BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 (OKANAGAN SKAHA) REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2002 AT 7:30 P.M. SCHOOL BOARD OFFICE MINUTES IN ATTENDANCE C. Denesiuk, Chair L. Courtney, Trustee (first part only) D. E. Jamieson, Trustee C. Lewis, Trustee K. Lindstrom, Trustee L. Little, Trustee D. Shunter, Trustee G. Doi, Superintendent of Schools F. Regehr, Secretary-Treasurer D. Stigant, Assistant Superintendent R. Shongrunden, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer G. Schafer, Director of Instruction J. Walbergs, Director of Instruction J. Hickling, Director of Maintenance D. Adey, Executive Secretary K. Hicks, Vice Principal, Skaha Lake Middle School L. Lindsay, Vice Principal, KVR Middle School 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Denesiuk welcomed students, parents, district staff and the media representative. Ms. Denesiuk advised the new agenda format which focuses on Vision, Structure, Accountability and Advocacy will be used for a three-month trial period and requested that the media provide comment on the agenda following the trial period. 1.1 Adoption of Agenda MOTION: Little/Shunter that the agenda and addendum be adopted. CARRIED 1.2 Approval of Minutes MOTION: Lindstrom/Courtney that the minutes of the regular meeting held on September 9, 2002 be approved. CARRIED 1.3 Report from Closed Meeting The secretary-treasurer reported on the closed regular meeting held on September 9, 2002: 1. received correspondence regarding students and personnel matters; 2. confirmed teaching, administrative officer, CUPE and excluded staff changes; “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 3. 4. 5. 6. Page 2 Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – October 7, 2002 approved a request regarding a student; approved a teacher leave request; received information regarding student suspensions; received reports from the finance and management committee and buildings, grounds, safety, and transportation committee. 2. BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES 3. PRESENTATIONS 3.1 BC Justice Institute Award Winners Shannon Lisitza and Andrea Lecomte, students at Princess Margaret Secondary School, recently received the Youth Leadership Award for the Interior Region and were recognized for their work in developing an anti-bullying, anti-violence campaign that aimed to involve the entire public. The awards were given out by Solicitor General Rich Coleman as part of the 2002 Community Safety and Crime Prevention Awards. Andrea and Shannon, accompanied by Principal Bruce Johnson, highlighted their involvement in the anti-bullying and leadership programs at the school. Following a number of questions, trustees congratulated the students and extended appreciation for the presentation. 4. CORRESPONDENCE 4.1 Letter from School District No. 43 (Coquitlam) A letter from School District No. 43 (Coquitlam) advising that their board has passed a motion expressing non-confidence in the provincial government due to net underfunding. 4.2 Copy of Letter to Minister of Education A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 79 (Cowichan Valley) to the Minister of Education objecting to the cancellation of the final 30% installment of the 2001-02 technology grant. 4.3 Copy of Letter to Minister of Education A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 39 (Vancouver) to the Minister of Education regarding the cancellation of the final 30% installment of the 2001-02 technology grant. 4.4 Copy of Letter to Minister of Education A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 35 (Langley) to the Minister of Education requesting that the government fulfill its October 2001 commitment and pay the final 30% of the 2001-02 technology grant. 4.5 Copy of Letter to Minster of Education A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 85 (Vancouver Island North) to the Minister of Education regarding the closing of Coal Harbour Elementary School. 4.6 Copy of Letter to Minister of Education A copy of a letter forwarded by British Columbia School Trustees Association to the Minister of Education regarding the implementation of school choice legislation. 4.7 Copy of Letter to Solicitor General “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 3 Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – October 7, 2002 A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 42 (Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows) to the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General asking that when conducting the review of gaming within B.C., that care be taken not to restrict or jeopardize the ability of parent advisory councils to access gaming funding. With reference to the first letter, Chairman Denesiuk and trustees commented on the many ways the Board had expressed to the Ministry of Education their displeasure with under funding, including letters to the Minister of Education and Minister of Finance, a submission to the Select Standing Committee on Education, meetings with the MLA, meeting directly with the Minister of Education, and lobbying through British Columbia School Trustees Association. MOTION: Shunter/Lewis that the correspondence be received and referred to the appropriate committees. CARRIED 5. DISTRICT REPORTS 5.1 VISION 5.1.1 Education Committee Report a. Partners’ Group Meeting Trustee Little reported that at the education committee meeting held on September 10, 2002, an outline of the upcoming Partners’ Group meeting scheduled for September 18 was presented. Trustee Little added that positive feedback has been received regarding the inclusion of students at the meeting. A second meeting has been scheduled for February 19, 2003. 5.1.2 Rating the District: Baseline Measure The superintendent of schools and assistant superintendent reviewed a document entitled “How Does Your District Rate?” which was used at the Partners’ Group meeting. The results of this survey will be used as a baseline in measuring the success of the district. 5.1.3 District Workgroups Superintendent Doi reported the partners’ group meeting confirmed the three goals for three years would center on literacy, numeracy and social responsibility. Three workgroups have been set for the three goals to be chaired by Director of Instruction Walbergs, Director of Instruction Schafer, and Assistant Superintendent Stigant respectively. Trustee Little reported the social responsibility workgroup met earlier today and the remaining two will meet on October 8 and 9. It was noted each of the workgroups would include student representation. 5.1.4 Education Committee Report a. Grad Review Trustee Little reported that at the education committee meeting held on October 1, 2002, the committee received information related to changes to the graduation requirements of the graduation program. Assistant Superintendent Stigant reviewed the proposed changes and added the Ministry of Education has announced a consultative process for districts and the public to respond to the proposed changes. Feedback from principals will be provided to trustees in late November. 5.1.5 Committee of the Whole Chairman Denesiuk reported on the committee of the whole meeting held on September 16, 2002: “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 4 Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – October 7, 2002 a. Communication and Access A draft document entitled “School Progress Report” was reviewed as to how this document provides a common structural format for schools and the district to work toward improved student achievement. Additionally, the committee discussed and supported the concept of promoting an alumni program at schools. b. Board Agenda Format The committee reviewed a proposed new format for restructuring of the board meeting agendas under the headings “Vision, Structure, Accountability, and Advocacy”. The committee agreed to a trial period of three months and to review the impact at the end of the trail. The committee suggested the press be asked to comment on the change at the end of the trial. 5.2 STRUCTURE 5.2.1 Finance and Management a. Committee Report Trustee Shunter reported on the finance and management committee meeting held on October 2, 2002: i. Technology Grant A number of school districts in the province have raised a concern regarding the cancellation of funding for a provincial technology grant. The funds were the second installment of the 2001-02 funding and equaled $19,380 for this school district. The Ministry has advised these funds are now included in the $5,308 basic funding per student. ii. Core Review Process The secretary-treasurer discussed the process planned to support a review of the district’s operations to assist with the budget development. The process will involve identifying and costing the programs and service levels currently budgeted in the budget. This information should be summarized by December and will allow for a new approach to assist with reviewing the prioritizing budget options. iii. Board Working Session The committee agreed to a board working session on October 22 at noon to review current issues in education such as goal review, student achievement, budget options, and what is working well. b. Princess Margaret Secondary School The director of maintenance reported on construction at the school and advised the date of substantial completion is expected by the middle of October with moving in at the end of October. c. Princess Margaret Secondary Planning Committee The secretary-treasurer reported the Princess Margaret Secondary Planning Committee met on October 2, 2002 to update the committee on the remaining issues around accepting possession of the school. The committee confirmed support that it would be better to delay possession of the school if it is not completed by the originally scheduled date. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 5.2.2 Page 5 Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – October 7, 2002 Buildings, Grounds, Safety and Transportation a. Committee Report Trustee Jamieson reported on the buildings, grounds, safety and transportation committee meetings held on October 2, 2002: i. Commercial Building Incentive Program Rebate The committee was advised that a grant request related to the energy efficiency equipment at Princess Margaret Secondary had been approved. A grant of $37,616 from the federal government is based on the energy efficiency designed into the heating and ventilation systems at the school. Although the district has committed these funds towards the upgraded heating and ventilation equipment, the school district will enjoy ongoing energy cost savings. ii. Energy Review The committee was advised of a study which is underway to review areas in the district where energy consumption costs might be reduced. This review will form part of the budget core review process for this year. iii. KVR Meals Program For the 2002-03 school year, the school district is receiving direct funding from the Ministry of Children and Family Development for student programs. In reviewing program options, consideration has been given to adding a meal program at KVR Middle School. Mr. Stigant reviewed the program implications to start the service by December. The model considered is based on the Queen’s Park meal program and may start with 75 students. iv. Busing The assistant secretary-treasurer advised that busing start-up for the school year was quite smooth. The committee was reminded of a change in the Apex Mountain route for this September and advised of a new request for busing from the Pineview area. No service increase was recommended for this request due to the distance to school. v. 5.2.3 McNicoll Park Middle School Planning The committee was advised a planning review will be started for McNicoll Park Middle School. It is anticipated the existing use of some teaching areas will change when the middle school opens next September. The secretary-treasurer proposed a committee of a trustee, superintendent or designate, director of maintenance, principal, teacher, parent, student, and secretary-treasurer be formed to review options available and develop a plan for this change. Issues of education program options and equipment requirements will be considered in this review. Policy a. Committee Report Trustee Lindstrom reported regarding the policy committee meeting held on September 16, 2002: i. Procedural By-Law #1 – Meeting Procedures In recognition that the committee of the whole was recommending a restructure of the board meeting agenda for a trial period, the policy committee agreed a motion be presented at the beginning of each “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 6 Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – October 7, 2002 agenda to vary that agenda. Should the agenda be changed on a permanent basis, the meeting structure as detailed in Procedural By-Law #1 will be modified. ii. Policy No. 340 – Graduation Functions – Secondary Schools The committee reviewed a proposed change to the regulations which provided for more flexibility with graduation events. The committee clarified the effect of the revisions on the three graduating schools. Following discussion, MOTION: Lindstrom/Little that the proposed revisions to Policy No. 340 – Graduation Functions be approved in principle for distribution to stakeholders. CARRIED iii. Policy No. 600 – Fiscal Control The committee reviewed a proposed change to the purchasing procedure distributed in the policy, which is in recognition of recently implemented Canadian trade rules. Following discussion, MOTION: 5.2.4 Lindstrom/Lewis that the recommended change to the procedures of Policy No. 600 – Fiscal Control be approved. CARRIED Curriculum, Instruction and Programs a. Education Committee Report Trustee Little reported on the education committee meeting held on September 10, 2002: i. Advanced Placement Program Peter Corcoran, Principal of Penticton Secondary School, made a presentation on the Advanced Placement (AP) Program, a program that provides an opportunity for students to take college-level courses in a high school setting. Penticton Secondary is offering two AP courses in the 2002-2003 school year: Literature and Composition and World History. Penticton Secondary staff is discussing possible future additional AP courses for the school. ii. Career Prep Programs Assistant Superintendent Dave Stigant reported on the provincial changes to the Career Prep Programs and Career Programs Teacher at Penticton Secondary David Kalaski provided an explanation of Career Prep. Following the funding and career prep guideline changes implemented by the Ministry of Education in the spring of 2002, individual school districts have the flexibility and obligation to design the career preparation program to be offered within their respective districts. Career prep programs and requirements for entry into the career prep program are being reviewed and developed for the school district. The recommended structure of the careers program is outlined as follows: a. Number of Courses: it is recommended that career prep programs be amended to be made up of five courses. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 7 Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – October 7, 2002 b. Career Prep Programs: it is recommended that career prep programs in the district be designated as one of the following seven programs (National Occupational Codes): Natural and Applied Sciences Trades and Technologies Health Sciences Business and Finance Arts and Culture Tourism Human Services c. Types of Courses: it is recommended that the courses comprising a career prep program for a student include (1) a minimum of one credit (25 hours) of CP Work Experience 12A, and (2) an additional four courses within a career path (or occupational code), a minimum of two of which are numbered 12. The four courses would be chosen by the student and approved by the principal (or designated careers teacher) as consistent with advanced preparation for a career or training in one of the seven career prep programs. d. Grades for Career Prep programs: it is recommended that career prep be offered in grades 11 and 12. e. Funding: it is recommended that for the transitional year 2002-03 career prep be funded on the same ratio (Penticton/Summerland) as in 2001-02, and that Princess Margaret Secondary receive a pro rata fraction of the Penticton zone amount. f. Staffing: it is recommended that a careers counsellor/work experience teacher continue to be assigned, one each in the Summerland and Penticton zones of the district to a level of staffing to be determined annually by the budget process. g. Career Education: it is recommended that career education in the intermediate and graduation years including access to the career orientation program be reviewed relative to the revised graduation requirements and budgetary considerations. h. Work Experience: it is recommended that Policy No. 322 be reviewed relative to the revised graduation requirements and district priority of providing work experience to (1) all pupils, (2) as an elective to students in grades 10 to 12, (3) as life skills experience for special needs and rehabilitation students, and (4) career prep and secondary school apprenticeship students. MOTION: Little/Shunter that the revised careers program be approved. CARRIED b. Field Trips The superintendent of schools reviewed a listing of field trips requests. MOTION: Lewis/Jamieson that the following field trip request be approved: • June 19 to 20, 2003, for 51 grade 5 students from Parkway Elementary School to travel to Vancouver to participate in an overnight campout at Science World. CARRIED “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) MOTION: Page 8 Jamieson/Lindstrom that the following field trip be approved in principle: • MOTION: Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – October 7, 2002 March break of 2005 for 15 grades 9 and 10 students from Princess Margaret Secondary and Skaha Lake Middle schools to travel on a two-week tour of Australia’s east coast with four basketball games included. CARRIED Lewis/Little that the following field trip be approved in principle: • March 14 to 18, 2003, for 16 to 18 grade 10, 11 or 12 students from Penticton Secondary School to participate in a field hockey tour to Fiji where the team will play three games and participate in cultural activities. CARRIED The assistant superintendent provided information regarding the sister city and sister school relationships with high schools in Ikeda and Toyokro, Japan and the request for an exchange visit with Ikeda in January 2003 or 2004 with a delegation from Penticton Secondary School to Ikeda in September 2003. Students participating in this home-stay exchange would be partially subsidized through the international program. MOTION: Little/Jamieson that approval in principle be granted for the student exchange visit to Ikeda, Japan in September 2003. CARRIED c. Summerland Geography Trip Ryan Rosenke, a student at Summerland Secondary School and Teacher Tom Brickenden provided an overview of their recent geography field trip to Mount St. Helens and Washington State. Following a number of questions, appreciation was extended for the presentation. d. Survey Request The superintendent advised a request had been received for permission for Cindy Russill, a teacher at Summerland Middle School, to carry out a study within the school as part of the requirements for a Master’s of Education Degree in Educational Leadership at the University of Victoria. MOTION: Lewis/Shunter that approval for the survey be granted. CARRIED 5.2.5 Administration a. Enrolment The assistant superintendent reviewed an enrolment report as of September 30, 2002, which indicated enrolment is 146 students higher than projected for the September opening and shows a decrease of 26 students from last year. The current enrolment is 7,796 students or 7,445.44 FTE. Mr. Stigant added the FTE numbers are being verified and that staffing has been put in place based on these numbers. MOTION: Lindstrom/Jamieson that the enrolment report as of September 30, 2002 be received. CARRIED “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 9 Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – October 7, 2002 b. Trustee Elections The secretary-treasurer reported a number of nominations have been received for the trustee elections to be held November 16, 2002 with nominations to close on October 11. To date, five people have been nominated for the Penticton area, two for the Summerland area, and one person for the rural area. c. District Website The superintendent advised an ad hoc committee has been formed to review the needs and expectations related to the district website. The committee is comprised of a student, parent and district staff and will be held on October 10. 5.3 ACCOUNTABILITY 5.3.1 Finance and Management Committee a. 2001-02 Financial Statements Trustee Shunter reported that at the finance and management committee meeting held on October 2, 2002, the district’s auditor and district staff reviewed the audit process and results for the 2001-02 financial year. The review included an examination of expenditures, revenues, trust fund balances, capital accounts, and changes to the reporting requirements. Mr. Jonathan McGraw from BDO Dunwoody advised the committee the audit process provided support for the district’s financial statements and no changes to the financial systems were recommended. The assistant secretary-treasurer advised the district ended the year with a surplus of $20,835 although the financial statements show a larger amount of $726,749. This figure includes appropriated amounts for school funds and the one time discretionary grant received from the Ministry of Education in May 2002 which has been committed to the 2002-03 budget. Trustees extended appreciation to Mr. Shongrunden and business office staff for their time and effort in preparing the financial statements for the audit. 5.3.2 Education Committee Trustee Little reported regarding items covered at the education committee meeting held on September 10, 2002: a. Accreditation Report Director of Instruction John Walbergs reported on the accreditation process and resulting report for Carmi and Queen's Park Elementary Schools. An executive summary of the accreditation report for each school was distributed and discussed. Internal team members from each school (Graham Watt, Linda Brussee and Cari Main from Carmi and Dennis Stolen and Lenora Klappe from Queen's Park) commented on the accreditation process in their respective schools and the positive outcomes. It was noted that Carmi Elementary and Queen's Park Elementary met provincial accreditation requirements. b. Grading System at Princess Margaret Secondary Trustee Keith Lindstrom initiated discussion on the methods by which secondary schools determine honor role status for their students. Superintendent Gary Doi advised the committee that this topic will be part of his discussions with the secondary principals and vice-principals. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 5.3.3 Page 10 Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – October 7, 2002 Education Committee Trustee Little reported regarding items covered at the education committee meeting held on October 1, 2002: a. Accountability Contract Superintendent Gary Doi provided information regarding the district accountability contracts which are to be submitted to the Ministry of Education by October 31, 2002. Mr. Doi outlined how the district's improvement plan will provide the framework for the gathering of the information that will form the district’s accountability contract. b. District Scholarship Program Assistant Superintendent Dave Stigant reviewed the district's scholarship program and presented an overview of the practice for allocating district scholarships in school districts 22, 23 and 85. Mr. Stigant explained that with Princess Margaret enrolling grade 12 students in the 2003-2004 school year, there will be an increase in graduating students in the district. MOTION: c. Little/Shunter that the scholarship program undergoes further review and information be presented at the education committee on October 29, 2002. CARRIED Exam Schedules Assistant Superintendent Dave Stigant provided an overview of the "examination days" information from the School Calendar Regulation (effective June 28, 2002). Summerland Secondary, Princess Margaret Secondary and Penticton Secondary have requested the following examination schedule for the 2002-03 school year: Exam Period Princess Margaret Summerland Secondary Penticton Secondary Government Exams ------- Jan 28-30 Jan 29-31 Jan 24-30 June, 2003 June 18-26 June 20-26 June 18-26 June 23-26 Total days 7 10 10 January, 2003 A request was received from middle schools to continue with the past practice of identifying three "I" Days to facilitate examination and student task completion. The middle schools are requesting that June 23-25, 2003, be approved as "I" Days. MOTION: Little/Lewis that that the Board approves: a) the examination schedule pursuant to the School Calendar Regulation Section 2, and b) the request for middle school "I" Days (June 23-25, 2003). CARRIED d. Early Development Instrument Update Director of Instruction Schafer reported on the early development instrument survey on school readiness and advised a community group "Communities for Kids" has been formed and will be holding a workshop on Wednesday, October 9, 2002 (9:00 AM – 3:00 PM) at the Penticton Health Centre. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 5.3.4 5.4 Page 11 Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – October 7, 2002 Foundation Skills Assessment Results a. The assistant superintendent and directors of instruction provided a summary of provincial and school district results of the Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA) 2002. The purpose of the FSA is to help the Ministry of Education, school districts, and schools make plans for improvement. A chart was provided which showed the comparison of School District No. 67 to the provincial rates. ADVOCACY 5.4.1 Education Committee Report Trustee Little reported on items covered at the September 10, 2002 education committee meeting: a. 2002 Youth Smoking Survey Assistant Superintendent Dave Stigant presented a request by the federal government to participate in a 2002 Youth Smoking Survey. Following discussion, MOTION: Little/Lewis that the Board not approve participation in the 2002 Youth Smoking Survey. CARRIED b. Schedule for Education Committee Meetings A schedule for education committee meetings for the 2002-2003 school year was presented as follows: • • • • • • • • • 5.4.2 Tuesday, October 1, 2002 Tuesday, October 29, 2002 Tuesday, December 3, 2002 Tuesday, January 7, 2003 Tuesday, February 4, 2003 Tuesday, March 4, 2003 Tuesday, April 8, 2003 Tuesday, May 6, 2003 Tuesday, June 3, 2003 Education Committee Report Trustee Little reported on items covered at the October 1, 2002 education committee meeting: a. Education Committee School Visit Schedule Superintendent Gary Doi presented a schedule for education committee school visits for the 2002-2003 school year as follows: • • • • 5.4.3 Princess Margaret Secondary Penticton Secondary Summerland Secondary McNicoll Park Junior Secondary November 26, 2002 January 14, 2003 February 25, 2003 May 13, 2003 Provincial Symposium on Planning Councils Chairman Denesiuk provided information regarding the Provincial Symposium on Planning Councils held on September 23, 2002 in Vancouver, which was attended by the following representatives from this district: Janet Zagrodney, Don Henry, Miles Smitten, Gary Doi and Connie Denesiuk. This team will now formulate a training session for school planning councils for the 19 schools in this “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 12 Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – October 7, 2002 district, expected to be held in late January. Mr. Doi added a policy related to school planning councils needs to be developed as well. 5.4.4 BCSTA Okanagan Branch Conference Trustees Lindstrom, Jamieson, and Denesiuk reported regarding their attendance at the BCSTA Okanagan Branch Conference held September 27-28, 2002, in Vernon, which included presentations by the Deputy Minister of Education and Field Liaison Superintendent Rick Davis, and a review of legislative changes by Judith Clark. 5.4.5 BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting It was noted Trustee Little will attend the BCSTA provincial council meeting to be held October 18-19, 2002, in Vancouver. 5.4.6 Student Successes School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extended congratulations to students and groups for their outstanding examples of success listed on the recognition sheet included with the agenda package. 5.4.7 Recognition of Student Artwork Congratulations was extended to the following students from Summerland Middle School for their artwork currently on display at the school board office: • • • • • • • • • 5.4.7 Robyn Lohrer Andrew Vaudry Michelle Fletcher Alexis Reaume Rachelle Knight Bromdon Bede Kristen Wright Pascale Clermont Sam Numsen Grade 6 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 7 Grade 7 Grade 7 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 8 Trustee Comments Trustees provided general comments related to district activities and agreed to present at the next meeting an appreciation plaque to the artist who created the shark sculpture at Skaha Lake Middle School. 6. RECEIPT OF COMMITTEE REPORTS MOTION: Lewis/Jamieson that the committee reports be received. CARRIED 7. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Lewis/Lindstrom that the meeting be adjourned at 10:00 p.m. CARRIED CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Next School Board Meeting – November 4, 2002 ____________________ Chairperson ____________________ Secretary-Treasurer Ref: G:\DA\2002-2003\00100 - 00999 Admin\00300-05 Minutes Open\021007 OP.doc “Working Together for Student Success”