HELD ON MONDAY, MARCH 10, 2014, AT 6:30 P.M.
Bruce Johnson, Chair
Tracy St. Claire, Vice Chair
Linda Beaven, Trustee
Shelley Clarke, Trustee
Walter Huebert, Trustee
Ginny Manning, Trustee
Linda Van Alphen, Trustee
Wendy Hyer, Superintendent of Schools
Bonnie Roller Routley, Secretary-Treasurer
Dave Burgoyne, Assistant Superintendent
Pam Butters, Director of Instruction
Doug Gorcak, Director of Facilities
Don MacIntyre, Director of Instruction
Maureen Maywood, Director of Finance
Daphne Adey, Executive Assistant
Chair Johnson called the meeting to order and acknowledged that we are on the traditional
territory of the Okanagan people.
Clarke/St. Claire that the agenda with addendum be adopted.
Fortis BC
Vladimir Kostka, Commercial Key Account Manager, and Shelley Thomson, Energy
Solutions Manager of Fortis BC, presented a cheque in the amount of $98,500 for funds
realized from rebates programs.
“Working Together for Student Success”
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of Regular Board of Education Meeting – March 10, 2014
Clare/Huebert that the minutes of the regular meeting held on February 3, 2014 be
Chair Johnson reviewed the following items which were discussed at the closed meeting held on
February 3, 2014:
Received a staffing report related to teaching and CUPE support staff;
Received information related to an acting principal appointment;
Received information on teacher bargaining;
Received information related to CUPE bargaining;
Received the annual WorkSafeBC report;
Received an update from the director of business development and technology related to
Received information related to personnel contracts;
Received information regarding a BCPSEA meeting and an OLRC meeting;
Received information related to a meeting of the Summerland Advisory Planning
Letter from President, British Columbia School Trustees Association
A letter forwarded by Teresa Rezansoff, President, BCSTA, announcing the launch of the
Stability for Students Action Plan.
Manning/St. Claire that a letter be written to Teresa Rezansoff, President,
BCSTA, and copied to the Minister of Education in support of the student
focussed action plan.
Letter from Naramata Parent Advisory Committee
A letter forwarded by Deborah Linton, Naramata PAC President, expressing concerns
about declining enrolment numbers at the school and requesting that the Board give
serious consideration to increasing the catchment area for Naramata School.
Trustee Manning acknowledged that three members of the Naramata PAC were in
attendance at the meeting adding support to the letter and that the parents, PAC, and
principal have done a lot of work raising the profile of the area and encouraging
preschool parents to enrol their students at the school.
Letter from City of Penticton
A letter forwarded by Chuck Loewen, General Manager – Recreation and Facilities, City
of Penticton, on behalf of the Mayor, advising that a Nominations Committee is being
formed related to the 2016 BC Winter Games and requesting that the chair and another
trustee sit on this nominations committee.
Chair Johnson advised that he and Trustee Clarke have attended a nominations
committee meeting and that the first step is to select a president and vice president of the
board following which 12 to 14 directors will need to be selected.
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Huebert/St. Claire that Trustees Clarke and Johnson be appointed to the
nominations committee.
Summary of Copies of Letters to the Board
Copies of the letters to the Board listed below are available in the trustee reading file:
Teresa Rezansoff, President, BCSTA, to the Minister of Education expressing
concern over two recent communications from the Ministry of Education to Board
of Education employees: firstly, a request to superintendents and secretarytreasurers to provide support information for the government’s application for a
stay related to the recent BC Supreme Court ruling; and secondly, related to an
email to teachers which gave the impression that the 2002 legislated changes to
class size and composition were made at the specific request of trustees, which
was an inaccurate portrayal;
School District No. 41 (Burnaby) to the Minister of Education related to the BC
Supreme Court Justice Griffin’s decision and the government’s decision to
appeal and requesting that the government withdraw the appeal;
School District No. 72 (Campbell River) to the Minister of Education calling on the
government to fund any and all costs arising from boards related to any decisions
resulting from the findings of Justice Griffin;
School District No. 78 (Fraser-Cascade) to MLA Laurie Throness, ChilliwackHope, related to the important role of the Fraser-Cascade Literacy Task Initiative
and requesting that the literacy support for community literacy coordinators be
School District No. 27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) to the Premier, Minister of Education,
and Minister of Finance regarding increasing concerns related to education
funding issues and urging the government to give serious consideration to
increasing overall funding for school districts in the 2014-15 school year in order
to prevent further cuts to staffing, programs, and learning resources to ensure all
students receive the opportunities they need to succeed;
School District No. 39 (Vancouver) to the Premier and Minister of Education
requesting that government direct BCPSEA and its appointed negotiator to
immediately begin genuine, good-faith bargaining with the BCTF; assure all
school boards that government will take full financial responsibility for any costs
arising from grievances, arbitrations, and legal actions related to the recent ruling
of the BC Supreme Court; provide adequate funding to districts to enable them to
be in compliance with collective agreements now in effect; restore education
funding to a level that enables districts to restore all service levels to those
provided in 2002; and make sincere efforts to bargain a resolution for any
retroactive claims for board non-compliance with collective agreements due to
Bill 28, 27, or 22;
School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) to the Minister of Education urging
the government to implement in the upcoming budget the recommendations
stemming from the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government
School District No. 74 (Gold Trail) to the Minister of Education expressing deep
concern and alarm at the negative portrayal of trustees and boards of education
expressed in your recent letter to teachers;
School District No. 38 (Richmond) to the Minister of Education expressing
concerns related to the February 7, 2014 direct communication to teachers in this
School District No. 27 (Quesnel) to the Minister of Education urging government
to work with the BCTF to ensure there are no disruptions to student programs or
school and district configurations during the current school year; continue
negotiations to achieve a new collective agreement prior to the beginning of the
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2014-15 school year; and fully fund costs related to the changes to class size
and composition with no negative impact on current funding;
School District No. 22 (Vernon) to the Minister of Education requesting the
Ministry’s and Government’s support for the “Stability for Students Action Plan”
which was developed as a realistic means of avoiding a potentially irreparable
crisis in the educational system;
School District No. 82 (Coast Mountains) to the Premier and Minister of
Education stating that their board believes that government needs to fully fund K12 public education; begin negotiating in good faith with the BCTF; and ensure
that changes to class size and composition are implemented in a way that
minimizes disruptions to students and families;
School District No. 23 (Central Okanagan) to the President, BCSTA, thanking her
and the BCSTA Board of Directors for the time and effort that has been required,
and for the communication which has been circulated regarding emergent events
which have taken place in recent months; and
School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) to the Premier and Cabinet Ministers
regarding the recommendations of the Select Standing Committee on Finance
and Government Services with respect to the 2014 provincial budget, urging the
government to reconsider their recent budget decision and to fund all increases
related to public education.
Beaven/Van Alphen that the correspondence be received.
Summary of Letters on Behalf of the Board
A letter from the Board is listed below:
Letter of invitation to the Deputy Minister of Education to visit the school district.
Buildings, Grounds, Safety and Transportation Committee
Trustee Huebert reported on the buildings, grounds, safety and transportation committee
meeting held on March 4, 2014:
2013-14 Five-Year Capital Plan
Director of Facilities Gorcak reviewed the 2013-14 Five-Year Capital Plan Echo
Report recently received from the Ministry of Education noting that the mechanical
upgrades at Wiltse Elementary, Carmi Elementary, and Skaha Lake Middle schools
and the school board office were given a high priority by the Ministry and the
building envelope programs the school district had prioritized as high were lowered
to medium. Mr. Gorcak added the district’s number one priority, the addition at
Summerland Secondary School, was given a low priority by the Ministry. Trustees
indicated their desire to resubmit this project every year.
Penticton Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw
The director of facilities advised he had reviewed the Official Community Plan for
Penticton for the Spiller Road / Reservoir Road area which projected homes in the
800 range and had requested that the developers set aside land for a school in the
development area due to the existing school in the area being near capacity. It
was noted that there may be a push from Naramata residents to bus students to
that school due to lower enrolment at the school. It was also noted that this is a
long-term project and could take many years to be developed.
Summerland Official Community Plan
The school district was notified that a bylaw to adopt the Official Community Plan
would be going to a public hearing, scheduled for Monday, March 3, 2014. The
director of facilities advised he had reviewed the plan and compared their
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Minutes of Regular Board of Education Meeting – March 10, 2014
projections to our forecasts for future enrolment. As the plan guides development
without any specific details on the individual development area, a letter has been
written to the District of Summerland requesting that the school district be offered
the opportunity to comment on specific locations as they become available.
Appreciation was extended to Mr. Gorcak for his review of both community plans.
Huebert/Van Alphen that the report of the buildings, grounds, safety, and
transportation committee be received.
Education Committee
Trustee Clarke reported regarding the education committee meeting held on March 4,
Building Community Connections Through Project-Based Learning
Kevin McGifford, a teacher from Penticton Secondary School, presented on how he
uses project-based learning to engage students in school and community
improvement projects, which in turn develops students’ vocational and problem
solving skills. This program is delivered through Career Transitions 10 and 12.
Students who are considered at-risk for school completion by school staff are
referred into the course prior to the start of each school year. Project-based
learning is based around students being active and engaged, and is less about
facts and more about finding solutions to problems. Some of the project work has
included re-painting community fences that have been tagged, partnering with the
Downtown Penticton Business Association on community projects, providing auto
service maintenance and repairs, as well as refinishing benches from the
Summerland Ornamental Gardens. In addition to course credits, students also
receive certification in WHMIS, Level 1 First Aid and for completion of a Fire
Extinguisher course.
AIM Program
Principal Terry Grady and Vice Principal Trevor Robinson provided an overview of
the Alternate Instruction at Maggie (AIM) Program at Princess Margaret Secondary
School. Students enrolled in the AIM program have any or all of behaviour,
attendance, and social/emotional issues and are referred for inclusion in the
program by teachers and counsellors to the School Based Team. AIM is a safe
place for students to work, to feel secure, be successful, and a place for students
to address the reasons why they have been unsuccessful in the past. AIM is
currently running as a morning program.
2014-15 Draft School Calendar – Presentation by OSTU
Tammy Kay, Angie Seppola and Leslea Woodward representing the OSTU
Professional Development Committee, presented to the Board regarding the 201415 draft school calendar. Ms. Seppola opened the presentation reviewing the
request for embedded professional development time within the school calendar.
Ms. Kay spoke to trustees about the research and data that supports professional
development which allows time in between dates and sessions for teachers to
reflect, collaborate about, and implement what they learn in each session/day. Ms.
Woodward reviewed that teachers overwhelmingly voted to request a calendar that
moves all pro-d days into the calendar and maintains a two-week spring break.
Ms. Woodward also reviewed that the teachers’ vote was to maintain the normal
spring break in March and not attach it to Easter as it is currently in the draft
calendar. Ms. Woodward is requesting that the Board consider a calendar that
moves spring break back into the third and fourth week of March. It was noted that
this would mean a further increase of two minutes per day added to each day of
instruction, and would affect CUPE members who do not work non-instructional
days of five less days of work instead of four.
“Working Together for Student Success”
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
Minutes of Regular Board of Education Meeting – March 10, 2014
ED Camp Session
Director of Instruction Don MacIntyre presented a summary of the ED Camp
Session held on February 20, 2014 at Penticton Secondary. Mr. MacIntyre gave
an explanation of what an ED Camp entails, which are free of cost, free from
commercial representation, and are made up of sessions and topics determined by
the participants at the event. Participants are encouraged to migrate from one
session to another if they feel there is something more suitable happening in
another part of the ED camp.
Behaviour Intervention Service (BIS) Program
BIS Co-ordinator Randy Jones provided an overview of the Behaviour Intervention
Service program which currently focuses on students from kindergarten to grade 5
only and deals with the most at-risk behavioural students specifically when student
or staff safety becomes an issue. Once students are accepted into the BIS
program, a BIS CEA is put in place to support and work with the student on a oneto-one basis. Students are referred to Mr. Jones and his team from school based
teams. Students must be designated severe or moderate behaviour with a current
Individual Education Program in place to be a part of the BIS program.
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Clarke/Manning that the report of the education committee meeting be
The Ken Spenser Award for Innovative Teaching and Learning
Superintendent Hyer advised that seven school programs were recognized by the
Canadian Education Association for the work that an ambitious group of educators have
achieved, providing students the opportunity to follow their passions and to contribute to
the development of their own learning pathways. In the process, students have become
more engaged in learning. Princess Margaret Secondary was one of the seven schools
across Canada that received a Ken Spencer Award for their work in the "Through a
Different Lens" Project. Students, staff, and media will be invited to the May recognition
Field Trips
The superintendent of schools reviewed two field trip requests which were approved by
the superintendent pursuant to district policy.
The superintendent of schools reported that enrolment as of February 20, 2014 showed
5,085 students in the district, an increase of seven students since the end of January.
2014-15 School Calendar
Assistant Superintendent Burgoyne provided a summary of the feedback received related
to the 2014-15 draft school calendar and provided in the agenda package. Feedback
was provided from all PACs, individual responses were received from five parents (one of
whom was a CUPE member as well as a parent), and one was from a teacher. There
were also presentations from CUPE and OSTU. Twenty of the responses were positive
in support, 40 were not in support, and 30 of the comments asked questions or gave
Manning/Beaven that the Board of Education approve the 2014-15 school
calendar with amended spring break dates of March 16 to 27, 2015.
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of Regular Board of Education Meeting – March 10, 2014
Clarke/Huebert that the 2014-15 draft calendar be amended by moving the
spring break dates to March 16 to 27, 2015 and moving two noninstructional days from September to August with three pro-d days being
held throughout the school year.
It was noted that this amended draft calendar would need to be approved by the OSTU
and that final approval of the calendar would need to be done at a special Board of
Education meeting prior to March 31, 2014.
Health Behaviour of School-Aged Children Survey
The Health Behaviour of School-Aged Children (HBSC) Survey is a cross-national,
school-based survey conducted every four years by an international network of research
teams in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO). It is an important
source of information about the health and well-being of young people, aged 11 to 15,
from Canada and over 40 other countries and is currently the only national level schoolbased health promotion database for this age group. Superintendent Hyer advised that
two classes from each of Summerland Middle, McNicoll Park Middle, Summerland
Secondary, and Penticton Secondary have been selected to participate in the survey.
The results of the report will be available in 2015.
Manning/Van Alphen that district staff prepare a report outlining the
financial impact on CUPE employees from the 2014-15 final calendar,
including suggestions of training and/or work opportunities for those CUPE
members. This report is to be prepared in time for consideration in the
2014-15 budget process.
Clarke/St. Claire that permission be granted by the Board of Education for
students from School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) to participate in
the Health Behaviour of School-Aged Children Survey.
Financial Report
The secretary-treasurer reviewed the financial report to January 31, 2014 provided in the
agenda package, noting that expenses are at 49% which is in line with spending for six
months and investment income is higher than projected. A global projection to the end of
the school year shows a surplus of $619,000; however, these are restricted funds and
cannot be used towards a surplus.
2014-15 Carbon Neutral Capital Program
Secretary-Treasurer Roller Routley advised that the district has received notification of
funding in the amount of $107,000 available from the 2014-15 Carbon Neutral Capital
Program (CNCP) for a boiler upgrade at Wiltse Elementary. Additionally, funding in the
amount of $10,093 was allocated to the 45 school districts that do not have a funded BC
Hydro Energy Manager and/or Fortis BC Energy Specialist. This funding is intended to
assist school districts to engage technical expertise to identify CNCP projects for future
years. A capital project bylaw was requested in the total amount of $117,093.
Manning/Van Alphen that, in accordance with Section 68(4) of the School
Act, the Board of Education of School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
unanimously agrees to give all three readings of the Capital Bylaw No.
126719 for fiscal year 2014-15 at this meeting.
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of Regular Board of Education Meeting – March 10, 2014
Clarke/Huebert that the School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Capital
Bylaw 126719 in the amount of $117,093 for fiscal year 2014-15 be read a
first time this 10th day of March, 2014.
Beaven/St. Claire that the School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
Capital Bylaw 126719 in the amount of $117,093 for fiscal year 2014-15 be
read a second time this 10th day of March, 2014.
St. Claire/Clarke that the School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Capital
Bylaw 126719 in the amount of $117,093 for fiscal year 2014-15 be read a
third time, passed and adopted this 10th day of March, 2014.
Appreciation was extended to Director of Facilities Gorcak and Director of Information
Technology Francisco and their respective crews for their efforts in completing the work
in order to receive the rebates.
BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting
Trustee Huebert reported that at the BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting held on February
21 and 22, 2014 in Vancouver, the disposition of 31 motions passed at the annual
general meeting in 2013 were reviewed. Trustee Huebert advised the Minister of
Education spoke to the provincial council delegates and he was reminded of his promise
to visit SD67. All information from the meeting will be available in the trustee reading file.
Manning/Huebert that as a follow-up to Motion 8.4 “That BCSTA submit, in
writing, an urgent request to the government of BC that student funding
grants to school districts for the 2014-15 school year, and forward on an
ongoing basis, be increased to completely cover the increases in rates by
BC Hydro and, where applicable, other power utility rates”, that a letter be
written talking about utility increases in this district.
Trustees requested that there be some mechanism put in place so that all trustees can
see motions coming before the provincial council meeting in order to provide direction to
the representative from this district.
BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch Meeting
Chair Johnson advised the BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch meeting was held on
March 7 and 8, 2014, hosted by SD67. Appreciation was extended to Trustee Manning
and Superintendent Hyer for choosing the theme and to Executive Assistant Adey for
organizing the event. A technology presentation was given by Director of Business
Development and Technology Ron Shongrunden, the group toured the Shatford Centre,
and the combined band from Princess Margaret and Penticton Secondary schools under
the guidance of Dr. Grant, presented during the dinner hour. This combined band earned
top marks at the band festival and qualified for the national festival, being held in
Richmond in May. Mr. Johnson added a productive business meeting was held on
Saturday morning followed by SD67 showcasing the district’s efforts in teacher
collaboration models, aboriginal education, and the Through a Different Lens program.
BCSTA Annual General Meeting
The BCSTA AGM will be held in Vancouver, April 24 to 27, 2014.
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Minutes of Regular Board of Education Meeting – March 10, 2014
Trustee Comments
Trustees provided comments related to district events including the overview of aboriginal
education at the branch meeting, the band festival, grade 5 junk yard art at West Bench
Elementary, girls’ basketball success at both Princess Margaret and Penticton Secondary
schools, Bully Free Day at Summerland Middle School, and the science fair.
Recognition of Student Success
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extended congratulations to the students and
groups for outstanding examples of success as shown on the listing circulated with the
agenda package.
Recognition of Student Artwork
Congratulations were extended to the students from McNicoll Park Middle School for their
artwork currently on display at the school board office.
Date of Next Meeting
 April 14, 2014, 6:30 p.m., Regular Meeting, School Board Office
Dates of Meetings with Partner Groups
Meeting dates related to the development of the 2014-15 budget are available on the
district website and district calendar. As well, invitations will be sent to stakeholder
groups and the date for the public and DPAC meeting on April 23 will be advertised.
Education Committee Visitation
Consideration of the cancelled April 8 education committee visitation to Skaha Lake
Middle School was requested by a trustee. Following discussion,
St. Claire/Beaven that a special education committee meeting be held at
Skaha Lake Middle School on April 8, 2014.
Questions/comments from the media and public included clarification of the motion regarding the
school calendar, appreciation from CUPE for support during discussion related to the school
calendar, the present enrolment of Naramata Elementary, questions related to the letter written
by Naramata PAC, and favourable comments related to the school.
Manning/Beaven that the meeting be adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Bruce Johnson, Chair
Bonnie Roller Routley, Secretary-Treasurer
March 31, 2014
Ref: U:\SBO-ST-Data\DA\2013-2014\00100 - 00999 - Admin\00300-03 Agenda Open\2014-03-10 OP Minutes.docx
“Working Together for Student Success”