Ginny Manning, Chair
Linda Van Alphen, Vice Chair
Shelley Clarke, Trustee
Larry Little, Trustee
Tom Siddon, Trustee
Wendy Hyer, Superintendent of Schools
Ron Shongrunden, Secretary-Treasurer
Dave Burgoyne, Assistant Superintendent
John Hickling, Director of Maintenance
Pam Butters, Director of Instruction
Tom Schimmer, District Principal
Daphne Adey, Executive Assistant
Connie Denesiuk, Trustee
David Perry, Trustee
Chair Manning welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Little/Siddon that the agenda be adopted.
Alternatives-to-Suspension Initiatives
Helping Teacher Todd Manuel provided an overview of two initiatives recently undertaken
to look at early interventions and in-school suspension models of support for students
with drug and alcohol issues. The early intervention program, modeled after the Surrey
program, was piloted at Penticton Secondary School last year. This year Robb McGirr
from the Surrey school district returned for a session with counsellors, administrators,
youth workers, and alternate education teachers from middle and secondary schools.
The program has a self-assessment as the first part of the early intervention strategy,
provides a consistent standard to identify students at risk for substance abuse, and
accommodates referrals from all school sources. The second initiative involves a group
of administrators, counsellors, teachers, and youth workers working with the students.
The team has met three times, is currently deciding how to gather data, and will receive
in-service on restorative practices. Team members will continue to share data and work
to foster models of discipline that provide three reinforcing elements of education,
interventions/assistance, and restorative consequences.
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of Regular Board of Education Meeting – October 4, 2010
Following a number of questions, Mr. Manuel was thanked for his presentation and
efforts in helping to identify initiatives to keep students in school.
Okanagan School of the Arts
Representatives of the Okanagan School of the Arts, Executive Director Samarpan
Faasse and Vice President Jane Shaak, provided the Board with an update on the
Shatford Centre and planning for the 100th anniversary of the school. Construction began
on August 3 with Greyback Construction on site for demolition and renovations and is
expected to be complete in January. They also provided information on a number of
community tours through the building as well as fundraising efforts. Pen High’s 100th
anniversary is being planned for 2012 and the Shatford Team will spearhead the event by
bringing together committees, working with the Penticton Museum and Archives,
developing the data base of Pen High grads, alumni, faculty, and staff, and gathering
photographs and stories. They requested the school district’s assistance and ideas to
make this event successful.
Appreciation was extended to Ms. Faasse and Ms. Shaak for their presentation and
efforts to help plan the 100th anniversary celebrations.
Little/Van Alphen that the minutes of the regular meeting held on September 13,
2010 be adopted.
The following items were discussed at the closed meeting held on September 13, 2010:
Received correspondence;
Approved an addition to a contract;
Approved a personnel request;
Received reports from the finance and management committee; the buildings,
grounds, safety, and transportation committee; and the discipline committee;
Approved a contract;
Confirmed teaching and support staff changes;
Received an update on a personnel matter;
Received information related to a job posting and a personnel matter;
Received information regarding bargaining;
Declaring a possible conflict of interest, Trustee Little left the room for discussion of
this agenda topic.
Received information regarding the special education review, French Immersion
numbers, and student suspensions; and
Received information related to upcoming BCPSEA meetings.
Summary of Copies of Letters to the Board
Copies of the letters to the Board listed below are available in the trustee reading file:
School District No. 38 (Richmond) to the Select Standing Committee on Finance
& Government Services including their presentation to the standing committee;
School District No. 39 (Vancouver) to the Select Standing Committee on Finance
and Government Services including their brief to the standing committee;
“Working Together for Student Success”
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of Regular Board of Education Meeting – October 4, 2010
School District No. 23 (Central Okanagan) to the federal Minister of Industry
expressing opposition to the proposed changes to the Federal Census Data
Collection process; and
School District No. 23 (Central Okanagan) to the Minister of Education regarding
the issue of continued poor performance of the BCeSIS system, especially at
school opening time, and requesting immediate action to remedy the situation.
As well, it was noted that Trustee Denesiuk, in her capacity as president of the BCSTA,
had made a presentation to the Select Standing Committee on Finance & Government
Services on behalf of all boards. BCeSIS was covered through that presentation.
Little/Clarke that the correspondence be received.
Education Committee
Trustee Clarke reported regarding the education committee meeting held on September
28, 2010:
“Life After School” Project
Bill Bidlake, Principal, Penticton Secondary School, and Doug Scotchburn,
Counsellor, presented the possibility of Pen High’s participation in the “Life After
School” project conducted by the Social Research and Demonstration Corporation
(SRDC). This project will develop, implement and assess an intervention to find
new ways to lower barriers on access to post-secondary education. The goal of
the intervention is to increase the proportion of students who access postsecondary education. If approved, Mr. Bidlake and two counsellors from Pen High
will be trained by SRDC to provide the program to grade 12 students this year.
The costs of training for the staff and the application cost for students who apply
through the BC provincial post-secondary application process this year will be
covered by SRDC if Penticton Secondary participates in the program.
Van Alphen/Siddon that the Board of Education approve the participation
of Penticton Secondary School in the “Life After School” project.
Indigo Love of Books Foundation
Indigo, Chapters and Coles book stores across the country have adopted an
elementary school in their community to put new books into the library and help
ignite children’s love of reading. Queen’s Park Elementary was selected by our
local Coles store to receive the books and participate in the program this year.
Principal Rob Zoppi and the teacher-librarian at Queen’s Park will be going on a
book shopping trip to Coles in the next week. Coles raises dollars in their local
store to allow the school to purchase books and as of September 28, 2010 the
store has raised enough funds for the school to purchase 65 books. Trustee
Siddon initiated a collection amongst trustees to add to the book fund. These
additional dollars were presented to Coles’ representative, Christy Huey, who was
in attendance along with Mr. Zoppi.
Achievement Review
District Principal Schimmer provided a brief summary of the Achievement Review
process that will be conducted this year. All educational partners will be invited to
join a committee to conduct an examination of district data/evidence to refine
district goals as well as to look at the types of programs and interventions needed
to support the success of each child.
Reporting Review
District Principal Schimmer gave an overview of the Reporting Review that will be
conducted this year. Both the report card structure and reporting processes at
“Working Together for Student Success”
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Minutes of Regular Board of Education Meeting – October 4, 2010
elementary, middle and secondary schools will be looked at. The review will not
only look at the reporting requirements, but also are we being as effective and
efficient as we can be in our reporting to parents and students. In addition, the
review will look at our reporting processes and forms in terms of what best practice
reveals about reporting and assessment.
Penticton Youth Plan
Superintendent Hyer reviewed a number of youth initiatives that the Penticton
RCMP will be initiating in our schools this upcoming school year. Inspector Haugli,
Constable Pettigrew, and Terry Kalaski presented these programs at a meeting in
September to all school administrators. There are six initiatives being conducted:
Reading is Cool, Youth at Risk, Dealing with Negative Behaviour, Junior Youth
Academy, Threat Assessment Protocol, and Enforcement Tactics.
Clarke/Van Alphen that the report of the education committee be received.
Policy Committee
Trustee Siddon reported on the policy committee meeting held on September 28, 2010:
Policy No. 600 – Fiscal Control
At the previous committee meeting on January 28, the committee requested a
review of three areas of the policy: dollar limits for spending authorities, exceptions
for going to tender, and consultants. The secretary-treasurer reviewed suggested
wording for those three areas. After much discussion, Secretary-Treasurer
Shongrunden will do further research and bring forward new wording for the next
committee meeting.
Policy No. 510 – Executive Officers
In moving from a dual CEO model to a single CEO model, Policy No. 510 needs to
be reviewed. Clarification regarding the role of the Board in hiring executive
officers; creating job descriptions and performance expectations; and completing
performance reviews is required prior to revision of the policy.
As per the current policy, the Board will continue to hire the executive officers and
will be involved in establishing job descriptions and performance expectations. The
superintendent, however, will now be responsible for the performance review.
Given this direction, Policy No. 510 will be revised and brought back in draft form to
the Policy Committee.
Siddon/Little that the report of the policy committee be received.
Capital Bylaw
The secretary-treasurer advised that capital funding for site preparation related to Full
Day Kindergarten at Trout Creek Elementary and Giant’s Head Elementary has been
received along with funding for a furniture/equipment allowance for six classroom
conversions for kindergarten. A board resolution is required to adopt Capital Project
Bylaw 126159 in the amount of $504,551. It was noted that an amendment to this bylaw
may be required in the future to cover additional costs related to the modular portables.
Van Alphen/Clarke that following the first reading of School District No. 67
(Okanagan Skaha) Capital Project Bylaw No. 126159 approved by the
Minister of Education and specifying a maximum expenditure of $504,551
related to full day kindergarten, the Board of Education passes the bylaw.
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of Regular Board of Education Meeting – October 4, 2010
Van Alphen/Clarke that following the second reading of School District No.
67 (Okanagan Skaha) Capital Project Bylaw No. 126159 approved by the
Minister of Education and specifying a maximum expenditure of $504,551
related to full day kindergarten, the Board of Education passes the bylaw.
Van Alphen/Clarke that following the third reading of School District No. 67
(Okanagan Skaha) Capital Project Bylaw No. 126159 approved by the
Minister of Education and specifying a maximum expenditure of $504,551
related to full day kindergarten, the Board of Education passes and adopts
the bylaw.
The superintendent of schools reported that enrolment showed 6,351 students (6,266.5
FTE) in the school district as of September 30, 2010. There are 142 fewer students than
September 2009 and 166.5 FTE fewer than the Ministry projection. Ms. Hyer added the
final enrolment number may change as grades 10, 11, and 12 are funded by course, and
numbers for Distributed Learning will also change. Although there are 50 more
kindergarten students than this time last year, the total number of kindergarten students
entering our schools is far less than the number of grade 12’s who are leaving. It was
noted that the schools were staffed conservatively at 250 less students so additional staff
has been added to accommodate those numbers. In response to a question regarding
funding, Mr. Shongrunden advised that under funding protection, it is hoped the district
will receive the same funding as last year even though the enrolment has decreased.
Class Size and Composition Report
The School Act requires that the superintendent must submit a Class Size and
Composition report to the Board of Education and District Parent Advisory Council
(DPAC) on or before October 1 of each school year. This report was provided to the
Board and DPAC on October 1, 2010.
Assistant Superintendent Burgoyne reviewed the report noting the District Class Size
Average in Kindergarten is higher than last year but continues to be significantly below
the legislated maximum of 19.0. The Primary (Grade 1 to 3) District Class Size Average
has not changed significantly in the past nine years and the District Class Size Averages
in Intermediate (grades 4 and 5), Middle (grades 6 to 8), and Secondary (grades 9 to 12)
continue to be well below the legislated maximum averages.
Mr. Burgoyne also reviewed a listing of classes over 30 students along with information
related to designated students. It was noted that two of the classes at Penticton
Secondary School required changes. The Leadership 9 class will be split and an
additional class will be added in PE 10. A teacher on call has been assigned to both new
classes and job postings have been placed. As of today, there are 32 classes greater
than 30 students. Class composition was summarized as follows:
The number of K to 5 classes that have greater than three designated students
has doubled from last year;
The number of Grade 6 to 8 classes that have greater than three designated
students continues to increase even though the total number of classes
continues to decline;
Thirty-eight percent of the secondary classes have greater than three designated
students this year and last. This is an increase from 25% in 2008 and 33% in
September 2007.
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Minutes of Regular Board of Education Meeting – October 4, 2010
Mr. Burgoyne acknowledged the hard work of all principals, clerical staff, counsellors,
teachers, and special needs staff to get students designated and the report in on time
despite the shorter period of time this year compounded by the difficulty of BCeSIS.
Following a number of trustee questions and a review of the process to revise the report,
Little/Siddon that the class size and composition report be revised and
brought back to a different meeting.
Field Trips
District Principal Schimmer reviewed the listing of field trip requests circulated with the
agenda package, two of which had been approved by the superintendent pursuant to
district policy.
Van Alphen/Clarke that the field trip request May 25 to 28, 2011, for 40
grade 8 band students from Skaha Lake Middle School to travel on a
“spring band tour” to perform in Edmonton, Alberta, be approved.
Little/Clarke that the field trip request for December 23, 2010, for 24
wrestling team students from Penticton Secondary School to compete in
Oroville, Washington, be approved provided the trip is sanctioned by B.C.
School Sports.
French Immersion Program
District Principal Schimmer provided an update on the French Immersion Program, noting
there are eight students on the waitlist at this moment. The three students who applied
before the deadline have been offered a position in Summerland; first and third accepted
and the student in second place declined. In addition, there is one student who is out of
district and four students who registered late. It was noted that every in-district applicant
who applied by the deadline has been offered a position at either KVR or Summerland
Middle. Superintendent Hyer added that because the numbers on the waitlist have
declined and are minimal, the decision was made to not add another section of French
Immersion at grade 6 at KVR Middle. Trustees discussed the option of adding another
grade 6 class, the Board’s decision to hold a lottery for registration into the program, and
the opportunity for students to join the program should a student leave the program. No
changes were recommended.
BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting
It was noted that Trustee Clarke will attend the BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting to be
held on October 22 and 23, 2010 in Vancouver. As well, Chair Manning and Trustee Van
Alphen, in her capacity of Branch Chair, will attend a meeting arranged by BCSTA to talk
about the Ministry of Education’s vision of individualized learning.
BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch Meeting
The BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch meeting will be held on October 15 and 16,
2010 in Lillooet.
“Working Together for Student Success”
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
Date of Next Meeting
• November 8, 2010, 6:30 p.m., Regular Meeting, School Board Office
Recognition of Student Success
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extended congratulations to the students and
groups for outstanding examples of success as shown on the listing circulated with the
agenda package.
Recognition of Student Artwork
Chairman Manning recognized the artwork of the following students from Skaha Lake
Middle School currently on display at the school board office:
Jaquelyn Ford
Grade 8
Mickella Dilorewzo-Biggs
Grade 6
Harnish Bhandhal
Grade 7
Mickella Dilorewzo-Biggs
Grade 6
Nathan Aubie
Grade 8
Brett Needham
Grade 8
Colourful/detailed abstract design
outlined in black ink on a background
of black construction paper
Nine individual drawings outlined in
boxes on a background of black
construction paper
Colourful/detailed/funky abstract
designs outlined in black ink on a
background of black construction
A series of hand shapes with designs
within the hand print in various colours
A magazine photo in the center of the
page with colourful mimicking
vibrations in purple, blue and green
A magazine photo in the center of the
page with colourful mimicking
vibrations in red, yellow and orange
Trustee Comments
Trustees provided general comments related to district activities including funds raised by
students during the Terry Fox Run; the efforts of students from Trout Creek Elementary
who ran in memory of past teacher Vivian Hopkins; the opening day team building event
for Summerland Secondary School; and the presentations tonight and at the last
education committee meeting related to assisting students in our district.
Questions and/or comments from the audience included:
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The suggestion by DPAC Chair Daryl Clarke that travel insurance should be mandatory
for student trips to Oroville and that class composition should include behaviour students
rather than designated students;
A question by OSTU President Kevin Epp related to a letter to the Board and notice that
October 5 will be World Teachers’ Day.
Clarke/Little that the meeting be adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
October 8, 2010
Ref: U:\SBO-ST-Data\DA\2010-2011\00100 - 01999 Admin\00300-03 Agenda Open\20101004 OP.doc
“Working Together for Student Success”