BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 (OKANAGAN SKAHA) MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2003, AT 7:30 P.M. SCHOOL BOARD OFFICE MINUTES IN ATTENDANCE C. Denesiuk, Chair D. E. Jamieson, Trustee K. Lindstrom, Trustee L. Little, Trustee G. Manning, Trustee D. Shunter, Trustee L. Van Alphen, Trustee G. Doi, Superintendent of Schools F. Regehr, Secretary-Treasurer D. Stigant, Assistant Superintendent R. Shongrunden, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer G. Schafer, Director of Instruction J. Hickling, Director of Maintenance D. Adey, Executive Secretary T. Grady, Vice Principal, Penticton Secondary School R. Holowaty, Vice Principal, Summerland Adult Learning Centre 1.0 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Denesiuk welcomed students, parents, district staff, guests and representatives of the media. Prior to the meeting, Ms. Denesiuk acknowledged the loss of a teacher, Rob Tucker, at Carmi Elementary and extended deepest sympathy to the family and friends. 2.0 ADOPTION OF AGENDA MOTION: Little/Shunter that the agenda and addendum be adopted. CARRIED 3.0 PRESENTATIONS BY SCHOOLS AND/OR STUDENTS 3.1 Penticton Secondary School Peter Corcoran, Principal, announced that BC School Sports had selected Penticton Secondary School as one of two recipients of the 2002-03 BC School Sports Outstanding School Award. The description of the award reads: “For those special schools whose commitment to improving the lives of their students and staff through athletics, intramurals, leadership and public service contributes significantly to the welfare of school athletics in their community and throughout BC.” The presentation will be made on May 10. Trustees extended congratulations to staff and students at the school for receiving this prestigious award. 3.2 Penticton Secondary School Students Lara Berg, Colleen George, and Amanda Friesen of Penticton Secondary School provided details of a conference being organized by the Tourism 12 class for grade 9 “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 2 Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – April 14, 2003 students. The conference will be held on May 6 at the Penticton Trade & Convention Centre and will cover topics such as drug awareness, youth and law, prostitution, prevention of AIDS, and suicide prevention. Up to 450 students from Penticton Secondary and McNicoll Park Junior Secondary are expected to participate in the one-day conference. 3.3 Okanagan Children’s Festival Bob Pope and Gord Osland provided information regarding the Okanagan International Children’s Festival to be held in Penticton on Friday, May 23, 2003. A video portrayed the types of activities and entertainment available at the festival. 3.4 Aquila Networks Canada Perry Feser, Energy Efficiency Advisor, Aquila Networks Canada, made a short presentation to the Board related to energy initiatives in the district which included upgrades to lighting, mechanical systems, an energy efficiency design at Princess Margaret Secondary, and improved windows at Summerland Secondary School. The district has received approximately $25,000 in energy efficiency rebates from Aquila in addition to a $5,000 donation towards the early literacy intervention. Mr. Feser presented the school district with the “Environmental Excellence Award 2002” in recognition of outstanding contribution to the environment and a sustainable economy of British Columbia through accomplishments in energy efficiency. 4.0 RECEIVING OF DELEGATIONS AND GUESTS 5.0 APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES MOTION: Little/Lindstrom that the minutes of the regular meeting held on March 10, 2003 be approved. CARRIED 6.0 REPORT FROM CLOSED MEETING The secretary-treasurer reported on the closed regular meeting held on March 10, 2003: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 7.0 received correspondence related to students and personnel matters; received a report from the finance and management committee; (Declaring a possible conflict of interest, Trustees Little and Denesiuk left the committee meeting for two items on the agenda.) approved personnel matters; received a report from the committee of the whole; received reports from the discipline committee and aboriginal education advisory committee; approved a request for an easement through school district property; confirmed teaching and CUPE staff changes and accepted a letter of resignation; approved a teacher leave request; received information related to student suspensions; received a report from an Okanagan Labour Relations Council meeting. CORRESPONDENCE 7.1 Letter from British Columbia School Trustees Association A letter from British Columbia School Trustees Association regarding the creation of a protocol of recognition to guide the relations between the provincial government and school boards. 7.2 Letter from British Columbia Teachers’ Federation A letter from British Columbia Teachers’ Federation enclosing a copy of the brief to the Minister of Advanced Education entitled “A New Model for Industry Training in British Columbia”. The brief is available in the trustee reading file. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 3 Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – April 14, 2003 7.3 Letter from Ministry of Children and Family Development A letter from Gordon Hogg, Minister of Children and Family Development, announcing details of CommunityLink (Learning Includes Nutrition and Knowledge). 7.4 Letter from Citizen A letter from Marilyn Kirkpatrick of Penticton regarding the 2003-04 budget and providing two suggestions for revenue generation. 7.5 Copy of Letter to the Premier A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 41 (Burnaby) to the Minister of Education regarding the Ministry of Education’s plans to release the 2003-04 preliminary funding with a new “notional” allocation of school funding. 7.6 Copy of Letter to Minister of Education A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 41 (Burnaby) to Premier Campbell expressing concerns about the funding shortfall in the education sector and its impact on students. 7.7 Copy of Letter to Minister of Citizenship and Immigration A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 40 (New Westminster) to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration regarding new regulations to the Immigration and Refugee Procedures. 7.8 Copy of Letter to Minister of Education A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 42 (Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows) to the Minister of Education regarding the manner in which the Ministry chose to make the announcement of the one-time special purpose grant. 7.9 Copy of Letter to Minister of Education A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 39 (Vancouver) to the Minister of Education regarding the composition of school planning councils. 7.10 Copy of Letter to Minister of Education A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 54 (Bulkley Valley) to the Minister of Education urging that the $35 million allocated for the implementation of GAAP be distributed on a per pupil basis so school districts that have set up the appropriate accruals are not penalized. 7.11 Copy of Letter to Minister of Education A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) to the Minister of Education requesting that a portion of the 2003-04 provincial holdback monies be used to bring equity in the district operating grant as opposed to merely an increase in the student based allocation by FTE. 7.12 Letter from District of Summerland A letter from Mayor Tom Johnston, District of Summerland, thanking the Board for their attendance and input at the April 7th meeting with Summerland Council. 7.13 Letter form CUPE Local 523 A letter from CUPE Local 523 regarding budget proposals. MOTION: Shunter/Van Alphen that the correspondence be received and referred to appropriate committees. CARRIED “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 8.0 Page 4 Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – April 14, 2003 REPORT OF COMMITTEES 8.1 Finance and Management Committee Trustee Little reported the Board had considered feedback and suggestions regarding the 2003-04 budget from the public budget meeting held on March 13, 2003, the meeting with parent advisory councils and school planning councils on April 2, and the finance and management committee meeting held on April 7, 2003 as well as meetings with employee groups. Based on this feedback and suggestions, changes intended to minimize the impact on students were made to the budget framework presented at the March 13th meeting. The secretary-treasurer summarized details of the estimated shortfall of $1,557,000, reviewed options to balance the 2003-04 budget, and explained the options for use of the 2002-03 one-time grant provided by the Ministry of Education. a. 2003-04 Budget Review Trustee Little noted the committee had previously established April 14th as the date to consider budget adoption. Based on the changes the budget will lead to and to provide for a further time for consideration, MOTION: Little/Jamieson that the plan to balance the 2003-04 budget be received and that a special meeting of the board be called for April 28, 2003 to consider the adoption of the budget. CARRIED b. 2005-06 Funding Changes At the committee meeting, the secretary-treasurer distributed and reviewed provincial education funding changes approved for 2005-06. Funding for School District No. 67 is expected to be improved from the changes which will recognize some energy costs and improve some base support funding for districts in our population range. Some funding will be removed from our rural school funding and a possible funding level for old schools such as Penticton Secondary School was not approved. It was noted that Mr. Regehr had served on the provincial education funding committee. c. Letter from CUPE regarding Closure of Schools The committee reviewed a letter from CUPE Sub Local 523 which recommended the school district adopt a policy that could allow, if a school is not fiscally feasible to keep open, to close. The committee was advised a draft school closure policy is being prepared and will be brought to a policy committee meeting. d. Secondary School Transition to Industry Training Assistant Superintendent Dave Stigant reviewed a pilot project to support our students and industry partners offering a career support initiative. The committee agreed to support this new program. Trustee Little extended appreciation to the secretary-treasurer, superintendent and other district staff for their efforts in preparing the budget document. MOTION: 8.2 Little/Shunter that the report of the finance and management committee be received. CARRIED Buildings, Grounds, Safety and Transportation Committee Trustee Jamieson reported on the buildings, grounds, safety and transportation committee meeting held on April 9, 2003: a. Penticton Secondary Audit The facility audit conducted by the Ministry of Education has rated the Penticton Secondary School facility at a level which recognizes an upgrade or replacement “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 5 Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – April 14, 2003 should be considered. This ranking considered components such as structural, roofing, mechanical and electrical components of the individual buildings comprising the school. The capital funding announcements for the next three years for B.C. school districts are expected within the next two months. b. McNicoll Park Renovation The committee was advised of the maintenance program required this summer for a number of projects including the McNicoll Park multipurpose room, front entry, and metal/woodshop renovations, Columbia HVAC and Summerland Adult Learning Centre. The McNicoll Park multipurpose room is a large project for the district and considering total project requirements over the next few months is recommended to go to tender. Following discussion, MOTION: Jamieson/Van Alphen that the project at McNicoll Park Middle School to renovate two classrooms and hallway into a multipurpose room complete with food serving area be approved to go to tender. CARRIED c. Request for Pesticide Presentation The committee was advised that over the past two years, the horticulture program and pesticide use has been supported by CropHealth Advising and Research. The professional consulting provided by this company assisted the district with its integrated pest management program and has also assisted to minimize the use of pesticides in the district. Based on a recent inquiry regarding the district’s practices, the committee recommended efforts be made to inform the media of the integrated pest management program in the district. Given the school district uses the same consultant as the city and has similar practices for integrated pest management, the committee suggested we attempt to coordinate this communication with the city. Mr. Hickling also advised that within the next two weeks dormant oil will be used on some shrubs in the district. d. Energy Review Director of Maintenance John Hickling reviewed how an examination of district facilities will be undertaken to assist in developing a program for future energy efficiency initiatives. Mr. Hickling advised both the federal government and Aquila Networks Canada will provide grants to assist the district complete this review at a cost of approximately $40,000. e. Lending Practices for School District Equipment The committee was advised of frequent requests received by the district to lend equipment and resources for community functions. Normal practice is to direct these requests to rental agencies or other organizations. Due to the cost of labour to assist with equipment lending and wear and tear on equipment, the school district limits such use. f. School Security The committee was advised the district is reviewing security practices for employees accessing school buildings on weekends and holidays. The current practice results in employee time to provide access to buildings and a review will consider a more simplified system that supports building security. g. Federal Energy Efficiency Advisory Group The committee was advised John Hickling has represented BC school districts on a national energy efficiency group for three years. This appointment will be ending June 30, 2003. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) h. 9.0 Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – April 14, 2003 School Adventure Playgrounds The director of maintenance reviewed maintenance work being undertaken on school playground equipment. Some equipment may be removed as part of this work. MOTION: 8.3 Page 6 Jamieson/Little that the report of the buildings, grounds, safety and transportation committee be received. CARRIED Policy Committee It was noted the policy committee will meet on May 14, 2003 regarding a school closure policy. REPORT OF SECRETARY-TREASURER 9.1 Financial Report The secretary-treasurer reviewed the financial report to March 31, 2003 provided in the agenda package, which indicated expenses close to the budget. Mr. Regehr added it appears the district is headed towards a balanced budget. MOTION: Little/Manning that the financial report be received. CARRIED 10.0 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 10.1 District Goals a. Literacy Director of Instruction Walbergs was not available to provide an update on the literacy workgroup. Information will be provided for the May board meeting. b. Numeracy Director of Instruction Schafer provided an update on the numeracy workgroup which is now focused to create an environment and opportunities for students to enhance their learning. The assessment tool for grade 3, 5 and 8 teachers is nearly complete and it is planned for teachers to review this assessment tool. The results from this district-wide testing can be used as baseline data for the district to identify performance targets and measure its progress. c. Social Responsibility Assistant Superintendent Stigant reported the social responsibility workgroup continued to receive reports from committee members regarding the evaluation of resource materials, had sponsored two district-wide workshops, and received a student presentation on social responsibility. 10.2 Enrolment The assistant superintendent reported on enrolment as of March 31, 2003, which shows a net decrease of three students. There are currently 7,742 students in the district or 7,364.9 FTE. 10.3 Field Trips The superintendent of schools reviewed a listing of field trip requests, some of which had been approved by the superintendent. MOTION: Shunter/Little that the following field trip requests be approved: “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 7 • • • • Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – April 14, 2003 May 8 to 10, 2003, for one grade 9 student from McNicoll Park Junior Secondary School to compete in a national debating tournament in Regina, SK, and that appropriate funding as per board policy be provided; March 7 to 9, 2003, for four students from McNicoll Park Junior Secondary School to compete in the provincial debating championships in Nanaimo, BC, and that appropriate funding as per board policy be provided; February 28 to March 1, 2003, for nine students from Penticton Secondary School to compete in the provincial wrestling championships in Abbotsford, BC, and that appropriate funding as per board policy be provided; and March 3 to 5, 2003, for 13 students from Penticton Secondary School to compete in BC School Sports provincial ski and snowboard championships in Invermere, BC, and that appropriate funding as per board policy be provided. CARRIED 10.4 Ministry of Children and Family Development The superintendent of schools reviewed information regarding CommunityLink (Learning Includes Nutrition and Knowledge), a new approach to supporting vulnerable students in the school system introduced by the Ministry of Children and Family Development. Although all details are not yet available, it was noted the funding amount will be increased by approximately $50,000 for the coming school year. 10.5 School Calendar At the March 10, 2003 school board meeting, notice was served that a local calendar would be considered by the Board for adoption by May 31. Mr. Stigant reviewed details of the local calendar, which was included with the agenda package, and noted this calendar has been circulated to employee groups pursuant to the school calendar regulation. The proposed calendar will be circulated to parents through school newsletters and will be considered at the May board meeting. 10.6 Request for Information Superintendent Doi reviewed a request received from Deborah Taylor, who is conducting research as part of the requirements for a degree in leadership, to contact several school principals in this district to participate in a research project called “Determining the Relationship between Behaviour and Academic Need”. MOTION: Shunter/Van Alphen that approval for the research request be granted. CARRIED 10.7 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) The superintendent of schools provided an update on SARS and circulated the most recent media release from the interior health officer. New information will be provided to schools and parents as necessary. 10.8 Meeting with Deputy Minister of Education The superintendent of schools provided information regarding the Deputy Minister of Education’s visit to the school district on April 4, 2003. Topics for the meeting included the district progress report, student achievement, and communication and access. Chairman Denesiuk, Secretary-Treasurer Regehr, Assistant Superintendent Stigant, and Superintendent Doi attended the two-hour meeting. 11.0 REPORT OF REPRESENTATIVES 12.0 NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 12.1 Meeting with District of Summerland Council Chairman Denesiuk reported regarding the meeting held with District of Summerland Council on April 7, 2003. Topics included drug prevention, student achievement and accountability, “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 8 Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – April 14, 2003 shared services, busing, international education, and use of public facilities. Chairman Denesiuk added the group recommended a sub committee be formed between Summerland Council and trustees to review drug prevention strategies and that Chairman Denesiuk and Trustee Van Alphen will represent the Board on this committee. 13.0 INFORMATION ITEMS 13.1 BCSTA Annual General Meeting The BCSTA annual general meeting will be held April 24 to 27, 2003 in Kamloops. 13.2 BCSTA Okanagan Branch Meeting The BCSTA Okanagan Branch will meet during the BCSTA AGM on Saturday morning, April 26, 2003, at 7:20 a.m. 13.3 Date of Next Meeting • • 14.0 Special Budget Meeting, School Board Office, 7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting, School Board Office, 7:30 p.m. TRUSTEE COMMENTS 14.1 Trustee Comments Trustees provided general comments related to district activities. 14.2 Recognition of Student Success School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extended congratulations to the students and groups for the outstanding examples of success listed on the recognition sheet included with the agenda package. 14.3 Recognition of Student Artwork Congratulations was extended to the following students from Parkway Elementary School for their artwork currently on display at the school board office: • • • • • • • • • • 15.0 April 28, 2003 May 12, 2003 Brandy Wilson Mikaela Bain Carli Yeo Lindy Warnock Russell Lee Daley Kelley Brandon Morgan Kristi Nowatschka Amanit Behniwal Hannah Guak Grade 1 (artwork) Grade 5 (written work) Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 2 Grade 2 (artwork) Grade 2 (written work) Grade 4 Grade 4 Grade 5 “The Giant” “The Giant” “Yikes” “Blues & Greys” “Blues & Greys” “Flat Stanley” “Flat Stanley” “Autumn Glory” “Fall Splendor” “Wishing for Spring” ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Manning/Shunter that the meeting be adjourned at 9:20 p.m. CARRIED 16.0 QUESTION PERIOD ____________________ Chairperson ____________________ Secretary-Treasurer April 30, 2003 Ref: \\Sbopdc\Sec Tres\DA\2002-2003\00100 - 00999 Admin\00300-03 Agenda Open\030414 OP.doc “Working Together for Student Success”