MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2003 AT 7:30 P.M.
C. Denesiuk, Chair
D. E. Jamieson, Trustee
K. Lindstrom, Trustee
L. Little, Trustee
G. Manning, Trustee
D. Shunter, Trustee
L. Van Alphen, Trustee
G. Doi, Superintendent of Schools
F. Regehr, Secretary-Treasurer
D. Stigant, Assistant Superintendent
R. Shongrunden, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
G. Schafer, Director of Instruction
J. Walbergs, Director of Instruction
D. Adey, Executive Secretary
D. Brunelle, Principal, KVR Middle School
T. Schimmer, Vice Principal, Summerland Middle School
Chairman Denesiuk welcomed students, district staff, guests, and representatives of the media.
MOTION: Little/Shunter that the agenda be adopted.
KVR Middle School
Students Shannon Linning and Liam Butters from KVR Middle School presented the
“Night Train News”, an eight-minute video produced by a group of seven students as part
of an enriched computer class, namely Multimedia. These students prepare a monthly
news production which highlights activities at KVR. Shannon and Liam provided
information related to the software and hardware used in the production as well as skills
gained from preparing the video. They were accompanied at the meeting by Mr. Bates,
one of the teachers who helps to produce the video.
Naramata Elementary
Last fall a contest was circulated to all schools in Canada from the Young Writers Poetry
Institute of Canada, based in Victoria. As part of Language Arts, Ms. Beulah, the grade
6/7 classroom teacher and Mrs. Schafer, the librarian, encouraged the students to enter
their original poetry for consideration. Of the 31 entries, 18 were selected for publication
in this year's anthology. Two students from among those selected for publication,
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Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – February 10, 2003
Brandon Sawka and Chantal White, presented some of their work.
accompanied by Ms. Beulah and Principal Peg Sargeant.
They were
Trout Creek Elementary
“Embracing Cultures” was a presentation by the “Free the Children Foundation”, a group
of people from many countries that empower youth and help them set goals. Students
from Trout Creek Elementary, Lindsey Richardson, Christie MacDonald, and Jesse Juker
and their teacher, Kendra Litke, provided information regarding the students’ efforts to
raise funds and organize the event as well as what they learned from the presentation.
Approximately 450 students attended the event. They were accompanied at the meeting
by Principal Ian Graham, their previous teacher, Carla Higson, and three of five
Summerland Secondary School students who assisted with leadership activities during
the school presentation of “Embracing Cultures”.
On behalf of the Board, Chairman Denesiuk extended appreciation to all students for
their presentations and congratulated them on their outstanding examples of student
MOTION: Little/Manning that the minutes of the regular meeting held on January 13, 2003 be
The secretary-treasurer reported on the closed regular meeting held on January 13, 2003:
1. confirmed teaching and CUPE staff changes;
2. received reports from the finance and management committee, buildings, grounds, safety
and transportation committee, and discipline committee;
3. received information regarding student suspensions;
4. received information regarding BCPSEA meetings;
5. received information regarding social equity funding.
Letter from Minister of Education
A letter from the Minister of Education acknowledging receipt of the district’s 2002-03
accountability contract.
Letter from British Columbia Teachers’ Federation
A letter from the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation enclosing copies of briefs on rural
education, safe schools, student achievement, and proposed changes to the graduation
program. The briefs are available in the trustee reading file.
Letter from KVR Middle School Parent Advisory Council
A letter from the parent advisory council at KVR Middle School expressing their concerns
with the traffic issues on Jermyn Avenue before and after school.
Copy of Letter to City of Penticton
A copy of a letter forwarded by KVR Middle School Parent Advisory Council to the City of
Penticton regarding traffic issues on Jermyn Avenue.
Copy of Canadian Parents for French News Release
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Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – February 10, 2003
A copy of a news release issued by Canadian Parents for French regarding the French
Immersion program offered in School District No. 67.
Copy of Letter to Minister of Education
A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 73 (Kamloops/ Thompson) to the
Minister of Education requesting full funding for the legislated settlement with teachers.
Copy of Letter to Minister of Education
A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 47 (Powell River) to the Minister of
Education concerning the use of marijuana as it relates to the health and education of
children and requesting the Minister become an active participant in this debate on behalf
of the students of this province.
Copy of Letter to Minister of Education
A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 44 (North Vancouver) to the Minister of
Education requesting the costs of the legislated salary increase for teachers be awarded
in funding for 2002-03 and 2003-04.
Copy of Letter to Minister of Education
A copy of a letter forwarded by the Quesnel School District in response to the Minister of
Education’s question posed during question period regarding the government not funding
year 2 and 3 of the legislated teachers’ salary increase.
Copy of Letter to Minister of Education
A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 42 (Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows) to
the Minister of Education requesting the Minister’s intervention with British Columbia
College of Teachers regarding timely disciplinary results.
Copy of Letter to Minister of Education
A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 72 (Campbell River) to the Minister of
Education expressing its concern about the negative impacts of your government’s
funding decisions on the students and employees in their district and urging the Minister
to reconsider the decision to not fund years 2 and 3 of the teachers’ collective agreement.
Copy of Letter to Minister of Education
A copy of the letter forwarded by School District No. 52 (Prince Rupert) to the Minister of
Education expressing disappointment in the Minister’s address to school district
representatives at the BCSTA Trustees Academy held in December 2002.
Copy of Letter to Minister of Education
A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 52 (Prince Rupert) to the Minister of
Education supporting the position of BCSTA that the fee of $20.00 for criminal record
checks be waived.
Copy of Letter to Minster of Energy and Mines
A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 52 (Prince Rupert) to the Minister of
Energy and Mines regarding possible changes to B.C. Hydro and the potential increases
to our electricity rates.
Copies of Letters to Solicitor General of Canada, Prime Minister and M.P.
Copies of letters to the Solicitor General of Canada, Prime Minister of Canada, and M.P.
Andy Burton regarding the “decriminalization” of marijuana.
Copy of Letter to Penticton Secondary School
A copy of a letter forwarded by Abbotsford Senior Secondary School to the principal of
Penticton Secondary School regarding the senior boys representation at the snowball
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Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – February 10, 2003
Shunter/Jamieson that the correspondence be received and the letter from
KVR Middle School Parent Advisory Council be forwarded to the buildings,
grounds, safety and transportation committee.
Education Committee
Trustee Shunter reported on the education committee’s visitation to Penticton Secondary
School on January 14, 2003, which included a tour of the school and featured a number
of programs at the school.
Education Committee
Trustee Shunter reported on the education committee meeting held on February 4, 2003:
a. School Calendar
Committee members were briefed on a proposed set of dates for non-instructional
days and the school planning day for 2003-04. The assistant superintendent will
consult with the employee unions regarding the proposal and report back to the
b. Canadian Teachers’ Federation Media Research
Information was provided regarding the Canadian Teachers’ Federation Media
Research program. The committee referred this item to the literacy committee for
their advice before further discussion at the February 10th board meeting.
c. District Scholarship
Assistant Superintendent Dave Stigant gave a progress report on the district
scholarship procedures, which included:
1. The new structure should be effective September 1, 2003;
2. The new structure should involve selection of the school-based awards by the
3. The school-based committee should include a liaison trustee;
4. The new structure should make the demonstration optional at the discretion of
the school and should replace the demonstration with an obligatory portfolio;
5. Dave Kalaski and Alden Roberge will develop a common application package
including criteria, weighting, and portfolio instruction by May 1;
6. The revised process will be amended such that a district committee will meet with
the principals in August to be informed about the school decisions and select the
‘wild card’ winners based on application, transcript, and portfolio.
d. Report on Meeting with Paula Miles
The assistant superintendent reported that a first meeting had been held with Paula
Miles as directed at the January board meeting and further director/counselor
meetings are planned for the near future.
Shunter/Van Alphen that the report of the education committee be
Finance and Management Committee
Trustee Little reported on the finance and management committee meeting held on
January 31, 2003:
a. Final Budget – 2002-03
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Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Ron Shongrunden reviewed budget projections for the
current year. The review discussed required adjustments for revenue accounts for
provincial funding grants, French programs, interest income, and building rentals.
Expenditure budget adjustments are required for teacher salary accounts, substitute
employee expenses, benefit costs, and student supplies. The committee was
advised a final budget will be prepared for the February 10th board meeting and a
written summary of proposed budget changes will be prepared.
The secretary-treasurer added the Ministry of Education has not encouraged districts
to use the same practice as other years of preparing a final budget although the
district will require some adjustments due to the Ministry of Education recalculation.
The decline of 59 students will change a number of accounts and adjustments will be
needed to reflect expenditure and revenue adjustments totaling $222,674 each. The
majority of the funding increase will come from the Ministry of Children and Family
b. WCB Decision
Trustee Little reported the committee was informed that a previously announced
decision by the WCB to reject a compensation claim by a teacher from Maple Ridge
has been overturned. The injury occurred during an extracurricular sporting event
and brought to question if a teacher injury occurring during extracurricular/intermural
school functions was covered by WCB. The coverage is now confirmed to apply in
the case in question and detailed a basis for confirming similar claims.
c. CP/Transition Programs at Summerland Secondary School
Assistant Superintendent Stigant distributed at the committee meeting a career
education memorandum from Summerland Secondary School related to the career
prep and transition programs at the school. Following discussion,
Little/Jamieson that for the 2003-04 school year, the Board of School
Trustees supports the Career Technical Centre Program being offered to
students, and
Secondly, that the Board will support School District No. 67 students able
to enter the Okanagan University College Entry Level Training Program
upon receipt of other requirements.
Little/Manning that the report of the finance and management committee
be received.
Buildings, Grounds, Safety and Transportation Committee
Trustee Jamieson reported on the buildings, grounds, safety and transportation
committee meeting held on February 5, 2003:
a. Penticton Secondary School Ministry Audit
The committee was advised a Ministry of Education funded facility audit was
conducted at Penticton Secondary School on February 5. Mr. Regehr added the
results of the audit have not yet been received.
b. Princess Margaret Secondary School
Trustee Jamieson reported the committee was informed of outstanding work at
Princess Margaret Secondary required to finalize the contract. A recent meeting with
the contractor was not able to solve a number of issues.
c. Community Use of Facilities
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Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – February 10, 2003
The committee was advised of a recent incident of inappropriate sports equipment
being used by a rental group. A letter will be forwarded to the City of Penticton
describing indoor sports equipment which is considered inappropriate for use in the
d. Technology Installation
The committee received information related to the progress with the connection of a
telephone system which will take advantage of the district’s fibre cable. At the
committee meeting, Mr. Shongrunden discussed outstanding work to complete the
system, the benefits that will be achieved through reduced costs for telephone
services and a grant received from CISCO Systems to assist with installation. In
addition to the cost savings, the service improvements and usability for other needs
such as a public address system were also discussed.
Mr. Shongrunden introduced Mr. Ross Johnson from CISCO Systems and Mr. Adam
Johnson, with the public relations firm of Hill & Knowlton, who provided an overview
of the advantages of the newly installed telephone system at Princess Margaret
Secondary. It was acknowledged that CISCO had provided approximately $70,000
towards installation of the system, which converges fax, voice, video and data. It was
noted this system is the first of its kind in the province and was possible due to the
fibre optic network developed in partnership with the City of Penticton.
Trustees extended appreciation to CISCO Systems for their generous support to the
district in providing this technology and for the CISCO training program for students.
Mr. Shongrunden was recognized for his leadership in technology and with this
project in particular.
Jamieson/Van Alphen that the report of the buildings, grounds, safety
and transportation committee be received.
Policy Committee
Trustee Lindstrom reported on the policy committee meeting held on January 28, 2003:
a. Board Meeting Agendas
The committee discussed current practices and options for board meetings and
committee operating structure. It was agreed attendance at committee meetings was
optional for trustees and the practice of using tabs and page references in the
agenda package was supported by the committee. It was suggested each committee
review meeting times and agree on times convenient to the members on that
Lindstrom/Little that for a three-month trial, the Board agenda would
follow Procedural By-law #1, that the committee reports follow
correspondence, and that the section “Report of Business Arising from
the Minutes” be removed.
Lindstrom/Shunter that the report of the policy committee be received.
McNicoll Park Middle School Planning Committee
The secretary-treasurer reported two McNicoll Park Middle School Planning Committee
meetings were held on January 15 and February 5, 2003. The planning committee is
reviewing the number of spaces required for a middle school, identifying some spaces
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Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – February 10, 2003
that could be converted to a multipurpose room, and is looking at painting some areas
and renovating the front entrance area. The committee is working to complete the
planning by March so that renovations can be finished by September 1. A two to threeyear plan will also be developed to prepare for further work to enhance McNicoll Park
Middle School.
Financial Report
In reviewing the financial report to January 31, 2003 provided in the agenda package, the
secretary-treasurer reported some adjustments to the final budget will need to be
updated, most accounts are generally on track and we are headed towards a balanced
budget for the year.
Funding Announcement
The secretary-treasurer provided information related to the Ministry of Education’s
funding announcement of $3.79 billion for the 2003-04 school year and noted detailed
information may not be available until March 15th. Mr. Regehr added the district is
looking at a shortfall of $1.3 million. A public meeting will be held on March 13, 7:00
p.m., at Queen’s Park Elementary School to receive recommendations and/or
suggestions for consideration during the development of the district’s annual operating
Mr. Regehr added the Ministry of Education announced today a new one-time grant of
$50 million, of which this district’s portion will be $635,485. The finance and
management committee will consider and identify options for this additional funding.
District Goals
a. Literacy
Director of Instruction Walbergs provided an update on the literacy workgroup, which
has now completed the working sessions. The workgroup has looked at two primary
areas of consideration: following sound principles of implementation for early
literacy, and late literacy by building on existing programs in early literacy. The
workgroup will be ready to present at the partners’ group meeting on February 19.
b. Numeracy
Director of Instruction Schafer reported the numeracy workgroup has identified three
objectives: assessment in grades 3, 5, and 8; in-service; and articulation. Sub
committees have been formed to address the assessment objective.
c. Social Responsibility
Assistant Superintendent Stigant reported the social responsibility workgroup has
met once since the last board meeting, is continuing to focus on the EBS program,
has planned a workshop on restitution, attended a two-day workshop on ethical
dilemmas and decision-making for students, and has adopted a draft goal. The
group is looking forward to a meeting with Barry Bennett next week.
School Planning Councils
The superintendent of schools reviewed feedback provided in the agenda package
regarding the training sessions for school planning councils held January 27 and 28 for
elementary, middle and secondary schools. It was noted the comments were positive
and set the tone for positive work in the schools.
Canadian Teachers’ Federation Media Research Proposal
Director of Instruction Walbergs reviewed details of a request for a national research
study which will document which media young Canadians aged 8 to 15 are using, how
the violence in those media influences their behaviours and values, and what
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Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – February 10, 2003
satisfactions they get from their media consumption. It is proposed two questionnaires
be administered to eight classes in the district.
Shunter/Little that the Canadian Teachers’ Federation Media Research
Proposal be approved for participation in this school district.
Meeting with Penticton RCMP
The superintendent reported regarding the meeting held with Penticton RCMP on
February 3, 2003. Due to financial difficulties, the DARE program will be reduced to four
grade 6 classes in Penticton and the school liaison officer will be reduced from full time to
half time for the next school year. Other topics discussed included traffic safety at the
start and end of the school day and vandalism in the schools. Trustees expressed
disappointment in the reduction of services provided by the Penticton RCMP towards the
DARE and school liaison programs.
In reviewing the enrolment report as of January 31, 2003, the assistant superintendent
reported a decrease of 33 students from the previous month. There are currently 7,733
students or 7,375.66 FTE.
Little/Van Alphen that the enrolment report as of January 31, 2003 be
Field Trips
The superintendent of schools reviewed a listing of field trip requests, some of which had
been approved by the superintendent.
Lindstrom/Manning that the following field trip requests be approved:
March 7 to 9, 2003, for nine students from Penticton Secondary School
to participate as defending provincial champions in the Physics Olympics
competition at Vancouver, and that appropriate funding as per board
policy be provided;
March 22 to 29, 2003, for one grade 12 student at Penticton Secondary
School to travel to Washington, DC, to participate in the “Future World
Leaders’ Summit”, and that appropriate funding as per board policy be
The superintendent reported the 30-day circulation to stakeholders of draft Policy No. 305
– Choice and Flexibility was approved at the January 13th board meeting. To date, no
suggestions have been received to modify this policy. This policy contains a number of
dates affecting student enrolment and therefore is recommended for adoption with the
recognition that if recommendations to change the policy are received, they will be
considered at the March 10, 2003 regular board meeting. The draft of Policy No. 305 –
Choice and Flexibility was circulated in the agenda package. In addition to the circulation
and because the policy required a boundary change, a notice regarding the boundary
change was sent to every parent in the area as well as an informational meeting was held
for parents.
Lindstrom/Jamieson that Policy No. 305 – Choice and Flexibility be
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BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting
The BCSTA Provincial Council meeting will be held February 14 to 15, 2003 in
Vancouver. It was noted Trustee Little will attend.
BCSTA Okanagan Branch Meeting
The BCSTA Okanagan Branch meeting will be held February 21 and 22, 2003 in
BCSTA Trustees Academy
The BCSTA Trustees Academy entitled “School Board Skills to Improve Student
Achievement” will be held March 6 to 8, 2003 in Vancouver.
BCSTA Annual General Meeting
The BCSTA annual general meeting will be held April 24 to 27, 2003 in Kamloops. The
deadlines for submission of motions are as follows:
February 13, 2003 for extraordinary motions
February 23, 2003 for substantive motions
Partners’ Group Meeting
Arrangements are being made for a second Partners’ Group Meeting to be held on
February 19, 2003, 4:00 to 8:00 p.m., at the Penticton Lakeside Resort. Representatives
from each partner groups as well as student representatives will attend.
Date of Next Meeting
March 10, 2003
Regular Meeting, School Board Office
Student Success
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extended congratulations to students and
groups for their outstanding examples of success listed on the recognition sheet included
with the agenda package.
Recognition of Student Artwork
Congratulations is extended to the following students from Penticton Secondary School
for their artwork currently on display at the school board office:
Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – February 10, 2003
Tess Udala
Peter Cunningham
Whitney LaTrace
Sonja Prpich
Kendall Willson
Kylie Young-Baerg
Jayme Esler
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 11
Grade 11
Grade 11
Grade 11
Grade 12
Oil Pastel
Trustee Comments
Trustees provided general comments related to district activities.
Manning/Shunter that the meeting be adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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February 18, 2003
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