MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2003 AT 7:30 P.M.
C. Denesiuk, Chair
D. E. Jamieson, Trustee
K. Lindstrom, Trustee
L. Little, Trustee
G. Manning, Trustee
D. Shunter, Trustee
L. Van Alphen, Trustee
F. Regehr, Secretary-Treasurer
D. Stigant, Assistant Superintendent
R. Shongrunden, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
G. Schafer, Director of Instruction
J. Walbergs, Director of Instruction
J. Hickling, Director of Maintenance
D. Adey, Executive Secretary
B. Johnson, Principal, Princess Margaret Secondary School
J. Ramsay, Vice Principal, Parkway Elementary School
Chairman Denesiuk welcomed students, district staff, guests, and representatives of the
Adoption of Agenda
MOTION: Little/Manning that the agenda and addendum be adopted.
Approval of Minutes
MOTION: Jamieson/Lindstrom that the minutes of the regular meeting held on
December 9, 2002 be approved.
Report from Closed Meeting
The secretary-treasurer reported on the closed regular meeting held on December 9,
received correspondence related to student and personnel matters;
confirmed teaching and CUPE staff changes;
approved teacher leave requests;
received reports from the finance and management committee and discipline
5. approved contracts related to personnel;
6. reviewed proposals for board in-service;
7. received information regarding student suspensions.
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes for Regular School Board Meeting – January 13, 2003
Following the meeting, the Board met with Bill Barisoff, MLA, for discussions prior to
the open meeting.
Skaha Lake Middle School
Students Dallas Ewanchuk and Ben Zhang from Skaha Lake Middle School achieved
a perfect score on the Gauss Mathematics Contest sponsored by the Centre for
Education in Mathematics and Computing at the University of Waterloo held this past
year. Approximately 77,000 students from across Canada participated in the contest.
The students attended the meeting to receive recognition and a certificate of
achievement provided by the University of Waterloo for their perfect scores. The
students were accompanied by Vice Principal Katie Hicks.
Trustees extended congratulations to the students for their outstanding achievement
in the contest.
Penticton Secondary School
Leadership 12 students at Penticton Secondary School recently held a successful
“10,000 Tonight” for canned food items for the food bank. Vice Principal Terry Grady
and students Nina Phan and Aiden Madigan-Curtis highlighted the success of the
project which collected over 19,000 food items for the Salvation Army food bank.
Four hundred students and 35 teachers participated in the event, the efforts of which
will stock the food bank until July.
Congratulations were extended to the leadership students on the success of their
Summerland Secondary School
In July 2002, three Summerland Secondary student graduates were accepted into
the Career Technical Centre program at Okanagan University College and began
their Entry Level Training (ELT) in September 2002. Alden Roberge, Career
Coordinator at Summerland Secondary School, spoke to the Board regarding the
success of the program, advantages for the students, and the cooperation of sponsor
employers. Shirley McPhedran, a parent of one of the students, highlighted the
program from a parent’s perspective.
Letter from OSTU
A letter from Don Henry, President, Okanagan Skaha Teachers’ Union, expressing
appreciation for the flu shot program.
Letter from Teacher
A letter from a teacher, Greig Goldstone, congratulating trustees on their election and
urging them to speak out for students and call upon the BC Liberals to unfreeze the
Letter from Teacher
A letter from a teacher, Terry Green, congratulating trustees on their election and
urging them to speak out for students and call upon the BC Liberals to unfreeze the
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes for Regular School Board Meeting – January 13, 2003
Letter from Citizen
A letter from Paula Miles outlining concerns and suggestions to improve services to
Lesbian and Gay Youth in Penticton.
Copy of Letter to Minister of Management Services
A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 36 (Surrey) to the Minister of
Management Services regarding recent actions of the Information and Privacy
Commissioner. The attachments are available in the trustee reading file.
Copy of Letter to Premier
A copy of a letter forwarded by the united educational community of School District
No. 35 (Langley) to the Premier reaffirming their belief that the provincial government
has an obligation to fund years two and three of the legislated teachers’ agreement.
Copy of Letter to Minister of Finance
A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 35 (Langley) to the Minister of
Finance urging the Minister to adopt the recommendation of the Legislature’s Select
Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services that additional funding for
K-12 education be provided in the 2003-04 provincial budget.
Copy of News Release
A copy of a news release forwarded by School District No. 74 (Gold Trail) to all
school districts regarding the appointment of a financial consultant to assist their
board in dealing with its financial problems.
Copy of Letter to Minister of Education
A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 81 (Fort Nelson) to the Minister of
Education regarding the timelines set for the Ministry’s task force on Rural Education,
Student Achievement, and Safe Schools.
Copy of Letter to Minister of Education
A copy of a letter forwarded by British Columbia School Trustees Association to the
Minister of Education regarding the graduation requirements. The copy of BCSTA’s
response to the Ministry’s discussion paper on proposals to change the graduation
requirements is available in the trustee reading file.
Copy of Letter to Student Achievement Task Force
A copy of a letter forwarded by British Columbia School Trustees Association to the
chair of the student achievement task force enclosing a submission to the task force,
a copy of which is available in the trustee reading file.
Copy of Letter to Rural Education Task Force
A copy of a letter forwarded by British Columbia School Trustees Association to the
chair of the rural education task force enclosing a submission to the task force, a
copy of is available in the trustee reading file.
Copy of Letter to Premier
A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 39 (Vancouver) to Premier
Campbell expressing no confidence in the Minister of Education due to net
underfunding of public education.
Copy of Letter to Minister of Education
A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 83 (North Okanagan – Shuswap)
to the Minister of Education requesting that the Ministry fund the teachers’ collective
agreement by providing the wage increase of 2.5% for years 2 and 3.
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes for Regular School Board Meeting – January 13, 2003
Copy of Letter to Minister of Education
A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 5 (Southeast Kootenay) to the
Minister of Education regarding the costs of criminal record checks.
Copy of Letter to Premier
A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 39 (Vancouver) to the Premier
expressing concerns about the funding shortfall for 2002-03 and the impact this has
had on the students in Vancouver. The attachments to the letter are available in the
trustee reading file.
Letter from Penticton Secondary School
A letter from Penticton Secondary School Leadership class regarding the “10,000
Tonight” project.
Shunter/Little that the correspondence be received and referred to
appropriate committees and staff.
District Goals
a. Literacy
Director of Instruction Walbergs reported the literacy workgroup has met
once since the last board meeting. They are working on two prime objectives
for the literacy goal, with anticipated completion by the middle of February.
b. Numeracy
Director of Instruction Schafer reported the sub group meeting for the
numeracy workgroup will be held on January 14 and the work group will meet
on January 22.
c. Social Responsibility
Assistant Superintendent Stigant reported the social responsibility workgroup
is working towards two initiatives. They have had speakers at their meetings
and will host workshops related to effective behaviour support and restitution.
Part of the workgroup will attend the Symposium on Ethics, Leadership and
Learning in Kelowna January 22 to 23. The group will meet again on
January 20 and will receive a presentation from assets for youth. Mr. Stigant
added group members continue to look at ways to celebrate social
responsibilities as well as correcting negative behaviour in the schools.
Finance and Management
a. Committee Report
Trustee Little reported on items covered at the finance and management
committee meeting held on January 8, 2003:
Ministry Recalculation of 2002-03 Funding
The committee was advised that a number of revenue and expenses in
the 2002-03 budget should be adjusted to reflect final enrolment and
funding. A review of budget variances is currently being done.
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes for Regular School Board Meeting – January 13, 2003
In response to a question, the secretary-treasurer confirmed that the
preliminary funding received in the spring has been recalculated based
on the September 30 enrolment of 46 students less than the preliminary
figures. This resulted in a funding reduction of $53,279 from the
preliminary budget. Mr. Regehr added he is uncertain at this time if we
need to prepare a final budget.
ii. Okanagan Skaha College Inc.
The committee was given an update regarding the district’s incorporation
of a company and subsequent licensing and regulatory issues with
federal and provincial officials. It is the district’s intention to have the
ability to offer technical programs to adult students on a fee for service
iii. RCMP School Liaison Proposal
The committee reviewed a recent letter from Inspector Fudge proposing
the school district share in the cost of a liaison officer to work with district
schools. The committee supported that staff meet with Inspector Fudge
regarding the proposal and report back prior to further action.
Buildings, Grounds, Safety and Transportation
a. Committee Report
Trustee Jamieson reported on the buildings, grounds, safety and
transportation committee meeting held on January 7, 2003:
3-Year Capital Plan
The secretary-treasurer reviewed the process for the planning and
funding of school capital projects. The proposal approved for the 200304 plan has received initial review by the Ministry of Education and all
projects received a high ranking. The plan includes a proposal to
replace all or a portion of Penticton Secondary School. The committee
was advised the Ministry will arrange for an audit of the facility to allow
for comparison with other schools in the province. Following discussion,
the committee proposed that a further review of Penticton Secondary
School building options be planned.
ii. Report on Joint Use Meeting
The school district and City of Penticton have a joint use agreement for
the sharing of facilities. The committee was advised a meeting was held
in December with administrative staff to review current issues related to
the agreement.
iii. Inspection of District’s Trees
The director of maintenance reviewed the program in place to evaluate
and maintain trees on school district property. The program can identify
unsafe trees and plan for pruning and removal as necessary.
iv. Ministry Program for Leaky Schools
The committee was informed of a Ministry program to assist with the
repair of recently built schools that are subject to water damage. The
program is primarily assisting school districts in the Lower Mainland.
Assistance has been requested for two of the district’s schools.
v. Okanagan School of the Arts
The committee was advised of a request by the Okanagan School of the
Arts to use Princess Margaret Secondary School for future summer
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Minutes for Regular School Board Meeting – January 13, 2003
schools. The committee was advised that extra costs incurred by the
school district during the three-week program each summer are billed by
the district. Staff will work with the requested move and will also attempt
to have the rental account fully paid.
vi. Transportation
The assistant secretary-treasurer reviewed a number of details regarding
the current school district transportation service. With the completion of
reconfiguration next September, a number of transportation adjustments
are required. Following discussion, the committee supported that busing
changes for September should be based on:
Naramata grade 6 and 7 will be bussed to McNicoll Park Middle
the service should be provided within the current budget;
this change will result in some service reduction related to
arrival/departure times or reduction of some courtesy riders;
services provided for French Immersion students might be
reduced as a result of some buses no longer driving to Penticton
Secondary School.
Policy Committee
Trustee Lindstrom reported on the policy committee meeting held on January
9, 2003:
Policy No. 305 – Choice and Flexibility
Committee members reviewed the draft of the Policy No. 305 – Choice
and Flexibility, which was developed to comply with changes to the
School Act. Mr. Stigant advised the procedures described in the policy
generally reflect current practices and policy in the district. It was noted
that the policy expects the district to establish or confirm catchment
areas for each school. It was recommended that students attending from
Eastside Road be included in the Wiltse Elementary catchment area.
The committee supported the commitment of transportation for these
students to either Wiltse or Carmi Elementary for a one-year period. Mr.
Stigant added a letter will be drafted to parents at Carmi Elementary
affected by this change and staff will meet with Carmi parent advisory
council. Following discussion,
Lindstrom/Manning that Policy No. 305 – Choice and
Flexibility be approved in principle and distributed to partner
groups for the 30-day period to receive suggestions for
ii. Policy No. 250 – School Planning Councils
The committee reviewed a draft policy developed to support the
establishment of school planning councils in district schools. The policy
was prepared in response to new legislation and may require some
change as the role and work of SPC’s develops. It was noted that this
draft policy was taken to the steering group for school planning council
and some changes were made based on their input. Following
Lindstrom/Little that Policy No. 250 – School Planning
Councils be approved in principle for the 30-day circulation
period to receive suggestions for changes.
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes for Regular School Board Meeting – January 13, 2003
iii. School Trespass
The secretary-treasurer reviewed some issues related to vandalism of
schools and some experience to date to reduce it. The committee was
advised examination is being given to improved video surveillance,
clarification of support from RCMP, clarification of options when vandals
are caught, and policy requirements to support this. Discussion included
a question of the severity of the problems. The committee encouraged
this issue be further pursued.
iv. Board Meeting Agendas
The committee reviewed the change to the structure of public board
meetings made last September. Following discussion, it was agreed to
review this matter at 12:00 noon, January 28th.
Committee of the Whole
Chairman Denesiuk reported on the committee of the whole meeting held on
January 9, 2003:
District Review
The secretary-treasurer distributed and reviewed a preliminary forecast of
2003-04 funding and expenditures. The committee was advised of the
estimates used in the forecast, including:
provincial K-12 level of funding continues at the current level
2003-04 provincial enrolment decrease of 3400 FTE
50% of buffer grants are redistributed
a district enrolment decline of 100 school age students
The estimated funding shortfall was reported as $1,131,795 including the
effect of the enrolment decline and associated staffing reduction.
The committee was provided a summary of initiatives to increase revenue
and reduce expenses. This included information on the international student
program, efforts to reduce energy consumption, a request for employee
suggestions of savings, and progress with the technology program.
Assistant Superintendent Dave Stigant reviewed a plan to assist with the
review of a number of programs and expenditures currently supported in the
district. The committee recommended this type of review should focus on
areas where budget reductions may be possible.
The committee reviewed the meeting schedule used to develop the 2002-03
budget. Consideration was given to an additional meeting for school
planning councils and it was agreed this option would be reviewed with SPC
representatives. The committee supported that preparations for the 2003-04
preliminary budget should include a similar meeting schedule as last year,
attempt to have budget estimates prepared by March 1, 2003, and that staff
prepare a plan for a balanced budget.
Little/Shunter that the proposed schedule of meetings to prepare
for the adoption of the 2003-04 preliminary district budget be
A press release was distributed which reported that a budget shortfall of
approximately $1.2 million is anticipated for the 2003-04 school year based
on current service levels. It was noted this is a preliminary number based on
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes for Regular School Board Meeting – January 13, 2003
estimates of enrolment levels and the government’s commitment of school
district and provincial education funding made last year. It was also noted
that if the Ministry funds the teachers’ second and third year pay increases
imposed by provincial contracts, it will put us in a better financial position.
Curriculum, Instruction and Programs
a. Committee Report
Trustee Little reported regarding the curriculum development advisory
committee meeting held on January 9, 2003 at which Director of Instruction
John Walbergs was elected as the chair. The committee was advised the
CDAC procedures handbook can be found on the district web page,
reviewed a preliminary listing of locally developed course proposals for
Penticton Secondary School, and discussed the process for establishment
and maintenance of the Ministry’s recommended learning resource catalog.
The committee discussed ways to address use of resources that are
withdrawn annually by the Ministry and reviewed usage of “Civilisations
Anciennes” as a social studies resource. Following discussions,
Little/Jamieson that approval be granted for the resource
“Civilisations Anciennes” to be used as a grade 7 French
Immersion social studies resource at KVR Middle School.
b. Our K - 5 Schools
Director of Instruction John Walbergs introduced a brochure outlining our K-5
schools and their distinctly unique qualities. The brochure highlights the
structure and organization, instructional strategies, programs and services,
assessment, evaluation and reporting, and opportunities provided and
recognition given to the students. Appreciation was extended to the
committee for producing the brochure.
c. Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)
Assistant Superintendent Dave Stigant reported that Princess Margaret
Secondary and McNicoll Park Junior Secondary schools have been selected
as two of 1,200 schools across Canada to participate in the PISA project,
which provides valuable international indicators that describe the standards
being achieved by students in various countries. Mathematics will be the
primary assessment domain of the project to take place between April 22 and
May 30, 2003; reading and science will be the minor assessment domains.
Approximately 30,000 students from across Canada will take part in this
study. Information from the last study highlighting the performance of
Canada’s youth in reading, mathematics and science was distributed.
d. Field Trips
The assistant superintendent reviewed a listing of field trip requests, some of
which had been approved by the superintendent.
Shunter/Little that the following field trip requests be approved:
November 21 to 24, 2002, for ten grade 9 and 10 students
from McNicoll Park Junior Secondary School to compete in
provincial junior girls’ volleyball championships in Prince
George, BC, and that appropriate funding as per board
policy be provided;
November 28 to 30, 2002, for 12 Penticton Secondary
School volleyball players to compete in provincial senior
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes for Regular School Board Meeting – January 13, 2003
girls’ volleyball championships in Port Coquitlam, BC, and
that appropriate funding as per board policy be provided.
Jamieson/Van Alphen that the following field trip request be
approved in principle:
June 10 to 13, 2003, for 120 grade 7 students from
Summerland Middle School to travel to Vancouver Island for
a year-end field trip, visiting various sites.
e. Ikeda Visit
The assistant superintendent reported that a group of seven students, their
vice principal and English teacher visited Penticton during the week of
January 6 to 10, 2003 as the first part of a reciprocal field trip exchange.
This is the fourth exchange for this school in 13 years and marks the 13th
anniversary of the signing of the sister city relationship. As part of this visit,
an assembly was held to recognize the signing of a sister school relationship
between Princess Margaret Secondary and Ikeda Senior Secondary schools.
Students from Princess Margaret and Penticton Secondary schools will visit
Ikeda in September or October 2003.
a. Enrolment
In reviewing the enrolment report as of December 20, 2002 circulated with
the agenda package, the assistant superintendent reported a decrease of
eight students from the previous month. There are currently 7,766 students
or 7,406.79 FTE.
Jamieson/Lindstrom that the enrolment report as of December
20, 2002 be received.
b. Adolescent Health Survey
Director of Instruction Garth Schafer reported that the school district has
received a request from the Interior Health Authority for the school district to
participate in the third provincial Adolescent Health Survey, which will be
conducted in BC schools in February, March and April 2003. The survey is
used to gather information on the physical and emotional status of
Shunter/Jamieson that permission be granted for the school
district to participate in the Adolescent Health Survey.
Late French Immersion Retention Rates
Assistant Superintendent Stigant provided information regarding late French
Immersion retention rates for the school district. It was noted that the Okanagan
Skaha school district has the second highest retention rate in British Columbia
and that Foundation Skills Assessment results for late French Immersion
continue to exceed the provincial rates.
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes for Regular School Board Meeting – January 13, 2003
Shunter/Van Alphen that a letter of congratulations be sent to staff in
the French Immersion programs at KVR Middle and Penticton
Secondary schools.
BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting
The BCSTA Provincial Council meeting will be held February 14 to 15, 2003 in
Vancouver. It was noted Trustee Little will attend the meeting.
BCSTA Okanagan Branch Meeting
The BCSTA Okanagan Branch meeting will be held February 21 and 22, 2003 in
BCSTA Trustees Academy
The BCSTA Trustees Academy entitled “School Board Skills to Improve Student
Achievement” will be held March 6 to 8, 2003 in Vancouver. New trustees are
urged to attend.
BCSTA Annual General Meeting
The BCSTA annual general meeting will be held April 24 to 27 in Kamloops. The
deadlines for submission of motions are as follows:
February 13, 2003 for extraordinary motions
February 23, 2003 for substantive motions
School Planning Councils
Training sessions for school planning councils will be held on January 27 and 28
for elementary, middle, and secondary schools. Both sessions will begin at 7:00
p.m. at the Penticton Lakeside Resort.
Partners’ Group Meeting
Arrangements are being made for a second Partners’ Group Meeting to be held
on February 19, 2003, 4:00 to 8:00 p.m., at the Penticton Lakeside Resort.
Representatives from each partner group as well as student representatives will
Student Successes
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extended congratulations to students
and groups for their outstanding examples of success listed on the recognition
sheet included with the agenda package.
Recognition of Student Artwork
Congratulations is extended to the following students from West Bench
Elementary School for their artwork currently on display at the school board
Breonna Hillstrom
Nicole Prowse
Allison Rupitz
Riley Brosseuk
Aaron Janke
Jenna Prowse
Alex Andreychuk
Grade 1
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 4
Grade 5
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes for Regular School Board Meeting – January 13, 2003
Trustee Comments
Trustees provided general comments related to district activities. It was noted
that Trustee Shunter had participated in an advisory committee dinner for
Okanagan University College.
Lindstrom/Little that the committee reports be received.
Manning/Little that the meeting be adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Next School Board Meeting
February 10, 2003, 7:30 p.m.
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“Working Together for Student Success”