BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 (OKANAGAN SKAHA) MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING HELD MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2003, AT 7:30 P.M. SCHOOL BOARD OFFICE MINUTES IN ATTENDANCE C. Denesiuk, Chair D. E. Jamieson, Vice Chair K. Lindstrom, Trustee L. Little, Trustee G. Manning, Trustee D. Shunter, Trustee L. Van Alphen, Trustee G. Doi, Superintendent of Schools F. Regehr, Secretary-Treasurer D. Stigant, Assistant Superintendent G. Schafer, Director of Instruction J. Hickling, Director of Maintenance D. Adey, Executive Secretary P. Butters, Vice Principal, Wiltse Elementary K. Jones, Principal, Queen’s Park Elementary 1.0 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Denesiuk welcomed district staff, guests, and representatives of the media. 2.0 ADOPTION OF AGENDA MOTION: Little/Shunter that the agenda be approved as amended. CARRIED 3.0 PRESENTATIONS BY SCHOOLS AND/OR STUDENTS 3.1 Summer Professional Development Esther Skrypiczajko, Chair, Professional Development Committee, provided an overview of activities held during the summer professional days and Janice Reiswig, a member of the committee, reviewed follow-up workshops related to the district’s instructional capacity initiative. The professional development committee is in year three of a five-year plan. Chairman Denesiuk extended appreciation to the committee for their presentation and for their efforts in enhancing professional development activities. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 3.2 Page 2 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – September 8, 2003 Summer School 2003 Summer school teachers Linda King and Ann Delorme highlighted the success of the “Remedial Reading – Primary” program offered during summer school and how it relates to the district’s goal of literacy. Sandy Hodson reviewed “Kids in the Kitchen”, a new program offered this year. Katie Hicks, Principal, 2003 Summer School Program, presented a report on the 2003 summer school program. The summer school provided 225 students with an opportunity to experience success in a variety of curricular subjects through remediation, skills practice and review, and to allow for enrichment in other co-curricular areas. Ms. Hicks extended appreciation to teachers and staff who were part of the summer school program. Following a number of questions, appreciation was extended for the presentations and for working with students during the summer. 3.3 The Black Box (August 2003): How can we improve the achievement of all students? “The Black Box” is an eight-minute video designed to engage parents and staff in a discussion about the school’s and/or district’s efforts to improve achievement for all students. Mr. Russ Stasiuk, Penticton Secondary School media teacher and producer of the video, was on hand for the presentation. The video is available in all SD67 schools and will be shown to all school staffs and parents in the fall. “The Black Box” (August 2003) is the first of a series. Each year, a new video will be produced to highlight the plans, progress, and results. It is anticipated more people and students will be involved in future videos which will continue the story along the theme of “The Black Box”. 4.0 RECEIVING OF DELEGATIONS AND GUESTS 5.0 APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES MOTION: Van Alphen/Lindstrom that the minutes of the special meeting held on July 7, 2003 be approved. CARRIED 6.0 REPORT FROM CLOSED MEETING The secretary-treasurer reported on the closed special meetings held on July 7 and August 26, 2003: • Special meeting of July 7, 2003: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. received correspondence regarding a personnel matter; approved teaching, excluded and CUPE staff changes; approved support for an application by the City of Penticton; approved a contractual item; approved a resolution related to bussette usage; received a report on technology; reviewed information related to possible surplus funds; received information related to a further personnel matter; received information related to arbitrations; approved a proposal related to CommunityLink to be submitted to the Ministry of Children and Family Development; 11. reviewed information related to international education; 12. received information related to student suspensions. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) • Page 3 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – September 8, 2003 Special Meeting held on August 26, 2003: 1. reviewed and approved the proposed plan for opening a school in an area on evacuation alert. 7.0 CORRESPONDENCE 7.1 Letter from Minister of Education A letter from the Minister of Education regarding a second enrollment count for 2003-04. 7.2 Letter from Minister of Education A letter from the Minister of Education regarding the roles of school boards, School Planning Councils and the Ministry of Education in meeting the requirements for improved public and community understanding of how spending decisions are linked to achievement outcomes for students. 7.3 Letter from Auditor General of British Columbia A letter from the Auditor General of British Columbia outlining ways the Auditor General intends to gather information for the Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts and seeking input to the planned approach. 7.4 Letter from Okanagan Skaha Teachers’ Union A letter from the Okanagan Skaha Teachers’ Union regarding changes to the College of Teachers and requesting the Board consider writing the Minister of Education regarding the changes. 7.5 Copy of Letter to Minister of Skills Development and Labour A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 41 (Burnaby) to the Minister of Skills Development and Labour regarding proposed changes to the Employment Standards Act. 7.6 Copy of Letter to Minister of Education A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) to the Minister of Education regarding the implementation of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). 7.7 Copy of Letter to Minister of Education A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 39 (Vancouver) to the Minister of Education requesting information pertaining to the funding formula changes effective for 2005-06. MOTION: 8.0 Shunter/Lindstrom that the correspondence be received and referred to appropriate committees. CARRIED REPORT OF COMMITTEES 8.1 Finance and Management Committee Trustee Little reported on the finance and management committee meeting held on September 3, 2003: a. Second Enrolment Count The committee was advised a mid year enrolment count will be made in February and that the changes in aboriginal student enrolment will be used to recalculate aboriginal funding. The Ministry of Education has advised this change will not be fully implemented until the 2004-05 school year. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 4 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – September 8, 2003 b. DPAC Request for Funding The committee reviewed the removal of identified funding to school districts for district parent advisory councils and the new funding from the Gaming Commission the district’s DPAC can now obtain. Although school district funding is no longer identified for PAC support, the committee spoke in favour of maintaining some support. Following discussion, MOTION: Little/Jamieson that funding in the amount of $1,500 be approved to support the School District No. 67 district parent advisory council. CARRIED c. Tour of School Board Office Basement The tour was postponed until October 1. d. Future Meeting Dates A list of proposed committee meeting dates for the finance and management committee and the buildings, grounds, safety and transportation committee was distributed. Based on subsequent feedback, the September 24th meeting will be combined with the October 1st meeting. MOTION: 8.2 Little/Manning that the report of the finance and management committee meeting be received. CARRIED Buildings, Grounds, Safety and Transportation Committee Trustee Jamieson reported on the buildings, grounds, safety and transportation committee meeting held on September 3, 2003: a. Penticton Secondary School The secretary-treasurer reviewed a memo proposing a process and committee structure for the reconstruction of Penticton Secondary School. The buildings, grounds, safety and transportation committee indicated support for the proposal and requested the reconstruction committee include a representative from all the groups named in the memo. b. Emergency Use of Facilities Director of Maintenance John Hickling reviewed the support the school district has provided to assist the provincial emergency program supporting fire victims. This has included work with Queen’s Park Elementary and KVR Middle schools plus planning for other schools to function for emergency support. Some of the shortcomings of our facilities such as emergency power will be reviewed in the future. c. Field Irrigation Mr. Hickling reviewed the water restrictions in Summerland, Naramata, and Penticton. The district is hand watering trees and following directions for reduced watering in all areas. It is expected the fields will recover from the lack of water but additional expenses will be incurred. d. Wiltse Elementary School The committee was updated regarding the instability of a slope on a property above Wiltse Elementary School. The City of Penticton has advised us procedures to stabilize the area are progressing. e. 2004-05 Building Program The five-year capital building program submitted last year identified major projects required. A new building program submission is only required for new major projects. New projects for work in excess of $1.5 million have not been identified and therefore a 2004-05 submission will include the major project submitted last year. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) MOTION: 9.0 Page 5 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – September 8, 2003 Jamieson/Van Alphen that the report of the buildings, grounds, safety, and transportation committee be received. CARRIED REPORT OF SECRETARY-TREASURER 9.1 Policy No. 750 – School Closure The secretary-treasurer noted the 30-day circulation period to partner groups was approved at the June 9, 2003 board meeting for Policy No. 750 – School Closure. No formal responses were received from partner groups but some minor wording change has been made for clarification. MOTION: Lindstrom/Little that Policy No. 750 – School Closure be approved. CARRIED MOTION: Little/Shunter that a feasibility report be developed to assist with decisions related to any consideration of schools for closure. CARRIED Trustees indicated that this request for a feasibility report is to gather factual information only as outlined in the policy and does not indicate any decision to close one or more schools. 10.0 9.2 Financial Statements The secretary-treasurer reported the financial statements for the year ending June 30, 2003 are required to be completed by the end of September. The financial statements are in the process of being completed and the auditors will be reviewing the statements within the week. Mr. Regehr added he is hopeful the statements will be available at the next finance and management committee meeting. 9.3 Summer Maintenance Projects The director of maintenance reviewed an extensive listing of summer maintenance and renovation projects that were completed at the district’s facilities during the summer. Additionally, the custodial staff was busy with a number of rental groups and extra cleaning during the summer. 9.4 Planning and Goal Setting Session Mr. Regehr reported arrangements are being made for a planning and goal setting session to be held on September 24, 2003, 4:00 to 8:00 p.m., at the Penticton Lakeside Resort. Up to four representatives from each partner group have been invited and an invitation has been extended to a student representative from each secondary school. REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 10.1 Student Achievement a. District Workgroups (Literacy, Numeracy and Social Responsibility) The superintendent of schools presented information related to the district workgroups and indicated invitations have been sent to partner groups seeking committee membership to the workgroups. First meetings for each workgroup will be held on September 22, 2003, at 3:45 p.m. at the following locations: Literacy at KVR Middle; Social Responsibility at McNicoll Park Middle; and Numeracy at the school board office. Helping teachers have been assigned to each of the three goals as follows: Literacy – Janice Reiswig (0.3 FTE); Numeracy – Vic Keehn (0.2 FTE); and Numeracy – Deb Donoghue (0.2 FTE). Janice Reiswig and Mr. Doi will co-chair the literacy workgroup with Vic Keehn and Garth Schafer co-chairing the numeracy workgroup and Deb Donoghue and Dave Stigant co-chairing the social responsibility “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 6 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – September 8, 2003 workgroup. Chairman Denesiuk indicated all trustees wish to continue with their roles on the respective workgroups. b. District Progress Report (Accountability Contract) Superintendent Doi reported the accountability contract is required to be submitted to the Ministry of Education by October 31st and will be reviewed by the education committee on October 28th. District workgroups need to confirm their plans and progress for 2003-04 by October 17th. Mr. Doi added he will continue to meet with principals to review school plans. School planning councils will meet for a training session on October 20th for elementary schools and October 21st for middle and secondary schools. Mr. Doi added an external team, chaired by Mr. Mike McKay, the superintendent for School District No. 63 (Saanich), will visit the district from February 8 to 11, 2004. c. Grade 12 Provincial Exam and Scholarship Results (June 2003) Assistant Superintendent Stigant reviewed a preliminary report on provincial examination results for June 2003 which indicated that in eight of 11 subject areas, the exam results are at or above the provincial level and ten of 11 are within 5%. The success rate indicates that nine of 11 subjects are at or above the provincial average and for students passing the courses, eight of 11 courses are at or above the provincial level with a further two coming within 2% of the provincial level. Six district scholarships were presented to top achievers in applied skills and fine arts and there were 57 provincial scholarship winners for 2002-03. Mr. Stigant noted these results reflect only the June results and a more comprehensive report will be provided in December. 10.2 Communication and Access a. Ikeda Exchange (September 2003) The assistant superintendent provided an update on the Princess Margaret and Penticton Secondary schools student exchange to Ikeda, Japan, from September 29 to October 9, 2003. Twenty students and two staff members will be participating in the exchange. Princess Margaret students will perform in the wine festival in Ikeda and all students will be involved in home stays in rural Ikeda. 10.3 Other Items a. Critical Incident Planning Report The assistant superintendent reviewed plans which were put in place in response to the wild fire situation in the area. A copy of a letter distributed to parents in the Naramata Elementary School outlined the procedures to be followed when opening the school in an area on a one-hour evacuation alert. Mr. Stigant added the evacuation alert was lifted prior to school opening. It was noted this critical incident planning will provide the base for an evacuation plan for all schools and will be incorporated into the regional district’s emergency evacuation plan. b. Enrolment Assistant Superintendent reported on enrolment and school start-up for the September opening. An enrolment summary to September 8, 2003 indicates 7,457 students, 80 lower than Ministry of Education projections. Mr. Stigant noted kindergarten enrolment is 47 students lower than projected and lower than last year, elementary and middle schools are higher than projected, and enrolment at the two learning centres is lower than projected. c. School Name Change A school board resolution was requested to change the name of the Summerland Adult Learning Centre to the Summerland Community Learning Centre. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) MOTION: Page 7 Little/Manning that the name of Summerland Adult Learning Centre be changed to the Summerland Community Learning Centre. CARRIED 11.0 REPORT OF REPRESENTATIVES 12.0 NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 13.0 INFORMATION ITEMS 14.0 13.1 BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting The BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting will be held October 30 to November 1, 2003 in Vancouver. Agenda items must be received by September 26, 2003 and should be directed to Trustee Little. 13.2 BCSTA Okanagan Branch Meeting The BCSTA Okanagan Branch Meeting will be held September 26 and 27, 2003 in Revelstoke. 13.3 Date of Next Meeting • October 6, 2003, Regular Meeting, School Board Office TRUSTEE COMMENTS 14.1 15.0 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – September 8, 2003 Trustee Comments Trustees provided general comments related to district activities. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Manning/Lindstrom that the meeting be adjourned at 9:05 p.m. CARRIED 16.0 QUESTION PERIOD ____________________ Chairperson ____________________ Secretary-Treasurer September 4, 2003 Ref: H:\DA\2003-2004\00100 - 00999 Admin\00300-03 Agenda Open\030908 OP.doc “Working Together for Student Success”