MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2002 AT 7:30 P.M.
C. Denesiuk, Chair
L. Courtney, Trustee
D. E. Jamieson, Trustee
C. Lewis, Trustee
K. Lindstrom, Trustee
L. Little, Trustee
D. Shunter, Trustee
G. Doi, Superintendent of Schools
F. Regehr, Secretary-Treasurer
D. Stigant, Assistant Superintendent
R. Shongrunden, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
G. Schafer, Director of Instruction
J. Walbergs, Director of Instruction
J. Hickling, Director of Maintenance
D. Adey, Executive Secretary
Chairman Denesiuk welcomed students, parents, district staff, guests and representatives of
the media. Prior to the meeting, Ms. Denesiuk acknowledged the loss of a teacher at Nkwala
Elementary, Roger Bockman, and a student at Summerland Secondary School, Marc Evans.
Ms. Denesiuk extended deepest sympathy to the families and friends and extended
appreciation to the district’s crisis team for the assistance they provided to both schools.
Adoption of Agenda
MOTION: Little/Lindstrom that the agenda and addendum be adopted.
Approval of Minutes
MOTION: Courtney/Lewis that the minutes of the regular meeting held on October
7, 2002 be approved.
Report from Closed Meeting
The secretary-treasurer reported on the closed regular meeting held on October 7,
1. received correspondence related to students and personnel matters;
2. confirmed teaching and CUPE staff changes;
3. received information related to Ministry committees;
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – November 4, 2002
4. received information related to staffing matters;
5. received information regarding student suspensions;
6. received reports from the finance and management committee and buildings,
grounds, safety, and transportation committee;
7. confirmed support for an employee program.
Shark Sculpture
On behalf of the district, Chairman Denesiuk presented a plaque to Mr. Gerhard
Moser, the sculpture artist, who designed and created the shark sculpture at Skaha
Lake Middle School. Representatives from the school included Principal John Olfert
and Teacher Mark Hartmann.
Giant’s Head Leadership Students
Students Lisa Isaak, Brandon Roenitz, Alex Barg, Angela Smith, Will Avery, and
Hannah Gray from Giant’s Head Elementary School, accompanied by Vice Principal
Elizabeth Hoole, reported regarding the grade 5 leadership conference held on
October 11. The conference was entitled “Learn, Live and Lead” and included two
hundred grade 5 students from Trout Creek, Carmi and Giant’s Head elementary
schools. The students presented their highlights of the conference, which included
activities, skits, small group sessions, and lessons learned during the leadership
Following a number of questions, trustees extended appreciation to the students for
their presentation and for being outstanding leaders in their schools.
Penticton and District Multicultural Society
Lynn Wells and Terri Tallman provided information regarding the programs and
services offered by the Penticton and District Multicultural Society. A book which
showcased the results of a student poetry, short story and coloring contest
sponsored by the society to mark the March 21 “Work Speaking Out Against
Racism” Day was distributed.
Following the presentation, trustees extended appreciation to society members for
their efforts and programs offered to students.
Penticton Secondary School
Doug Davies, the coach of Penticton Secondary School boys’ cross-country team,
attended the meeting and displayed the banner and trophy won by the team during
the provincial championships held in Abbotsford over the past weekend. Trustees
extended congratulations to Mr. Davies and the entire team on winning the
provincials for the first time and wished them well in the future.
Letter from British Columbia School Trustees Association
A letter from British Columbia School Trustees Association attaching a copy of a
response from the Minister of Education regarding the AGM 2002 resolution
sponsored by this school district.
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – November 4, 2002
Letter from CUPE B.C.
A letter from Mr. Barry O’Neill, President, CUPE BC Division, requesting that the
Board take a second look at the invigorated movement in British Columbia to hand
the work of public service over to private companies.
Letter from British Columbia Teachers’ Federation
A letter from British Columbia Teachers’ Federation enclosing a copy of the BCTF
Education Funding Brief that was submitted to the Select Standing Committee on
Finance and Government Services. The brief is available in the trustee reading file.
Letter from Coast Mountains School District
A letter from the chair of the Coast Mountains School District advising that their board
had passed a motion expressing non-confidence in the provincial government due to
the net underfunding of education in rural school districts.
Copy of Letter to Premier
A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 52 (Prince Rupert) to the Premier
advising their board had passed a motion of non-confidence in the provincial
government due to net underfunding.
Copy of Letter to British Columbia School Trustees Association
A copy of a letter forwarded by Minister Christy Clark to British Columbia School
Trustees Association regarding the 2001-02 technology grants.
Copy of Letter to Minister of Education
A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 42 (Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows)
to the Minister of Education regarding issues related to establishing a program
designed to offer students an activities program at a reasonable cost for parents and
to provide an opportunity for high school students to obtain course credits.
Copy of Letter to Minister of Education
A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 35 (Langley) to the Minister of
Education encouraging the Ministry of Education to include a review of the present
provincial scholarships available to students as a part of the graduation review.
Copy of Letter to Minister of Education
A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 34 (Abbotsford) to the Minister of
Education regarding the Foundation Skills Assessment and the timing of the release
of the information.
Copy of Letter to Minister of Education
A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 43 (Coquitlam) to the Minister of
Education expressing concern over the cancellation of the final 30% installment of
the 2001-02 technology grant.
Copy of Letter to Minister of Education
A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 57 (Prince George) to the Minister
of Education expressing disappointment in the Ministry’s reneging on its promise to
pay the final 30% of the 2001-02 technology grant.
Letter from Safe Schools Task Force
A letter from Lorne Mayencourt, Chair of the Safe Schools Task Force, providing
information regarding the task force and announcing the dates for visitations to
communities throughout the province.
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Copy of Letter to Minister of Education
A copy of a letter forwarded by British Columbia School Trustees Association to the
Minister of Education regarding the UBCM motion requesting the Ministry to target
funding in rural education.
Shunter/Courtney that the correspondence be received and referred to
appropriate committees.
District Goals
a. Literacy
Director of Instruction Walbergs reported the literacy workgroup has met on
two occasions and has a full committee of students, parents, teachers,
support staff, trustees, principals and vice principals, which represent
elementary, middle and secondary levels. Literacy is being defined as
reading, writing, speaking and listening. The initial objectives will address
improving student achievement in the area of reading.
b. Numeracy
Director of Instruction Schafer provided an update on the numeracy
workgroup noting the group has held two meetings and is representative of
students, teachers, teacher assistants, trustees, parents. The workgroup has
defined a goal statement which is to improve student achievement in
numeracy and is now looking at draft objectives.
c. Social Responsibility
Assistant Superintendent Stigant reported the social responsibility workgroup
has met four times, is representative of all groups, has completed ten draft
objectives, is now revisiting these objectives to refine them, and is working
towards a draft goal for social responsibility.
Finance and Management Committee Report
Trustee Courtney reported on the finance and management committee meeting
held on October 29, 2002:
a. District Review – Budget
The secretary-treasurer recommended that a letter be sent to staff requesting
suggestions for 2003-04 budget savings. The committee supported this idea
intended to allow greater opportunities for staff input.
Buildings, Grounds, Safety and Transportation Committee
Trustee Jamieson reported on the committee meeting held on October 29, 2002:
a. Penticton Secondary School
The secretary-treasurer and director of maintenance reviewed the capital
building proposal for Penticton Secondary School. The committee was also
informed of a tour of the facility and review of the capital plan on October 2
with the district’s facilities coordinator from the Ministry of Education. A
review of maintenance expenses for the site has been prepared for
submission to the Ministry and indicates an extra $300,000 per year is
required to maintain the school compared to an equal enrolment new facility.
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Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – November 4, 2002
Finance and Management
a. Committee Report
Trustee Courtney reported on items covered at the finance and management
committee meeting held on October 29, 2002:
KVR Breakfast Program
Assistant Superintendent Dave Stigant reviewed the progress to develop
a school meals program at KVR Middle School. Staffing and equipment
have been determined and a parent survey completed. November 18 is
the planned start-up for the program.
ii. Scholarship Funds
The committee reviewed a two-year investigation of options to place the
district’s scholarship funds. Trustee Jamieson updated developments
with the Penticton Secondary School Bursary and Scholarship
Foundation. The committee recommended that a letter be sent to the
foundation advising of the district’s continued interest in placing its
scholarship funds with another agency and requesting an update on the
foundation’s investment procedures. The committee further requested
that we request an update regarding plans for the inclusion of Princess
Margaret Secondary School in scholarship funding.
iii. Aboriginal Direct Funding
The committee was advised the federal government has changed the
funding practices in districts that have had a Local Education Agreement.
School District No. 67 will not be affected by this change.
b. Princess Margaret Secondary School
The secretary-treasurer reported that students have now moved into
Princess Margaret Secondary School. The director of maintenance advised
there are some minor items left to complete including the deconstruction of
the Snowdon facility. It was noted 80% of the building materials in the
Snowdon building and 100% of the concrete work will be recycled and that
the existing facility is currently being used by the fire department for training
purposes. Following deconstruction, the parking lot and fields will be
Principal Bruce Johnson and students Kiran Tiwana and Richie Henderson
provided highlights of their move to the new facility, and promoted a
multicultural event to take place on November 26 and a food drive which will
be held during the next few weeks.
c. McNicoll Park Middle School Planning Committee
Chairman Denesiuk reported that Trustee Jamieson has agreed to represent
trustees on the McNicoll Park Middle School Planning Committee. A
planning meeting will be held in the near future.
Buildings, Grounds, Safety and Transportation
a. Committee Report
Trustee Jamieson reported on the buildings, grounds, safety and
transportation committee meeting held on October 29, 2002:
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Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – November 4, 2002
OSNS in Carmi Elementary
The committee was advised that a water leak in the OSNS building
required a temporary closure of the space. On a short-term basis, a
daycare program was relocated to a vacant classroom at Carmi
Elementary School.
ii. Penticton Secondary School Sign
The committee discussed the current use of the sign for messages.
Encouragement was given to advertise more school events on the sign
and to improve the light quality on the east side.
Curriculum, Instruction and Programs
a. Request for Master’s Program Project
The superintendent advised a request had been received from Dave Killlick,
a teacher at Princess Margaret Secondary School, to conduct a study
involving students from the school as part of a Master’s Program through the
University of Victoria.
Courtney/Little that approval be granted to conduct a study
involving students from Princess Margaret Secondary School as
part of a Master’s Program through the University of Victoria.
b. Hockey Skills Academy
Vice Principal Dave Burgoyne provided an overview of the Canadian Hockey
Skills Academy and partnership with the school district, Okanagan Hockey
School, City of Penticton, and Penticton Minor Hockey Association, which will
provide training for minor hockey aged players focusing on individual skill
development and academic achievement within the school system. Twenty
students from Penticton Secondary School are involved in the program,
which will begin in the second semester, and will receive two credits towards
Applied Skills in grades 11 and 12. A video clip produced by CHBC TV
announcing the program was viewed at the meeting.
c. Good Will Shakespeare Festival Proposal
The secretary-treasurer reported a proposal had been received from
Summerland Secondary School for approval to organize and host the Good
Will Shakespeare Festival on May 7 to 10, 2003. Following discussion,
Courtney/Shunter that the Board provides support for the Good
Will Shakespeare Festival as follows:
provision of TOC release time for four teachers for two days
access to audio and video equipment, tables, chairs, and art
supplies used during the conference;
sponsorship of one workshop presenter fee ($300);
provision of personnel to help with the set-up and clean/up of
the banquet;
access to the Summerland Secondary School gymnasium
on Saturday, May 12, for the conference banquet; and
transportation of Penticton students to Summerland.
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Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – November 4, 2002
a. Enrolment
The assistant superintendent reviewed an enrolment summary as of October
31, 2002 which showed an increase of 11 elementary students and a
decrease of 11 secondary students. The current enrolment is 7,796 students
or 7,436.58 FTE.
Courtney/Lewis that the enrolment report as of October 31, 2002
be received.
b. Trustee Elections
The secretary-treasurer reported eight nominations had been received for the
four trustee positions in Penticton and four nominations had been received
for the two trustee positions in Summerland area. Ms. Ginny Manning has
been declared elected by acclamation for the rural area. General voting day
is November 16, 2002 with advanced polls on November 6 and 8. Mr.
Regehr added the inaugural meeting will be held on December 2 at 7:30 p.m.
and Judge Sinclair will be in attendance to administer the oaths of office.
c. District Website
The superintendent reported the district website is currently under review to
reflect the needs of the district now and in the future.
District Progress Report (Accountability Contract)
The superintendent distributed copies of the District Progress Report, which tells
the public where the district is going and how we are doing. Mr. Doi added all
schools will have a school progress report, similar to the district progress report
and which will become the prime instrument for the school planning councils. Mr.
Doi highlighted the success of an intensive reading intervention program and
reported that 84.2% of the grade 1 students who were identified at-risk in 1999
and received early literacy intervention are now meeting expectations in reading
in grade 3.
Provincial Exam Results
The assistant superintendent reviewed information circulated with the agenda
package regarding district and school provincial examination results as well as
interpretation highlights, school and exam averages by school, participation rates
by course for the district, success rates for provincial exams, and provincial
scholarship results. Eight of the courses meet the district target of exceeding or
being within 2% of the provincial exam mark average and the remaining four are
within 5% of the provincial average, an improvement of three courses or 27%
over last year. In eight of eleven subject areas, the pass rates for Okanagan
Skaha students equals or exceeds the provincial average. All of the remaining
three courses are within 2% of the provincial pass rate and within the district
target. There were 65 provincial scholarship winners for 2001-02.
Education Committee
Trustee Little reported regarding items covered at the education committee
meeting held on October 30, 2002:
a. Accountability Contract
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Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – November 4, 2002
Superintendent Gary Doi presented an overview of the October 2002 edition
of the district progress report.
b. District Scholarship Program
Assistant Superintendent Dave Stigant discussed options to align the district
scholarship process with the implementation of the new Princess Margaret
Secondary School. Following discussion,
Little/Lewis that the district adopts a revised district scholarship
selection process reflecting the following components:
A. District Committee Structure: two trustees, superintendent
or designate, and one or more community volunteer
B. School Committee Structure:
counselor, and teacher
Principal or designate,
C. Selection Process:
i. Common district application package, distributed in
ii. School short-listing process using district-wide criteria,
completed in April
iii. District committee interview/demonstration opportunity at
each school in late May
iv. District committee decision:
a. School based awards, and
b. District based award(s) in August following receipt of
provincial scholarship results
D. Allocation:
i. Minimum of one scholarship for each mid-sized school
(under 1000 students) and two scholarships for each
large school (over 1000 students)
ii. Remainder of district scholarships to be awarded by the
district committee to qualifying students in order of
highest achievement.
c. Aboriginal Education Report
Assistant Superintendent Dave Stigant reviewed the Aboriginal Education
Finance and Management Committee
Trustee Courtney reported on topics covered at the finance and management
committee meeting held on October 29, 2002:
a. Funding Recalculation
The secretary-treasurer distributed and reviewed a preliminary recalculation
of funding based on September 30 enrolment. It was noted the current
calculation estimates a $201,000 funding decline based on enrolment
declines. Factors that will further adjust the district’s final funding are an
expected additional student enrolment decline based on Ministry enrolment
verification, teacher salary funding recalculation, and the final adjustment to
the $5,308 value per student. The secretary-treasurer noted the final 200203 funding cannot be predicted at present but is expected to improve in the
final funding calculation the Ministry is currently preparing.
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b. Class Size Reports
The budget and actual staffing levels were reported and it was noted four
staffing positions remain unfilled. In addition to a reduction required to
provide for the funding reduction,
Courtney/Shunter that a 0.75 FTE staffing increase for middle
school counseling and a 0.75 FTE staffing increase to support
the early intervention program be approved.
Trustee Courtney added the committee reviewed a class size report
prepared to comply with Ministry reporting requirements and a press release
summarizing the report and supported the documents be distributed to
parents, the school PAC’s and the schools.
Financial Report
The secretary-treasurer reviewed the financial report to September 30, 2002
provided in the agenda package. Some of the allocations have been entered this
week and funds have now been distributed to the schools.
Courtney/Jamieson that the financial report be received.
BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting
Trustee Little reported regarding his attendance at the October 18-19, 2002,
BCSTA Provincial Council meeting held in Vancouver, which included a
presentation by the Deputy Minister of Education regarding graduation
requirements, district reviews, task forces, and a response to trustee questions.
A synopsis of the meeting is available in the trustee reading file.
BCSTA Trustees Academy
The BCSTA Trustees Academy entitled “School Board Leadership to Improve
Student Achievement” will be held December 5-8, 2002 in Vancouver. All
trustees are encouraged to attend.
Student Successes
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extended congratulations to students
and groups for their outstanding examples of success listed on the recognition
sheet included with the agenda package.
Recognition of Student Artwork
Congratulations was extended to the following students from Columbia
Elementary School for their artwork currently on display at the school board
Darren Myers
Noe Munguia
Monika Tischer
Hannah Stel
Work group
Angela Wyles
Grade 2
Grade 7
Grade 7
Grade 1
Grade 2/3
Grade 7
Watercolor wash and printing
Fire Mask of Horror
Sunflowers – watercolour
Spawnin Salmon Mosaic
Van Gough Representations
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – November 4, 2002
Trustee Comments
Trustees provided general comments related to district activities and noted a
number of accomplishments over the past three years. As this was the final
meeting of this board and, in particular, Trustees Courtney and Lewis who are
not seeking reelection, Chairman Denesiuk acknowledged and thanked Trustees
Courtney and Lewis for their dedication and commitment towards student
education during their terms of office.
MOTION: Courtney/Lewis that the committee reports be received.
MOTION: Courtney/Lewis that the meeting be adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
Next School Board Meeting
December 2, 2002 – Inaugural Meeting
December 9, 2002 – Regular Meeting
BCSTA Trustees Academy
December 5-8, 2002
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