BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 (OKANAGAN SKAHA) REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2002 AT 7:30 P.M. SCHOOL BOARD OFFICE MINUTES IN ATTENDANCE C. Denesiuk, Chair L. Courtney, Trustee D. E. Jamieson, Trustee C. Lewis, Trustee K. Lindstrom, Trustee L. Little, Trustee D. Shunter, Trustee V. Berg, Superintendent of Schools F. Regehr, Secretary-Treasurer D. Stigant, Assistant Superintendent R. Shongrunden, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer G. Schafer, Director of Instruction J. Walbergs, Director of Instruction D. Adey, Executive Secretary WELCOME Chairman Denesiuk welcomed students, district staff, guests, and representatives of the media. Prior to the meeting, Ms. Denesiuk acknowledged the recent tragic motor vehicle accident involving students at Penticton Secondary School and extended deepest sympathy to the family. ADOPTION OF AGENDA MOTION: Courtney/Little that the agenda be adopted. CARRIED PRESENTATIONS BY SCHOOLS AND/OR STUDENTS KVR Middle School Cyzborg Project Grade 6 students from KVR Middle School, Josh Klaassen, Jessica Jewell, Amy Reinert, Corine Bolduc, Anna Paterson, and Ruby Randhawa, accompanied by their technology teacher Brian Rutherford, attended the meeting and demonstrated to the Board their “helmets” as part of the presentation on a middle school “hands on” science unit on chemical and physical change entitled “Cyzborg”. Good Will Shakespeare Festival 2002 Summerland Secondary School students Andrean Snelling and Emily Chapman, accompanied by teachers Sandra Richardson, Linda Beaven and Mike Robinson, made a “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 2 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – June 10, 2002 presentation regarding the recent Good Will Shakespeare Festival, which involved more than 300 middle and secondary students from all over the BC Interior. The four-day extravaganza included stage performances, ten workshops, and a great show of music and dance by local performers. The workshops were led by professional actors and graduate students in theatre, writing and film and included lectures on poetry, creative writing, and journalism as well as making documentaries using film and video. The final day was rounded off with an Elizabethan banquet. The festival’s theme was to promote good will through the arts and the arts through good will. While the festival helps students develop an appreciation of the arts and offers an opportunity to work with creative and theatre arts professionals, it also provides a chance for social studies students to bring Elizabethan history to life through dance and music. Canada-Wide Science Fair Awards School District No. 67 representatives to the Canada-wide Science Fair in Saskatoon, Sask., from May 12 to 19, experienced a high degree of success. Students Julia Lane, Summerland Secondary School (gold medal), Sarah and Laura Wardlaw, Skaha Lake Middle School (gold medal), and Katherine Crossley, Summerland Middle School (gold medal), attended the meeting, displayed their projects and gold medals, and provided information regarding their experience at this event. Their projects were selected from the 337 across Canada projects showcased at the fair. Teachers Shirlene Peters, who is the regional coordinator, Raj Gupta, and Ken Ireson explained their volunteer roles in Youth Science Fairs at the regional and national levels. In addition to the $400 which accompanied each gold medal, Julia received for her project “Trapping Plant Toxins” a $2,000 scholarship plus an additional $10,000 University of Saskatchewan Scholarship that the College of Agriculture will match if she takes her Bachelor of Science there; Sarah and Laura received a $2,000 scholarship and the Bell Canada Communications Award of $1,500, for their project “Pringle Powered Networks”; and Katherine received a $2,000 scholarship for her project “What? I Can’t Hear You”. Congratulations and appreciation was extended to the students and staff for their achievements and presentations. Recognition of Student Success The superintendent of schools extended congratulations to the following students/groups for these outstanding examples of success: • All Wiltse Elementary students participated in the Jump Rope for Heart and raised $3,862 for further research/programs; in addition, the school will purchase a camcorder with the bonus credits they have with this organization. • Ms. Dunn's class at Wiltse is participating in the City of Penticton's project, "The Great Wall of Canada"; the large banner highlighting aspects of Penticton will travel across Canada. • A "Volunteer Appreciation Tea" was held at Wiltse for the large number of parents and community members volunteering at the school – 212 invitations were distributed. • The last Celebration Assembly of the year was held to honor Wiltse student successes; every child in the school is honored at one of these assemblies by the end of the year for a unique accomplishment recognized by his/her teacher. • Eighty-five grade 4 and 5 students at Wiltse will participate in the Track and Field Meet on June 5. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 3 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – June 10, 2002 • The KVR Middle School grade 8 drama classes presented a play called "Yearbook". Public performances and afternoon performances for students were held. • KVR's grade 8 band trip to Edmonton was a great success. The band entertained three elementary schools in southeast Edmonton. Mr. Brunelle and his students were great ambassadors for the school district. • The KVR grade 6 concert band and grade 7 jazz band played at Queen's Park and Carmi Elementary schools. Mr. Addison and his bands were great. • The KVR relay teams won every race but one in the relay meet. Coaches Jacquie Newton, Terry Threadkell, Barb Scatchard and Allen Beckingham are doing a splendid job with our track team. • The Skaha Lake Middle School Junior Jazz Band, under the direction of Ken Ireson, and the Senior Jazz Band, under the direction of Ken Ireson, both won Gold at the 2002 Music Fest Canada. • Skaha Lake Middle School students Laura and Sarah Wardlaw attended the National Science Fair and were gold medal winners. They are also the proud recipients of the Bell Canada Communications Award. • Over 150 grade 6 Skaha Lake Middle School students completed the DARE Program and graduated at the May ceremony held in their honor. • Twenty-six Skaha Lake Middle School students took part in the "Shark Showcase of Talent" held in May at the Shark Tank. • All Skaha Lake Middle School grade 7 classes experienced the wonders of Forestry through partnership with the Forestry BC Van, which hosted displays and industry presenters. • Katherine Crossley, a Summerland Middle School student, won a gold medal in the Junior "Life Science" category at the Canada Wide Science Fair in Saskatoon. This represents the best in Canada. Super achievement! • The Summerland Middle School Grade 8 Band, under the direction of Mr. Sabourin, won a bronze award at the Okanagan Valley Jazz Festival in Kelowna. • Summerland Secondary received word from the University of Victoria that SSS received the most entrance scholarships over any other high school in the Okanagan. SSS received two $2,000, two $4,000, and two $5,000 renewable scholarships. Scholarship winners will be announced at grad ceremonies. Well done, SSS!!! • Julia Lane, a Summerland Secondary student, won a Gold medal at the Canada Wide Science Fair in Saskatoon in the Senior "Environmental and Life Science" category with "Trapping Plant Toxins". Julia was awarded the University of Saskatchewan Scholarship for $10,000 that the College of Agriculture will match if she will take her B.Sc. there. • The Summerland Secondary School Senior Concert Band, under the direction of Jim Redding, won Gold at the National Band Championships. • Over 200 Summerland Secondary School students and staff participated in this year's Shakespearean Festival. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 4 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – June 10, 2002 • The Summerland Secondary School Golf Team, defending BC champs, has qualified for this year's Provincials in Victoria. • Melissa Eden, Grade 10 student at Summerland Secondary School, has been selected by the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association in Ottawa to join a Youth Forum (a two-day workshop on leadership skills for deaf and hard of hearing youth) to be held in Ottawa. • Seventy-seven percent of Kaleden's grade 4 class has mastered their Multiplication and Division Mad Minute facts. • Kaleden had a great showing from two Environmental "Mind Grind Teams" – Kaleden Frogs and Kaleden Cedars. • More than forty Kaleden runners took part in Cross Country running. • Grade 4 students at Kaleden are receiving awesome teaching from Mrs. April Cutler, OUC Teacher-in-Training. • Columbia's Grade 4 to 7 Concert was held at the Cleland Theatre on May 9. The concert was a musical production titled "We Has Jazz". Students were involved in singing, dancing and acting. Jazz greats from Fats Waller through to Scott Joplin were introduced, including Ella Fitzgerald and Ma Rainey. The whole production revolved around the appearance of Thelonius Monk. This was an up-beat dramatic presentation that was a big hit with our students, and an enthusiastic audience at the Cleland Theatre. Columbia's music teacher Joanne Forsyth, with assistance from the intermediate staff, is to be congratulated for a great concert. • Ryan Pigot, Grade 5 student at Trout Creek, was awarded an honorable mention in the Haiku poetry contest by Japan Airlines. • Thirty-three Trout Creek Elementary School students participated in the track club leading up to the district meet. • Four grade 5 girls presented 'cheers' for the Trout Creek May assembly Kindergarten class and sang O Canada for the whole school on the Friday morning announcements. • Thirty-one Penticton Secondary School students competed in the Okanagan Region Skills Canada BC Competition held at OUC – KLO Campus in Kelowna. Region level medal winners are: • • • • • • • • • Architectural CAD – first, Tyler Verkerk; second, Steve Cade Automotive Service – first, Jonathan Weisgerber; second, Shawn Rimmer Culinary Arts – second, Monique Beauchamp Graphic Design – first, Darcy Senger Mechanical CAD – second, Ron Holmes Fashion Design – second, Hao Che Ma Internet Website Design (team event) – second, Steve Shongrunden/Kyle Peatt TV and Video Production (team event) – first, Paula Munro and Ashley Mahoney; second, Dilia Knobel/Michelle Hofer; third, Clayton Gladish/Katie Hyde Gold medal winners and, in some categories, silver medal winners in the Skills Canada BC Competition advanced to the Provincial Skills Competition. Eleven “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 5 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – June 10, 2002 students from Pen High competed in the BC Provincial Skills Competition at BC Place in Vancouver. Provincial level medal winners are: • • • Graphic Design – first, Darcy Senger (Darcy Senger was eligible to compete in the Canadian National Skills Competition but declined due to a conflict with the Pen High convocation ceremony.) Internet Website Design (team event) – second place went to Steve Shongrunden/Kyle Peatt Penticton Secondary School students received first place in the B.C. Provincial Film Festival for their film “Choices & Decisions” and a Special Commendation Award for Animation for “Poisson D’Avril”. Additionally, the upcoming prestigious Cascadia Provincial Film Festival has announced its final nominations for the Winner’s Circle with all four of the PHAME Production entries making the final cut. Recognition of Student Art Work Congratulations was extended to the following students from McNicoll Park Junior Secondary School for their artwork currently on display at the school board office: • • • • • • • • Jon Petersen Amy Fairholm Stacey Jensen Sierra Marchildon Shawn Overton Keven Baylon Bree Berry Holly Ward Grade 10 Grade 10 Grade 10 Grade 10 Grade 10 Grade 9 Grade 9 Grade 9 Early Literacy Intervention Program and District Literacy Centre Teacher Allison McLaren provided an update regarding the early literacy intervention program and district literacy centre. The update included a review of the program goals, information regarding the training for early intervention teachers in each school, details of a manual produced for other teachers to use in classroom literacy programs, and information regarding kindergarten screening and follow-up three years later. It was noted that 85% of kindergarten students who required early literacy intervention needed no additional help at the end of the three-year period. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES MOTION: Courtney/Lewis that the minutes of the regular meeting held on May 13, 2002 be approved. CARRIED REPORT FROM CLOSED MEETING The secretary-treasurer reported on the closed regular meeting held on May 13, 2002: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. received correspondence regarding a personnel matter; confirmed teaching, CUPE and excluded staff changes; received information regarding the long service recognition/retirement dinner; confirmed assignments for principals and vice principals; approved a deferred salary leave plan; received information regarding staffing; received teacher reports; “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Page 6 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – June 10, 2002 received information regarding student suspensions; received a report from the finance and management committee; approved an early retirement incentive plan for support staff; authorized staff to finalize a contract item; received information regarding a BCPSEA representative council meeting. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Minister of Education A letter from Christy Clark, Minister of Education, approving the district’s request for a variation of the trustee electoral areas in School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha). Letter from Minister of Education A letter from Christy Clark, Minister of Education, responding to the Board’s letter to her regarding education funding. A copy of the Board’s letter to the Minister was attached as well. It was noted a similar letter had been sent to the Minister of Finance as suggested by Mr. Barisoff. Letter from Minister of Education A letter from Christy Clark, Minister of Education, announcing the 2002-03 capital plan and introducing future changes in the Ministry’s capital planning framework. Letter from Tune-agers A letter from the Tune-agers suggesting the Penticton Secondary School theatre be renamed the “George Gay Auditorium”. Copy of Letter to Minister of Education A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 41 (Burnaby) to the Minister of Education requesting that the deadline for elections of school planning councils be delayed to October 2002. Copy of Letter to Minister of Education A copy of a letter forwarded by School District No. 27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) to the Minister of Education regarding reductions necessary to balance the 2002-03 preliminary budget. MOTION: Shunter/Lindstrom that the correspondence be received and referred to appropriate committee. CARRIED REPORT OF SECRETARY-TREASURER Princess Margaret Secondary School Update For trustee information, the secretary-treasurer reported the dry walls are finished, the front entry stairs are formed, the exterior cladding is almost completed, t-bar ceilings are underway, the washroom ceramic tiling is being installed, and some millwork installation is underway. Mr. Hickling will be attending a site meeting on Thursday, and it is hoped the district will receive confirmation of an October 2002 completion date or earlier. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 7 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – June 10, 2002 McNicoll Park Junior Secondary School HVAC Mr. Regehr reported the startup meeting for this project was held on May 20 and that construction crews will be working afternoon shifts until the summer to avoid disruption during school hours. The project is scheduled for completion by October 2002. REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Enrolment In reviewing the enrolment report circulated with the agenda package, the superintendent of schools noted that the report shows a decrease of 27 students from last month, mostly in the secondary area. The current enrolment is 7,772 students or 7,493.2 FTE. MOTION: Courtney/Little that the enrolment report as of May 31, 2002 be received. CARRIED Field Trips The superintendent of schools reviewed a listing of field trip requests, some of which had been approved by the superintendent. MOTION: Lewis/Jamieson that the following field trip requests be approved: • • MOTION: May 27 to 29, 2002, for five grade 11 Summerland Secondary School students to compete in the provincial golf championships in Victoria, and that appropriate funding as per board policy be provided; May 30 to June 1, 2002, for five grade 10 to 12 students from Summerland Secondary School to compete in the provincial track and field championships in Burnaby, and that appropriate funding as per board policy be provided. CARRIED Courtney/Little that the following field trip request for international travel be approved in principle: • March 17 to 28, 2003, for an undetermined number of grade 11 or 12 French Immersion students from Penticton Secondary School to participate through EF Tours in a sightseeing and hiking trip to Costa Rica. CARRIED School Planning Councils The superintendent of schools provided information regarding a recent meeting with the deputy minister of education regarding school planning councils. Mr. Berg reviewed the Ministry’s draft principles for district and school planning, draft guidelines, the school planning cycle, the mandate of school planning councils, and interim guidelines for the 2002-03 school year. It was noted some training may need to be provided within the district and consideration should be given to developing a district policy regarding the school planning councils. Mr. Berg added the focus of school planning councils is to improve student achievement. Superintendent Transition Meetings The superintendent of schools provided information regarding transition meetings held with the Superintendent Designate Gary Doi on May 21, 22, and 23 and June 3 and 4. Mr. Doi met with district staff and partner groups, participated in school tours, attended a session with trustees, attended a principals’ and vice principals’ meeting and summer planning session, “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 8 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – June 10, 2002 participated in an ESL luncheon, and met separately with the chair and vice chair. Mr. Berg added that Mr. Doi extended appreciation to everyone for making him feel welcome and that he is looking forward to coming here during the summer. REPORT OF COMMITTEES Policy Committee Trustee Lindstrom reported that in accordance with the school district’s Policy No. 110, Policy th No. 311 – Substance Abuse was approved at the April 8 school board meeting for the 30day circulation period. As no suggestions for revisions to this policy have been received, it is recommended that this policy be approved. MOTION: Lindstrom/Courtney that Policy No. 311 – Substance Abuse be approved. CARRIED Education Committee Trustee Little reported that at the education committee meeting held on June 4, 2002, the committee received information regarding the UBC Report on children’s exposure to the sun, sunburns, and parental use of strategies to prevent sunburn. A significant number of Okanagan Skaha parents cooperated with the survey process and results of the survey are available to the public at The committee received reports on the Alternative Instruction at Maggie Program, which provides an alternative structured instructional program for students whose behaviors do not allow them to continue in one or more regular classrooms, and Pathways, a local contractor who provides professional counseling to adults and children related to drug and alcohol abuse. Committee members were advised the DARE (Drug and Alcohol Resistance Education) Program was presented to 601 grade 6 students across the district by eight members of the Penticton RCMP detachment and two members of the Summerland RCMP detachment during the seventeenweek program. Plans for delivery of the DARE program in the 2002-03 school year will be finalized in September 2002. Trustee Little added that committee members received a report regarding a principal’s exchange with a primary school in England and her perceptions of the British school system as compared to the B.C. system, received information related to the Building Instructional Capacity Project and the speakers arranged for the professional days planned for August 28 to 30, was advised the BC Liquor Stores Dry Grad Fundraiser Campaign in both Summerland and Penticton netted $277 for the Dry After Grad organizations and that 326 Penticton Secondary School grads had entered into pledges to avoid drinking and driving during Grad 2002, and received information related to a successful graduation ceremony and tea held by Penticton Secondary School on May 31, 2002. MOTION: Little/Jamieson that the graduation policy be referred to the policy committee for review to enable the scheduling of graduation events. CARRIED The final item covered at the education committee was an update on a local application to the Canadian Hockey Skills Academy Program for a local license. MOTION: Little/Shunter that the report of the education committee be received. CARRIED Curriculum Development Advisory Committee Trustee Lindstrom reported the curriculum development advisory committee met on June 4, 2002 to review resources for use in district schools and received proposals for locally developed courses to be offered to senior students within the district. John Buckley, a teacher at Princess Margaret Secondary, and Principal Bruce Johnson attended the board “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 9 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – June 10, 2002 meeting and provided additional information regarding the proposed Career Prep Adventure Tourism 11/12 course. MOTION: Lindstrom/Lewis that the following resources and locally developed courses be approved for use within the district: • • • • • The video Sticks & Stones, by National Film Board of Canada, be approved for use in the grade 10 Family Life Program in district schools; The video In Other words, by National Film Board of Canada, be approved for use by counselors only in small groups or as a one-on-one resource in district schools; The novel Dirt Bike Rescue, by D. Renaud, be approved for use as a grade 5 classroom resource in district schools; and that Career Prep Introductory Clothing and Textiles 11 (CPICT11) be renamed as a locally developed course Introductory Sewing 11 (XISW 11) to be offered to senior students in School District No. 67; and Career Prep Adventure Tourism 11/12 be accepted as revised as a locally developed course for senior students in School District No. 67. CARRIED Finance and Management Committee Trustee Courtney reported that at the finance and management committee meeting held on June 5, 2002, the committee was advised the contract to install the fibre cable in Penticton was approved on June 3 by the City of Penticton and that installation is targeted for August 1, 2002, which will allow the schools to be connected shortly after. The connection of the existing fibre system in Summerland schools to the Penticton system would complete the connection of all district schools. Following discussion, MOTION: Courtney/Shunter that the district will proceed with the connection of the fibre system in district schools within the funding identified for technology. CARRIED At the same committee meeting, the assistant superintendent reviewed the programs currently funded by Ministry of Children and Family Development and the announcement that 2002-03 funding is only guaranteed for seven month (September to March). A review of our options for these student services will continue. MOTION: Courtney/Little that the report of the finance and management committee be received. CARRIED Buildings, Grounds, Safety and Transportation Committee Trustee Jamieson reported that at the buildings, grounds, safety and transportation committee meeting held on June 5, 2002, the committee received an update on progress toward planning the climbing wall at Princess Margaret Secondary School. Following discussion regarding the construction and operating requirements, the committee reiterated the previous direction that in order to proceed the project must operate without cost to the district. The committee was advised additional recommendations have been received to rename the Penticton Secondary School auditorium and the matter will be brought forward in September. Committee members were advised that the district has received an allocation of $1,318,171 for building construction projects as part of the 2002-03 capital plan. It was noted this funding is increased from previous annual capital allowance funding but now includes responsibility for minor capital projects. Following review of a proposal for the use of these funds including the HVAC upgrade at Columbia Elementary, which was the highest priority minor capital project submitted for approval last year, “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) MOTION: Page 10 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting – June 10, 2002 Jamieson/Little that the Board approves the expenditure of the annual capital grant in the amount of $1,318,171 as described in the proposed budget. CARRIED Trustee Jamieson added the committee reviewed and supported the response sent on behalf of the committee to the City of Penticton regarding the proposed development at Main and Eckhardt and supported that the budget provision available this year for the replacement of a lawn mower be reserved for one year for the purchase of this machinery. MOTION: Jamieson/Courtney that the report of the buildings, grounds, safety and transportation committee be received. CARRIED NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS Trustee Liaison Appointments Chairman Denesiuk reported that trustee liaison appointments for the coming year are normally made at the June meeting and suggested they be postponed until following the November trustee election. MOTION: Jamieson/Little that current trustee liaison appointments remain in effect until following the November 2002 trustee election. CARRIED Meeting with Minister of Education Chairman Denesiuk reported topics covered at the meeting held with the Minister of Education on May 23, 2002 included: the impact on the district of not funding the teacher contract, school planning councils, the positive relationship with DPAC regarding the current goal setting process used within the district, social equity programs, and the inequities within the new funding formula. DATE OF NEXT MEETING September 9, 2002 Regular School Board Meeting TRUSTEE COMMENTS Trustees acknowledged and thanked Superintendent Berg for his many accomplishments and leadership provided to the school district and wished him well in his retirement. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Courtney/Lewis that the meeting be adjourned at 10:00 p.m. CARRIED ____________________ Chairperson ____________________ Secretary-Treasurer June 14, 2002 Ref: G:\DA\2001-2002\00100 - 00999 Admin\00300-05 Minutes Open\020610 OP.doc “Working Together for Student Success”