Western Michigan University Department of Educational Studies-Special Education Program SPED 4040: Teaching Practicum in Assessment, Curriculum and Instruction 1 Credit Hour - Fall 2009 INSTRUCTOR Name: Dr. Elizabeth Whitten Graduate Assistant: Carla Stanfield Address: 3506 Sangren Hall Office Phone: 387-5940 Cell Phone: 760-6801 Home Phone: 372-7343 Email: Whitten@wmich.edu Web Page: http://homepages.wmich.edu/~whitten Office Hours: Wednesday 12-2 and by appointment REQUIRED TEXTBOOK/MATERIALS Information from class and readings in SPED 4330 and SPED 4340 will be applied in SPED 4040. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides the student with a structured assignment working with a learner who is at-risk or has a mild disability. It is intended to enable the students to demonstrate skills in assessment and prescription and in the implementation and evaluation of a tutorial plan of instruction for a specific learner in a general education setting. Prerequisites: Consent of the department and concurrent enrollment in SPED 4330 and SPED 4340. SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM OUTCOMES The special education Clinical Graduate Programs will prepare graduate students to: 1. Provide quality educational services to students with disabilities in the state, region, and nation. 2. Use interdisciplinary communication skills associated with a teacher consultant role. 3. Plan and implement outcome-oriented educational programs for students with disabilities utilizing a student-centered process. 4. Work effectively with parents. 5. Implement the Clinical Teaching Model in their educational programs serving students with disabilities. 6. Function as a resource for regular educators serving students with disabilities. 7. Serve as a resource for parents/guardians of students with disabilities. 8. Serve as an advocate for individuals with disabilities in our society. 9. Function as a professional in the field of education. 10. Be a critical consumer of current and emerging educational techniques and technologies. 11. Demonstrate knowledge regarding the issues and needs of traditionally underrepresented populations. COMPETENCIES The competencies for the course are taken from the CEC Common Core of Knowledge of Skills Whitten SPED 4040 1 Standard #5: Learning Environments and Social Interactions CC5S1 Create a safe, equitable, positive, and supportive learning environment in which diversities are valued. CC5S2 Identify realistic expectations for personal and social behavior in various settings. CC5S3 Identify supports needed for integration into various program placements. CC5S4 Design learning environments that encourage active participation in individual and group activities. CC5S5 Modify the learning environment to manage behaviors. CC5S6 Use performance data and information from all stakeholders to make or suggest modifications in learning environments. CC5S7 Establish and maintain rapport with individuals with and without exceptional learning needs. CC5S8 Teach self-advocacy. CC5S9 Create an environment that encourages self-advocacy and increased independence. CC5S10 Use effective and varied behavior management strategies. CC5S11 Use the least intensive behavior management strategy consistent with the needs of the individual with exceptional learning needs. CC5S13 Organize, develop, and sustain learning environments that support positive intracultural and intercultural experiences. CC5S14 Mediate controversial intercultural issues among students within the learning environment in ways that enhance any culture, group, or person. CC5S16 Use universal precautions. Standard #6: Language CC6S1 Use strategies to support and enhance communication skills of individuals with exceptional learning needs. CC6S2 Use communication strategies and resources to facilitate understanding of subject matter for students whose primary language is not the dominant language. Standard #7: Instructional Planning CC7S1 Identify and prioritize areas of the general curriculum and accommodations for individuals with exceptional learning needs. Whitten SPED 4040 2 CC7S3 Involve the individual and family in setting instructional goals and monitoring progress. CC7S7 Integrate affective, social, and life skills with academic curricula. CC7S8 Develop and select instructional content, resources, and strategies that respond to cultural, linguistic, and gender differences. CC7S9 Incorporate and implement instructional and assistive technology into the educational program. CC7S10 Prepare lesson plans. CC7S11 Prepare and organize materials to implement daily lesson plans. CC7S12 Use instructional time effectively. CC7S13 Make responsive adjustments to instruction based on continual observations. Standard #8: Assessment CC8S1 Gather relevant background information. CC8S2 Administer nonbiased formal and informal assessments. CC8S3 Use technology to conduct assessments. CC8S4 Develop or modify individualized assessment strategies. CC8S5 Interpret information from formal and informal assessments. CC8S6 Use assessment information in making eligibility, program, and placement decisions for individuals with exceptional learning needs, including those from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds. CC8S7 Report assessment results to all stakeholders using effective communication skills. CC8S8 Evaluate instruction and monitor progress of individuals with exceptional learning needs. CC8S10 Create and maintain records. Standard #9: Professional and Ethical Practice CC9S8 Use verbal, nonverbal, and written language effectively. CC9S9 Conduct self-evaluation of instruction. CC9S10 Access information on exceptionalities. CC9S11 Reflect on one’s practice to improve instruction and guide professional growth. Whitten SPED 4040 3 CC9S12 Engage in professional activities that benefit individuals with exceptional learning needs, their families, and one’s colleagues. FIELD EXPERIENCE EXPECTATIONS: 1. Attend all assigned practicum meetings. 2. Professional conduct is expected from everyone, which includes attendance and punctuality. Failure to meet the standards for attendance and punctuality will result in automatic failure for this course. 3. Being on time is arriving at the class 5-10 minutes before the class or field experience is scheduled. 4. If you are going to be late or absent, you must call Dr. Whitten on her cell phone (you may leave a message on the voice mail if necessary) and call Ms. Stanfield on her cell phone so we will be able to let the teacher and student know you will not be teaching. 5. One excused absence is allowed. More than one excused absence is a concern to be discussed with Dr. Whitten. Multiple absences may result in a request for a Student Concerns Committee meeting with the special education faculty. 6. One unexcused absence (if you do not attend and you do not call) will be cause to fail SPED 4040. 7. Please dress professionally for your assigned school time which means you are not allowed to wear jeans. You represent WMU and you are making an impression of yourself as a beginning professional. ACTIVITIES: 1. All assignments are connected to SPED 4330 and SPED 4340. What is learned through coursework will be implemented in your practicum. 2. You will assess your assigned student in reading and math. All assessments will be turned in to Mrs. Bowerman. 3. After assessments are completed you will plan instruction for your assigned student in the areas of math or reading. A three-ring binder should be maintained for all lesson plan/work-sheets or any other material prepared for your student(s) and will be turned into Dr. Whitten and Mrs. Bowerman. This notebook will accompany you to practicum each Tuesday and Thursday. 4. You will also be responsible for monitoring your student’s progress in the above mentioned areas. Progress reports and final evaluation will be turned in to Dr. Whitten, Mrs. Bowerman, and your mentor teacher. REQUIREMENTS : Your practicum session at Northwood Elementary in Parchment starts at 8:30/9:00 am and ends at 10:00/10:30 am on each Tuesday and Thursday starting on September 17th. Your last session with the student will be on 12/10/09 when we will hold an academic carnival for our students. All work in the binder will be due on 12/15/09 during SPED 4340 final. You will be assigned one or two students whom you will assess and instruct in reading and math. The results of your assessment and intervention will be written up for the 4040 binder and your 4330 and 4340 assignments. You may be assigned other students to tutor by your supervising teacher, or other classroom activities. Please remember to sign in each day and if you are leaving early for any reason please let Dr. Whitten or Mrs. Stanfield know. Whitten SPED 4040 4 The initial sessions with your student should be used to develop rapport with the student, to administer assessments “to get know your student”, to plan your academic assessment activities, and to complete the initial math and reading assessments. Later sessions will be devoted to tutoring and progress monitoring in the areas of instruction. Each Tuesday and Thursday you must provide in your notebook a written lesson plan detailing your activities in your practicum site for that day. This summary must be TYPED and you must carry it with you to practicum. If you are instructing then you must provide a lesson plan using the required format. If you are assessing you must still include an anticipatory set and closure activity with the student. This assignment is worth 8 points each session. The lesson plans are required for the student(s) whom you are instructing in math and reading. COURSE GRADE CRITERIA This course is credit/no credit. All assignments for SPED 4330/4340/4040 must be completed to pass the course. To receive credit you must attend all assigned practicum times and complete all assignments at a satisfactory level. All materials that you complete for practicum must be WELL ORGANIZED and compiled in a three-ring binder. Well organized binders include tabs for various sections and a table of contents. NEED FOR ACCOMMODATIONS Any student with a documented disability (e.g., physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the professor and the appropriate Disability Services office at the beginning of the semester. The two disability service offices on campus are: Disabled Student Resources and Services 269.387.2116 or Office of Services for Students with Learning Disabilities 269.387.4411 DIVERSITY STATEMENT The Department of Educational Studies, Special Education Program maintains a strong and sustained commitment to the diverse and unique nature of all learners and to maintain high expectations for each student. STUDENT ACADEMIC CONDUCT Western Michigan University’s academic honesty and conduct in research policies have been created and defined by members of its academic community, recommended by its faculty senate, and adopted by its board of trustees. The Department of Educational Studies will adhere to all Student Academic Conduct polices and procedures as printed in the catalog. The processes necessary to support these policies are managed and facilitated by the Office of Student Judicial Affairs. All questions related to academic honesty will be referred to this office (387-2160). APA STYLE The Department of Special Education and Literacy Studies, Special Education Program has officially endorsed the style of the American Psychological Association (APA) for the completion of all written assignments unless otherwise stated. APA writing procedures are found in: American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Website: http://apastyle.apa.org/ Whitten SPED 4040 5 Placement Site: Mailing Address: 600 Edison Kalamazoo, Michigan 49004 Main Office - 269 488-1300 Fax - 269 488-1310 Sarah Johnson, Principal Jan Bussema, Secretary WEB ADDRESS: http://www.remc12.k12.mi.us/parchment/northwood.htm Please check out the website prior to going to the school so you are familiar with the school, staff and students Orientation on September 15, 2009 at 9:00 am Whitten SPED 4040 6 Lesson Plan: Subject Area: State Standard: GLEC: Goal: Lesson Objective: Materials and Equipment Needed: Teaching Strategies: Anticipatory Set: Time: Level of Learning Multiple Grouping Cognition: Modality: Intelligences: Pattern Presentation of Information: Time: Level of Learning Multiple Grouping Cognition: Modality: Intelligences: Pattern Guided Practice (Modeling): Time: Level of Learning Multiple Grouping Cognition: Modality: Intelligences: Pattern Independent Practice: Time: Level of Learning Multiple Grouping Cognition: Modality: Intelligences: Pattern Closure: Time: Level of Learning Multiple Grouping Cognition: Modality: Intelligences: Pattern Homework: Time: Level of Learning Multiple Grouping Cognition: Modality: Intelligences: Pattern Time: Level of Learning Multiple Grouping Cognition: Modality: Intelligences: Pattern Real Life Application: Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation: Whitten SPED 4040 7 Intern Teaching Report for Classroom Teacher Student: ___________________________________________________________ Intern: ____________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________________________ Daily Goal ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Math Activities _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Reading Activities _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Student Behavior _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Questions/ Resources Needed _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Whitten SPED 4040 8 Case Study Binder Rubric SPED 4040 Fall 2009 Child’s Name: Child’s Grade: Child’s DOB: Child’s Classroom Teacher: SPED 4040 SPED 4330 1. Introduction to your student(s) Write a page about your student summarizing the assessment used on “Getting to Know Your Student” (use first name only). Include a description of the student, the student’s interests, learning modality, multiple intelligence, schedule of the day, family background, demographics of the school, and curricula currently used.. ___ 15 pts. ___ 5 pts. 2. CBM Initial Assessment Results (Reading, and Math). After reporting the results give a short narrative of your data. Also include any additional important information – i.e. had a difficult time staying on-task, took a long time to transition between tasks, was resistant to testing, was a joy to work with, was personable and friendly, etc… ___5 pts. ___40 pts. 3. Present Level of Educational Performance in Reading and Math: ___4 pts. ___ 10 pts. 4. Setting and Analysis of Possible Related Factors: Why do you think ___5 pts. the student is having this issue. Just having a learning disability is not exactly what we’re looking for maybe they have not had a program that focuses on fluency or maybe they have not had enough instruction or enough practice in this area. Are there any other issues gong on, for example, student needs glasses, student has missed a lot of school, etc… ___10 pts. 5. Overall Goals in Reading and Math: ___8 pts. ___5pts. 6. Progress Monitoring Assessment Performance: Reading & Math. ___10 pts. Reading 1st: 2nd: 3rd: 4th: 5th: Math 1st: 2nd: 3rd: 4th: 5th: 7. Progress Monitoring Graphs: You will provide graphs and a narrative summary of CBM data ___10 pts. Whitten SPED 4040 9 ___20 pts. used for on-going progress monitoring: 8. Description of Intervention/Instruction. Name of program, strategy(s), and description of activities. Provide details on the strategy(s) and appropriate reference (one page summary) . 9. Lesson Plans in Reading and Math 24 lesson plans – one for each practicum session Using the attached lesson plan format 10. Weekly emails or copies of intern teaching reports given to classroom teacher(s) (Provide original copies of weekly emails and teacher responses) 11. Summary. Sum up the student’s progress during the intervention and monitoring. If adequate progress was made, what impacted the student’s progress. If there was not adequate progress, why not? What should happen next in the student’s program to be able to achieve the student’s goal(s). Should the goals for this student be increased or decreased? ___10 pts. ___10 pts. ___96 pts. ___24 pts. ___15 pts. ___30 pts. 12. Recommendations for Academic Interventions and Strategy Instruction (separate sheets for each report – each report should contain a short summary of the students info from the GTKY assessment, current levels, goals, strategies, and recommendation(s): For General Education Teacher: ___15 pts. For Parent(s): ___15 pts. For Student: ___15 pts. For Administrator: ___15 pts. ___20 pts. 13. Append all CBM probes and other assessment materials used during the instruction 14. Your evaluation of the experience ___10 pts. Organization, clarity of writing and reporting, and neatness. ___28 pts. TOTAL POINTS _____/ 300 pts. _____/150pts. Whitten SPED 4040 10