BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 (OKANAGAN SKAHA) MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2005, AT 7:30 P.M. AT THE SCHOOL BOARD OFFICE MINUTES IN ATTENDANCE C. Denesiuk, Chair D. E. Jamieson, Vice Chair K. Lindstrom, Trustee L. Little, Trustee G. Manning, Trustee D. Shunter, Trustee L. Van Alphen, Trustee G. Doi, Superintendent of Schools F. Regehr, Secretary-Treasurer D. Stigant, Assistant Superintendent R. Shongrunden, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer G. Schafer, Director of Instruction J. Hickling, Director of Maintenance D. Burgoyne, District Principal D. Adey, Executive Secretary P. Sargeant, Principal, Naramata Elementary School 1.0 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Denesiuk welcomed district staff, guests, students, and representatives of the media. 2.0 ADOPTION OF AGENDA MOTION: Little/Shunter that the agenda and addendum be approved. CARRIED 3.0 PRESENTATIONS BY SCHOOLS AND/OR STUDENTS 3.1 Naramata Elementary School Fine Arts Program Students Michael Hindson and Max Chapman, accompanied by Janet Watts (teacher), Sarah Matlock (student teacher), Julie Young (parent), Petronella Van Den Berg (artist), and Principal Peg Sargeant, highlighted the fine arts program at Naramata Elementary School and presented a short PowerPoint depicting how a focus in this area has brought the community and school together through art, drama, music, and dance. 3.2 Summerland and Skaha Lake Middle Schools Summerland and Skaha Lake Middle schools have teamed up with Interior Health and the Penticton Recreation Department in a project to encourage middle school students to adopt healthier lifestyles. Students from both schools, accompanied by their principals “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 2 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – February 14, 2005 and Bob Pope, Penticton Recreation Department, presented information regarding the “Step Into Action” project. Research has continually proven that lifestyles comprised of poor nutrition, lack of physical activity and increased stress contribute to the onset of many chronic illnesses such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. The “Step into Action” project consists of two main components: a) pedometer program, and b) health fair. The pedometer program will provide a grade set of pedometers to each school and will be signed out to students to monitor and increase their physical activity. They will use an on-line program to enter their daily steps. The health fair, to be held on June 15 at Summerland Middle School, will be a day-long event to expose students to a variety of healthy lifestyle stations. 4.0 RECEIVING OF DELEGATIONS AND GUESTS 5.0 APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES MOTION: Van Alphen/Little that the minutes of the regular meeting held on January 10, 2005 be approved. CARRIED 6.0 REPORT FROM CLOSED MEETING The secretary-treasurer reported on the regular closed meeting held on January 10 and the special closed meeting held on January 31, 2005: Regular Meeting held on January 10, 2005: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. received correspondence regarding a personnel matter; received reports from the finance and management committee and discipline committee; approved teaching, excluded, and CUPE staff changes; received information regarding student suspensions; and received information related to upcoming meetings. Special Meeting held on January 31, 2005: 1. 2. 7.0 accepted a resignation for retirement and approved principal and vice principal reassignments; and approved a process to fill principal and vice principal vacancies. CORRESPONDENCE 7.1 Letter and Petition from Students A letter and petition with 320 names requesting that the math curriculum be reviewed and replaced with a curriculum that takes more into account the needs of the people who are taking the courses. 7.2 Letter from Okanagan University College A letter from Okanagan University College advising 29 student teachers from the college are presently or will be experiencing their practice teaching in the school district during the 2004-05 school year, thanks to the many sponsor teachers. 7.3 Letter from Terry Fox Foundation A letter from the Terry Fox Foundation acknowledging the efforts of schools in School District No. 67 for raising $5,561.50 for cancer research in 2004 through Terry Fox School Runs. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 3 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – February 14, 2005 7.4 Letter from CUPE B.C. A letter from Barry O’Neill, President, CUPE BC Division, regarding comments made at a conference in Toronto by the head of the government corporation that oversees privatization of public services in British Columbia. 7.5 Letter from B.C. Federation of Labour A letter from Jim Sinclair, President, B.C. Federation of Labour, and Jinny Sims, President, BC Teachers’ Federation, urging the board to take a position of strong opposition to the Wright Report. 7.6 Letter from McNicoll Park Middle School Parent Advisory Council A letter from McNicoll Park Middle School Parent Advisory Council regarding the drop off/pick up location for students catching the 8:30 bus at McNicoll Park school. 7.7 Letter from Citizen A letter from Linda Mercer regarding the Early French Immersion program asking the board to think long and hard about the consequences before making Early French Immersion a reality in this district. 7.8 Letter from Minister of Education A letter from the Minister of Education expressing concern about the recent disclosures involving the failure of some school boards to report to the British Columbia College of Teachers the disciplining of teachers and others who hold certificates of qualification. 7.9 Copy of Letter from Minister of Education A copy of a letter forwarded by the Minister of Education to meeting participants to discuss the processes (outlined in the School Act) for reporting discipline matters regarding College members to the College and requesting that school board chairs undertake an immediate review of the reporting practices in their districts so that the public may be assured that the current legislation is being fully implemented. In response to a request, Assistant Superintendent Stigant outlined requirements in the School Act for reporting discipline matters regarding College members and advised that our school district is fully compliant with these requirements. 7.10 Copy of Letter to Premier A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 54 (Bulkley Valley) to the Premier regarding comments made in the December 16, 2004 BC Progress Report. 7.11 Copy of Letter to Minister of Education A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 39 (Vancouver) to the Minister of Education regarding the 2005-06 funding for public education. 7.12 Copy of Letter to Minister of Education A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 39 (Vancouver) to the Minister of Education expressing concerns about the Ministry’s new grade 10 provincial exams to be imposed this year. 7.13 Copy of Letter to School District No. 23 (Central Okanagan) A copy of a letter forwarded by British Columbia School Trustees Association to School District No. 23 (Central Okanagan) regarding resolutions recently passed by the BC School Sports Association. 7.14 Copy of Letter to Member of Parliament A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 34 (Abbotsford) to MP Randy White regarding Bill C-17 regarding the decriminalization of marijuana. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – February 14, 2005 7.15 Copy of Letter to Minister of Education A copy of a letter forwarded by Penticton Secondary School Parent Advisory Council to the Minister of Education supporting his decision to eliminate the sale of “junk food” in elementary and middle schools and asking that the ban not be extended to secondary schools. 7.16 Letter from Parents A letter from Sarah Broder and Chris Toneff requesting the Board to establish an Early French Immersion program without the “magical number” of 40 families. 7.17 Letter from Parent A letter from Ron Hayman regarding the possibility of Early French Immersion not starting in September 2005 and encouraging the possibility of launching one class in Summerland and one in Penticton. 7.18 Letter from Parent A letter from Subrina Monteith regarding the proposed Early French Immersion program. 7.19 Letter from Parent A letter from Liisa Bloomfield expressing concern regarding the Early French Immersion program possibly not beginning in September 2005. 7.20 Letter from CPF Okanagan-Skaha A letter from Jan Theilmann, CPF Okanagan-Skaha, expressing concern that the registration numbers of Early French Immersion may not be sufficient to fulfil the requirements of the proposal that was conditionally passed at the December 2004 board meeting and suggesting two additional options. MOTION: 8.0 Page 4 Shunter/Van Alphen that the correspondence be received and referred to appropriate committees. CARRIED REPORT OF COMMITTEES 8.1 Education Committee Trustee Manning reported on the education committee visitation to Skaha Lake Middle School on January 11, 2005. Committee members were met by leadership students, toured classes in session, and enjoyed lunch with staff members. Additionally, Trustee Manning reported on the education committee meeting held on February 8, 2005: a. Early Intervention Program Early intervention teacher Allison Bailey and literacy helping teacher Judy Scott provided an overview of the program’s history and impact on student achievement. The intervention program was first implemented in the 1999-2000 school year. The goal is to meet the individual needs of students who were identified as ‘at risk’ of early literacy failure. The program intervention has been very successful. The results indicate that, on average, over 90% of the students who were first identified ‘at risk’ were meeting expectations in the next year and continue to maintain that standard. However, it should be noted that the program is not available to all primary students identified ‘at risk’ in reading. b. Aboriginal Progress Report Assistant Superintendent Dave Stigant presented an overview of achievement trends for district aboriginal students. Particular note was made of the improvements in school completion/graduation rates. Note was also made of the successes noted through the early literacy initiatives for reading and oral language. While aboriginal student achievement has significantly improved, it was also noted “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 5 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – February 14, 2005 that the goal of having the aboriginal student population achieve at the district average has not yet been achieved. c. Aboriginal Education Advisory Assistant Superintendent Dave Stigant reported on the work that is ongoing toward the completion of an Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement. Discussions are proceeding positively to restructure the Advisory as a Planning Council with membership from the aboriginal partners including the Penticton Indian Band. The Board was supportive of the direction the enhancement talks are taking and encouraged staff to continue with the completion of the Enhancement Agreement as supported by the school board and the Penticton Indian Band chief and council. d. Wireless Laptops in Schools Superintendent Gary Doi and Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Ron Shongrunden presented some international research findings related to the educational benefits of student use of wireless laptops. Consideration is being given to creating an action research pilot project at the secondary school level. e. 2005 Summer Leadership Conference Superintendent Gary Doi presented a draft copy of the Summer Leadership Conference being planned for August 22 and 23, 2005 in Penticton, BC. The theme of the conference is “Sustaining School Improvement – How far can we go?” It is intended to appeal to all partner groups in the province – teachers, school administrators, trustees, parents and district staff. In the next few weeks, the preliminary program will be featured on the district website, MOTION: 8.2 Manning/Shunter that the report of the education committee be received. CARRIED Finance and Management Committee Trustee Little reported on the finance and management committee meeting held on February 14, 2005: a. 2004-05 Amended Budget Secretary-Treasurer Regehr reviewed proposed budget adjustments for the final 2004-05 budget. The review included the district’s final funding from the Ministry of Education, other revenue changes affecting the budget, expenditures and changes resulting from enrolment increases, and new programs. The committee was advised funding increases for regular and special education enrolment have been allocated for these students and new government grants have also funded new expenditure budgets for the programs Ready Set Learn, literacy initiatives, and the Penticton Secondary School feasibility study. Other budget adjustments included: Revenue Increases Operating grants increase (net of $230,600 estimate) Facility rentals International students Expenditures Teacher salary – reduction in average cost Benefit cost – reduction in EHB cost $ 88,911 138,000 85,000 $ 100,000 90,000 The total funds available from these budget changes is calculated at $495,788 and following discussion, the committee agreed to recommend the final budget include the following adjustments: School supply budgets Equipment repair account Maintenance supply budget “Working Together for Student Success” $ 37,788 60,000 10,000 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 6 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – February 14, 2005 Equipment – desks/chairs/tables and photocopier Purchase maintenance delivery vehicle Roots of Empathy – add second program Learning resources – text books and software Laptop computer pilot project Implementation of human resources software installation Funds to participate at the AICHI trade exposition to promote the international student program Video surveillance equipment Technology purchases – replace one computer class 80,000 33,000 20,000 70,000 70,000 25,000 10,000 30,000 50,000 $495,788 The secretary-treasurer further requested that should additional savings be identified in the 2004-05 budget during the remainder of the year, they be directed to support the following expenditures: Provision to complete GAAP deficiency Technology purchases – replace one computer class Funds to support fiber connection of schools Lions Quest – Thrive Provision to complete GAAP deficiency $ 75,000 $ 50,000 $100,000 $ 30,000 $ 75,000 Before reviewing the wording in the amended annual budget bylaw, Trustee Little noted this budget restores many of the items to the level they were at before adoption of the 2004-05 preliminary budget. 8.3 MOTION: Little/Van Alphen that following first reading of School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Amended Annual Budget Bylaw for the fiscal year 2004-05 in the amount of $50,241,141, the Board of School Trustees passes the bylaw. CARRIED MOTION: Little/Van Alphen that following second reading of School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Amended Annual Budget Bylaw for the fiscal year 2004-05 in the amount of $50,241,141, the Board of School Trustees passes the bylaw. CARRIED MOTION: Little/Van Alphen that following third reading of School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Amended Annual Budget Bylaw for the fiscal year 2004-05 in the amount of $50,241,141, the Board of School Trustees passes and adopts the bylaw. CARRIED Committee of the Whole Chairman Denesiuk provided information regarding the committee of the whole meeting held on January 31: a. Board Self Review Chairman Denesiuk and Superintendent Doi reviewed some of the framework for a school board self-review. Examples of ineffective and effective performance for areas of leadership, stewardship, and relationship were provided. Trustees were requested to complete nine questions that provided examples to illustrate their view of SD67’s performance in each of the topic areas and will meet to review at noon on February 22. MOTION: Jamieson/Lindstrom that the report of the committee of the whole be received. CARRIED “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 9.0 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – February 14, 2005 REPORT OF SECRETARY-TREASURER 9.1 Penticton Secondary School Planning Committee The secretary-treasurer reported that the Penticton Secondary School planning committee, created to assist with the design of the new facility, will meet on February 21. During the past two weeks, members of the committee viewed five schools in the greater Vancouver area which are similar in size to Penticton Secondary and were completed in the last two years. The committee will also be touring Kelowna Secondary school later this week. 9.2 Financial Report For information only, the secretary-treasurer reviewed the financial report to January 31, 2005 provided in the agenda package. Changes to the budget approved tonight will be reflected in the next financial report. Mr. Regehr added we are confident we will have a balanced budget at the end of the year. 9.3 2005-06 Funding Announcement The secretary-treasurer reviewed the announcement from the Ministry of Education which indicates the province will increase funding by $150 million for the 2005-06 school year, which will likely mean $1.5 million in additional funds for the school district. Details of the budget and amounts individual districts will receive will not be available until up to March 15. 9.4 2005-06 Budget Development The secretary-treasurer presented a proposed schedule of meetings to prepare for the adoption of the district’s 2005-06 annual operating budget. The proposal establishes a public budget meeting of March 16 at which we should be able to advise what the funding beyond the current spending level will be, a tentative meeting scheduled for April 14 to meet with representatives of parent advisory councils and school planning councils, and a special board meeting on April 25 to adopt the annual budget. MOTION: 10.0 Page 7 Van Alphen/Jamieson that support be given for the proposed schedule of meetings to prepare for the adoption of the 2005-06 annual budget. CARRIED REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 10.1 10.2 Student Achievement a. District Workgroups (Literacy, Numeracy, Social Responsibility) Superintendent Doi reported the literacy workgroup will meet on Monday, February 21, 4:00 p.m. at Princess Margaret Secondary. The focus of their meeting, as well as the focus for numeracy and social responsibility workgroups, is to prepare recommendations for the workgroups to bring to the next partners’ group meeting. b. Partners’ Group Meeting The partners’ group meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 23, Penticton Lakeside Resort, 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to review the progress of and recommendations for the three district goals. Communication and Access a. Field Trips The superintendent of schools reviewed a listing of field trip requests circulated with the agenda package, one of which had been approved by the superintendent. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) b. 10.3 Page 8 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – February 14, 2005 MOTION: Little/Manning that the field trip request for 77 grade 7 French Immersion students to travel to Banff, Columbia Icefields, Calgary Olympic site, and Drumheller from May 18 to 20, 2005 be approved. CARRIED MOTION: Shunter/Van Alphen that the field trip request for 21 Summerland Secondary School students to travel to Italy from March 22 to April 4, 2005 be approved. CARRIED MOTION: Lindstrom/Van Alphen that funding as per district policy be approved for one grade 12 student from Princess Margaret Secondary School to participate in the Forum for Young Canadians in Ottawa from April 16 to 23, 2005. CARRIED Arts & Science in Harmony 2005 Director of Instruction Schafer reviewed plans for the district’s Arts & Science in Harmony 2005 in which all schools in SD67 will be participating on March 7, 8, and 9 at the Penticton Trade & Convention Centre. There will be an exhibition of student art works, 1800 musicians representing 39 elementary, middle and secondary school bands from throughout BC and Washington, and the jointly sponsored (Kiwanis Club of Penticton and SD67) science fair. Other Items a. Enrolment The assistant superintendent reported that enrolment as of January 31, 2005 showed an increase of 34 students over the previous month. The district’s current enrolment is 7,466 students or 7,120.96 FTE. MOTION: b. Van Alphen/Lindstrom that the enrolment report be received. CARRIED French Immersion Assistant Superintendent Stigant reviewed highlights of the feasibility study including a summary of educational, financial and operational implications related to the different models of implementing the program presented prior to approval in principle being given at the December school board meeting. Director of Instruction Schafer provided an overview of the ways the district solicited community applications for the Early and Late French Immersion programs and Superintendent Doi announced the total registration applications received by the application deadline as follows: Late Immersion (Penticton – KVR) Late Immersion (Summerland – SMS) Early Immersion (K) MOTION: Class Size Limit 31 Deadline Feb. 4/05 89 After Deadline 2 Total as of Feb. 14/05 91 31 33 2 35 22 22 5 27 Shunter/Jamieson that, for the 2005-06 school year, approval be granted for three grade 6 Late French Immersion classes in the Penticton zone (KVR Middle School) and one grade 6 Late French “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 9 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – February 14, 2005 Immersion class in the Summerland zone (Summerland Middle School). CARRIED MOTION: Jamieson/Manning that, due to insufficient registration, the Board not proceed with the implementation of Early French Immersion for the 2005-06 school year. CARRIED Trustees Lindstrom and Shunter requested that their negative votes be recorded. Trustees acknowledged the efforts of staff in preparing the feasibility study, organizing informational meetings, and arranging for the application process and thanked Canadian Parents for French for their involvement with the process. c. Policy No. 305 – Choice and Flexibility Assistant Superintendent Stigant advised the 30-day circulation period to stakeholders was approved at the January 10th board meeting for Policy No. 305 – Choice and Flexibility. To date, no suggestions have been received to modify Appendixes A or B and the appendixes, which reflect tonight’s decision, are therefore recommended for adoption. MOTION: d. School Calendar A school board motion is required by May 31, 2005 to approve the 2005-06 school calendar for the district. Notice of the intention to pass the standard school calendar or a local school calendar at the May 9th school board meeting is required to be sent to parent and employee groups by April 11th. A copy of the proposed standard calendar was circulated with the agenda package. MOTION: e. Lindstrom/Van Alphen that the proposed changes to Appendixes A and B of Policy No. 305 – Choice and Flexibility be approved. CARRIED Van Alphen/Jamieson that the 2005-06 school calendar be approved for circulation to parent and employee groups. CARRIED Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement The assistant superintendent reported that a community meeting will be held on February 22 related to the development of an aboriginal education enhancement agreement and community input for the selection process of an aboriginal vice principal. The development of this agreement has been approved jointly by this Board and the Penticton Indian Band. Of more than four hundred aboriginal students in our district, two-thirds reside outside the Penticton Indian Band. 11.0 REPORT OF REPRESENTATIVES 12.0 NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 13.0 INFORMATION ITEMS 13.1 BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting Trustee Little reported regarding the BCSTA Provincial Council meeting held on February 11 and 12, 2005 in Vancouver. Speakers included a panel from the BC College of Teachers, the Deputy Minister of Education, and Ministry of Education representatives providing updates on Ready Set Learn, healthy schools, and arts and music programs. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 10 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – February 14, 2005 Discussions centered around the election of the board at the upcoming annual general meeting and approval of a 2% increase for the BCSTA budget. 14.0 13.2 BCSTA Okanagan Branch Meeting The BCSTA Okanagan Branch meeting will be held on February 18 and 19, 2005 in Salmon Arm. 13.3 BCSTA Annual General Meeting The BCSTA Annual General Meeting and Canadian School Board Association Congress will be held March 31 to April 3, 2005 in Vancouver. 13.4 Date of Next Meeting • March 14, 2005, Regular Meeting, School Board Office TRUSTEE COMMENTS 14.1 Trustee Comments Trustee Jamieson acknowledged the efforts of the committee which produced the book “One Hundred Years of Schooling”, launched on February 12. Monies raised from the sale of the book will be directed towards scholarships for students in the district. Trustees requested that a letter of congratulations be forwarded to the organizing committee. 14.2 Recognition of Student Success School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extended congratulations to the students and groups for outstanding examples of success as shown on the recognition sheet included with the agenda package. 14.3 Recognition of Student Artwork Students from Carmi Elementary School were recognized for their artwork currently on display at the school board office: • • • • • • • • • 15.0 Cassie Kelley – Grade 1 Gabby Tunold – Grade 1 Rachael Green – Grade 2 Delaney Anderson – Grade 3 Lindsey Marsden – Grade 3 Ashaya Egilson – Grade 5 Dean Grimm – Grade 5 Zoe Hartwick – Grade 5 Kyler Probyn – Grade 5 ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Manning/Van Alphen that the meeting be adjourned at 9:35 p.m. CARRIED 16.0 QUESTION PERIOD ____________________ Chairperson ____________________ Secretary-Treasurer February 22, 2005 Ref: U:\SBO-ST-Data\DA\2004-2005\00100 - 00999 Admin\00300-05 Minutes Open\050214 OP.doc “Working Together for Student Success”