BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 (OKANAGAN SKAHA) MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2005, AT 7:30 P.M. SCHOOL BOARD OFFICE MINUTES IN ATTENDANCE C. Denesiuk, Chair L. Little, Vice Chair K. Andrews, Trustee W. Huebert, Trustee D. E. Jamieson, Trustee G. Manning, Trustee L. Van Alphen, Trustee G. Doi, Superintendent of Schools F. Regehr, Secretary-Treasurer D. Stigant, Assistant Superintendent R. Shongrunden, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer J. Hickling, Director of Maintenance G. Schafer, Director of Instruction D. Burgoyne, District Principal L. Hauptman, District Principal D. Adey, Executive Secretary D. Brunelle, Principal, KVR Middle School 1.0 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Denesiuk welcomed district staff, guests, and representatives of the media to the first working meeting of the new board. 2.0 ADOPTION OF AGENDA MOTION: Huebert/Manning that the agenda and addendum be approved. CARRIED 3.0 PRESENTATIONS BY SCHOOLS AND/OR STUDENTS 3.1 Princess Margaret Secondary School Princess Margaret Secondary students Amy Boultbee and Lisa Little accompanied by Vice Principal Terry Grady presented highlights of the successful “10,000 To-Night” doorto-door and store-to-store canvass for food items. Penticton Secondary and Princess Margaret Secondary schools joined forces this year to benefit the community and jointly collected in excess of 22,400 food items which will keep the needy in food supply until the end of August. Approximately 600 volunteers participated in the project. The students “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 2 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – December 12, 2005 acknowledged the support of parents, staff, Salvation Army, and business people of the community, and thanked the people of Penticton for their generous support of the project. Following a number of questions, trustees extended congratulations to the leadership students on the success of their project. 3.2 School District Employees Support Good News Bears The school district participates in a flu shot program with donations going to the local food banks through the CHBC TV Good News Bears. This year, district employees donated $1,245 to the food banks. Jasmine Hunter, a teacher at Penticton Secondary School who has coordinated this program for the district, highlighted the program and displayed a Good News Bear received for her efforts during the past nine years. Cost for the program was initially prorated through the employee groups for 50% of the cost but since 2002, the cost has been covered entirely by the district. Appreciation was extended to Ms. Hunter for her presentation and efforts in coordinating the program for the district. 4.0 RECEIVING OF DELEGATIONS AND GUESTS 5.0 APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES MOTION: Little/Andrews that the minutes of the regular meeting held on November 14, 2005 and the inaugural meeting held on December 5, 2005 be approved. CARRIED 6.0 REPORT FROM CLOSED MEETING The secretary-treasurer reported on the closed meeting held on November 14, 2005: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 7.0 Received correspondence; Received reports from the buildings, grounds, safety and transportation committee and the discipline committee; Approved teaching, excluded, and CUPE staff changes; Received information related to a contract; Approved requests for teachers’ leaves; Approved requests from teachers to work with students as part of their Masters program; Received information regarding student suspensions; Received information related to succession planning; Received information related to meetings of the British Columbia Public Schools Employers Association and the Okanagan Labour Relations Council. CORRESPONDENCE 7.1 Letter from Saint Stephen’s Anglican Church A letter from the Social Justice Group at Saint Stephen’s Anglican Church supporting the Family Life Program in schools in SD67. This letter will be forwarded to the committee reviewing the delivery of the grade 5 and 6 family life program. 7.2 Letter from Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner A letter from the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia regarding the board’s consideration of a policy related to the use of video surveillance in and around its schools. Chairman Denesiuk advised this letter will be considered by the policy committee. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 3 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – December 12, 2005 7.3 Copy of Letter to Minister of Education A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 39 (Vancouver) to the Minister of Education regarding the additional federal funds for quality, accessible, affordable child care through the Federal-Provincial Agreement-in-Principle on Early Learning and Child Care. 7.4 Copies of Letters to British Columbia School Trustees Association Copies of letters forwarded by 12 school districts to the BCSTA providing their feedback to questions posed by BCSTA regarding the Ministry’s new mandate are available in the trustee reading file. 7.5 Newsletter from Ministry of Education A newsletter from the Ministry of Education announcing that school districts will receive an additional $20 million to reduce class sizes, as recommended by industrial inquiry commissioner Vince Ready in his report that facilitated an end to the teachers dispute, and agreed to by the provincial government and the B.C. Teachers’ Federation. Superintendent Doi and Terry Green, President of the Okanagan Skaha Teachers Union, reviewed the guidelines established by the Ministry and the consultation process used to decide how the money should be distributed. Following several meetings, they have identified assistance is needed at the three secondary schools, four middle schools and five elementary schools. A plan will be signed off and forwarded to the Ministry of Education by December 16. 7.6 Letter from Minister of Education A letter forwarded by the Minister of Education announcing that the Ministry is distributing a one-time grant of $50 per FTE student for each public school. The funding for this grant arises from savings resulting from the recent labour disruption in the education sector, amounts to $348,565, and is intended to assist schools to meet their commitments to improve student achievement. 7.7 Letter from Minister of Education A letter forwarded by the Minister of Education announcing that the Ministry will distribute a one-time grant of $50 per school-age FTE to each BC school district. The funding for this grant arises from savings resulting from the recent labour disruption in the education sector, amounts to $348,565, and is intended for textbooks and learning resources as the first priority for this grant. Superintendent Doi reviewed the guidelines established for both grants and advised meetings will be held this week and during the first week of January in order to meet the deadline of January 10. 7.8 Letter from CUPE 523 A letter from CUPE 523 requesting a meeting with the newly inaugurated board and representatives from the other partner groups (students, parents, teachers and administrators) to share perspectives and to gather information regarding Draft Policy No. 725. It was noted that partner groups will be invited to the policy committee meeting in January. 7.9 Letter from CUPE 523 A letter from CUPE 523 congratulating the new board and requesting the board to schedule regular meetings with members of the sub-local executive. This letter will be referred to the finance and management committee. MOTION: Andrews/Huebert that the correspondence be received. CARRIED “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 8.0 Page 4 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – December 12, 2005 REPORT OF COMMITTEES 8.1 Committee of the Whole Chairman Denesiuk reported on the committee of the whole meeting held on December 7, 2005: a. Board Communication Superintendent Gary Doi facilitated a discussion with the board about the role of trustees and the importance of communication. Further opportunity will be provided to continue this discussion. b. Trustee Conflict of Interest The secretary-treasurer reviewed conflict of interest rules which are established by the School Act. The trustee manual contains copies of legal interpretations on the subject. Issues regarding closed meetings of the board and in particular legal restrictions on individual trustees communicating matters discussed in a closed meeting were also reviewed. Topics considered for closed meetings include employee contractual negotiations and issues, property matters, other contract negotiations, and student discipline or student personal items. It was noted all materials for closed meetings are prepared on blue paper which should be treated as confidential and should be brought to the district office for shredding. c. School Act/Board Powers The secretary-treasurer distributed the BCSTA book “A Guide to School Legislation in British Columbia” to all trustees. The authority and responsibility provided to boards was discussed. As described in the guide and the School Act, Mr. Regehr reviewed that the board acts only through the approval of resolutions and bylaws approved at a board meeting. Individual trustees or a committee of the board cannot make decisions for the board. d. Board Working Sessions/In-Service Sessions have been planned for January 19 and 25 and February 6, 2006. By consensus, trustees supported these meetings be held at noon for 1.5 hours. e. Food Guidelines District Principal Dave Burgoyne reviewed information related to the provincial survey of food available in B.C. schools. Further information will be provided at the next board meeting. f. Funding Recalculation The secretary-treasurer distributed information regarding the funding recalculation. The committee was advised this will be further reviewed at the December 12 meeting. g. Video Surveillance Policy The committee was advised a video surveillance policy is now planned for review at the February board meeting. Prior to this, the policy committee will review information gathered during the consultation process. h. Class Size Composition This item was moved to the December 12 school board meeting. MOTION: Jamieson/Van Alphen that the minutes of the committee of the whole report be received. CARRIED “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 9.0 Page 5 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – December 12, 2005 REPORT OF SECRETARY-TREASURER 9.1 Penticton Secondary School Reconstruction The secretary-treasurer reported that a value analysis review meeting was held since the last board meeting with the quantity surveyors, Ministry of Education representatives, architects, consulting engineers, and district staff related to the reconstruction of Penticton Secondary School. Some changes including a reduction of glass in the multipurpose room and stairwells have been made to the project so that costing will be closer to the budgeted amount established by the Ministry. The project is now moving to the working drawing phase and is expected to go to tender within six months. 9.2 Financial Report The secretary-treasurer reviewed the financial report to November 30, 2005 provided in the agenda package noting that expenditures are appropriate for this time of the year. MOTION: Little/Andrews that the financial report be received. CARRIED 9.3 10.0 Funding Recalculation The secretary-treasurer reviewed information on the funding recalculation provided by the Ministry of Education noting our funding was adjusted by approximately $600,000 less than previously funded. Mr. Regehr noted the district dropped 29 students from preliminary funding for a total enrolment decline from 2004-05 of 129 students and reminded trustees that the district had already budgeted for an enrolment decline. After adjustments for the student decline and the related staffing decline and increases to targeted funding, it is expected the district will have an additional $40,000 to allocate in the 2005-06 amended budget. The amended budget will be presented at the February board meeting. REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 10.1 Student Achievement a. District Workgroups and Goals Literacy Goal The superintendent reviewed information related to the literacy goal noting that 65 teachers and administrators were involved in two sessions of literacy learning workshops involving Faye Brownlie as a resource person. The district has also applied for a Ministry literacy grant in the amount of $61,000 for two initiatives to support SMART Reading (in-service and demo teacher) for $25,000 and for an early intervention program at three schools (0.48 FTE). Numeracy Goal Director of Instruction Garth Schafer reported on the K-5 math in-service in November and noted that teachers would like to continue to get together with teachers from other districts to share successes and work on the program. It was also noted that a middle school numeracy subcommittee will be created, the secondary math committee is working to respond to the math program IRP, and the January numeracy workgroup will meet in January 18. Social Responsibility Goal Assistant Superintendent Stigant provided information related to the social responsibility goal noting the TRIBES program has 36 teachers involved, eight new facilitators have been trained for the Roots of Empathy program, and two district personnel have been trained for the Thrive program to teach others. The Thrive program is a new name for Lions Quest and Assets for Youth. A subcommittee will be established related to the healthy schools program. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 6 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – December 12, 2005 District Principal Dave Burgoyne outlined some of the guidelines of the Healthy Foods for Schools, an initiative of the provincial government, and advised the district had responded to the Ministry’s survey. The Ministry report is available on the provincial website at Mr. Burgoyne reported a committee involving all partner groups will be established to look at school food choices and draft a nutrition policy for the district. It is expected the report will be available in April and will be presented to the education committee prior to the policy committee. Trustees Little and Van Alphen agreed to participate on the committee. 10.0 b. Provincial Exam Results (2004-05) Assistant Superintendent Stigant presented an overview of the district’s results in grade 10 and 12 provincial exams. In grade 10, the average exam mark for district students was above the provincial average in four courses and slightly below the provincial average in two courses. In grade 12 exams, 11 of the 12 courses are at or above the provincial exam average and, in 11 or 12 subject areas, the pass rate for Okanagan Skaha students equals or exceeds the provincial average. Eleven of 12 course areas are above the provincial average in A’s and B’s and participation rates are above average in all 12 courses. Mr. Stigant added that 59 students from our district plus four CSF students who attended our schools received provincial scholarships. c. Graduation Rates Superintendent Doi reviewed the Dogwood completion rates for our school district which showed a 4% increase in the past five years and an increase of 39% in completion rates for aboriginal students during the past five years. Compared to all districts, our district’s Dogwood completion rates were 24th highest of 60 in 2000-01 and 13th highest of 60 this past year. Mr. Doi recognized the efforts of students, staff and parents for this change in student achievement. REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 10.2 Communication and Access a. Field Trips The superintendent of schools reviewed a listing of field trip requests circulated with the agenda package. MOTION: Little/Van Alphen that the following field trip requests be approved for funding as per board policy: • • • • • November 18 and 19, 2005, for nine students from Summerland Secondary School to compete in the provincial swimming championships in Vancouver; December 1 to 3, 2005, for 12 students from Princess Margaret Secondary School to compete in the girls provincial volleyball championships in North Vancouver; November 18 and 19, 2005, for 15 Penticton Secondary School students to compete in the provincial swimming championships in Vancouver; November 4 and 5, 2005, for 14 Penticton Secondary School students to compete in the provincial cross country running championships in Abbotsford; and November 23 to 27, 2005, for 13 Penticton Secondary School students to compete in the provincial volleyball championships in Prince George. CARRIED “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 10.3 Page 7 MOTION: Andrews/Huebert that the field trip request for December 26 to 31, 2005, for 24 Summerland Secondary School students to compete in a basketball tournament in Ketchikan, Alaska, be approved. CARRIED MOTION: Jamieson/Manning that a field trip request for February 24 to 26, 2006, for 20 Princess Margaret Secondary School students to participate in the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival in Moscow, Idaho, be approved in principle. CARRIED MOTION: Huebert/Andrews that a field trip request for May 24 to 27, 2006, for approximately 40 students from Princess Margaret Secondary School to participate in a spring music tour to Seattle, Washington, be approved in principle. CARRIED MOTION: Little/Huebert that a field trip request for March 12 to 24, 2006, for 35 students from Skaha Lake Middle, Penticton Secondary, and Princess Margaret Secondary schools to travel to Italy and Greece, including a cruise on the Aegean Sea, be approved in principle. CARRIED Other Items a. Enrolment The assistant superintendent reported that enrolment as of November 30, 2005 indicates 7,275 students or 6,964.712 FTE in the district. MOTION: b. Van Alphen/Andrews that the enrolment report be received. CARRIED Thank You Superintendent Doi extended appreciation to all staff, students, parents and volunteers for lending assistance or providing leadership during this busy time of year. 11.0 REPORT OF REPRESENTATIVES 12.0 NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 12.1 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – December 12, 2005 Committee and Representative Appointments Chairman Denesiuk presented committee and representative appointments to November 2006 and trustee/school liaison appointments to June 30, 2007. MOTION: Jamieson/Manning that the committee, representative, and trustee/school liaison appointments be confirmed. CARRIED In addition to the listing, Trustee Huebert agreed to sit on the literacy workgroup and Trustee Andrews agreed to sit on the numeracy workgroup. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 13.0 14.0 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – December 12, 2005 INFORMATION ITEMS 13.1 BCSTA Trustees Academy Trustees were reminded to bring their reports of their attendance at the BCSTA Trustees Academy held December 8 to 11, 2005 in Vancouver for inclusion in the trustee reading file. 13.2 Date of Next Meeting • January 9, 2006, 7:30 p.m., Regular Meeting, School Board Office TRUSTEE COMMENTS 14.1 Recognition of Student Success School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extended congratulations to the students and groups for outstanding examples of success as shown on the recognition sheet included with the agenda package. 14.2 Recognition of Student Artwork Students from Skaha Lake Middle School were recognized for their artwork currently on display at the school board office: • • • • • • 14.3 15.0 Page 8 Cole Depner – Grade 6 Sharmayne Lee – Grade 6 Gurlene Phachu – Grade 6 Sam Nigg – Grade 7 Albion Bunjaku – Grade 8 Emily Ramey – Grade 8 Trustee Comments Trustees provided general comments related to district activities and extended Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays best wishes to all. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Manning/Van Alphen that the meeting be adjourned at 9:30 p.m. CARRIED 16.0 QUESTION PERIOD ____________________ Chairperson ____________________ Secretary-Treasurer December 15, 2005 Ref: U:\SBO-ST-Data\DA\2005-2006\00100 - 00999 Admin\00300-05 Minutes Open\051212 OP.doc “Working Together for Student Success”