67 (O
H ELD ON M ONDAY , S EPTEMBER 12, 2005, AT 7:30 P .
M .
IN ATTENDANCE D. E. Jamieson, Vice Chair
K. Lindstrom, Trustee
L. Little, Trustee
G. Manning, Trustee
D. Shunter, Trustee
L. Van Alphen, Trustee
G. Doi, Superintendent of Schools
F. Regehr, Secretary-Treasurer
D. Stigant, Assistant Superintendent
R. Shongrunden, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
J. Hickling, Director of Maintenance
G. Schafer, Director of Instruction
D. Burgoyne, District Principal
L. Hauptman, District Principal
D. Adey, Executive Secretary
Vice Chairman Jamieson welcomed students, district staff, guests, and representatives of the media to the meeting and a new school year.
“Black Box 3” is a 9-minute video designed to engage parents and staff in a discussion about the school’s and/or district’s continuing efforts to improve achievement for all students. The video is a collaborative effort involving students and parents from several schools in the district, a number of whom were in attendance at the meeting. Special thanks to media teachers Russ Stasiuk (Penticton Secondary), Nick Kast (Summerland
Secondary), and Lori Grant (Princess Margaret Secondary) for their expertise and assistance. “Black Box 3” will be available on the district website and will be shown to all school staffs and parent advisory councils in the early fall.
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Following a number of questions, Vice Chairman Jamieson extended appreciation to the group for their efforts on “Black Box 3”.
3.2 Summer School 2005
Summer School Principal Lloyd Lindsay presented a report on the 2005 summer school program. The focus of the program was to provide students with the opportunity to experience success so that they would enter the next school year with greater confidence in their abilities. One hundred and fourteen students participated in the program.
Courses offered included Remedial Reading, Remedial Math, Summer School Olympics,
Kids in the Kitchen, French “tastic” Summer Fun, and Fun “tastic” Science.
3.3 Summer Professional Development
Superintendent Doi and OSTU President Terry Green reported on a successful summer professional development program.
4.1 Okanagan Skaha Teachers’ Union
Terry Green, President, Okanagan Skaha Teachers’ Union, made a presentation outlining the reasons and issues leading the OSTU to take a strike vote. Mr. Green reported teachers throughout the province are disappointed and frustrated with the unwillingness of BCPSEA to address their concerns at the bargaining table as well as their three bargaining objectives of a fair salary increase, a return of full and free collective bargaining rights, and the return of their stripped working and learning conditions language into a new contract. Mr. Green also asked trustees to take a more active role in the bargaining process.
Vice Chairman Jamieson thanked Mr. Green for his presentation and advised the Board has been and continues to be supportive of its teachers, support staff, and administrators for the good work that they do. She stated the Board is aware that the funding increases have not fully restored service levels. With reference to provincial negotiations, Mrs.
Jamieson stated it is the Board’s view that individual boards should not be trying to intervene in the current collective bargaining process. Rather, they should be letting the parties bargain as they are currently trying to do.
MOTION: Manning/Van Alphen that the minutes of the special meetings held on July 14 and
28, 2005 be approved.
The secretary-treasurer reported on the closed meetings held on July 14 and 28, 2005:
Special Meeting held on July 14, 2005:
1. Approved teaching, excluded, and CUPE staff changes;
2. Received information related to the purchase of property;
3. Reviewed information and reviewed details of the project budget summary for Penticton
Secondary reconstruction;
4. Received information on a personnel matter;
5. Received information on student suspensions;
6. Received information regarding the delivery of a school program.
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Special Meeting held on July 28, 2005:
Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – September 12, 2005
1. Received information related to a proposed agenda for a future meeting;
2. Reviewed a proposal for an upcoming conference.
7.1 Letter from Minister of Education
A letter forwarded by the Minister of Education regarding her recent meeting with representatives of the British Columbia Teachers Federation.
7.2 Thank You Cards
A number of thank you cards from retirees are available in the trustee reading file.
MOTION: Shunter/Little that the correspondence be received.
8.1 Finance and Management Committee
Trustee Little reported on the finance and management committee meeting held on
September 7, 2005:
1. 2004-05 Financial Statements
John McGraw, a partner with the school district’s auditors, BDO Dunwoody, attended the meeting and reviewed the scope and purpose of the audit as described in the audit letter. In addition, he reviewed the notes to the financial statements and highlighted the changed method of reporting for employee benefits, capital assets, school revenue and expenditures. These changes in financial reporting requirements are in effect for all B.C. school districts and they complete the changed reporting to implement GAAP requirements. Mr. McGraw confirmed the school district’s statements present fairly the financial position of the district.
Secretary-Treasurer Regehr advised these reporting changes will make comparability with prior years’ statements difficult in the transitional years. Mr.
Regehr noted the additional work involved in preparing these statements and recognized Alicia Martin for her contribution with the preparation of the financial statements.
2. New School Partnership – Probation School
Assistant Superintendent Stigant reported on a partnership arranged between the school district and the attorney general’s ministry to establish a school for students who are on probation. The students will be registered with and be provided staffing from the district and the ministry will provide a classroom facility and other support.
3. Election Cost Sharing Agreement
The secretary-treasurer reviewed the financial arrangements for conducting the trustee election in the three electoral areas. Mr. Regehr noted the City of Penticton has proposed a formal agreement for election cost sharing. This will be brought forward when ready for recommendation.
Further to the report, the secretary-treasurer circulated and recommended acceptance of the proposed agreement which would cover a percentage of additional costs incurred by the City while conducting the trustee election. Following review,
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MOTION: Little/Van Alphen that the Board accept as circulated the Election Cost
Sharing Agreement with the City of Penticton for the 2005 School Trustee
Assistant Superintendent Stigant reviewed opening day enrolment information. An information sheet regarding enrolment was distributed and enrolment will be updated at the board meeting.
MOTION: Little/Manning that the report of the finance and management committee be received.
8.2 Buildings, Grounds, Safety and Transportation Committee
Trustee Jamieson reported on the buildings, grounds, safety and transportation committee meeting held on September 7, 2005:
1. Performing Arts Needs Assessment
The secretary-treasurer advised a report examining performance facilities has been received. This study was funded by the City of Penticton and the province.
It includes recommendations to build three performing arts venues, to create a management structure for the arts center and to strengthen the downtown cultural district. Mr. Hickling served on a committee that supported this review.
A copy of the report will be available in the trustee reading file.
2. School Drop Off/Parking Zones
A city task force has reviewed the adequacy of street signs posted in school zone areas. Changes to signs at Penticton Secondary, KVR Middle, Princess
Margaret Secondary, and Skaha Lake Middle schools were made prior to school opening and principals were requested to communicate the expectation for vehicle traffic from these signs.
3. Annual Facility Grant
The secretary-treasurer distributed and reviewed a summary of outstanding annual facility grant projects and funding at June 30, 2005. Projects approved each year from this funding source may be delayed due to planning, weather, coordination with education needs, and manpower.
4. City of Penticton – Sports Facility Review
At the July 14, 2005 meeting, the committee was advised the City formed a committee to review sports field requirements. Mr. Hickling has represented the district attending weekly meetings which have been used to review what is available and what is required. Mr. Hickling noted school district fields that are used for both school and community use receive much greater use than city fields. He also noted school district fields are generally built for the intended use as a playfield at a lower cost/lower quality than city fields. It is expected the committee’s recommendations will be prepared in September.
MOTION: Van Alphen/Little that the report of the buildings, grounds, safety and transportation committee be received.
9.1 Penticton Secondary School Reconstruction
The secretary-treasurer reported that at the July 28 th
special board meeting, the Board approved a project agreement which laid out the estimated costs for the project and
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 5 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – September 12, 2005 details for timelines as was required by the Ministry of Education. This contract has been forwarded to the Ministry for signing as a commitment for the funding for the reconstruction of Penticton Secondary School and we are hopeful it will be received shortly. The architects are continuing with design drawings and additional costing while we await final Ministry approval. We are hopeful the project can be taken to tender in
April or May of 2006.
9.2 Summer Maintenance Projects
The director of maintenance reviewed an extensive listing of summer maintenance and renovation projects which were completed at the district’s facilities during the summer some of which included relocating the careers office at Penticton Secondary School, the
Hand-In-Hand Daycare, and technology room to prepare for the construction project. As well, one rental house has been demolished and the remaining two houses will be demolished as soon as possible. Additionally, the custodial staff members were busy with a number of rental groups and extra cleaning during the summer.
9.3 Planning and Goal Review Session
The secretary-treasurer reported that arrangements are being made for a planning and goal review session to be held in early October. Up to four representatives from each partner group have been invited and an invitation has been extended to student representatives from each secondary school.
The secretary-treasurer advised that preparations are underway for the trustee elections to be held on November 19, 2005. Four trustees will be elected within the boundaries of the city of Penticton, two trustees will be elected for the Summerland area, and one trustee will be elected for the rural area. Ads have been placed announcing the nomination period of October 4 to 14 and trustee information packages are being prepared containing information regarding the school district.
10.0 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS a. District Workgroups (Literacy, Numeracy and Social Responsibility) i. The superintendent reviewed information related to the district’s workgroups noting that invitations have been sent to associations (OSTU, OSPVPA, DPAC,
CUPE, and students) to update the committee membership to workgroups established for the three goals of literacy, numeracy, and social responsibility. ii. Trustees confirmed their representations as follows:
1. Literacy – Larry Little, Dave Shunter, and Pennie Jamieson
2. Numeracy – Keith Lindstrom and Ginny Manning
3. Social Responsibility – Linda Van Alphen iii. The assignment of helping teachers included:
1. Literacy (middle and secondary) – Janice Clary, 0.4 FTE
2. Literacy (elementary) – July Scott, 0.4 FTE
3. Numeracy – Vic Keehn, 0.2 FTE; Doreen Bruce, 0.1 FTE; Brian
Hutcheson, 0.1 FTE
4. Social Responsibility – Chris Setters, 0.3 FTE
1. Literacy – Janice Clary and Judy Scott
2. Numeracy – Vic Keehn
3. Social Responsibility – Chris Setters
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October 11, 2005, 4:00 to 8:00 p.m., Penticton Lakeside Resort to review district goals b. District Progress Report (Accountability Contract)
Mr. Doi advised the education committee will review the district progress report on
Tuesday, November 8 at 12:00 noon, before submitting the copy to the Ministry of
Education. District workgroups will need to update their plans for 2005-06 by
Friday, October 28 th
. c. School Progress Reports i. School admin groups will meet to review their school plans as follows:
Tuesday, November 1 for elementary; Wednesday, November 2 for middle; and Thursday, November 3 for secondary schools. ii. School planning councils will meet for a training session on October 18 for middle and secondary schools, and on October 19 for elementary schools
(7:00 p.m. at Penticton Lakeside Resort). iii. Association presidents will meet to discuss the agenda for the SPC training sessions on October 6, 12:00 noon, at school board office. iv. School trustee liaisons will meet once during the year with his/her designated
Mr. Doi reported that the school district will undergo a district review as initiated by the Ministry of Education during the spring of 2007. In preparation, a number of our staff are interested in serving this year on district reviews for other districts. e. Building Instructional Capacity
It was noted that the TRIBES training was incorporated into the district professional days and that two teachers, Jeff Redden and Chris Setters, have gone through the training as trainers. Another 25 local teachers were trained during the summer. f. Grade 12 Provincial Exam and Scholarship Results (June 2005) i. The assistant superintendent reviewed a preliminary report on school and exam averages for June 2005 and noted the entire report will be issued when aggregate marks for the year are available. The report indicates that in the
June 2005 examination session Okanagan Skaha students performed at or above the provincial average on the government grade 12 exams in eight of eleven courses. The remaining three courses were with 5% of the provincial average. ii. Provincial scholarship results
Mr. Stigant reported that 59 students from the district received provincial scholarships, the second highest number of provincial scholarships earned in the last ten years. Congratulations were extended to all students who received provincial scholarships. iii. Grade 10 provincial exam results
Mr. Stigant reviewed the results of the grade 10 provincial examinations, the first year for these examinations, which indicated that Okanagan Skaha students are performing at the provincial average in these subjects.
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10.2 Communication and Access
Page 7 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – September 12, 2005
The superintendent noted that the education agenda outlining dates and events related to the district’s goals and initiatives will be updated and circulated throughout the year.
Principals Lynn Hauptman and Cathy Bowles will attend a ministry facilitators meting on September 16 related to the Ministry of Education’s initiative of community and school district consultation on literacy, early learning, healthy schools, and libraries. Ministry staff will be visiting all 60 school districts for the consultation process. Meetings have been tentatively scheduled for November 7 for this school district.
The superintendent of schools reviewed a listing of field trip requests one of which had been approved by the superintendent pursuant to policy.
MOTION: Little/Lindstrom that the following field trip request be approved:
September 21 to 25, 2005, for 14 grade 12 geography students from Summerland Secondary School to travel on a camping trip to Mount St. Helens, Grand Coulee Dam, and Mount Rainier.
CARRIED a. Summer Leadership Conference
Mr. Doi noted that over 300 people attended the summer leadership conference.
Feedback was very positive with many indicating that they will attend next year’s conference (August 21 and 22, 2006).
The superintendent advised he will be establishing a committee to review the approach to delivering the grade 5 and 6 family life program in the district. Director of Instruction Garth Schafer will chair a committee in the fall to review two issues related to the grade 5 and 6 program: 1) the manner in which we communicate with parents prior to the presentation of the grade 5 and 6 family life program; and
2) the practice of responding to student questions.
The committee will have representation from parents, DPAC, school administrators, teachers and public health. Parent representation should include three parents representing elementary and middle levels in the Penticton and
Summerland areas.
MOTION: Manning/Lindstrom that the Board supports the establishment of a committee to review the delivery of the grade 5 and 6 family life program as outlined.
CARRIED c. Enrolment
The assistant superintendent reported that enrolment as of September 12, 2005 totalled 7,293 students, a decline of nearly 150 from last year. Mr. Stigant added it is expected the district will be able to meet the board’s goal of core classes of 29 or less and while there appears to be no need to close another school due to decreasing enrolment, school boundaries may need to be moved to make better use of the district’s facilities.
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13.1 BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting
The BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting will be held on October 21 and 22, 2005.
Motions or other agenda items should be submitted by September 15.
13.2 BCSTA Okanagan Branch Meeting
The BCSTA Okanagan Branch Meeting will be held on October 14 and 15, 2005 in
Penticton. A draft copy of the agenda was circulated with the agenda package.
13.3 Date of Next Meeting
October 3, 2005, Regular Meeting, School Board Office
Trustees provided general comments related to district activities including recognition of the school district for receiving the Penticton Fire Department’s Safety Star Award for ongoing support of fire and life safety initiatives, the grand opening of the recently renovated automotive shop at Summerland Secondary School, and the district’s assistance with technology improvements at the Penticton Public Library.
MOTION: Manning/Van Alphen that the meeting be adjourned at 9:09 p.m.
October 4, 2005
Ref: U:\SBO-ST-Data\DA\2005-2006\00100 - 00999 Admin\00300-05 Minutes Open\050912 OP.doc
“Working Together for Student Success” www.sd67.bc.ca