Physical Education/Education/Athletics/Dance Work Plan College of San Mateo Strategic Plan Division Work Plan 2008-2009 (Physical Education/Athletics/Dance) Goal 1: Programs and Services College of San Mateo will match its programs and services – and the manner in which they are delivered – to the evolving needs and expectations of our students and community. Objective: 1.1 Explore new program offerings that meet the needs of the community. (Examples: expanded Coastside offerings, Integrative Learning, E-portfolios, “Vista”) Action Step(s) Leads Outcomes Completion Date Resources needed 1.1.1 Development of Women’s Volleyball Program Dean, VPI, President Development of intercollegiate volleyball program. Course outlines developed. Coast Conference informed and CSM place on schedule. Title IX (gender equity) addressed. Spring, 2009 1.1.2 Continue to explore Multi-cultural dance courses address needs of our diverse student population Dean, dance faculty Multi-cultural dance courses created and offered Ongoing $3,287.00 per class 1.2.1 Develop online Fitness Trainer Certificate Faculty, Dean, VPI Course outline developed, program offered Fall, 2009 .15 FTE (approximately $3,287.00) 1.2.2 Develop online Yoga Certificate program Faculty, Dean, VPI Course outline developed, program offered Fall, 2009 .15 FTE (Approximately $3,287.00) 1.3.1 Identify possible winter intersession course offerings with other deans to accommodate time to degree needs of student-athletes. Deans, VPI, coaches Winter intersession courses offered Implemented winter, 2009 Depend on number of intersession courses offered and $ 13,000 initial start-up costs $24,000 yearly ongoing 1 Physical Education/Education/Athletics/Dance Work Plan FTE associated with each course 1.4.1 Partner with Private Health Clubs in San Mateo County to identify employment needs Dean Determine validity of CSM certificate programs, identify employer training needs Spring, 2009 None Goal 2: Enrollment Management College of San Mateo will develop and implement a comprehensive research-based enrollment management initiative that addresses all the stages of enrollment management, including marketing, outreach, recruitment, and retention. Objective: 2.1 Action Step(s) Leads Outcomes Completion Date Resources needed 2.1.1Work in collaboration with Marketing Dept. to assist with funding of Media Guides Dean, Marketing Dept., coaching staff Media Guides funded Ongoing Unknown at this time. 2.4.1 Continue to explore opportunities for weekend and evening course offerings Dean, faculty, PRIE Courses offered in evenings and weekends to entice enrollment Ongoing $3,287 per class 2.4.2 Continue to explore expansion opportunities at Coastside (additional course offerings) Dean Coastside, P.E. Dean, faculty Coastside offerings in Physical Education optimized Ongoing $3,287.00 per class. 2 Physical Education/Education/Athletics/Dance Work Plan Goal 3: Diversity College of San Mateo will promote a diverse learning and working environment that encourages tolerance, mutual respect and the free exchange of ideas. Objective: 3.1 Action Step(s) Leads Outcomes Completion Date Resources needed 3.1.1 Develop leadership group consisting of captains of all intercollegiate teams Dean, coaches Leadership group developed; meeting dates established Spring, 2009 N/A 3.4.1 Identify faculty wishing to take part in S.T.O.T. (Structured Training for Online Teaching) Dean, Faculty Faculty attending STOT sessions to create online courses End of Spring, 2009 N/A 3.1.2 Expand on Writing in the End Zone to possibly include math courses Dean, Football Coach, math Instructor Math course identified and offered as part of the Learning Community Fall, 2009 .3 FTE 3.1.3 3 Physical Education/Education/Athletics/Dance Work Plan Goal 4: Assessment CSM will ensure continuous quality improvement by integrating and promoting evidence-based assessment throughout the institution. Objectives: 4.1 Action Step(s) Leads Outcomes Completion Date Resources needed 4.1.1 Ensure division SLO representative communicates with faculty in fulfilling the SLO cycle Dean, SLO faculty Rep. SLO cycle progresses Ongoing N/A 4.1.2 Update SLO planning calendar Dean, SLO Rep. Planning Calendar updated and distributed Ongoing N/A 4.2.1 Partner with counseling dept. to ensure that Academic Advising for student-athletes is developed Counseling Dean, P.E. Dean, faculty Academic Advising structure for student-athletes created and implemented. Spring, 2009 unknown 4 Physical Education/Education/Athletics/Dance Work Plan Goal 5: Staff Recruitment, Retention, Development and Recognition College of San Mateo will recruit, select, retain, develop and recognize faculty, staff and administrators to advance the mission and vision of the college. Objectives: 5.1 Action Step(s) Leads 5.2.1 Ensure Professional Development opportunities for faculty are funded Dean, VPI, Professional Development Committee, Faculty 5.2.2 Ensure Athletic Director attends COA conferences to remain abreast of current legislation that affects Athletic Department Dean Outcomes Faculty attend Professional Development Conferences/Workshops; information received from workshops shared with division Conferences attended Completion Date Resources needed Ongoing Unknown Ongoing Approximately $2,000 per year 5 Physical Education/Education/Athletics/Dance Work Plan Goal 6: Institutional Planning and Effectiveness CSM will implement an integrated planning model that promotes transparency in decision making and planning and assesses these processes to ensure institutional effectiveness. Objectives: 6.1 Action Step(s) 6.1.1 Inform faculty about the newly adopted Integrated Planning Model. Information disseminated in division meetings and faculty encouraged to attend college-wide forms. Leads Dean Outcomes Faculty are informed and aware of the plans and timelines. Faculty understand the mechanism for requesting positions and equipment. Completion Date Ongoing Resources needed N/A 6.1.2 6.1.3 6 Physical Education/Education/Athletics/Dance Work Plan Goal 7: Institutional Resources College of San Mateo will promote fiscal accountability through an integrated resource allocation model linking institutional plans, budget development, program review, and organizational outcomes. It will also promote fiscal stability and program flexibility through the development of alternative funding sources. Objectives: 7.1 Action Step(s) Leads 7.1.1 Ensure faculty are aware of financial restraints Outcomes Completion Date Resources needed Dean Faculty understand fiscal challenges facing the college Ongoing N/A 7.1.2 Direct faculty to forecast short-term and long-term needs so appropriate budgeting can be applied. Faculty, dean, Equipment Manager Spreadsheet created and agreed upon by all faculty in the division identifying future needs. Spring, 2009 N/A 7.3.1 Work with coaches on potential fundraising opportunities to address the financial shortcomings Dean, Coaches Additional fundraising opportunities identified Spring, 2009 N/A 7 Physical Education/Education/Athletics/Dance Work Plan Goal 8: Facilities and Infrastructure College of San Mateo will support the needs of current and future students for vibrant, flexible, safe, environmentally responsible, and innovative learning environments. Objectives: 8.1 Action Step(s) 8.1.1 Ensure that faculty concerns regarding the state of the facilities in which they teach are adequately maintained. 8.4.1 Communicate with faculty/staff about any Capital Improvement Projects that will affect their operations 8.4.2 Encourage input and participation from faculty regarding B8 modernization plans. 8.4.3 Computer lab/study hall developed for use by studentathletes in B8 modernization plan Leads Faculty, dean, Supervisor of Facilities Dean Faculty, Deans, CPD Faculty, Dean, CPD Outcomes Completion Date Resources needed Student/faculty safety issues are constantly addressed; facilities are adequately maintained. Ongoing N/A Faculty/Staff informed about construction projects; their concerns heard and articulated; potential swing spaces secured to allow instruction to continue in an uninterrupted fashion. Innovative learning environments included in plans. Ongoing N/A Unknown. Determined based on funding for B8 modernization Unknown Unknown Study hall facility developed unknown 8 Physical Education/Education/Athletics/Dance Work Plan Goal 9: Communication College of San Mateo will practice authentic, informative, open, and honest written and oral communication in interpersonal, small group, intercultural, and public-discourse contexts, both in interactions within the college community and in interactions with the public. Objectives: 9.1 Action Step(s) Leads Outcomes Completion Date Resources needed 9.1.1 9.1.2 9.1.3 9