“Flowers for Algernon”

“Flowers for Algernon” by Daniel Keyes
(P.R. 8-11, pp. 91-100 IAR)
Name ___________________________________________ Date ____________ Period ______
Post-op ~
1. Identify signs that Charlie’s intelligence is increasing (character development).
2. Proofread Charlie’s progress reports. What types of mistakes is he making (ex. spelling
mistakes)? Do not list specific mistakes (ex. He misspelled the word langwidge.).
3. At this point in the story, how would you characterize Joe and Frank (p. 91-95)?
4. What important event occurs on April 6th? Why is it so important?
5. Identify possible reasons why Charlie has this sick feeling inside of him. Why is he ashamed?
(pp. 99 –100)
6. Describe how Charlie’s increasing intelligence is affecting his views of himself and of others.
7. What does it mean to “pull a Charlie Gordon” (p. 100)
8. What does the idiom “I got up the nerve” mean (p. 104)?
9. How do Charlie’s coworkers treat him now that his intelligence is increasing (pp. 103, 106107)? Why?
10. What event does Charlie think is comparable to death (pp. 105 & 106)?
Write a brief response to one of the following questions. Use appropriate paragraph structure.
1. (allusion) Why is Charlie’s decision to have the operation comparable to Eve’s decision to
accept fruit from the tree of knowledge [of good and evil]? 2. A major theme of the story is the
relationship of intelligence to happiness. Has Charlie become happier since the operation?