Document 14097582

“Build your own dreams, or someone else
will hire you to build theirs.” - Farrah Gray
Success Stories
Forr the
he December 9, 2013 ~ Board
Bo d off Educ
n Mee
Recognition of Student/School Success
School Districtt No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extends congratulations
to the following
g students/groups
upss for
for these o
t anding example
es of
success for:
Columbia Elementary
Recently a group of grade 5 students at Columbia Elementary have been
involved in an exci ng project by becoming peer reading tutors. These students
had to meet the following criteria in order to par cipate: they had to have
received ELI (early literacy interven on) when they were in grade 1, and they
needed to demonstrate empathy and understanding towards primary students
who were struggling readers. Currently they are mee ng with grade 2 students
who are just beginning to read, spending twenty minutes, three mes a
week. Together they review reading strategies, read loud with just-right text,
and encourage each other in their learning journey. A er a few weeks, it was
inspiring to hear a grade 5 student share the following with his li le buddy, who
was becoming frustrated when he couldn’t sound out a word: “Don’t worry, I
know just how you feel. When I was your age, I couldn’t read more than a few
words. But by the end of grade 2, I went up 10 levels! You can do it, I know
you can.”
McNicoll Park Middle
McNicoll Park Middle have recently updated their school goals:
o They read 50,000,000 words in term one and they only have
200 students!
Mrs. Walliser’s whole class inished Fast ForWord. That’s a success!
Success Stories
Naramata Elementary
On Friday, November 15th,
the PAC held its' second annual
Naramata's Got Talent show.
Over 200 people turned up from
the community to enjoy the
many talents their school and
community had to offer. The
evening was a great success in
many ways and raised $4,321.00
for PAC fundraising and a further
$365.75 towards Typhoon relief
for the Philippines.
Parkway Elementary
Breakfast club is growing every week at Parkway. Shelene and her crew
are doing an amazing job. Thank you!
Pizza for hot lunch on Friday and everyone was thrilled! Thank you to
Kelly and her group of volunteers, they do a super job at Parkway!
Sing-a-long on Monday was a blast and the students had a great time
singing and dancing! Thank you Mrs. Silvius!
Parkway’s two recycling teams did another super job – thank you!
The Multicultural Club continues to grow as well as complete some
wonderful projects. Parkway staff and students are really enjoying them!
Parkway Elementary Book Fair was a great success. The school will now
be able to purchase many new books for the library. Thank you to
everyone that contributed and supported the fair. Great job Mrs. Caruso!
The first Family BINGO of the school year was a huge hit. Over 70 people
came out to play for some great fun and treats! A huge thank you to Mrs.
Silvius and Mrs. Dech for helping at the school!
Success Stories
Parkway Elementary Continued...
The senior readers from the Concorde Senior’s Centre enjoyed a reading
session with the students.
Starbucks at Cherry Lane is once again doing a Holiday Book Drive for
Parkway Elementary. Until the end of December, people can bring in a
brand new book to Starbucks and get a free tall holiday drink! A big
thank you to Shelene at Starbucks for coordinating this fantastic
Giant’s Head Elementary
On Friday November 8th, Giant’s Head Elementary took time to remember
those who have given service for our country. In front of special guests
from the Royal Canadian Legion, RCMP, Fire Department and School
Board of Education trustees, the Grade 5 Ambassadors led an assembly
that included poetry, video media and music. Giant’s Head staff and
students gave a huge thanks to Mrs. Shanner, Mrs. Tracy and
Mrs. Fleming’s for their rendition of “In Flanders Field”. It was a very
moving ceremony.
Success Stories
Summerland Middle
A highlight from November is the story of the Grade 7-8 Boys Rugby Team. It
could be framed as a “David vs. Goliath” story, in that the team faced a Skaha
Lake squad which was much bigger and stronger, but the story is not that simple.
The Rugby team this year was comprised of 16 boys, some who had par cipated
in organized sports before, but many who had not. The team was coached by
Chris Hanon and Wayne Riddle, volunteers who devote their me in the belief
they are developing both athle c skills and life skills in the boys. As the season
began, Summerland Middle was very evenly matched with KVR and McNicoll
Park, winning (and losing) matches in regular season play versus these schools.
Skaha Lake was clearly in a different ability class than the other schools, bea ng
each opponent all year long by upwards of 40 points. The Summerland Middle
boys faced Skaha Lake twice in regular season play, losing by a combined score
of 110-15.
As playoffs began, Summerland Middle defeated KVR in a semi-final, earning the
right to face Skaha Lake once again. On a frigid November day, as each player
boarded the bus to the game, they knew they were once again on their way to
take the field against an opponent that had over-run them twice before. Yet,
they were on that bus and s ll commi ed to take the field that day and give
their all.
In a hard fought game which ended due to darkness, Summerland Middle ed
Skaha Lake Middle and both schools were named District Co-Champions.
It is not the score or trophy that is most special in this story, it is the character
and resiliency these boys demonstrated. It was John Wooden, a famous college
basketball coach, who said that sports do not build character. They reveal it. In
each of our lives we are faced with situa ons that seem winless, where we may
feel overwhelmed or overmatched. Thanks to coaches like Chris and Wayne,
these boys learned to face a challenge head on and to give their absolute best;
these lessons will serve them well throughout their lives.
Summerland Middle Continued...
Success Stories
Summerland Regional Library Visits SMS
On November 27th, Caroline from the
Summerland-Okanagan Regional
Library visited classes and gave a
presenta on on all of the many
things the local library offers. Many
students received library cards. A big
thank you to Caroline for the lively and
informa ve visit!!
Skaha Lake Middle
Skaha Lake Girls’ Volleyball Team
Congratula ons to the SLMS Grade 8 Girls’ Volleyball team for winning the South
Zone Grade 8 Volleyball Championship. The girls won a three set thriller over
Similkameen Secondary from Keremeos.
Success Stories
Skaha Lake Middle Continued...
Skaha Lake Boys’ Rugby Team
Congratula ons to the SLMS Grade 8 Boys’ Rugby Team who were crowned cochampions in the SD67 Grade 8 Rugby League Championship. The game versus
Summerland Middle school was ed when called due to darkness. The boys
finished league and playoffs undefeated this season.
Swimming at the Community Pool
All the grade 6 classes went swimming for the morning on November 6th at the
Community Pool.
Remembrance Day Assembly
On Friday, November 8th, Skaha Lake held their student-led Remembrance Day
assembly. This was presented by Mr. Bond’s leadership class as well as the grade
8 band. This year the school commemorated the 50th anniversary of Canada’s
par cipa on in the Korean War.
Success Stories
Skaha Lake Middle Continued...
Successful Lockdown Drill
On November 20th, SLMS held their first lockdown drill. The lock down drill takes
place twice a year and is designed to protect students and staff from a threat
inside the building, such as an intruder, when it may be more dangerous to leave
the building by directed evacua on than to stay in a secured room. Students
and staff reviewed procedures prior to implemen ng the drill. The lockdown
was completed very successfully according to the protocols set in place by
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Emergency Preparedness
Plan. Students and staff were congratulated for their efforts and once again
reminded that this was a drill. The second lockdown drill will take place in the
new year.
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
KVR Middle School
January 13, 2014
Claire Taylor
Grade 6
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extends recognition and appreciation to the following
students/groups of KVR Middle School for the artwork they submitted to be displayed in the
boardroom for the month of January.
A dramatic black tree with vibrant colours
of lime green, sunny yellow, pumpkin
orange and sky blue in pastel and ink. Each
section and colour represents the four seasons
of spring, summer, fall and winter. Small
etched designs are placed within each
A watercolour painting of a large eye with high
textured designs and prints in the background.
Yellow, blue and green tissue paper glued to
watercolour paper to create a transparent
softness and additional layers to the painting.
Grade 8
Brett Szabo
Madison Kulak
Grade 6
A dramatic black tree with vibrant colours
of lime green , grass green, red-orange, sky
blue in pastel and ink. Each section and colour
rrepresents the four seasons of spring, summer,
ffall and winter. Small etched designs are
within each season.
d 7
Lucas Goulden
A watercolour painting of a hand shaped
outlined in black ink designs leaving a
white negative space. The background
is watered down with yellow-green
to blue-teal green paint.
A watercolour painting/collage with many
layers of pastel, tissue, string and newspaper.
shown are aqua blue, yellow, blue
n mauve.
Grade 8
Lauren Ball
Tanisha Johnson
Grade 7
A watercolour painting of a hand shaped
outlined in black ink designs leaving a
white negative space. The background
is a medium blue with darker blue crisscross lines.