3:50 pm Arr Arr 4120 4324 Arr Arr Gunn, A Gunn, A Gunn, A Gunn, A MTWTh W MTWTh MTWTh T T 12-12:50 pm 1-3:50 pm 9-9:50 am 10-10:50 am 1-2:50 pm 3-4:50 pm 4129 4328 4129 4129 4328 4328 Baze, M Baze. M Plagge, T Plagge, T Plagge, T Plagge, T MTWTh F 10 - 10:50 am 1 - 3:50 pm 4130 4328 Baze, M Baze, M MTWTh 11-11:50 am 4129 Baze, M MTWTh Arr MW Arr A Astronomy 5 17 Astronomy 5 17C Astronomy (Reservation Based) 5 AUTO MECHANICS ON CAMPUS AUTO 111 A AUTO 112 A AUTO 113 A AUTO 224 A Day Arr TTh Arr TTh Arr MW Arr Daily Arr 7:30 - 11:50 am Arr Glozman, I 1916 Samson, D Arr Arr Daily Arr Arr Arr Gunn, A Arr Arr 7:30 - 11:50 am Arr Arr Glozman Glozman 1916 Samson, D Arr Arr 1916 Samson, D. Arr Arr 1916 Samson, D. T T Arr 12:00-1:50 pm 2:00 - 3:50 pm Arr 4120 4324 Arr Gunn, A Gunn, A Gunn, A T T Arr 12 - 1:50 pm 2:00 - 3:50 pm Arr 4120 4324 Arr Gunn, A Gunn, A Gunn, A 12:00 - 12:50 pm 1-3:50 pm 4135 4224 Plagge, T Plagge, T MTWTh W MTWTh MTWTh T T MTWTh F 9:00 - 9:50 am 10:00-10:50 am 1:00-2:50pm 3:00-4:50 pm 10-10:50 am 1-3:50 pm 4141 4141 4328 4328 4130 4328 Plagge, T Plagge, T Plagge, T Plagge, T Baze, M Baze, M MTWTh MTWTh T T MTWTh F MTWTh MTWTh Th F MTWTh MW 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm 1-3:50 pm 9-11:50 am 9-9:50 am 12-1:50 pm 4130 4130 4224 4224 4142 4324 Baze. M Baze, M Baze, M Baze, M Gunn, A Gunn, A 9-9:50 am 10-10:50 am 12-1:50 pm 2-3:50 pm 10-10:50 am 1-3:50 pm 4140 4129 4328 4328 Plagge, T Plagge, T Plagge, T Plagge, T 4130 4328 Baze, M Baze, M Daily Arr Daily Arr Time 7:30 - 11:50 am MTWTh MTWTh Th W MTWTh 9-9:50 am 11-11:50 am 1-3:50 pm 1-3:50 PM 11-11:50 am 4130 4129 4224 4224 4130 Baze, M Plagge, T Baze, M Plagge, T Baze, M F 9-11:50 am 4224 Baze, M Th 1-3:50 pm 4224 Baze, M. MTWTh MW 10-10:50 am 12-1:50 pm 4142 4324 Gunn, A Gunn, A MTWTh MW 9-9:50 am 12-1:50 pm 4142 4324 Gunn, A Gunn, A BUSINESS ON CAMPUS 2 GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE ANNUAL PROPOSED SCHEDULE 2016-2017 6/2/2016 2016- 2017 Annual Schedule PROPOSED ANNUAL SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 Day Time FALL 2016 Rm Instructor BA 104 BA 107 BA 124 BA 140 BA 150 BA 174 BA 224 BA 240 BA 258 BA 258 BUS& 101 BUS& 101 BUS& 201 BUS& 201 BUS& 201 A A A A A A A A A 17 A 17 A 17 27 BUSINESS RAYMOND BA 104 BA 140 12 12 Mathematics for Business Business English 5 3 MWTh MTWTh 8-8:50 am REC 206 Staff 10-10:50 am REC 206 Blankenship, S BUSINESS ILWACO BA 104 BA 140 13 13 Mathematics for Business Business English 3 3 MWTh MTWTh 8-8:50 am CEC 106 Staff 10-10:50 am CEC 106 Blankenship, S Arr Arr Arr Relyea, D Arr Arr Arr Relyea, D Day Arr MTTh Arr MWTh Arr Arr MTWTh Arr BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY ON CAMPUS BTECH 113 A Document Formatting 5 BTECH 115 A Electronic Math Applications 3 BTECH 124 17 Keyboard Skillbuilding I 2 BTECH 124 27 Keyboard Skillbuilding I 2 Arr BTECH 125 17 Keyboard Skillbuilding II 2 BTECH 125 27 Keyboard Skillbuilding II 6 Arr BTECH 126 17 Keyboard Skillbuilding III 2 BTECH 126 27 Keyboard Skillbuilding III 6 Arr BTECH 131 A Access 5 BTECH 132 A Medical Records - Insurance Billing 3 & Coding BTECH 140 A Word Processing Applications 5 BTECH 150 A Excel 5 BTECH 160 A Outlook 2 BTECH 175 17 Medical Coding 3 BTECH 205 A Records Information Mgmt 5 BTECH 220 A Office Procedures and Ethics 5 BTECH 252 A Desktop Publishing 5 BTECH 253 A Integrated Software Applications 5 BTECH 254 A Medical Office Computerized Information 5 Processing Arr Arr Time WINTER 2017 Credit Mathematics for Business 3 Global Business 5 Co-op Work Experience 5V Business English 3 Fundamentals of Finance 5 Small Business Management 5 Adv Co-op Work Experience 5V Principles of Marketing 5 Principles of Management 5 Principles of Management 5 Introduction to Business 5 Introduction to Business 5 Business Law 5 Business Law 5 Business Law 5 Arr 10-10:50 am Arr 10-10:50 am Arr Arr 9:00 - 9:50 am Rm Arr 2417 Arr 2101 Instructor Cohen, M Jones, D Relyea, D Blankenship Arr Relyea, D Arr 2104 Jones, D Zerr, M Zerr, M Arr Arr Arr Arr Relyea, D Arr Arr Relyea, D Arr Arr Relyea, D Arr Arr Arr Arr 1-1:50 pm 2205 Relyea, D Arr Daily Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr 1-1:50 pm Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr 2312 Relyea, D Relyea, D Relyea, D Relyea, D Relyea, D Relyea, D Blankenship, S TTh 10-10:50 am 2205 Relyea, D MW 11-11:50 am 2312 Blankenship, S Arr TTh 12:00-12:50 2205 Rm Arr MWTh Daily Arr 11-11:50 am 1-1:50 pm Arr 2204 2101 Relyea, D Blankenship Blankenship Arr TWTh Arr 10-10:50 am Arr 2417 Relyea, D Jones, D Arr Daily Arr 10-10:50 am Arr 2101 Zerr, M Zerr, M TTh MWTh Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr TTh TTh TTh MW Document Formatting Word Processing Applications Excel 5 5 5 TTh CEC-ILWACO BTECH 113 BTECH 115 BTECH 131 Document Formatting Electronic Math Applications Access 5 TTh 3 Instructor 10-10:50 am 9-9:50 am Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr 2205 2204 Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Relyea, D Blankenship Relyea, D Relyea, D Relyea, D Relyea, D Relyea, D Relyea, D 6:00 - 7:15 pm 12-12:50 pm 1-1:50 pm 2206 2205 2205 Chaufty, K Relyea, D Relyea, D Day Arr MTTh Arr Time Rm Arr 10-10:50 am Arr Instructor Arr Relyea, D 2417 Arr Jones, D Relyea, D Arr Arr Arr Zerr, M Arr Arr Arr Zerr, M MWTh Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr 9-9:50 am Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr 2204 Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Blankenship Relyea, D Relyea, D Relyea, D Relyea, D Relyea, D Relyea, D TTh TTh 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm 2205 2205 Relyea, D Relyea, D MW Daily Daily 5:45-7:00 pm 12-12:50 pm 11-11:50 pm 2205 2312 2101 Chaufty, K Blankenship Blankenship TTh 1-1:50 pm 2205 Relyea, D Relyea, D REC-RAYMOND BTECH 113 12 BTECH 140 12 BTECH 150 12 13 13 13 SPRING 2017 Time Zerr Zerr TTh Arr Day 6:00 - 7:15 pm 2205 Chaufty, K 10-10:50 am REC 213 Relyea, D TTh 11-11:50 am REC 213 Relyea, D 10-10:50 am CEC 107 Relyea, D 5 GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE ANNUAL PROPOSED SCHEDULE 2016-2017 6/2/2016 2016- 2017 Annual Schedule PROPOSED ANNUAL SCHEDULE BTECH 140 13 SUMMER 2016 Credit Word Processing Applications 5 CARPENTRY ON CAMPUS CARP 121 CARP 122 CARP 123 CARP 221 CARP 222 CARP 223 A A A A A A CHEMISTRY ON CAMPUS CHEM& 110 CHEM& 121 CHEM& 121 CHEM& 121 CHEM& 121L CHEM& 121L CHEM& 121L CHEM& 131 CHEM& 131L CHEM& 161 CHEM& 161L CHEM& 161L CHEM& 162 CHEM& 162L CHEM& 163 CHEM& 163L CHEM& 261 CHEM& 261 17 A B C 1 2 3 A 1 A 1 2 A 1 A 1 A L CHEM& 262 CHEM& 262 A L Organic Chemistry w/Lab II Organic Chemistry Lab II 6 0 CHEM& 263 A Organic Chemistry III 3 Residential/Commercial Carp I Residential/Commercial Carp II Residential/Commercial Carp III Residential/Commercial Carp IV Residential/Commercial Carp V Residential/Commercial Carp VI Time FALL 2016 Rm Instructor 16 16 16 16 16 16 Chemical Concepts w/Lab 5 Introduction to Chemistry 5 Introduction to Chemistry 5 Introduction to Chemistry 5 Introduction to Chemistry Lab 0 Introduction to Chemistry Lab 0 Introduction to Chemistry Lab 0 Introduction to Organic/Biochemistry 5 Intro to Organic/Biochemistry Lab 0 General Chemistry w/Lab I 5 General Chemistry Lab I 0 General Chemistry Lab II 0 General Chemistry w/Lab II 6 General Chemistry Lab II 0 General Chemistry w/Lab III 6 General Chemistry Lab III 0 Organic Chemistry w/Lab 6 Organic Chemistry Lab II 0 COMMERCIAL FOOD PREP ON CAMPUS CUL 100 A Culinary Arts Orientation 2 CUL 110 A Food Service Sanitation and Safety 2 CUL 130 A Meat, Poultry, and Seafood I 3 CUL 130 L Meat, Poultry, and Seafood I Lab 0 CUL 140 A Pantry Prep 2 CUL 140 L Pantry Prep Lab 0 CUL 150 A Stocks, Sauces, and Soups I 3 CUL 150 L Stocks, Sauces, and Soups I Lab CUL 160 A Breakfast Preparation 3 CUL 160 L Breakfast Preparation Lab 0 CUL 170 A Purchasing, Receiving, Storage 3 CUL 170 L Purchasing, Receiving, Storage Lab CUL 180 A Meat, Poultry, and Seafood II 4 CUL 180 L Meat, Poultry, and Seafood II Lab 0 CUL 195 A Food Server 2 CUL 200 A Food Service Nutrition 3 CUL 210 A Baking 3 CUL 210 L Baking Lab 0 4 Day Day Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Arr Arr Arr Gunn, A Arr MTThF MTThF W W MTWF W Th MTThF T Th MW TTh T T TTh W MW Th Time Rm WINTER 2017 Instructor Day 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 706 706 706 706 706 706 Pratt, A Pratt, A Pratt, A Pratt, A Pratt, A Pratt, A Arr 10-10:50 am 11-11:50 am Arr 4135 4135 Gunn, A Nelson, J Nelson, J Arr MTThF MTThF 11am-12:50 pm 1-2:50 pm 4425 4425 Nelson, J Nelson, J W W 9-9:50 am 1-3:50 pm 1-3:50 pm 9-9:50 am 1-1:50 pm 1-3:50 pm 9 - 9:50 am 9 - 9:50 am 10 - 10:50 am 2 - 4:00 pm 11 - 11:50 am 2 - 4:00 pm 11-11:50 am 2 - 4:00 pm 4135 4430 4430 4141 4425 4425 2101 2101 2101 ASC 2101 ASC 2101 ASC Jones, R Jones, R Jones, R MTWThF MTWThF MTWThF MTWThF MTWThF MTWThF Time Rm SPRING 2017 Instructor 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 706 706 706 706 706 706 Pratt, A Pratt, A Pratt, A Pratt, A Pratt, A Pratt, A Arr 10-10:50 am 11-11:50 am Arr 4135 4135 11am-12:50 pm 1-2:50 pm 4425 4425 Day TTh Time Rm Instructor 11-11:50 am CEC 107 Relyea, D MTWThF MTWThF MTWThF MTWThF MTWThF MTWThF 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 706 706 706 706 706 706 Pratt, A Pratt, A Pratt, A Pratt, A Pratt, A Pratt, A Gunn, A Nelson, J Nelson, J Arr MTThF MTThF Arr 10 - 10:50 am 11 - 11:50 am Arr 4135 4135 Gunn, A Nelson, J Nelson, J Nelson, J Nelson, J W W 11 am - 12:50 pm 1-2:50 pm 4425 4425 Nelson, J Nelson, J MTWTh F 10 - 10:50 am 10 - 11:50 am 4141 4430 Jones, R Jones, R MTThF MW MTWF TTh 12-12:50 1-2:50 pm 9-9:50 am 1 - 2:50 pm 4135 4430 4135 4430 Jones, R Jones, R Jones, R Jones, R MTThF 8-8:50 am 4135 Nelson, J MW MWTh 10-10:50 am 9-9:50 am 2101 2101 Erickson, K Erickson, K MTThF W 12-12:50 pm 12-2:50 pm 4135 4430 Jones, R Jones, R MWThF TTh 9-9:50 am 1-2:50 pm 4135 4430 Jones, R Jones, R MTThF T Th 9-9:50 am 1-1:50 pm 1-3:50 pm 4135 4425 4425 Nelson, J Nelson, J Nelson, J Nelson, J Nelson, J Nelson, J Erickson, K Erickson, K TW T 10-10:50 am 2 - 4:00 pm 2101 ASC Erickson, K Erickson, K TTh W 11-11:50 am 2-4:00 pm 2101 ASC Erickson, K Erickson, K TW M 12-12:50 pm 2-6:00 pm 2101 ASC Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Th Th GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE ANNUAL PROPOSED SCHEDULE 2016-2017 12 - 12:50 pm 2 - 6:00 pm 2101 ASC Erickson, K Erickson, K 6/2/2016 2016- 2017 Annual Schedule PROPOSED ANNUAL SCHEDULE CUL 220 CUL 220 CUL 230 CUL 230 A L A L Credit Saute Prep and Production 3 Saute Prep and Production Lab 0 Pastry and Dessert 3 Pastry and Dessert Lab 0 COMMERCIAL FOOD PREP RAYMOND CUL 100 12 Culinary Arts Orientation 2 CUL 110 12 Food Service Sanitation and Safety 2 CUL 130 12 Meat, Poultry, and Seafood I 3 CUL 130 L Meat, Poultry, and Seafood I Lab 0 CUL 140 12 Pantry Prep 2 CUL 140 L Pantry Prep Lab 0 CUL 150 12 Stocks, Sauces, and Soups I 3 CUL 150 L Stocks, Sauces, and Soups I Lab CUL 160 12 Breakfast Preparation 3 CUL 160 L Breakfast Preparation Lab 0 CUL 170 12 Purchasing, Receiving, Storage 3 CUL 170 L Purchasing, Receiving, Storage Lab CUL 180 12 Meat, Poultry, and Seafood II 4 CUL 180 L Meat, Poultry, and Seafood II Lab 0 CUL 195 12 Food Server 2 CUL 200 12 Food Service Nutrition 3 CUL 210 12 Baking 3 CUL 210 L Baking Lab 0 CUL 220 12 Saute Prep and Production 3 CUL 220 L Saute Prep and Production Lab 0 CUL 230 12 Pastry and Dessert 3 CUL 230 L Pastry and Dessert Lab 0 COMMERCIAL FOOD PREP ILWACO CUL 100 13 Culinary Arts Orientation 2 CUL 110 13 Food Service Sanitation and Safety 2 CUL 130 13 Meat, Poultry, and Seafood I 3 CUL 130 L Meat, Poultry, and Seafood I Lab 0 CUL 140 13 Pantry Prep 2 CUL 140 L Pantry Prep Lab 0 CUL 150 13 Stocks, Sauces, and Soups I 3 CUL 150 L Stocks, Sauces, and Soups I Lab CUL 160 13 Breakfast Preparation 3 CUL 160 L Breakfast Preparation Lab 0 CUL 170 13 Purchasing, Receiving, Storage 3 CUL 170 L Purchasing, Receiving, Storage Lab 0 CUL 180 13 Meat, Poultry, and Seafood II 4 CUL 180 L Meat, Poultry, and Seafood II Lab 0 CUL 195 13 Food Server 2 CUL 200 13 Food Service Nutrition 3 CUL 210 13 Baking 3 CUL 210 L Baking Lab 0 CUL 220 13 Saute Prep and Production 3 CUL 220 L Saute Prep and Production Lab 0 CUL 230 13 Pastry and Dessert 3 CUL 230 L Pastry and Dessert Lab 0 5 SUMMER 2016 Day Time FALL 2016 Rm Instructor Day MW TTh TTh T TTh W MW Th Time 9 - 9:50 am 9 - 9:50 am 10 - 10:50 am 2 - 4:00 pm 11 - 11:50 am 2 - 4:00 pm 11-11:50 am 2 - 4 pm Rm 201 201 201 RSC 201 RSC 201 RSC WINTER 2017 Instructor Time Rm T T TTh W MW Th 9 - 9:50 am 9 - 9:50 am 10 - 10:50 am 2 - 4:00 pm 11 - 11:50 am 2 - 4:00 pm 11 - 11:30 am 2 - 4:00 pm 106 106 106 ISC 106 ISC 106 ISC Instructor TW T 10-10:50 am 2 - 4:00 pm 201 RSC Erickson, K Erickson, K TTh W 11-11:50 am 2-4:00 pm 201 RSC Erickson, K Erickson, K TW M 12 - 12:50 pm 2 - 6:00 pm 201 RSC Erickson, K Erickson, K Day T T Th Th Time 9-9:50 am 2-6:00 pm 10-10:50 am 2 - 6:00 pm Rm 2101 ASC 2101 ASC Instructor Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K MW MWTh 10-10:50 am 9-9:50 am 201 RSC Erickson, K Erickson, K T T Th Th 9-9:50 am 2-6:00 pm 10-10:50 am 2 - 6:00 pm 201 RSC 201 RSC Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K MW MWTh 10-10:50 am 9-9:50 am 106 ISC Erickson, K Erickson, K T T Th Th 9-9:50 am 2 - 6:00 pm 10-10:50 am 2 - 6:00 pm 106 ISC 106 ISC Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Th Th MW TTh SPRING 2017 Day 12 - 12:50 pm 2 - 6:00 pm 2101 RSC Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K TW T 10-10:50 am 2 - 4:00 pm 106 ISC Erickson, K Erickson, K TTh W 11-11:50 am 2-4:00 pm 106 ISC Erickson, K Erickson, K TW M 12 - 12:50 pm 2 - 6:00 pm 106 ISC Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Erickson, K Th Th GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE ANNUAL PROPOSED SCHEDULE 2016-2017 12 - 12:50 pm 2 - 6:00 pm 106 ISC Erickson, K Erickson, K 6/2/2016 2016- 2017 Annual Schedule PROPOSED ANNUAL SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 Credit Day COMMERCIAL TRUCK DRIVING CDL 100 A Forklift Certification Training 1 Arr CTM 101 A Transportation Careers: Commercial 5 Driving TWThF CTM 127 A Pre-Trip Requirements 5 TWThF CTM 150 A Range Operations and Equipment5 TWThF CTM 185 A Over the Road Driving 5 TWThF COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS ON CAMPUS CIS 100 A Introduction to Personal Computers 2 MTWTh CIS 100 B Introduction to Personal Computers 2 CIS 100L1 1 Introduction to Personal Computers 0 Lab CIS 100L2 2 Introduction to Personal Computers 0 Lab CIS 101 A Keyboarding 2 MTWTH CIS 102 A Microcomputer Applications 3 MTWTh CIS 102 B Microcomputer Applications 3 CIS 102 C Microcomputer Applications 3 CIS 102L 1 Microcomputer Applications Lab 0 CIS 102L 2 Microcomputer Applications Lab 0 CIS 251 A Management Information Systems5 Time FALL 2016 Rm Instructor Scott, L Scott, L Scott, L Scott, L Scott, L Arr Daily Daily Daily Daily Arr 7:30 am - 1:00 pm 7:30 am - 1:00 pm 7:30 am - 1:00 pm 7:30 am - 1:00 pm 11:00am - 12:10pm 2205 Lenz, M M T W Th TTh MW MT M Th Th 8-8:50 am 12-12:50 pm 8-8:50 am 12-12:50 am 11-11:50 am 8-8:50 am 11-11:50 am 12-1:50 pm 8-8:50 am 11-11:50 am 9:40 -10:50 am 8:00 - 9:30 am 2205 2205 Lenz, M Lenz, M 11:00am - 12:10pm REC 213 Lenz, M CEC-ILWACO CIS 100 CIS 100L1 CIS 101 CIS 102 CIS 102L1 Introduction to Personal Computers 2 MTWTh Introduction to Personal Computers 0 Lab Keyboarding 2 MTWTh Microcomputer Applications 3 MTWTh Microcomputer Applications Lab 0 11:00am - 12:10pm CEC 107 Lenz, M Intro to Criminal Justice 5 Intro to Criminal Justice 5 Arr The Line Officer Function 5 The Line Officer Function 5 Drugs and Society Drugs and Society The Art of Public and Private Investigation 5 Criminal Justice Internship 5V Arr DIESEL TECHNOLOGY ON CAMPUS DT 121 A Introduction to Diesel Technology16 DT 122 A Intermediate Diesel Technology 16 DT 123 A Advanced Diesel Technology 16 DT 221 A Diagnostics, Testing and Repair 16 DT 222 A Advanced Diagnostics, Testing and 16 Repair 6 M W WINTER 2017 Rm Satsop Satsop Satsop Satsop Satsop Introduction to Personal Computers 2 MTWTh Introduction to Personal Computers 0 Lab Keyboarding 2 MTWTh Microcomputer Applications 3 MTWTh Microcomputer Applications Lab 0 CRIMINAL JUSTICE ON CAMPUS CJ& 101 A CJ& 101 17 CJUS 104 A CJUS 104 17 CJUS 151 A CJUS 151 B CJUS 201 A CJUS 258 A Time Arr 8:00 am - 3:30 pm 8:00 am - 3:30 pm 8:00 am - 3:30 pm 8:00 am - 3:30 pm REC-RAYMOND CIS 100 12 CIS 100L1 12 CIS 101 12 CIS 102 12 CIS 102L1 12 13 12 13 13 12 Day Instructor Satsop Satsop Satsop Satsop Satsop Scott, L Scott, L Scott, L Scott, L Scott, L 2205 2312 2205 2312 2205 2312 2312 2205 2312 2312 Lenz,, M Blankenship, S Lenz, M Blankenship, S Relyea, D Blankenship, S Jones, D. Relyea, D Blankenship, S Jones, D. Arr Cortinas, D MTWTh Arr Arr Bradbury, R Arr Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Arr 7:50 am - 1:00 pm 7:30 am - 1:00 pm 7:30 am - 1:00 pm 7:30 am - 1:00 pm Instructor Satsop Satsop Satsop Satsop Satsop Scott, L Scott, L Scott, L Scott, L Scott, L Day Arr Daily Daily Daily Daily Time Rm Arr 7:50 am - 1:00 pm 7:30 am - 1:00 pm 7:30 am - 1:00 pm 7:30 am - 1:00 pm Instructor Satsop Satsop Satsop Satsop Satsop Scott, L Scott, L Scott, L Scott, L Scott, L M 10-10:50 am 2312 Blankenship T 1-1:50 pm 2312 Blankenship W 10-10:50 am 2312 Blankenship, S Th 1-1:50 pm 2312 Blankenship TTh MW TW 11-11:50 am 8-8:50 am 11-11:50 am 2205 2205 2312 Relyea, D Blankenship Jones, D TTh MW MT 10-10:50 am 8-8:50 AM 11-11:50 am 2205 2205 2312 Relyea, D Blankenship, S Jones, D Th Th 8-8:50 am 11-11:50 am 2205 2312 Blankenship Jones, D Th Th Arr 8-8:50 am 11-11:50 am Arr 2205 2312 Arr Blankenship, S Jones, D Jones, D Arr 9-9:50 am Arr 2107 Cortinas Bradbury, R Arr Bradbury, R MW Th 8-8:50 am REC 213 Blankenship 8-8:50 am REC 213 Blankenship MW Th 8-8:50 am CEC 107 Blankenship 8-8:50 am CEC 107 Blankenship 9-9:50 am Arr 2107 Arr Bradbury, R Cortinas Arr Arr MTWTh MTWTh Arr SPRING 2017 Rm 8-8:50 am CEC 107 Lenz,, M 8-8:50 am CEC 107 Lenz, M 9:40 -10:50 am CEC 107 Lenz, M 8:00 - 9:30 am CEC 107 Lenz, M Arr Arr Daily Daily Daily Daily Time 8-8:50 am REC 213 Lenz,, M 8-8:50 am REC 213 Lenz, M 9:40 -10:50 am REC 213 Lenz, M 8:00 - 9:30 am REC 213 Lenz, M M W Day Arr 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am Arr 1803 1803 1803 1803 1803 Bradbury, R Werner, D Werner, D Werner, D Werner, D Werner, D GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE ANNUAL PROPOSED SCHEDULE 2016-2017 Arr Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Arr Arr 10-10:50 11-11:50 Arr 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am Arr Cortinas Arr 2107 2107 Staff Bradbury, R Bradbury, R Arr Bradbury, R 1803 1803 1803 1803 1803 Werner, D Werner, D Werner, D Werner, D Werner, D Arr MTWTh Arr Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Arr 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 1803 1803 1803 1803 1803 Werner, D Werner, D Werner, D Werner, D Werner, D 6/2/2016 2016- 2017 Annual Schedule PROPOSED ANNUAL SCHEDULE DT 223 A Certification and Training SUMMER 2016 Credit 16 Day Time FALL 2016 Rm Instructor Day Daily Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Time 7:30 - 11:50 am WINTER 2017 Rm 1803 Instructor Werner, D Day Daily Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Garrison, S Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Time 7:30 - 11:50 am SPRING 2017 Rm 1803 Instructor Werner, D Day Daily Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Time 7:30 - 11:50 am Rm 1803 Instructor Werner, D EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION ECED& 100 ECED& 105 ECED& 107 ECED& 120 ECED& 132 ECED& 134 ECED& 139 ECED& 160 ECED& 170 ECED& 180 ECED& 190 EDUC& 115 EDUC& 130 EDUC& 136 EDUC& 150 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 Child Care Basics 3 Intro to Early Childhood 5 Health, Safety, Nutrition 5 Practicum: Nurturing Relationships2 Infants & Toddlers Care 3 Family Child Care 3 Administration Early Learning Program 3 Curriculum Development 5 Environments for Young Children 3 Language and Literacy Development 3 Observation and Assessment 3 Child Development 5 Guiding Behavior 3 School Age Care Management 3 Child, Family, and Community 3 EARTH SCIENCE ON CAMPUS EARTH 102 A Earth Science 5 EARTH 102 17 Earth Science 5 EARTH 102 17C Earth Science (Reservation Based) 5 Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Arr Arr Arr Staff(WAOL) Arr Arr Arr Staff(WAOL) Arr Arr Arr Staff(WAOL) Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Arr Arr Arr Khandro, L Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Khandro, L Khandro, L Arr Arr Arr Zerr, M Arr Arr Arr Jones, D Daily Arr 10-10:50 am Arr 4432 Arr Hillier, J Khandro Arr MTWTh Arr 11-11:50 am Arr 2315 Jones, D Zerr, M MTWTh Arr 12-12:50 pm Arr 2105 Arr Zerr, M Zerr, M ECONOMICS ON CAMPUS ECON 100 ECON& 201 ECON& 201 ECON& 202 ECON& 202 17 A 17 A 17 Introduction to Economics Micro Economics Micro Economics Macro Economics Macro Economics 5 5 5 5 5 EDUCATION ON CAMPUS EDUC 201 EDUC 202 A 17 Intro/Orientation to Teaching Education Practicum 5 3 Arr EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN ON CAMPUS EMT 054 17 Emergency Medical 9 MTh 6-10:00 pm EMS Staff ENGINEERING ON CAMPUS ENGR& 104 ENGR& 214 ENGR& 215 ENGR& 225 A A A A Introduction to Engineering Engineering Statics Engineering Dynamics Mechanics of Materials 5 5 5 5 Daily Daily 10-10:00 am 806 Seta K ENGLISH ON CAMPUS ENGL 060 ENGL 060 ENGL 060 A B C English Language Study English Language Study English Language Study 5 5 5 MWTh MWTh 7 Arr MTWTh Arr Arr Arr Arr 11-11:50 am Arr 2104 Zerr, M Zerr, M Zerr, M 8-8:50 am 11-11:50 am 12-1:50 pm 4136 2103 2103 Arr Arr Daily Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr 10-10:50 am Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Garrison, S Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) Staff(WAOL) 4432 Arr Hillier, J Khandro Arr Arr Arr Zerr, M Arr Arr Arr Zerr, M Arr Arr Arr Portmann, C Portmann, C Seta, K Winsor, S Winsor, S GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE ANNUAL PROPOSED SCHEDULE 2016-2017 MWTh MWTh 11-11:50 am 12 - 12:50 pm 2103 2103 Winsor, S Winsor, S Daily 8 - 8:50 am 4140 Seta K MWTh 9-9:50 am 2103 Winsor, S 6/2/2016 2016- 2017 Annual Schedule PROPOSED ANNUAL SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 Credit English Language Study 5 Writing Fundamentals 5 Writing Fundamentals 5 Writing Fundamentals 5 Writing Fundamentals 5 Writing Fundamentals 5 Writing Fundamentals 5 Writing Fundamentals 5 Writing Fundamentals 5 English Composition I 5 English Composition I 5 English Composition I 5 English Composition I 5 English Composition I 5 English Composition I 5 English Composition I 5 English Composition I 5 English Composition I 5 English Composition II 5 English Composition II 5 English Composition II 5 English Composition II 5 English Composition II 5 Vocational/Technical/Business Writing 5 Survey of British Literature 5 Survey of British Literature II 5 Survey of Children's Literature 5 Fiction Writing 2 Poetry Writing 2 Playwriting 2 Technical Writing 5 Survey of World Literature 5 Survey of World Literature 5 Intro to American Literature 5 Intro to Shakespeare 5 Gender in Literature 5 Day Arr MW Time Instructor Winsor, S Lerych, J Day Arr MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh MWTh MTWTh Arr Time WINTER 2017 Time SPRING 2017 Arr 9 - 9:50 am 10-10:50 am 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm 12-1:50 pm 1-1:50 pm Arr Rm Arr 2416 2104 2315 2201 2103 2315 Arr Instructor Winsor, S Criswell, A Neiworth, J Neiworth, J Lerych, L Winsor, S Lerych, J Lerych, L Day Arr MW MTWTh MTWTh MW Instructor Winsor, S Lerych, L Neiworth, J Neiworth, J Lerych L MTWTh MW MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh Arr Arr MTWTh MTWTh Arr 8-8:50 am 9-9:50 am 9-9:50 am 10-10:50 am 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm 1-1:50 pm Arr Arr 9-9:50 am 12-12:50 pm Arr 2105 2103 2206 2201 2105 2105 2201 Arr Arr 2201 2202 Arr Cavin, D Winsor, S Neiworth, J Lerych, L. Cavin, D Cavin, D Neiworth, J Criswell, A Lerych, L Lerych, L Criswell, A Criswell, A MTWTh MTWTh MW MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh 8-8:50 am 9-9:50 am 10-10:50 am 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm 1-1:50 p.m. 2105 2105 2103 2105 2105 2104 Cavin, D Cavin, D Winsor, S Cavin, D Cavin, D Neiworth, J MTWTh Arr Arr MTWTh MTWTh Arr Arr Arr Arr 9-9:50 am 10-10:50 am Arr Arr Arr Arr 2201 2417 Arr Arr Winsor, S Lerych, L Lerych, L Criswell, A Criswell, A Criswell, A MTWTh 1-1:50 pm 2105 Cavin, D MTWTh 10:00-10:50 am 2105 Cavin, D 17 A B C D E F 17 27 A B C D E F G 17 27 A B 17 27 37 A A A A A A A A A 17 A A A ENGLISH RIVERVIEW ENGL& 101 12 English Composition I 5 MTWTh 9-9:50 am Staff ENGLISH COLUMBIA ENGL& 101 13 English Composition I 5 MTWTh 9-9:50 am Staff ENT BUS 210 ENT 205 ENT 208 ENT 280 17 17 17 17 Arr Arr MW 8 - 9:55 am Arr Lerych, J 2201 Lerych, L Arr Arr Arr Winsor, S Arr Arr Arr Criswell, A Arr Arr Arr Th 1-2:50 pm 2417 Lerych, L MTWTh MTWTh 9-9:50 am 9-9:50 am 2105 2315 Cavin, D Lerych, J Arr Arr 8-8:50 am 9-9:50 am 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm Rm Arr 2315 2104 2104 2201 ENGL 060 ENGL 095 ENGL 095 ENGL 095 ENGL 095 ENGL 095 ENGL 095 ENGL 095 ENGL 095 ENGL& 101 ENGL& 101 ENGL& 101 ENGL& 101 ENGL& 101 ENGL& 101 ENGL& 101 ENGL& 101 ENGL& 101 ENGL& 102 ENGL& 102 ENGL& 102 ENGL& 102 ENGL& 102 ENGL 150 ENGL 208 ENGL 209 ENGL 233 ENGL 241 ENGL 242 ENGL 243 ENGL& 235 ENGL 252 ENGL 252 ENGL& 244 ENGL& 220 ENGL 275 Business Plan Intensive 3 Energy/Innovation Entrepreneurship Right Path to Business 1 Entrepreneurial Finance Arr 8 - 9:55 am FALL 2016 Rm Arr 2315 Arr Arr Lerych, J Th MTWTh 1-2:50 pm 10-10:50 am 2417 2105 Lerych, L Cavin, D MTWTh MTWTh 9-9:50am 10-10:50 am 2416 2201 Criswell, A Lerych, L Lerych, L Day Arr MTWTh MTWTh MWTh Arr Arr Arr Rm Arr 2104 2104 2103 Instructor Winsor, S Neiworth, J Neiworth, J Winsor, S Lerych, J 8-8:50 am 2105 Cavin, D MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh 10-10:50am 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm 2103 2105 2105 Neiworth, J Cavin, D Cavin, D Arr Arr MTWTh MTWTh Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr 8-8:50 am 10-10:50 am Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr 2315 2201 Arr Arr Arr Lerych, L Winsor, S Neiworth, J Lerych, L. Criswell, A Winsor, S Criswell, A MTWTh MTWTh Th 10-10:50 am 9-9:50 am 1-2:50 2105 2201 2417 Cavin, D Lerych, L Lerych, L MTWTh 9 - 9:50 am 2105 Cavin, D Arr Lerych, L MTWTh Arr Arr 9-9:50 am 11-11:50 am 10-10:50 am Arr Arr Arr Time Arr 11-11:50 a.m. 2201 Criswell, A Arr Arr Arr WAOL Arr Arr Arr WAOL WAOL (Staff) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE ON CAMPUS 8 GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE ANNUAL PROPOSED SCHEDULE 2016-2017 6/2/2016 2016- 2017 Annual Schedule PROPOSED ANNUAL SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 ENVS& 100 ENVS& 100 A 17 Credit Survey of Environmental Science 5 Survey of Environmental Science 5 FILM ON CAMPUS FILM 125 FILM 125 A 17 Film Interpretation Film Interpretation FOREIGN LANGUAGES ON CAMPUS FRCH& 121 A French I FRCH& 122 A French II LATIN 125 A Latin I RUSS 125 A Russian I SPAN& 121 A Spanish I SPAN& 121 17 Spanish I SPAN& 122 A Spanish II LING 101 A Introduction to World Languages 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Day Arr MTWTh Time FALL 2016 Rm Arr 10:10am -12:05pm Instructor Arr Bates, T 2250 Lerych, L Day Daily MTWTh MTWTh 10:10 am - 12:05 pm 2315 Time 12-12:50 pm 12-12:50 pm WINTER 2017 Rm 4141 2315 Instructor Jones, R MTWTh 10-10:50 am 2315 Lerych J Creating Success in College and Life 2 MTWTh 10-10:50 am 2102 Muir, D GEOLOGY ON CAMPUS GEOL& 101 GEOL& 101L A 1 Intro to Physical Geology Intro to Physical Geology Lab MTWTh F 10-10:50 am 10-11:50 am 4432 4432 Hillier, J Hillier, J Arr Arr Arthur, G Allan, C 2417 Murrell, G HISTORY ON CAMPUS HIST& 116 HIST& 116 HIST& 117 HIST& 117 HIST& 118 HIST& 146 HIST& 146 HIST& 147 HIST& 148 HIST& 148 HIST& 214 HIST 220 HIST 271 HIST 272 A 17 A 17 17 A 17 A A 17 A A A A 5 0 Western Civilization I 5 Western Civilization I 5 Western Civilization II 5 Western Civilization II 5 Western Civilization III 5 US History I 5 US History I 5 US History II 5 US History III 5 US History III 5 Pacific Northwest History 5 20th Century Europe 5 African-American History: 1865-1975 5 History of England 5 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT ON CAMPUS HUMDV 111 A Career Options and Life HUMDV 150 A Tutoring Techniques HUMDV 151 A Interpersonal Skills 2 1 2 Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Allan, C Allan, C Arr Arr Arr Muir, D Arr Arr MTWTh 12-12: 50 pm 9-9:50 am 2315 2315 Lerych, J Lerych, J MTWTh 10-10:50 am 2315 Lerych, J Arr Arr 8-8:50 am MTWTh Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Day Daily Arr Time 11-11:50 am Arr Rm 4129 Arr Instructor Plagge, T Staff MW 12-1:50 pm 2250 Lerych L MTWTh 12-12:50 pm 2315 Lerych, J MTWTh MTWTh 10-10:50 am 9-9:50 am 2315 2315 Lerych, J Lerych, J 9-9:50 am Arr 2417 Arr 11-11:50am Arr 2204 Arr Arr Arr 8-8:50 am 2103 Muir, D MTWTh 11-11:50 am 2102 Muir, D Arr Arr Arthur, G Allan, C 2417 Murrell, G Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arthur, G Allan, C Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Muir, D Muir, D Murrell, G Muir, D Muir, D TTh Arr 9-9:50 am Muir, D Arr MTWTh Arr Instructor Jones, R Bates, T MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh Arr Arr SPRING 2017 Rm 4141 Arr Lerych, J A 5 5 Time 10-10:50 am Arr Lerych, J FYE 102 HEALTH PROMOTION AND FITNESS ON CAMPUS HPF 101 17 Health and Wellness HPF 101 27 Health and Wellness Day Daily Arr Shook B Seta, K MTWTh Arr 9-9:50 am Arr 2417 Arr Murrell, G Muir, D Daily MTWTh 11-11:50 am 10-10:50 am 2250 2417 Muir, D Murrell, G Arr Arr Arr Seta, K Daily 10-10:50 am 2101 Muir, D Daily 9-9:50 am 2102 Muir, D Arr TTh Arr 11-11:50 am Arr 2204 Seta, K Shook, B HUMAN SERVICES ON CAMPUS 9 GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE ANNUAL PROPOSED SCHEDULE 2016-2017 6/2/2016 2016- 2017 Annual Schedule PROPOSED ANNUAL SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 Credit 5 Day HS 101 A Intro to Human Services HS 102 HS 108 HS 109 HS 158 HS 201 HS 202 A A A A A A Survey of Community Resources 5 Counseling and Crisis Intervention5 Law and Ethics in Human Services5 Co-op Work Internship 3V Current Issues in Human Services5 Counseling Special Populations 5 HS 203 A Interviewing/Assess in Hum Svcs 5 Setting HS 204 HS 258 A A Advanced Counseling Case Management 5 Adv Co-op Work Internship 5V Arr LIBRARY ON CAMPUS LIB 101 17 Introduction to Information Arr FALL 2016 Rm Arr Arr Instructor Miller-Starks ARR MW MW Arr Arr Miller-Starks ARR Arr Fundamentals of Arithmetic 5 Fundamentals of Arithmetic 5 Fundamentals of Arithmetic 5 Fundamentals of Arithmetic 5 Arr Fundamentals of Arithmetic 5 Pre-Algebra 5 MTWTh Pre-Algebra 5 Pre-Algebra 5 Pre-Algebra 5 Arr Pre-Algebra 5 Elementary Algebra 5 MTWTh Elementary Algebra 5 Elementary Algebra 5 Elementary Algebra 5 Arr Intermediate Algebra 5 MTWTh Intermediate Algebra Intermediate Algebra 5 Intermediate Algebra 5 Intermediate Algebra 5 Arr Vocational Technical Mathematics5 Appl of Algebra for Voc/Tech Students 5 Math in Society 5 Math in Society 5 Arr Introduction to Finite Mathematics5 Mathematics for Elementary Education 1 MATH& 132 A Mathematics for Elementary Education 2 MATH& 141 MATH& 141 MATH& 141 MATH& 142 MATH& 142 MATH & 146 MATH& 146 A B C A B A B Precalculus I Precalculus I Precalculus I Precalculus II Precalculus II Introduction to Statistics Introduction to Statistics 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Day M TTh Daily Daily Arr 11:30 am - 1:20 pm Arr Arr Martin, P Arr 2203 Franke, P Daily Daily Arr Martin, P Arr 8:00 - 9:55 am 4140 Kuester, T Arr 8 am - 9:55 am Arr 4138 Martin, P Staff Arr Arr Martin, P Daily Daily Daily Arr Daily Daily Daily Daily Arr Arr Arr Martin, P MTWTh Arr Daily Daily Daily MTWTh Time 11-11:50 10-11:50 am ARR 10-11:50 12 - 1:50 WINTER 2017 Rm 2416 2416 ARR 2416 2416 Instructor Miller-Starks Miller-Starks Miller-Starks Miller-Starks Miller-Starks 10:10am - 12:05 pm 4140 Kuester, T Daily Daily ARR Arr 9-9:50am 12-12:50 pm Arr 10-10:50 am 11-11:50 am Arr ARR Miller-Starks SPRING 2017 Day Time Rm MW TTh 10-11:50 am 10-11:50 2416 2416 Miller-Starks Miller-Starks ARR ARR ARR Miller-Starks 11-1:50 12-1:50 pm 2416 2416 Miller-Starks Miller-Starks ARR ARR Miller-Starks M W 2 MATHEMATICS ON CAMPUS MATH 060 A MATH 060 B MATH 060 C MATH 060 17 MATH 060 27 MATH 070 A MATH 070 B MATH 070 C MATH 070 17 MATH 070 27 MATH 095 A MATH 095 B MATH 095 C MATH 095 17 MATH 098 A MATH 098 B MATH 098 C MATH 098 D MATH 098 17 MATH 100 A MATH 101 A MATH& 107 A MATH& 107 17 MATH 111 A MATH& 131 A 10 Time ARR Arr Roush, A. Arr 2203 2203 Do, Taya Do, Taya Daily Arr Martin, P Arr 2203 2203 Do, Taya Do, Taya Daily Daily Arr Martin, P Arr Arr 11 - 11:50 am Arr 9-9:50 am 12-12:50 pm Arr Instructor Arr 2203 2203 Do, Taya Do, Taya Daily Daily Arr Martin, P Arr 11-11:50 am 10-10:50 am 12 - 12:50 pm Arr 4140 4138 4138 Martin, P Staff Montoure, A Montoure, A 9:00 - 9:50 am Arr 4136 Arr Siedenstrang Martin, P MTWTh Arr Daily MTW Th 8-8:50 am 10-10:50 am 4140 4140 Koskela, J Koskela, J Siedenstrang Kuester, T Kuester, T GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE ANNUAL PROPOSED SCHEDULE 2016-2017 Miller-Starks Miller-Starks Martin, P Arr Daily Daily Daily 4142 4142 4136 2416 ARR Arr Do, Taya Do, Taya 8 - 8:50 am 12-12:50 pm 12-12:50 pm 10-11:50 am ARR Daily Daily 2203 2203 11-11:50 am Arr 10-10:50 am 12-12:50 pm 12-1:50 pm MT ARR Franke, P 10-10:50 am 11-11:50 am Arr Miller-Starks Miller-Starks 2104 Daily Daily Arr 4136 Arr 4140 4136 4136 Martin, P Siedenstrang Martin, P Kuester, T Siedenstrang Siedenstrang Daily Daily 9-9:50am 9:00-9:50 am 4142 4136 Koskela Siedenstrang Daily Daily Daily Daily 8-8:50 am 12-12:50 pm 8-8:50 am 9-9:50 am 4142 4140 4138 4138 Koskela Kuester, T Montoure, A Montoure, A Instructor 2416 ARR Arr Montoure, A Montoure, A Montoure, A Martin, P Lloyd, S Siedenstrang Kuester, T Montoure, A Martin, P Rm 11am-12:50pm ARR Roush, A 4138 4138 4138 Arr 4142 4136 4140 4138 Arr Time MW ARR Arr 8-8:50 am 9-9:50 an 10-10:50 am Arr 9-9:50 am 10-10:t0 am 12-12:50 pm 12-12:50 pm Arr Arr Day Arr Arr Roush A 2255 2255 Franke, P Franke, P Arr Martin, P 10-10:50 am 11-11:50 am 2203 2203 Do, Taya Do, Taya Arr Daily Daily Arr 9-9:50 am 12-12:50 pm Arr 2203 2203 Martin, P Do, Taya Do, Taya Arr Daily Daily Arr 9 - 9:50 am 11 - 11:50 am Arr 4140 4138 Martin, P Kuester, T Montoure, A Arr Daily Daily MTWTh Arr Arr 1-1:50 pm 12-12:50 pm 9-9:50 am Arr Arr 4138 4140 4136 Arr Martin, P Montoure, A Kuester, T Siedenstrang Martin, P MTW Th 12-12:50 pm 12-1:50 pm 4136 4136 Siedenstrang Siedenstrang Daily Daily Daily Daily 10:00 - 10:50 am 8:00 - 8:50 am 8-8:50 am 10-10:50 am 4136 4140 4138 4138 Siedenstrang Kuester, T Montoure, A Montoure, A 8-8:50 am 11-11:50 am Arr 6/2/2016 2016- 2017 Annual Schedule PROPOSED ANNUAL SCHEDULE MATH& 148 MATH& 151 MATH& 152 MATH& 152 MATH& 163 MATH 220 MATH 241 A A A B A A A MATH RIVERVIEW MATH 070 MATH 095 MATH 098 12 12 12 Pre-Algebra Elementary Algebra Intermediate Algebra 5 5 5 MATH COLUMBIA MATH 070 MATH 095 MATH 098 13 13 13 Pre-Algebra Elementary Algebra Intermediate Algebra 5 MUSIC ON CAMPUS MUSIC 100 MUSC& 105 MUSC& 105 MUSC& 105 MUSIC 117 MUSIC 118 MUSIC 119 MUSC& 121 MUSC& 122 MUSC& 123 MUSC& 131 MUSC& 132 MUSC& 133 MUSIC 150 MUSIC 150 MUSIC 151 MUSIC 151 MUSIC 152 MUSIC 152 MUSIC 152 MUSIC 152 MUSIC 154 MUSIC 154 MUSIC 155 MUSIC 155 MUSIC 155 MUSIC 156 MUSIC 157 MUSIC 157 MUSIC 158 MUSIC 161 MUSIC 162 MUSIC 171 MUSIC 173 MUSIC 181 A A 17 17C A A A A A A A A A A B A B A B C D A B A B C A A B A A A A A A Music Fundamentals 5 Music Appreciation 5 Music Appreciation 5 Music Appreciation (Reservation Based) 5 Beginning Piano Techniques I 1 Beginning Piano Techniques II 1 Beginning Piano Techniques III 1 Ear Training 1 2 Ear Training 2 2 Ear Training 3 2 Music Theory 1 3 Music Theory 2 3 Music Theory 3 3 Applied Music-Piano 1 Applied Music Piano 1 Applied Music-Strings 1 Applied Music-Strings 1 Applied Music-Voice 1 Applied Music-Voice 1 Applied Music Voice 1 Applied Music-Voice 1 Applied Music-Woodwinds 1 Applied Music-Voice 1 Applied Music-Brass 1 Applied Music-Brass 1 Applied Music-Brass 1 Applied Music-Percussion 1 Applied Music-Guitar 1 Applied Music Guitar 1 Applied Jazz Piano 1 Symphony Orchestra 1 Pit Orchestra 1 Civic Choir 1 Jazz Choir 1.5 Jazz Band 1.5 11 Business Calculus Calculus I Calculus II Calculus II Calculus 3 Linear Algebra Differential Equations I SUMMER 2016 Credit 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Day Time FALL 2016 Rm Instructor Day Time Rm Daily Daily 11-11:50 am 11-11:50 am 4140 4142 TTh WINTER 2017 Instructor Kuester, T Koskela, J Time Rm Daily 11-11:50 am 4142 Koskela Daily 8-8:50 am 4140 Kuester, T Arr Arr Dyer, W MTWTh Arr 10-10:50 am Arr 2250 Arr Dyer, B Dyer, B TTh MW 10-10:50 am 10-10:50 am 2358 2358 Hasbrouck, K Hasbrouck, K TTh 11-11:50 am 2350 Dyer, B MW M 7-9:00 pm 2350 Day Daily Daily Time 10-10:50 am 8 - 8:50 am Rm 4140 4142 Instructor Kuester, T Koskela, J Daily 11-11:50 am 4142 Koskela, J Daily 10-10:50 am 4142 Koskela, J 2 - 4 pm REC 201 Wasberg, D TTh 2 - 4 pm REC 201 Wasberg TTh 2 - 4 pm CEC 106 Wasberg 2 - 4 pm CEC 106 Wasberg TTh Arr Instructor 2 - 4 pm REC 201 Wasberg TTh TTh SPRING 2017 Day 11-11:50 am 2350 MTWTh Arr 2 - 4 pm CEC 106 Wasberg, D 10-10:50am Arr 2250 Arr Dyer, B Dyer, B TTh MW MW 10-10:50am 10 - 10:50 am 10-10:50 am 2358 2358 2358 Hasbrouck, K Hasbrouck, K Hasbrouck, K TTh 11-11:50 am 2358 Dyer, B MTWTh 10-10:50 am 2250 Dyer, B Arr Arr TTh MW MW Arr Arr 10-10:50 am 10-10:50 am 10-10:50 am Arr Arr 2358 2358 2358 Dyer, B Dyer, B Hasbrouck, K Hasbrouck, K Hasbrouck, K TTh 11-11:50 am 2358 Dyer, B MW Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr M 11-11:50 am Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr 7:00-9:00pm 2358 2358 2358 Arr Arr 2361 Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr 2350 Dyer, B Hasbrouck, K Pickell, E O'Brien, L Meikle, K Dorsch I Dorsch J Hasbrouck K Hill, C Bevington C Smith, M Dyer, B Hooker, T Koski, W Joyner, M Mason, W Eddy, A Hasbrouck, K Dyer, B T TTh MW 7:00pm-9:00pm 1-2:30 pm 1-2:30 p.m. 2350 2350 2350 Hasbrouck, K Dyer, B Dyer, B Dyer, B Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr M Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr 7-9:00 pm 2358 2358 Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr 2350 Hasbrouck, K Pickell, E O'Brien, L. Meikle, K Dorsch, I Dorsch, J Hasbrouck K Hill, C Bevington, C Smith, M Dyer, B Hooker, T Koski, W Joyner, M Mason, W Eddy A Hasbrouck, K Dyer, B T TTh MW 7-9:00 pm 1-2:30 pm 1-2:30 pm 2350 2350 2350 Hasbrouck, K Dyer, B Dyer, B Dyer GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE ANNUAL PROPOSED SCHEDULE 2016-2017 MW 11-11:50 am 2358 Dyer, B Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr 2358 2358 Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Hasbrouck, K Pickell, E O'Brien, L. Meikle, K Dorsch I Dorsch, J Hasbrouck, K Hill, C Bevington, C Smith, M Dyer, B Hooker, T Koski, W Joyner, M Mason, W Eddy, A Hasbrouck K M T TTh MW 7-9:00 pm 7:00 - 9:00 pm 1-2:30 pm 1-2:30 p.m. 2350 2350 2350 2350 Dyer, B Hasbrouck, K Dyer, B Dyer, B 6/2/2016 2016- 2017 Annual Schedule PROPOSED ANNUAL SCHEDULE MUSIC 217 MUSIC 218 MUSIC 219 MUSC& 221 MUSC& 222 MUSC& 223 MUSIC 231 MUSIC 232 MUSIC 233 MUSIC 250 MUSIC 250 MUSIC 251 MUSIC 251 MUSIC 252 MUSIC 252 MUSIC 252 MUSIC 252 MUSIC 254 MUSIC 254 MUSIC 255 MUSIC 255 MUSIC 255 MUSIC 256 MUSIC 257 MUSIC 257 MUSIC 258 MUSIC 261 MUSIC 262 MUSIC 271 MUSIC 273 MUSIC 281 A A A A A A A A A A B A B A B C D A B A B C A A B A A A A A A Credit Intermediate Piano I 1 Intermediate Piano II 1 Intermediate Piano III 1 Ear Training 4 2 Ear Training 5 2 Ear Training 6 2 Intermediate Harmony 3 Advanced Harmony I 3 Advanced Harmony II 3 Advanced Applied Music-Piano 2 Advanced Applied Music-Piano 2 Advanced Applied Music-Strings 2 Advanced Applied Music-Strings 2 Advanced Applied Music-Voice 2 Advanced Applied Music-Voice 2 Advanced Applied Music-Voice 2 Advanced Applied Music-Voice 2 Advanced Applied Music-Woodwinds 2 Advanced Applied Music - Woodwinds 2 Advanced Applied Music-Brass 2 Advanced Applied Music-Brass 2 Advanced Applied Music-Brass 2 Advanced Applied Music-Percussion 2 Advanced Applied Music-Guitar 2 Advanced Applied Music-Guitar 2 Advanced Applied Jazz Piano 2 Symphony Orchestra 1 Pit Orchestra 1 Civic Choir 1 Jazz Choir 1.5 Jazz Band 1.5 NATURAL RESOURCES ON CAMPUS NR 110 A Principles of GIS I 5 NR 110L 1 Principles of GIS 1 Lab 0 NR 131 A Forest Ecology - Plant Taxonomy 5 NR 131L 1 Forest Ecology - Plant Taxonomy 0 Lab NR 150 A Forest Ecology - Distrubances 5 NR 150L 1 Forest Ecology - Disturbances Lab0 NR 158 A Work Experience Seminar 1 NR 160 A Forest Ecology - Habitats 5 NR 160 1 Forest Ecology - Habitats Lab 0 NR 250 A GIS and Remote Sensing in NR 5 NR 250 L 1 GIS and Remote Sensin in NR Lab 0 NR 258 A Co-op Work Experience 5V NR 259 A Co-op Work Experience 5V NR 260 A Forest Mensuration 5 NR 260 L 1 Forest Mensuration Lab 0 NR 270 A Silviculture 5 NR 270 L 1 Silviculture Lab 0 NR 285 A Forest Resource Planning 2 NURSING ON CAMPUS CNA 102 CNA 102 12 A A Certified Nursing Assistant Traing 9 Certified Nursing Assistant Training (clinical) SUMMER 2016 Day Time FALL 2016 Rm Instructor Day MW Time 8-8:50 am Rm 2358 WINTER 2017 Instructor Hasbrouck, K Day MW TTh 9-9:50 am 2358 M 7-9:00 pm 2350 9-9:50 am 2358 Rm 8-8:50 am 2358 SPRING 2017 Instructor 318 318 Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr M Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr 7-9:00 p.m. 2358 2358 Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr 2350 Hasbrouck K Pickell, E O'Brien, L. Meikle, K Dorsch, I Dorsch, J Hasbrouck K Hill, C Bevington Smith, M Dyer, W Hooker, T Koski, W Joyner, M Mason, W Eddy A Hasbrouck, K Dyer, B T TTh MW 7-9:00 p.m. 1-2:30 pm 1-2:30 p.m. 2350 2350 2350 Hasbrouck, K Dyer, B Dyer, B MW MW 4:30 - 6:00 pm 6:00 - 8:00 pm 4120 4120 Mooser, I Mooser, I Dyer Bates Bates Arr Arr M T W Th Arr Arr 1:00 - 3:50 pm 1:00 - 4:50 pm 1:00 - 3:50 pm 1:00 - 4:50 pm 4330 4330 4330 4330 4330 4330 9-9:50 am 2358 4 - 8:00 PM 6 am - 2 pm 4144 Arr Instructor MW 8-8:50 am 2358 Hasbrouck, K TTh 9-9:50 am 2358 Dyer, W MW Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr M 9-9:50 am Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr 7:00-9:00pm 2358 2358 2358 Arr Arr 2361 Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr 2350 Dyer, W Hasbrouck, K Pickell, E O'Brien L Meikle, K Dorsch I Dorsch, J Hasbrouck K Hill, C Bevington Smith, M Dyer, W Hooker, T Koski, W Joyner, M Mason, W Eddy, A Hasbrouck, K Dyer, W T TTh MW 7:00-9:00pm 1-2:30 pm 1-3:00 p.m. 2350 2350 2350 Hasbrouck, K Dyer, W Dyer, W Daily Daily Daily Daily 8:00 am - 11:00 am 12:00 pm - 3:50 pm 8:00 am - 11:00 am 12-3:50 pm 4330 4330 4330 4330 Bates, T Bates, T Bates, T Bates, T Daily Daily 8:00 am - 11:00 am 4330 4330 Bates, T Bates, T. 4330 4330 Bates, T Bates, T Dyer, B MW 9-9:50 am 2358 Dyer, B Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr 2358 2358 Arr Arr 2361 Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Hasbrouck, K Pickell, E O'Brien, L Meikle, K Dorsch, I Dorsch J Hasbrouck, K Hill, C Bevington, C Smith, M Dyer, W Hooker, T Koski, W Joyner, M Mason, W Eddy, A Hasbrouck, K M T TTh MW 7-9:00 pm 7:00 - 9:00 pm 1-2:30 pm 1-2:30 pm 2350 2350 2350 2350 Dyer, B Hasbrouck, K Dyer, W Dyer, W Bates, T Bates, T Bates, T Bates, T Bates, T Bates, T W Th Arr Arr T MW Sa Rm Hasbrouck, K 1-2:50 pm 4330 Bates, T. 12-3:50 pm Arr Arr Time Dyer, B M Arr Arr Day Dyer, B TTh MW Time Kargbo, L Kargbo, L MW Sa GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE ANNUAL PROPOSED SCHEDULE 2016-2017 1 - 3:30 pm 4330 Bates, T 1 - 4:50 pm 4330/4120 Bates, T Arr 4330 Bates, T Arr 4330 Bates, T 1:00 - 2:50 pm 5 - 8:00 PM 6 am - 2 pm 4330 Bates, T 4144 Arr Kargbo, L Kargbo, L Arr Arr Arr Arr 6/2/2016 2016- 2017 Annual Schedule PROPOSED ANNUAL SCHEDULE NURS 161 NURS 161 NURS 162 NURS 162 NURS 163 NURS 163 NURS 198 NURS 261 NURS 261 NURS 262 NURS 262 NURS 263 NURS 263 A A A A A A A A A A A A A SUMMER 2016 Credit 10 Day Time FALL 2016 Rm Instructor Nursing Concepts 1 Nursing Concepts 1(clinical) Nursing Concepts 2 12 Nursing Concepts 2 (clinical) Nursing Concepts 3 12 Nursing Concepts 3 (clinical) Personal & Vocational Relationships 1 PN Complex Health Alterations 12 Complex Health Alterations (clinical) Complex Health Alterations II 12 Complex Health Alterations II (clinical) Transition to Professional Practice7(theory) Transition to Professional Practice (clinical) Day MT Arr Time 9-11:30 am Arr Arr MT Arr Arr 9 am -12:00 pm Arr Arr Arr Arr Baze, M PHILOSOPHY ON CAMPUS PHIL& 101 PHIL& 101 5 5 Arr Arr Arr Criswell, A MTWTh 11-11:50 am Arr Arr Arr Arthur, G Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr MW MTWTh MTWTh Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr 10-10:50 am 10-10:50 am 10-10:50 am Arr PHYSICAL EDUCATION ON CAMPUS PE 082 A Fitness Maintenance PE 109 A Basketball PE 109 B Basketball PE 110 A Intermediate Basketball PE 110 B Intermediate Basketball PE 113 A Beginning Golf PE 114 A Intermediate Golf PE 116 A Beginning Step Aerobics PE 117 A Intermediate Step Aerobics PE 118 A Advanced Step Aerobics PE 120 A Beginning Softball PE 121 A Beginning Exercise Walking PE 122 A Intermediate Exercise Walking PE 124 A Intermediate Softball PE 125 A Beginning Volleyball PE 126 A Intermediate Volleyball PE 127 A Advanced Volleyball PE 129 A Weight Lifting PE 129 B Weight Lifting PE 130 A Intermediate Weight Lifting PE 130 B Intermediate Weight Lifting PE 131 A Advanced Weight Lifting PE 131 B Advanced Weight Lifting PE 155 A Beginning Soccer PE 156 A Intermediate Soccer PE 165 A Beginning Baseball PE 166 A Intermediate Baseball PE 170 A Fitness Lab PE 170 B Fitness Lab PE 170 C Fitness Lab PE 171 A Intermediate Fitness Lab PE 171 B Intermediate Fitness Lab PE 171 C Intermediate Fitness Lab 13 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Day Arr 4146 Arr Arr Arr MTWTh 10-11:30 am 540 Arthur, G MTWTh 10-11:30 am 540 Arthur, G MTWTh 10-11:30 am 540 Arthur, G MTWTh 11:40 am - 1:10 pm 530 Arthur, G MTWTh 11:40 am - 1:10 pm 530 Arthur, G Arr Arr Arr Time SPRING 2017 Rm 9- 11:50 am Arr 4144 Arr Instructor Time Rm Instructor Team Team 9 am - 12 pm Arr 4146 Arr MT Arr 9-11:50 am Arr 4144 Arr Team Team Arr Arr Arr Arr 4146 Arr Team Team Arr Arr Arr Team Team Baze, M Arr Arr Arr Baze, M 2201 Criswell, A Arr Arr Arr Criswell, A Arr 500 500 500 500 Arr Arr 500 500 500 Arr Arthur, G Cole, A Allan, C Cole, A Allan, C Espedal, R Espedal, R Aho, P Aho, P Aho, P Sutera, T Arr Arr Arr Arthur, G 10-10:50 am 10-10:50 am 10-10:50 am 500 500 500 Aho, P Aho, P Aho, P Arr Day Miller, J Team Team MT Arr 5 Intro to Philosophy Intro to Philosophy Instructor Team Team MT Arr NUTRITION ON CAMPUS NUTR& 101 17 Human Nutrition A 17 WINTER 2017 Rm 4144 Arr MW MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh Arr Arr 12-12:50pm Arr 2201 Arr Baze, M Criswell, A Criswell, A Arr Arr Arthur, G TTh MTWTh 1-1:50 pm 1-1:50 pm 500 500 Aho, P Aho, P MW MW MW MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh Arr Arr 11 - 11:50 am 11 - 11:50 am 11-11:;50 am 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm Arr Arr 500 500 500 540 540 540 540 540 540 Arr Arr Nelson, C Nelson, C Nelson, C Arthur, G Arthur, G Arthur, G Arthur, G Arthur, G Arthur, G Schumacher Schumacher MTWTh Arr MTWTh Arr MTWTh Arr MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh 10-10:50 am 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm 10-10:50 am 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm 530 530 530 530 530 530 Aho, P Aho, P Aho, P Aho, P Aho, P Aho, P Sutera, T Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 am 540 540 540 540 540 540 Arthur, G Arthur, G Arthur, G Arthur, G Arthur, G Arthur, G MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm 540 540 540 540 540 540 Arthur, G Arthur, G Arthur, G Arthur, G Arthur, G Arthur, G Arr Arr MTWTh MTWTh Arr Arr 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm 500 500 530 530 Wahl, T Wahl, T Aho, P Aho, P MTWTh Arr MTWTh Arr 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm 530 530 Aho, P Aho, P MTWTh MTWTh 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm 530 530 Aho, P Aho, P MTWTh MTWTh 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm 530 530 Aho, P Aho, P GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE ANNUAL PROPOSED SCHEDULE 2016-2017 6/2/2016 2016- 2017 Annual Schedule PROPOSED ANNUAL SCHEDULE PE 172 PE 172 PE 172 PE 177 PE 180 PE 180 PE 181 PE 181 A B C A A B A B Advanced Fitness Lab Advanced Fitness Lab Advanced Fitness Lab First Aid/CPR Beginning Wrestling Beginning Wrestling Intermediate Wrestling Intermediate Wrestling PHYSICS ON CAMPUS PHYS& 114 PHYS& 114L PHYS& 115 PHYS& 115L PHYS& 116 PHYS& 116L PHYS& 221 PHYS& 221L PHYS& 222 PHYS& 222L PHYS& 223 PHYS& 223L A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 General Physics I General Physics I Lab General Physics II General Physics II Lab General Physics III General Physics III Lab Engineering Physics I Engineering Physics Lab I Engineering Physics II Engineering Physics Lab II Engineering Physics II Engineering Physics Lab II SUMMER 2016 Credit 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 Day MTWTh Time 11:40 am - 1:10 pm FALL 2016 Rm 530 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 14 General Psychology General Psychology General Psychology General Psychology General Psychology General Psychology Applied Psychology Human Sexuality Lifespan Psychology Lifespan Psychology Lifespan Psychology 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 WINTER 2017 Time 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm Rm 530 530 Instructor Aho, P Aho, P MW Arr Arr Arr Arr 2-2:50 pm Arr Arr Arr Arr 2255 Arr Arr Arr Arr Staff Pine, P Cook, A Pine, P Cook, A Daily W 8-8:50 am 1:00-2:50 pm 4432 4432 Hillier, J Hillier, J Daily Th Day MTWTh MTWTh MW 12-12:50 pm 1-2:50 pm 4432 4432 Daily Daily Arr MTWTh Arr Arr Arr 10-10:50 am 11-11:50 am Arr 11-11:50 am 2107 2107 Bradbury, R Bradbury, R Arr Cortinas D 2417 9:00 am - 3:00 pm 2:00 pm - 3:20 pm Arr 2101 Rm 530 530 Instructor Aho, P Aho, P 2-2:50 pm 4142 Staff 8-8:50 am 1:00-2:50 pm 4432 4432 Hillier, J Hillier, J 12-12:50 pm 1 - 2:50 pm 4432 4432 Day MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh MW Time 10-10:50 am 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm 2-2:50 pm Rm 530 530 530 4142 Instructor Aho, P Aho, P Aho, P Staff MTWTh W 12-12:50 pm 1-2:50 pm 4432 4432 Hillier, J Hillier, J MTWTh Th 12-12:50 pm 1 - 2:50 pm 4432 4432 Hillier, J Hillier, J Hillier, J Hillier, J MTWTh 9-9:50 am 2107 Bradbury, R MTWTh 11:00 - 11:50 am 2417 Murrell, G Arr Arr Arr Cortinas Arr Arr Arr Bush Murrell, G Arr Arr Arr T SPRING 2017 Time 11-11:50 am 12-12:50 pm Hillier, J Hillier, J MTWTh Th POWER OPERATIONS ENERGY TECHNOLOGY PPO 191 A Power Industry Job Prep 5 PPO 201 A Plant Systems and Equipment 5 PPO 202 A Refrigeration, HVAC and Plant Maintenance 5 PPO 203 A Power Plant Operations 5 PPO 205 A Power Systems Operator I 5 PPO 206 A Power Systems Operator II 5 A B C 17 27 17C A A A 17 27 Day MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh W POLITICAL SCIENCE ON CAMPUS POL S 102 A Law and Society 5 POL S 102 B Law and Society 5 POL S 110 A Law & Justice 5 POLS 110 17 Law & Justice 5 POLS 200 A Foreign Policy of the United States5 POLS& 202 A American Government 5 POLS& 202 17 American Government 5 POLS& 202 17C American Government (Reservation 5 Based) PSYCHOLOGY ON CAMPUS PSYC& 100 PSYC& 100 PSYC& 100 PSYC& 100 PSYC& 100 PSYC& 100 PSYCH 106 PSYC& 180 PSYC& 200 PSYC& 200 PSYC& 200 Instructor Arthur, G Arr Arr Arr Arr Bush Bush Crawford, R Steidel, J T 2 - 4:50 pm 2106 Steidel Th 1:30-4:30 2106 Steidel 9 - 9:50 am 10 - 10:50 am 2202 2202 Rolfe-Maloney Rolfe-Maloney MTWTh MTWTh Arr Arr Arr Rolfe-Maloney Miller-Starks Rolfe-Maloney Arr Arr Arr T Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh Rolfe-Maloney Arr Miller-Starks Arr Arr TTh 9-9:50 am 10-10:50 am 11-11:50 am Arr Arr Arr 1-1:50 2202 2202 2202 Arr Arr Arr 2107 Rolfe-Maloney Rolfe-Maloney Rolfe-Maloney Rolfe-Maloney Rolfe-Maloney Rolfe-Maloney Rolfe-Maloney MTWTh Rolfe-Maloney Arr 12-12:50 pm Arr 2107 Arr Rolfe-Maloney Miller-Starks GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE ANNUAL PROPOSED SCHEDULE 2016-2017 MTWTh MTWTh Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr MTWTh MTWTh 1-3:20 pm 2106 Steidel 10-10:50 am 11-11:50 am 2202 2202 Rolfe-Maloney B Rolfe-Maloney B Arr Arr Arr Rolfe-Maloney, B Miller-Starks Rolfe-Maloney, B Arr Arr Arr 12-12:50 pm 9-9:50 am 2202 2202 Rolfe-Maloney Rolfe-Maloney 6/2/2016 2016- 2017 Annual Schedule PROPOSED ANNUAL SCHEDULE PSYC& 220 PSYCH 235 PSYC& 250 A A A Abnormal Psychology Positive Psychology Social Psychology SUMMER 2016 Credit 5 5 5 Day Time FALL 2016 Rm Instructor Day Arr Time WINTER 2017 Rm Arr Arr Instructor Miller-Starks Day TTh MW Time SPRING 2017 Rm 11-12:50 11-12:50 2202 2202 Instructor General Psychology 5 MTWTh 10-10:50 am REC 201 Staff PSYCHOLOGY COLUMBIA PSYC& 100 13 General Psychology 5 MTWTh 10-10:50 am CEC 106 Staff READING/STUDY ON CAMPUS READ 080 A READ 080 17 READ 090 A READ 090 B READ 090 17 Developmental Reading/Study I Developmental Reading/Study I College Prep Reading/Study I College Prep Reading/Study I College Prep Reading/Study I 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Barker, K MWTh Arr MWTh MWTh Arr 10-10:50am Arr 11-11:50am 12-12:50 pm Arr 2206 Arr 2206 2206 Arr Barker, K Barker, K Barker, K Barker, K Barker, K Portmann Portmann TTh TTh Arr Arr 8-9:50 am 12-1:50 pm Arr Arr 2250 2250 Arr Arr Arr Arr Barker, K Arr Arr Arr Time Arr Rm Arr Instructor Miller-Starks 2206 Arr 2206 Barker, K Barker, K Barker, K Arr Barker, K Rolfe-Maloney Rolfe-Maloney PSYCHOLOGY RIVERVIEW PSYC& 100 12 Arr Day Arr MWTh Arr MWTh MWTh Arr 10-10:50 am Arr 11-11:50am 12-12:50 pm Arr 2206 Arr 2206 2206 Arr Barker, K Barker, K Barker, K Barker, K Barker, K Portmann, C Portmann, C Portmann, C Portmann, C MW MW Arr Arr 8-9:50 am 12-1:50 pm Arr Arr 2250 2250 Arr Arr Portmann, C Portmann, C Portmann, C Portmann, C Portmann, C Portmann, C Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Portmann, C Portmann, C MWTh Arr MWTh 10-10:50am Arr 11-11:50am Arr Arr MW 12-1:50 pm 2202 Portmann, C Arr Arr MTWTh Arr MTWTh Arr Arr 10-10:50 am Arr 11-11:50 am Arr Arr 2107 Arr 2107 Portmann, C Portmann, C Bradbury, R Bradbury, R Bradbury, R Arr Portmann, C SOCIOLOGY ON CAMPUS SOC& 101 SOC& 101 SOC& 101 SOC& 101 SOC 106 SOC 106 SOC 112 SOC& 201 SOC& 201 SOC& 201 SOC 252 SOC 252 A B 17 27 A 17 A A 17 27 A 17 Introduction to Sociology Introduction to Sociology Introduction to Sociology Introduction to Sociology Juvenile Justice in America Juvenile Justice in America Criminology Social Problems Social Problems Social Problems Marriage and Family Marriage and Family SPEECH ON CAMPUS SPCH 101 SPCH 101 SPCH 101 SPCH 101 SPCH 124 SPCH 201 A B C 17 A A Fundamentals of Speech 5 Fundamentals of Speech 5 Fundamentals of Speech 5 Fundamentals of Speech 5 Broadcasting Practicum 5V Fundamentals of Group Discussion 3 SPEECH RAYMOND SPCH 101 12 Fundamentals of Speech 5 TTh 4 - 6:10 pm REC 206 Duffy, B SPEECH ILWACO SPCH 101 13 Fundamentals of Speech 5 TTh 4 - 6:10 pm CEC 106 Duffy, B THEATRE ARTS ON CAMPUS THEA 151 A 15 Theatre Workshop 3V Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr MTWTh MTWTh Arr Arr Arr 12:40 - 2:35 pm 4:00 - 5:55 pm Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Arr Portmann 2102 2102 Duffy, B. Duffy, B. MW TTh 12-1:50pm Arr Duffy, B. Arr Arr BC Duffy Arr Arr 2102 2102 Duffy, B Duffy, B MTWTh MTWTh Arr Duffy, B Arr TThF Arr Duffy, B GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE ANNUAL PROPOSED SCHEDULE 2016-2017 Arr Arr Arr MW 8-9:50 am 2250 Portmann, C 2102 2102 Duffy, B Duffy, B Arr Duffy, B 9 - 10:50 am 12-1:50 pm 2102 2102 Duffy, B Duffy, B MW TTh 10-11:50 am 12-1:50 pm Arr 2:00 - 2:50 pm Arr 2250 Duffy, B Duffy, B Arr Arr Arr BC Duffy, B Arr Arr BC Duffy, B 6/2/2016 2016- 2017 Annual Schedule PROPOSED ANNUAL SCHEDULE THEA 161 THEA 163 DRMA& 101 THEA 270 A A A A Introduction to Acting Introduction to Directing Introduction to Theatre Stage Makeup WELDING TECHNOLOGY ON CAMPUS WELD 100 A Welding Blueprint Reading WELD 101 A Related Welding I WELD 102 A Related Welding II WELD 103 A Related Welding III WELD 110 A Beginning Welding WELD 120 A Intermediate Welding WELD 130 A Advanced Welding WELD 240 A Pipe Welding I WELD 245 A Fabrication WELD 248 A Code Welding WELD 250 A Structural Certification WELD 255 A Pipe Welding II WELD 260 A Pipe Welding III WELD 265 A Pipe Certification 16 SUMMER 2016 Credit 4 3 5 3 6 6 6 6 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Day Time FALL 2016 Rm Instructor WINTER 2017 Day MW Time 2-3:50 pm Rm BC Instructor Duffy, B MTWTh 11-11:50 am 2102 Duffy, B Day MW MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh MTWTh 7:30 am - 4:40 PM 7:30 am - 4:40 PM 7:30 am - 4:40 PM 7:30 am - 4:40 PM 7:30 am - 4:40 PM 7:30 am - 4:40 PM 7:30 am - 4:40 PM 7:30 am - 4:40 PM 7:30 am - 4:40 PM 7:30 am - 4:40 PM 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R TTh TTh TTh Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 5:00-8:45pm 5:00-8:45pm 5:00-8:45pm 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 -11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 Helland/Hanson Helland/Hanson Helland/Hanson McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE ANNUAL PROPOSED SCHEDULE 2016-2017 MW TTh TTh TTh Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Time 2-3:50 pm 1:00 - 5:15 pm 5:00 - 8:45 pm 5:00 - 8:45 pm 5:00 - 8:45 pm 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am SPRING 2017 Rm BC 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 Instructor Day Time Rm Instructor Duffy, B McDonald, R Helland/Hanson Helland/Hanson Helland/Hanson McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R MW 2-3:50 pm TTh TTh TTh Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 5:00-8:45pm 5:00-8:45pm 5:00-8:45pm 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 7:30-11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am 7:30 -11:50 am 7:30 - 11:50 am BC 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 Duffy, B Helland/Hanson Helland/Hanson Helland/Hanson McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R McDonald, R 6/2/2016