HELD ON MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2013, AT 6:30 P.M.
Ginny Manning, Chair
Bruce Johnson, Vice Chair
Linda Beaven, Trustee
Shelley Clarke, Trustee
Walter Huebert, Trustee
Tracy St. Claire, Trustee
Linda Van Alphen, Trustee
Wendy Hyer, Superintendent of Schools
Ron Shongrunden, Secretary-Treasurer
Dave Burgoyne, Assistant Superintendent
Doug Gorcak, Director of Facilities
Don MacIntyre, Director of Instruction
Pam Butters, Director of Instruction
Danny Francisco, Manager of Information Technology
Daphne Adey, Executive Assistant
Chair Manning welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Huebert/Van Alphen that the agenda be adopted with the addition of a letter from
Canadian Parents for French.
Aboriginal Awareness 7 Exploratory – Skaha Lake Middle School
Principal Dave Brunelle and Vice Principal Travis Bond provided an overview of
Aboriginal Awareness 7, a pilot program designed to help improve the schooling success
rate for learners of aboriginal ancestry. The program runs for one-third of the school year
as an exploratory course with 28 classes being taught by Teacher Tanya Hall. Originally
developed in response to a teacher inquiry project, a partnership was formed with the
Penticton Indian Band which has provided a number of speakers and information related
to the local area.
Appreciation was extended for the presentation and to the staff for developing and
piloting this program.
“Working Together for Student Success”
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of Regular Board of Education Meeting – March 11, 2013
French Immersion Program
Representatives from Parents4FSL, Diana Fort and Naomi DeLury, addressed the
meeting regarding the Late French Immersion program requesting that a second French
Immersion class be offered at Summerland Middle School. The representatives also
indicated that the sibling clause in Policy No. 305 – Choice and Flexibility should be
reviewed as it not only guarantees a spot into the school but also into the French
Immersion program. Ms. Fort indicated that the lottery for Summerland students provides
a significantly less chance for access to the program when compared to Penticton
students and requested that should a lottery be required that it be held for all students
giving Summerland students an equal chance as Penticton wait-listed students. A parent
from Oliver, Margaret Myslek-Koczij, indicated she had hoped to register her son for the
program and expressed unfairness of him being at the end of wait-list as he is an out-ofdistrict student. Canadian Parents for French presented a letter indicating Policy No. 305
needs to be reviewed and, as with Parents4FSL, offered their input and assistance.
Chair Manning thanked the presenters for presenting their concerns which are taken very
seriously, advised the policy will be reviewed as are all policies reviewed periodically.
The numbers on the wait-list will be revisited in early September and should the numbers
increase and funds allow, the addition of another class will be considered.
Beaven/Clarke that the minutes of the regular meeting held on February 4, 2013 be
Chair Manning reviewed the following items discussed at the closed meeting held on February 4,
Received correspondence related to bargaining and a district program;
Discussed a contractual matter;
Discussed a financial matter regarding bargaining;
Discussed a land matter;
Confirmed teaching and support staff changes;
Received information related to teacher bargaining;
Received information related to a hiring process;
Received information regarding student suspensions; and
Discussed information regarding challenges and strategies related to staffing.
Letter from Minister of Education
A letter forwarded by the Minister of Education introducing proposed amendments to the
School Act concerning the use of board property for child care purposes, requiring all
boards of education to establish a policy promoting the use of school property by licensed
child care providers between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays,
provided the property is not required for K-12 educational programs, early learning
programs, or extracurricular school activities.
Letter from District of Summerland
A letter forwarded by the Mayor of Summerland regarding the French Immersion
“Working Together for Student Success”
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
Minutes of Regular Board of Education Meeting – March 11, 2013
Summary of Letters to the Board regarding French Immersion
Copies of the following letters to the Board regarding the Late French Immersion program
are available in the trustee reading file:
Page 3
A letter from Naomi DeLury expressing concern over the school district’s Policy
No. 305 – Choice and Flexibility;
A letter from Brent Harrold regarding the French Immersion Program in both
Summerland and Penticton;
A second letter from Brent Harrold suggesting that a lottery draw should be
pooled amongst Summerland and Penticton students;
A third letter from Brent Harrold urging the Board to reconsider its decision;
A letter from Diana Fort expressing concern about the selection process for the
French Immersion program, in particular the sibling policy; and requesting the
Board review the policy;
A letter from Diana Fort and Ryan Moseley, Parents4FSL, requesting a second
French Immersion class at Summerland along with financial questions;
A letter of response from Diana Fort to the letter from the chair requesting a
second class;
A follow-up letter from Diana Fort regarding the sibling policy as well as a second
A letter from Annika Carlson, a student at Summerland Montessori School,
requesting a second class in Summerland so all students get a chance to learn
A letter from Karen Fort, a grandmother in Penticton, expressing concern that her
granddaughter’s chance for entry into the program is based on a lottery system
and requesting a better solution to meet the needs of the current and future
students who proceed to middle school;
A letter from Debbie Patterson regarding the selection process and requesting
time for Hannah Patterson to speak at the March 11th meeting; and
A letter from Canadian Parents for French regarding the Late French Immersion
Summary of Copies of Letters to the Board
Copies of the letters to the Board listed below are available in the trustee reading file:
School District No. 41 (Burnaby) to the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration, and
Multiculturalism supporting in principle the federal government’s new
“Modernized Settlement Approach” and a uniform service delivery model across
Canada and suggesting provisions that must be in place to support the
implementation of this new direction;
School District No. 28 (Quesnel) to the Minister of Education requesting that all
holdback funds be allocated for 2012-13 as originally announced by the Ministry;
School District No. 46 (Sunshine Coast) to the Minister of Education urging the
Minister of Education, Minister of Finance, the Public Sector Employers Council,
and BCPSEA to reconsider the limitation of support staff bargaining to net-zero
trade-offs and instead collaborate centrally to identify savings and potential new
funding in order to provide the K-12 sector with an equitable opportunity to
compensate employees commensurate to that of other sectors;
School District No. 28 (Quesnel) to the Minister of Education in response to the
Minister’s letter to board chairs indicating government would not be providing
funding for a wage increase for support staff employees;
CUPE to the Minister of Education supporting a poverty reduction program for
British Columbia;
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam) to the Minister of Education requesting that
the Ministry not proceed with its plan to provide government funding to
independent schools for the provision of courses leading to graduation for nongraduated adult students; and
“Working Together for Student Success”
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of Regular Board of Education Meeting – March 11, 2013
School District No. 23 (Central Okanagan) to the Minister of Education confirming
the negative impact the recent Provincial Budget Announcement will have on the
Board’s ability to maintain its service level to students in the Central Okanagan
school district.
Clarke/Van Alphen that the correspondence be received.
Finance and Management Committee
Trustee Van Alphen reviewed the report from the finance and management committee
meeting held on March 6, 2013:
Request for Proposals for Audit
The secretary-treasurer and director of finance advised that a Request for
Proposals (RFP) for Audit services was sent on February 8 with a closing date of
March 15. The RFP was placed on BC Bid and sent separately to five audit firms
with intentions to have it awarded in time for the year-end audit. It was noted that
district policy requires periodic reviews of professional services and this is not
reflective of the performance of the current auditor.
Request for Proposals for Banking Services
For trustee information, Ms. Maywood advised a Request for Proposals for Banking
Services had been sent on March 1 with a closing deadline of April 26. This
request could include banking services for schools but would not be mandatory and
will have provision for cash management, use of purchasing cards, and a rebate
program. This RFP was placed on BC Bid and sent separately to eight local
Effective Cash Management/LEAN Project
Director of Finance Maywood reviewed a letter from the Ministry of Education
announcing improved changes to the Effective Cash Management/LEAN Project to
increase school district interest income on funds and decrease debt and borrowing
costs for the public sector. One of the concerns in the past was that the program
the Ministry proposed did not provide for as good as a return as the school district
could obtain locally. With the improvements to the rate, the school district may opt
to invest in the future. This will continue to be monitored. In response to a
question, trustees were advised that the program is currently voluntary and
withdrawal timing has been improved to no more than three business days.
2013-14 Budget Development Process
The committee reviewed the previous year’s budget guidelines and goals and
agreed to move to a more simplified format of guiding principles and objectives for
the 2013-14 budget development process. The committee is looking at developing
and consolidating principles and goals for discussion at the April 3 finance and
management committee meeting.
Trustees reviewed a proposed schedule of meetings to prepare for the adoption of
the 2013-14 preliminary budget. It is anticipated that the funding announcement
will be made by March 15 with final adoption of the budget expected at the May 13
board of education meeting. Trustees supported the dates suggested including a
public meeting on April 10 and meetings of the finance and management
committee with OSTU and CUPE on April 17, with the excluded group on April 30,
and attendance at the DPAC meeting on April 24.
In response to media questions, the secretary-treasurer advised that budget
information will be available for the public meeting on April 10 and it is expected
that, with a student decline of approximately 200 students and increased cost
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of Regular Board of Education Meeting – March 11, 2013
pressures in a number of areas, the school district will be faced with another
difficult financial year.
Van Alphen/Beaven that the report of the finance and management
committee be received.
Education Committee
Trustee Beaven reported regarding the education committee meeting held on March 5,
Innovative and Thematic Approaches in Math and Science
Jason Corday, Principal, Summerland Middle School, and the Grade 7/8 Math
Science teacher team, Jessa Arcuri, Shona Becker and Melissa Hunter, shared
examples of the school's focus on student engagement through innovative and
thematic approaches in the areas of Math and Science. SMS has created a
collaboration approach where teachers focus on deep learning, student
engagement, and the integration of technology in their classes.
Teacher Melissa Hunter gave an overview of an alternate science project where
students created a 3-D model of a plant or animal cell. This year Ms. Hunter
changed the project to incorporate technology and make the project more relevant
to her students. A student, Greg, explained how he used the game “Minecraft” to
create his 3-D model of a cell.
Teacher Shona Becker shared her approach about learning math using
photography to demonstrate an alternative choice for students in a Grade 6 unit on
angles and a Grade 8 unit on fractions. Ms. Becker also reviewed a strategy she
used “Learning Through a Project” where students had to create, plan, and present
a business plan to the class as well as to the “Bank of Becker” for approval.
Teacher Jessa Arcuri talked about her focus on cross curricular learning, hands on
learning, problem solving and moving away from worksheets and direct teaching
activities. Ms. Arcuri discussed the “Oreo Package” design project with trustees.
The project covered skills in presenting, creating, calculating, and nutrition.
SD67 Aboriginal Education Program
Anne Tenning, Vice Principal of Aboriginal Education, and Lisa Stephens, Support
Worker, provided a summary of the various initiatives that have occurred in the
District’s Aboriginal Education Program between August 2012 and January 2013.
Ms. Tenning and Ms. Stephens reviewed various initiatives around the themes of
Connections and Inclusivity. The speakers also spoke about the “Girls Power”
groups and the student writing workshops in April which will be presented by
Author Richard Waganese.
2013-14 School Calendar
Assistant Superintendent Burgoyne indicated that the proposed calendar had gone
out to DPAC, OSTU and CUPE for a second time for input and having received no
further recommendations from any of the partner groups presented the Draft
Calendar, as circulated with the agenda package, to the Education Committee.
The Board of Education is required to approve and submit their 2013-14 school
calendar by March 31, 2013. It was recommended that the 2013-14 school
calendar be approved and forwarded to the Ministry.
Beaven/Johnson that the 2013-14 school calendar be approved and
forwarded to the Ministry of Education.
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of Regular Board of Education Meeting – March 11, 2013
Research Proposal – Kindness Survey
Information outlining the project was reviewed by Don MacIntyre, Director of
Instruction, and a copy of the survey was provided to the committee. Dr. John
Tyler Binfet, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education at UBC Okanagan, is
seeking permission to invite teachers and students in School District No. 67 to
participate in a study to investigate how students define kindness, describe acts of
kindness, and identify where kindness happens most often. Director MacIntyre
also reviewed which classes would be taking part and the involvement of Helping
Teacher Judith King and her team of ‘Through a Different Lens’ teachers. Board
approval is required for Dr. J. Binfet to conduct this study.
Beaven/Clarke that Board approval be given to SD67 students and
teachers to participate in a kindness survey conducted by Dr. John Tyler
Binfet, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education at UBC Okanagan.
Beaven/Van Alphen that the report of the education committee be
2013-14 Budget Development
The secretary-treasurer advised the public meeting regarding development of the 201314 budget will be held on Wednesday, April 10, 2013, at Penticton Secondary School
Library. Mr. Shongrunden added that, new this year, is a link on the district website
where suggestions and/or comments to the 2013-14 budget can be made.
2016 BC Winter Games
Secretary-Treasurer Shongrunden provided a letter from the City of Penticton advising
that Penticton will host the 2016 BC Winter Games, February 25 to 28, 2016. Planning
will begin in 2014, as indicated on the recommended timeline schedule enclosed with the
letter. Mr. Shongrunden added that Penticton has hosted both BC winter and summer
games and there will be an effect on students and staff as the games are held Thursday
to Sunday.
2013-14 Carbon Neutral Capital Program (CNCP)
The district has received notification of funding from the 2013-14 Carbon Neutral Capital
Program (CNCP) in the amount of $111,265 for a boiler upgrade at West Bench
Elementary School. It was noted that a capital bylaw is required for the funding and was
read by Chair Manning.
Clarke/Van Alphen that following first reading of School District No. 67
(Okanagan Skaha) Capital Bylaw No. 126591 specifying a total maximum
allocation of $111,265 from the 2013-14 Carbon Neutral Capital Program
(CNCP) for a boiler upgrade at West Bench Elementary School, the Board
of Education passes the bylaw.
Clarke/Van Alphen that following second reading of School District No. 67
(Okanagan Skaha) Capital Bylaw No. 126591 specifying a total maximum
allocation of $111,265 from the 2013-14 Carbon Neutral Capital Program
(CNCP) for a boiler upgrade at West Bench Elementary School, the Board
of Education passes the bylaw.
Clarke/Van Alphen that following third reading of School District No. 67
(Okanagan Skaha) Capital Bylaw No. 126591 specifying a total maximum
“Working Together for Student Success”
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of Regular Board of Education Meeting – March 11, 2013
allocation of $111,265 from the 2013-14 Carbon Neutral Capital Program
(CNCP) for a boiler upgrade at West Bench Elementary School, the Board
of Education passes and adopts the bylaw.
School District No. 67 Anti-Bullying Report (2012-13)
The superintendent reviewed the Anti-Bullying Report which was circulated with the
agenda package. The report indicated that schools have implemented a variety of
strategies and actions to create a climate of inclusion and respect for others, examples of
which include Tribes, Be the Change workshops, WITS, Pink Shirt Day, and cyberbullying workshops. Trustees expressed appreciation for the number of programs and
efforts by students and staff to make schools safe and caring.
Late French Immersion Update
Director of Instruction MacIntyre provided an update on the Late French Immersion
registration process and numbers for 2013-14. Ninety-six students applied in Penticton
and 44 for the Summerland program. Letters have been sent to parents requesting their
confirmation by April 15. Also shared with trustees were enrolment trends and attrition
rates for the past eight years. It was noted that the deadline for transfer requests is April
15 and that new registrations will continue to be accepted with these late names added to
the end of the list. It was recommended that the number of students applying for the
program continue to be monitored.
Master Research Proposal
A request has been received from KVR Middle School Teacher Lauren Vallis seeking
permission to conduct a research project as a partial requirement of a Master in
Education in Teaching and Learning from the University of British Columbia, Okanagan.
Field Trips
Pursuant to district policy, Director of Instruction MacIntyre reviewed a field trip request.
Clarke/Beaven that the Board supports the request by Teacher Lauren
Vallis to conduct a research project as a partial requirement of a Master in
Education in Teaching and Learning from the University of British
Columbia, Okanagan.
Beaven/St. Claire that the field trip request for May 15 to 18, 2013 for 33
grade 8 band students from Skaha Lake Middle School to travel to
Edmonton, Alberta, on a ‘spring tour’, performing at various schools be
given final approval.
Superintendent Hyer reported that enrolment as of February 28, 2013 showed 6,089
students, a decrease of 17 students from the previous month.
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of Regular Board of Education Meeting – March 11, 2013
BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting
Trustee Clarke reported that highlights from the BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting held
on February 22 and 23, 2013 in Vancouver had been circulated to all trustees.
BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch Meeting
Trustee Van Alphen reported on the BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch Meeting held
on March 1 and 2, 2013 in West Kelowna and hosted by School District No. 23 (Central
Okanagan). Ms. Van Alphen outlined the activities and noted that a number of people
are running for executive positions.
BCSTA Annual General Meeting
The BCSTA annual general meeting will be held April 25 to 28, 2013 in Kelowna.
Date of Next Meeting
• April 8, 2013, 6:30 p.m., Regular Meeting, School Board Office
• April 10, 2013, 7:00 p.m., Special Public Budget Meeting, Penticton Secondary
School Library
Recognition of Student Success
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extended congratulations to the students and
groups for outstanding examples of success as shown on the listing circulated with the
agenda package.
Recognition of Student Artwork
Congratulations were extended to the students from Columbia Elementary School for
their artwork currently on display at the school board office.
Trustee Comments
Trustees commented on a number of district events including Teacher Paul Mend being
recognized by BC School Sports, science fair projects, Summerland’s anti-bullying grant,
and a speed reader board for Parkway Elementary.
Comments/questions from the audience included clarification of the sibling policy and enrolment
numbers, the cost associated with hosting the BC Winter Games, and comments related to the
Late French Immersion program.
St. Claire/Clarke that the meeting be adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
April 2, 2013
Ref: U:\SBO-ST-Data\DA\2012-2013\00100 - 00999 Admin\00300-05 Minutes Open\2013-03-11 OP Minutes.docx
“Working Together for Student Success”