HELD ON MONDAY, MAY 11, 2009, AT 6:30 P.M.
Larry Little, Chair
Ginny Manning, Vice Chair
Shelley Clarke, Trustee
Connie Denesiuk, Trustee
Tom Siddon, Trustee
Gary Doi, Superintendent of Schools
Frank Regehr, Secretary-Treasurer
Ron Shongrunden, Director of Finance and Information Technology
Dave Burgoyne, Director of Instruction
Brian Celli, Director of Instruction
Garth Schafer, Director of Instruction
John Hickling, Director of Maintenance
Pam Butters, District Principal
Daphne Adey, Executive Assistant
Chairman Little welcomed district staff, guests, and representatives of the media to the meeting.
Denesiuk/Manning that the agenda and addendum be adopted.
Humanitarian Trip to Africa
Ten Princess Margaret grade 12 students and three adults participated on a Habitat for
Humanity Global Village team to build a house in the Chazanga Orphans Community.
The community is situated about 20 kms from Lusaka, which is the capital city of Zambia.
The build and travel took approximately ten days which was then followed up by an
enjoyable day safari in Botswana and Victoria Falls. Students Scott Meyers and Brendon
Chapman along with Parent Linda Berry and Principal Bill Bidlake highlighted their trip
and, in particular, the experience of building a home for a family of ten who had
previously been living in a clay hut. The school hopes to host the next event in 2011 and
have the humanitarian trip become a bi-annual event.
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – May 11, 2009
Following a number of trustee questions, the students were commended for their efforts
and for representing the district so well. Chairman Little asked that their request to make
it a bi-annual event be submitted in writing.
Clarke/Siddon that the minutes of the regular meeting held on April 6 and the
special meeting held on May 4, 2009 be approved.
The following items were discussed at the closed meeting held on April 6, 2009:
Received a report from the finance and management committee (Declaring a possible
conflict of interest, Trustee Siddon left both the committee meeting and the closed
meeting for discussion of one topic.);
Approved the extension of the banking contract with Royal Bank of Canada;
Confirmed teaching, excluded, and CUPE staff changes;
Received information related to a budget development consultation meeting;
Confirmed principal/vice principal appointments;
Received information related to student suspensions;
Received information related to an upcoming Shatford Liaison Committee meeting.
Summary of Copies of Letters to the Board
Copies of the letters to the Board listed below are available in the trustee reading file:
School District No. 73 (Kamloops/Thompson) to the Minister of Education
requesting a review of the transportation funding;
Minister of Education to the President of the BCSTA Okanagan Branch in
response to their letter regarding transportation funding and advising that boards
may choose to supplement the annual funding received from the province by
charging fees to parents of students using the service;
Minister of Education to School District No. 83 (North Okanagan-Shuswap)
advising that if a board chooses to provide transportation for its students, it may
also choose to supplement the annual funding received from the province.
Letter from School Community Connections
A letter forwarded by the Union of British Columbia Municipalities advising that the
following applications to the 2008 School Community Connections program, each in the
amount of $8,000, were approved:
Safety standard upgrades at Giant’s Head playground;
Upgrades for wheelchair accessibility at Parkway Elementary playground;
Purchase of camera equipment for youth participation in a documentary of the
Good Will Shakespeare Festival.
Siddon/Denesiuk that the correspondence be received.
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – May 11, 2009
Finance and Management Committee
Trustee Manning reported on the finance and management committee meeting held on
May 6, 2009:
Support Staff Education and Adjustment Committee
Director of Finance and Information Technology Ron Shongrunden reviewed the
creation of a provincial fund designed to support the training of support staff in B.C.
Access to the funds requires a joint application of the CUPE union and the school
district and funding approval was received. Both Mr. Shongrunden and Vice
Principal Doug MacDonald discussed how this fund assisted with the training of
CUPE staff to work with the new BCeSIS software. In addition, Mr. MacDonald
described the development of sophisticated video training aids which will be
available for current and future needs. As part of the discussion of the
implementation of the BCeSIS software, the committee expressed an interest in
obtaining the financial impact of the installation and annual operating costs of the
BCeSIS system.
Meeting with OSTU and CUPE
Board Chair Little reviewed a meeting he and Vice Chair Manning had with CUPE
and OSTU representatives to discuss their request for the formation of a joint
liaison committee with trustees. Mr. Little advised the request was for four
meetings per year with the board chair and vice chair to discuss emerging issues
and that no education partners or staff attend. Mr. Little indicated that a current
practice he has offered to the unions is to meet when requested to review
important issues. Following discussion, the committee supported that Chairman
Little advise both CUPE and OSTU that the board chair will be available to meet
regarding issues of concern but the meetings will be held on an informal as
required basis.
H1N1 Influenza
Superintendent Doi distributed and reviewed information regarding the H1N1
influenza virus including a letter to be sent to all parents, a question and answer
document regarding H1N1, and the Ministry order regarding school closure
protocol. The committee discussed issues related to the information and supported
efforts to communicate factual information.
Student Accident Insurance
Each year the school district supports the distribution and offering of student
accident insurance coverage for students in the district. Secretary-Treasurer
Regehr advised the committee that the company providing this coverage for many
years will not offer the service for 2009-10. Mr. Regehr advised that similar
coverage will be provided with a company called Industrial Alliance Pacific and that
we have confirmed this company is recognized by the Ministry’s Risk Management
The committee was advised that students receiving injuries while
participating in school activities are usually not covered for financial expenses
resulting from the injury. The student accident insurance program provides an
opportunity for families to obtain coverage.
Further to the report, the superintendent provided an update on the H1N1 influenza
noting that the number of cases in B.C. has risen from 22 on May 2 to 79 on May 11.
Only two cases have been reported in this health region. Mr. Doi reviewed the ministerial
order and advised that information will be provided to parents and trustees as necessary
as well as posted on the district’s website.
Manning/Siddon that the report of the finance and management committee be
“Working Together for Student Success”
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – May 11, 2009
Buildings, Grounds, Safety and Transportation Committee
Trustee Denesiuk reported on the buildings, grounds, safety and transportation
committee meeting held on April 29, 2009:
Annual Facility Grant
Secretary-Treasurer Regehr reviewed a document attached to the agenda
describing the funding and eligible expenditures for the annual facility grant. The
current year’s funding is $1,315,060 and a similar funding amount is expected for
2009-10. Primary uses in our district have been roof placement, HVAC upgrades,
facility upgrades, site upgrades, and technology infrastructure.
Roof Tenders
The committee was advised that roof tenders will be opened on May 12th at 2:00
p.m. at the school board office.
Summerland Secondary School
Director of Maintenance Hickling reviewed a number of issues related to supporting
the school’s request to install a greenhouse. A review to install the structure in the
school courtyard required a review by a building code consultant and this review
identified requirements for building setbacks and sprinkler requirements. In
addition, electrical and gas connections are being reviewed. When planning is
complete, a building permit will be required.
Tennis Bubble – Summerland
Mr. Hickling discussed a proposal from the District of Summerland for improved
tennis courts on the Summerland Secondary School site. This proposal will be
further reviewed.
Penticton Secondary School Site Development
The committee was advised that tenders were opened on April 28th and the low
tender from Wildstone Construction was within budget. The bid will be reviewed by
our architects for recommendation. Additionally, the site plan for development was
distributed and reviewed. Changes to the plan since the last review included an
increase in the setback from Eckhardt Avenue to allow for future road widening by
the City of Penticton, an increase in the size of the four tennis courts, and a
reduction to one sports court.
Secretary-Treasurer Regehr reviewed a previous request that consideration be
given for a partnership involving the placement of a tennis bubble on the new
Penticton Secondary School tennis courts during the winter months to allow shared
school and community use. When this proposal was reviewed in January, the size
of the structure proposed could not fit the space available. The school district has
again been approached to consider a modified proposal with an arrangement that
would now fit within the area planned for the four tennis courts. If supported,
changes to the district’s existing plan would include turning the courts to an
east/west alignment and increasing the setback of the courts from Eckhardt
Avenue. The committee requested that further details of this option be provided.
Penticton Secondary Observatory
At the March 4th buildings, grounds, safety, and transportation committee meeting,
the committee supported efforts to relocate the observatory at the school. Since
that time, a building code consultant was hired to examine implications of locating
an observatory at a location requested on the roof above the stairwell south of the
Ellis building. The code consultant’s report concluded that to gain access to the
roof at this location would require a fire rated stair structure. The cost of
construction at this location would be considerable and the committee supported
that further work be done to examine if a lower cost observatory could be
“Working Together for Student Success”
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – May 11, 2009
Guidelines for Maintenance Projects
A number of school building and site enhancements are provided through
fundraising and donations. These projects need to consider a number of issues
including school planning, future maintenance requirements, and cost sharing. To
assist with planning for these types of projects, guidelines have been developed
and are reviewed with school principals. This guideline for maintenance projects
was provided to the committee for information.
Smoking beside Princess Margaret Secondary
The committee was provided with a letter received from a homeowner near the
school which raised concerns regarding property damage. The homeowner stated
damage has increased since the law was changed to ban smoking on school sites.
Trustee Little reviewed his efforts to address this issue. Following discussion, the
committee requested that the school be requested to be vigilant with the issues
Flags at Half-Mast
The committee was provided with a letter from CUPE requesting that all school
district flags be lowered to half-mast on April 28th to support the national day of
mourning. The committee noted that the date had passed.
Capital Plan
The secretary-treasurer advised that the annual capital plan for B.C. school
districts is to be submitted by May 15, 2009. Mr. Regehr noted that to be
considered the projects must be over $1.5 million in value and will likely need a
high ranking to be considered for approval. The committee was advised that a plan
will be prepared to request funding to rebuild the Summerland Secondary School
Daycare Rentals in the Summer
The committee was advised that a request was received to allow for a school
daycare to remain open during the summer. Mr. Regehr advised that the current
monthly rental rate of $800 for days when school is in session is based on schools
being in operation for the students. When school is not in session, the custodial
cleaning, security and heating/cooling requirements are all extra for the rental. For
information, the committee was advised the rental rates for summer use are more
than double normal rates.
Trout Creek – BEP Renovations
Director of Maintenance Hickling advised that the Building Envelope Program work
at Trout Creek Elementary may proceed shortly. The B.C. Housing Corporation
will assume responsibility and funding for the project.
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Denesiuk/Manning that the report of the buildings, grounds, safety, and
transportation committee be received.
Education Committee
Trustee Clarke reported regarding the education committee meetings held on April 7 and
May 5, 2009:
April 7, 2009:
Code of Conduct
The School Act entrusts the Board of Education with the responsibility to create
safe, caring, and orderly school environments in which learning and achievement
can be optimized. In February 2009, a revised Code of Conduct outlining expected
student behaviours was adopted in the district. Principals Craig Dunbar, Giant’s
Head Elementary School; Katie Hicks, Summerland Middle School; and Vice
“Working Together for Student Success”
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – May 11, 2009
Principal Sandra Richardson, Penticton Secondary School provided an overview
on how the expectations and principles of the Code of Conduct are being enacted
in their schools.
Proposal for Collaborative Planning Time Model
Principal Don MacIntyre outlined a school proposal for 2009-10 to embed
collaborative time into the Princess Margaret Secondary School timetable as
regularly occurring, mandatory staff development time.
The plan would incorporate 11 periods (60 minutes each) into the regular schedule
for collaborative teams to meet throughout the school year. The meetings would
take place on Wednesday mornings, resulting in late start days for students on that
morning. Attendance at these meetings would be mandatory for all teachers. To
recover lost instructional time, 4 minutes of instructional time would be added to
each regular instructional day by reducing the student break period. Principal Don
MacIntyre indicated that staff and PAC were consulted on this proposal and were
supportive of the plan.
Clarke/Manning that the Princess Margaret Secondary collaborative
planning time be approved for 2009-10 and that feedback to this
model be provided to the education committee in the spring of 2010.
May 5, 2009:
School Completion
Over the course of the school year, the School Completion Workgroup has focused
its attention on compiling data and background information on those students who
have encountered difficulties in completing their programs. Helping Teachers
Judith King and Andrea Devito described these efforts and presented the results of
this work including possible initiative directions for the workgroup to pursue.
Community/District Literacy Plan
British Columbia's Boards of Education are required, by legislation, to prepare and
submit to the Minister of Education a district literacy plan with respect to improving
the literacy of all citizens within the district. District literacy plans are multi-year,
annually updated plans submitted to the Minister by July 15th each year.
The first year in the Stage Three implementation phase of our Community Literacy
Plan, A Tapestry of Stories, has been completed. The community plan has
focused around three key areas: Family Literacy, Adult/Workplace Literacy, and
Health Literacy. The newly appointed Community Literacy Coordinator Naomi
Ludington was also in attendance.
Clarke/Siddon that the District Literacy Plan be approved and submitted to
the Minister as required by the School Act.
Clarke/Denesiuk that the reports of both education committee meetings be
Penticton Secondary School Reconstruction
Information in the report indicated that the district has been advised that the hydronic
system is now clean, commissioning reports are being reviewed, and the district is
awaiting letters of assurance that the system will not have permanent damage. Once
received, the holdback fees will be released. System training for SD67 staff for the
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – May 11, 2009
HVAC system will occur in the near future. Some remaining deficiencies and warranty
items are still to be completed by the contractor. The second floor drywall is underway in
the Ellis building, new windows have been installed, the cupola finishing is underway, and
concrete exterior stairs are being placed. This Ellis facility renovation is scheduled for
completion during the first week of July 2009. Mr. Hickling added he had met with the
low bidder for the parking lot development, Wildstone Construction and Engineering Ltd.,
and the adjacent property owner. Completion of the parking lot is scheduled for August
28, 2009.
Provincial Elections
The secretary-treasurer advised that voting stations for the 2009 provincial elections will
be held at Trout Creek, West Bench, Columbia, Uplands, and Wiltse Elementary schools.
As arranged with the elections officer, two parent advisory council members at each
school will be trained as election staff and will assist with minimizing disruption to the
school during the election hours.
Penticton Secondary School Site Development
Subsequent to the buildings, grounds, safety, and transportation committee meeting, the
tender submissions for the development of the Penticton Secondary School site were
forwarded to our architect for review. We have now received a recommendation that the
low tender from Wildstone Construction & Engineering Ltd. in the amount of $1,822,586
be accepted.
Mural at Trout Creek Elementary
Secretary-Treasurer Regehr reviewed a request from the Trout Creek Parent Advisory
Council for a mural on the rebound wall of the outdoor sports court. Mr. Regehr added
that the plan for the 50 x 7 foot mural has been reviewed by district staff, is in compliance
with the district’s practice, and is recommended for approval.
Manning/Clarke that the request for the mural at Trout Creek Elementary
School be approved as presented.
2009-10 Annual Capital Plan
Mr. Regehr advised the annual capital plan is due at the Ministry of Education by May 15,
2009. Reports required for this submission include a Project Identification Report and an
enrolment forecast up to 2017-18. Support is requested that the capital plan be
submitted as a single project, the replacement of the Summerland Secondary School
gym with a new 900 square meter gymnasium, new gymnasium ancillary space of 160
square meters, and renovation of multipurpose space. It was noted that community
participation in this project would be examined.
Denesiuk/Manning that the tender be awarded to Wildstone Construction &
Engineering Ltd. in the amount of $1,822,586.
Denesiuk/Clarke that the Board of Education of School District No. 67
(Okanagan Skaha) approve the 2009-10 Capital Plan as outlined.
Student Achievement
Literacy, Numeracy, and School Completion/Transitions
“Working Together for Student Success”
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – May 11, 2009
Celebrating Student Achievement
The Celebrating Student Achievement event will take place at the Penticton
Lakeside Resort on Tuesday, June 2, 4:00 p.m. Representatives from the school
planning councils, parent advisory councils, staff and trustees are welcome to
Communication and Access
Field Trips
For information only, the superintendent of schools reviewed a listing of field trip
requests approved by the principal or superintendent pursuant to district policy as
well as field trip requests which require Board approval. Trustees discussed the
importance of field trip organizers to obtain Board approval in principle prior to
planning the event.
Siddon/Denesiuk that the field trip request for May 20 to 24, 2009 for
30 music students to travel to Edmonton, Drumheller, and Calgary to
perform at and visit Concordia University, West Edmonton Mall,
Drumheller Museum, University of Calgary, SAID, and Calgary Zoo
be approved and further advise that, in the future, the trip will be
denied if approval in principle is not first obtained.
Manning/Siddon that the field trip request for February 3 to 9, 2010
for approximately 40 French Immersion students from Summerland
Middle and KVR Middle schools to travel to Quebec City and
Montreal for the winter carnival be approved in principle.
Kindergarten Registration
Parents are reminded that children who are born in 2004 are eligible to enter
kindergarten in September 2009 and are encouraged to register their children at
their neighbourhood school as soon as possible.
School Calendar (2009-10)
The superintendent advised that the Board of Education is required by May 31,
2009 to approve and circulate the 2009-10 school calendar for the district. It is
recommended that the proposed school calendar for 2009-10 be approved.
Page 8
Denesiuk/Clarke that the proposed school calendar for 2009-10 be
approved as circulated.
Other Items
District enrolment as of April 30, 2009 was reported as 6,847 students, 6,504.686
School Fees
The School Act requires that student fees be reviewed and reported to the Board
on an annual basis. Director of Instruction Celli reviewed the proposed fee
structure for the 2009-10 school year. Following discussion,
Siddon/Manning that the following schedule of fees and deposits for
the 2009-10 school year be approved:
A student activity charge of $45.00 per secondary student and
$35.00 per middle school student per year for the provision of
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – May 11, 2009
goods and services beyond the basic instructional program
including, but not restricted to, the supply of a student planner
and partial funding for a range of student activity costs;
A student activity charge (for the provision of goods and
services provided through the school for personal use and
beyond the basic instructional program including, but not
restricted to the supply of a student planner, and partial
funding for a range of student activity costs), established in
consultation with school PACs and not to exceed $10.00 per
elementary student per year. Schools will provide central
office with a record of the fee to be charged and the uses to
which it will be put;
A textbook/resources refundable deposit of $45.00 per
secondary student and $15.00 per middle school student;
Schools are authorized to establish a schedule of user-pay
team fees and/or uniform charges to support extracurricular
activities in the school;
Schools enrolling grade 12, as part of the graduation policy, to
establish a graduation charge to cover costs of graduation
events at the school.
Summerland Secondary School Hockey Skills Academy
The superintendent advised that the Hockey Skills Academy at Summerland
Secondary School is proposing a per student fee of $400 ($80 per month) and
requires Board approval in order to proceed for the 2009-10 school year.
Denesiuk/Clarke that the proposed per student fee of $400 ($80 per
month) for the Hockey Skills Academy at Summerland Secondary
School for the 2009-10 school year be approved.
Transition Dates
For trustee information, Incoming Superintendent Wendy Hyer will be visiting the
district on May 26 and 27. An itinerary will be arranged for her visit.
BC Liquor Stores’ Campaign Supports Dry Grad
The superintendent advised that BC Liquor Stores sponsored an in-store
fundraising campaign to support alcohol-free graduation celebrations in
communities throughout British Columbia. A total of $594,517 was donated across
the province with $6,182.80 coming to the school district. The money raised at the
Summerland BCL totalled $798.00 and will be donated to Summerland Secondary
for their dry grad event. Donations from the Penticton BCL came to $5,384.80 and
will be split on a pro rata basis between Penticton Secondary and Princess
Margaret Secondary Schools.
StrongStart BC
The Ministry of Education has announced two new StrongStart BC centres for
SD67 to be located at Carmi and Columbia Elementary schools, effective for the
2009-10 school year.
Board/Authority Authorized Course
Superintendent Doi reviewed procedures and information related to board/authority
authorized courses and, in particular, a course entitled Strategies for Learning 11
that would replace Literacy Dynamics 11.
Clarke/Siddon that Strategies for Learning 11 be approved as a
Board/Authority Authorized course.
“Working Together for Student Success”
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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BCSTA Annual General Meeting
Trustees are reminded to bring to the meeting reports of their attendance at the BCSTA
AGM held April 23 to 26, 2009 in Kelowna.
BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting
Trustee Manning reported that a short BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting was held on
April 25, 2009 in Kelowna following the close of the BCSTA annual general meeting. The
budget and auditors for 2009-10 were approved and there were no late motions. The
report can be found in the trustee reading file.
Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – May 11, 2009
Manning/Denesiuk that the report of the provincial council meeting be
BCSTA Okanagan Branch Meeting
Chairman Little reported that two main items were discussed during the BCSTA
Okanagan Branch meeting held on April 24, 2009. The name of the branch has been
changed to Thompson-Okanagan to reflect the reorganization of the branch which now
includes the Kamloops school district, and secondly, the fall meeting will be hosted by our
school district.
Date of Next Meeting
• June 8, 2009, 6.30 p.m., Regular Meeting, School Board Office
Recognition of Student Success
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extended congratulations to the students and
groups for outstanding examples of success as shown on the recognition sheet included
with the agenda package.
Recognition of Student Artwork
Students from Penticton Secondary School were congratulated for their artwork currently
on display at the school board office:
Kendra Young, Grade 11
Katelyn Deglow, Grade 12
Matia Theodosakis, Grade 12
Tiffany Gatt, Grade 12
Kaitlynn Pearmain, Grade 11
Emma Knudsen, Grade 11
Watercolour painting of a cello in colours of pink,
blue, brown, and beige
Watercolour painting of acoustic and electric
guitars in soft pastel colours
Watercolour painting of repeating violins in
various colours of mauve, pink, teal, and
chocolate browns
Watercolour painting of three instruments faded
into the diagonal ribbons of colour
Watercolour painting of three instruments in 2x2
varied coloured squares
Watercolour painting with instruments faded into
the background within triangles of many colours
“Working Together for Student Success”
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – May 11, 2009
Trustee Comments
Trustees provided general comments related to district activities including information
regarding an upcoming Okanagan Labour Relations Council meeting on May 14,
attendance at a DARE graduation, and the need to inform parents and public regarding
the need for additional education funding.
Questions and/or comments from the audience included:
Page 11
A request from CUPE that the Board provide a written response to their letter requesting
that flags be flown at half-mast during the annual national day of mourning;
A request from the OSTU for clarification regarding the proposal for collaborative learning
time at Princess Margaret Secondary School;
Clarification related to the Hockey Skills Academy at Summerland Secondary School and
the Soccer Skills program at Princess Margaret Secondary and a request that the Board
make both schools aware that no students should go without the program due to the
financial hardship clause in district policy;
Appreciation from DPAC thanking the Board for involving DPAC and parents in the
budget development process and acknowledging their efforts in making parents aware of
the difficulties with the budget and that school closure may have to be considered during
the next budget development process.
Manning/Denesiuk that the meeting be adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
May 14, 2009
Ref: U:\SBO-ST-Data\DA\2008-2009\00100 - 01999 Administration\00300-05 Minutes Open\090511 OP Minutes.doc
“Working Together for Student Success”