MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2002, AT 7:30 P.M.
C. Denesiuk, Chair
L. Courtney, Trustee
D. E. Jamieson, Trustee
C. Lewis, Trustee
K. Lindstrom, Trustee
L. Little, Trustee
D. Shunter, Trustee
G. Doi, Superintendent of Schools
F. Regehr, Secretary-Treasurer
D. Stigant, Assistant Superintendent
R. Shongrunden, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
G. Schafer, Director of Instruction
J. Walbergs, Director of Instruction
J. Hickling, Director of Maintenance
D. Adey, Executive Secretary
D. MacIntyre, Principal, McNicoll Park Jr. Secondary School
M. Smitten, Principal, Parkway Elementary School
Chairman Denesiuk welcomed students, parents, district staff, guests, and representatives of
the media and introduced Gary Doi as the new superintendent of schools and Yvette
Longstaff as the new chair of the district parent advisory council.
Little/Courtney that the agenda and addendum be adopted.
Summer Professional Development
Esther Skrypiczajko, Chair, Professional Development Committee, provided an overview of
activities held during the summer professional development days and Janice Reiswig, a
member of the committee, provided information related to the Barrie Bennett summer institute
at which 16 schools and 142 teachers participated.
“Working Together for Student Success”
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – September 9, 2002
Chairman Denesiuk extended appreciation to the committee for their presentation and for
introducing new ways to enhance student learning and achievement.
Summer School Report
Kayla Rogers, Kayla Mann, Jane Dunbar, and Katie Tinning, all students at KVR Middle
School, highlighted their experiences in learning a new culture and language at the 2002
summer school. They were accompanied by their teachers Diane Haddow and Julie CornettChing. Students Rachael Olfert and Ashley Pearson, students at KVR Middle and Skaha
Lake Middle schools, accompanied by their teacher Will Schlackl, demonstrated new skills
learned in the guitar course introduced as part of this year’s summer school program.
Katie Hicks, Principal, 2002 Summer School Program, presented a report on the 2002
summer school program. The summer school provided 250 students with an opportunity to
experience success in a variety of curricular subjects and allowed for enrichment in other cocurricular areas. Ms. Hicks extended appreciation to teachers and staff who were part of the
summer school program.
Following a number of questions, appreciation was extended to students and staff for their
Recognition of Student Success
Chairman Denesiuk extended congratulations to the following students for these outstanding
examples of success:
Summerland Secondary students on achieving a record number of provincial
scholarships for the 2001-02 school year. Twenty-three students received the $1,000
scholarships; the previous record was 17, set in 2000-01.
The following students who placed second and third in the British Columbia
Association of Teachers of Modern Languages 2002 Poster Contest in the category
Grades 8-12, hand-drawn:
Steff Smith, Penticton Secondary School, second place
Carla Doell, Summerland Middle School, third place
Little/Courtney that the minutes of the regular meeting held on June 10, 2002 and
special meeting held on August 20, 2002 be approved.
The secretary-treasurer reported on the closed regular meeting held on June 10, 2002:
confirmed teaching, administrative officer, CUPE and excluded staff changes;
received information regarding the long service recognition/retirement dinner;
received teacher reports;
received information regarding student suspensions;
approved a full day kindergarten program for a school;
received reports from the finance and management committee, discipline committee,
education committee, and committee of the whole;
received information regarding the organization of the Okanagan Labour Relations
“Working Together for Student Success”
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – September 9, 2002
Letter from Gateway Society
A letter from the Gateway Society Services for Persons with Autism suggesting continuity in
school be provided for children with autism.
Letter from Minister of Finance
A letter from Honourable Gary Collins, Minister of Finance, in response to the Board’s letter
regarding education funding. A copy of the Board’s letter to the Minister is attached.
Thank You Letters
A number of thank you cards from long service employees and retirees are available in the
trustee reading file.
Copy of Letter to Mayor Pearce
A copy of a letter forwarded by West Bench Elementary parent advisory council to Mayor
Pearce, City of Penticton, expressing strong support for the continuation of the RCMP School
Liaison Program.
Copy of Letter to Minister of Advanced Education
A copy of a letter forwarded by British Columbia School Trustees Association (BCSTA) to
Honourable Shirley Bond, Minister of Advanced Education, requesting support for training,
instruction, and professional development opportunities for student teachers and classroom
teachers in maintaining appropriate professional relationships with their students.
Copy of Letter to Deputy Minister of Education
A copy of a letter forwarded by BCSTA to Dr. Emery Dosdall, Deputy Minister of Education,
regarding input on the Select Standing Committee on Education Report.
Copy of Letter to Minister of Education
A copy of a letter forwarded by BCSTA to Honourable Christy Clark, Minister of Education,
regarding the impact of the 2002-03 education funding.
Copy of Letter to Minister of Education
A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 36 (Surrey) to the Minister of Education
expressing concern regarding decreased funding for students with mental health problems.
Copy of Letter to Premier
A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 42 (Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows) to Premier
Gordon Campbell regarding the selection of two trustees from their board to participate in the
Dialogue on Education hosted by the Premier.
Letter from Office of Stockwell Day, M.P.
A letter from the constituency office of M.P. Stockwell Day regarding proposed changes to
the eastern boundary of the Okanagan-Coquihalla riding.
“Working Together for Student Success”
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – September 9, 2002
Copy of Letter to Select Standing Committee on Education
A copy of a letter forwarded by BCSTA to the Select Standing Committee on Education
enclosing BCSTA’s Response to Committee Recommendations for System Improvement.
Courtney/Shunter that a letter be written to the Federal Electoral Boundaries
Commission opposing the proposed changes to the eastern boundary for the
Okanagan-Coquihalla riding which would place parts of the school district in the
Kootenay-Okanagan riding.
Shunter/Little that the correspondence be received and referred to the
appropriate committees as required.
Board Meeting Dates
The secretary-treasurer reviewed a listing of proposed school board meeting dates for the
2002-03 school year. Mr. Regehr noted the listing is based on a monthly meeting being held
on the second Monday of each month, with two exceptions, and includes a separate date for
the inaugural meeting. The proposed dates are as follows:
October 7, 2002
November 4, 2002
December 2, 2002 – Inaugural
December 9, 2002 – Regular
January 13, 2003
February 10, 2003
March 10, 2003
April 14, 2003
May 12, 2003
June 9, 2003
Jamieson/Lindstrom that the meeting dates be confirmed.
Financial Statements
The secretary-treasurer reported that the financial statements for the year ending June 30,
2002 have been completed by district staff and are currently under review by the auditors.
Mr. Regehr added the final statements will be brought to the October meeting and it is
expected we should end the year with a small surplus.
Summer Maintenance Projects
The director of maintenance reviewed an extensive listing of maintenance and renovation
projects that were completed at the district’s facilities during the summer. Additionally, the
custodial staff was busy with a number of rental groups and extra cleaning during the
summer. Trustees extended appreciation to maintenance and custodial staff for the
extensive summer maintenance program and the excellent condition the district was in for
school opening.
“Working Together for Student Success”
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
Page 5
Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – September 9, 2002
Trustee Elections
The secretary-treasurer reported preparations are being made to meet all requirements for
the trustee elections scheduled for November 16, 2002. Four trustees will be elected within
the City of Penticton with the election being conducted by the City, two trustees will be
elected within the boundaries of the former Summerland school district with the election being
conducted by the District of Summerland, and one trustee will be elected in the remaining
rural area with the election being coordinated with the RDOS. Advertising will occur within
the next week and the nomination period runs from October 1 to 11 .
Planning and Goal Setting Session
Mr. Regehr reported arrangements are being made for a planning and goal setting session to
be held on September 18, 4:00 to 8:00 p.m., at the Ramada Inn. Up to four representatives
from each partner group have been invited and this year, the invitation has been extended to
a student representative from each secondary school.
Princess Margaret Secondary School Update
The director of maintenance reported the exterior parking lot is complete, landscaping has
started, the gym floor is finished complete with game lines, cleaning of classrooms and
administration areas has begun, and work is continuing in all areas in preparation for school
opening. Mr. Hickling advised regular meetings are being held with the contractors and
architects, and completion is scheduled for the middle of October.
Superintendent’s Goal – Improve Student Achievement
The superintendent of schools outlined the framework and provided a listing of 12 objectives
to assist with achieving his number one goal “Improve Student Achievement”. The process
would involve all partner groups at the goal setting and planning session and would reduce
the Board’s current 10 goals to three goals focusing on student achievement. Mr. Doi
explained the structure to support three goals for three years and reviewed the terms of
reference for three district workgroups which would work on each of the goals.
Lewis/Little that approval be granted to proceed in the manner and structure
outlined and that the three necessary workgroups be established.
Board Meeting Agendas
Mr. Doi introduced a new format for board meeting agendas which would include four areas
of vision, structure, accountability and advocacy and requested that this topic as well as
communication and access be further discussed at a committee meeting to be held on
September 16. The meeting will be held at 12:00 noon and will be followed by a policy
committee meeting. It was agreed the new structure would be used for the October board
Government Exam Results
The assistant superintendent reviewed a preliminary report on provincial examination results
to June 2002. Provincial comparisons for exam marks, pass rates and honors standing were
provided in six of 11 government examinable courses. Mr. Stigant added these results do not
reflect marks in rewrites or other semesters and cumulative results for the 2001-02 school
year will be provided at the November meeting.
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – September 9, 2002
Scholarship Results
Mr. Stigant reported that a record 65 Okanagan Skaha graduates won provincial scholarships
each valued at $1,000 with one student, Linzi Sheldon from Penticton Secondary School,
receiving a double valued provincial scholarship for placing in the top 20 in BC. Scholarship
trends for 1996 to 2002 were provided.
Provincial Symposium on School Planning Councils
The BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils, BC Principals’ & Vice Principals’
Association, BC Superintendents’ Association, BC School Trustees Association, BC
Teachers’ Federation, and Ministry of Education have been working together to offer a
provincial symposium on school planning councils. Members from all education partner
groups will participate in the forum and facilitate the discussion groups to be held on
September 23, 2002. Representatives from this district will include Superintendent Doi,
Board Chairman Denesiuk, Principal Miles Smitten, parent representative Janet Zagrodney,
and teacher representative Don Henry.
Mr. Stigant summarized the student enrolment as of September 9, which indicates a
decrease of 88 students from September 30, 2001. Today’s enrolment shows 7,734 students
and 7,428 FTE which is 133 over local projections for this year. Mr. Stigant indicated there
will continue to be changes between now and the September 30 deadline used for funding
Field Trips
Director of Instruction Garth Schafer reviewed a field trip request for geography 12 students
from Summerland Secondary School to travel to Washington State to visit Mount St. Helens.
Lewis/Courtney that the above field trip be approved in principle.
Finance and Management Committee
Trustee Courtney reported that at the finance and management committee meeting held on
July 10, committee members reviewed information regarding school district programs
currently funded by Ministry of Children and Family Development at $266,010 per year.
While recognizing the uncertainty of funding after March 31, 2003, the committee discussed
committing to some services that may not be fully funded, supported option 4 of a budget
option summary, and supported the district write to the Ministry regarding contract timelines
and commitment uncertainties for the 2002-03 program. The committee reviewed a proposal
by the Early Childhood and Development Association to develop a program titled Community
for Kids. The school district has been asked to provide a letter of support for a grant
application and to authorize this project to access EDI information that is available in the
district. Following discussion,
Courtney/Shunter that a letter of support be provided for the program.
Continuing with her report, Trustee Courtney reported trustees were provided with a
summary of trustee stipends from Okanagan districts and did not recommend action be taken
on this matter.
“Working Together for Student Success”
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
Page 7
Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – September 9, 2002
Courtney/Little that the report of the finance and management committee
meeting held on July 10, 2002 be received.
Trustee Courtney reported that at the finance and management committee meeting held on
September 4, 2002, the committee reviewed the revised funding recalculation process, which
is restricted by a $20 million reserve for growth, received information regarding enrolments on
the first day of school, and reviewed staffing adjustments currently approved for K to 7 to
recognize the enrolment changes. Also reviewed were average class sizes, the limited
number of primary chasses at maximum class size, and the availability of student spaces in
elementary classrooms. Additionally, at the same meeting, the superintendent circulated and
reviewed a summary of goals for student achievement and communications, which will be
brought forward for further consideration.
Courtney/Lewis that the report of the finance and management committee
meeting held on September 4, 2002 be received.
Buildings, Grounds, Safety and Transportation Committee
Trustee Jamieson reported that at the buildings, grounds, safety and transportation
committee meeting held on July 10, committee members confirmed the September opening
with grades 9 to 11 will be adequately accommodated in existing Snowdon and Princess
Margaret spaces as the new school will not be ready until October. The committee was also
informed the bleachers are not covered in budget at this time, the parking design will only
provide for spaces required by the building permit, and a tender for the demolition of
Snowdon will be advertised shortly. Additionally, the committee was informed a consultant’s
report discussing the climbing wall has now been received and the interior costs are
calculated at $130,400 for a basic setup. In addition, the building construction proposed by
the consultant would be at least another $150,000.
Jamieson/Little that the report of the buildings, grounds, safety and transportation
committee of July 10, 2002 be received.
Trustee Jamieson reported that at the committee meeting held on September 4, 2002, the
secretary-treasurer reviewed the changes to the capital plan process related to minor projects
now being a district responsibility, and reviewed Ministry enrolment forecast and district
enrolment trends prepared for the 2003-04 five-year capital plan. Based on the facilities and
enrolments, it was recommended the 2003-04 capital plan include the demolition and/or
renovation of Penticton Secondary buildings, school bus replacement and a new elementary
school in Summerland. Following discussion,
That the Board of School Trustees approves the 2003-04 Five-Year Capital Plan
in the amount of $26,965,470 as outlined on the attached summary.
In continuing her report, Trustee Jamieson reported the committee was informed of
regulations related to watering restrictions in Summerland and was advised a memo
summarizing maintenance practices for school or PAC initiated projects had been forwarded
to schools.
Jamieson/Little that the report of the committee meeting held on September 4,
2002 be received.
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – September 9, 2002
Committee of the Whole
Chairman Denesiuk reported that at the committee of the whole meeting held on August 20,
2002, trustees received and reviewed information related to the goal setting and planning
session to be held on September 18 and was reminded of a meeting with Barrie Bennett on
September 26.
Lewis/Lindstrom that the report of the committee of the whole meeting be
BCSTA Okanagan Branch
BCSTA Okanagan Branch Conference
September 27-28, 2002, Vernon
BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting
BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting
October 18-19, 2002, Vancouver
October 7, 2002
Regular Meeting, School Board Office
Trustees provided general comments related to district activities and extended appreciation
to all employees for a positive start to a new school year.
Courtney/Lewis that the meeting be adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
September 17, 2002
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School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)
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Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting – September 9, 2002
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“Working Together for Student Success”