Plano Independent School District Plano Schools Celebrate National Day of Service and Remembrance The Plano ISD Council of PTAs celebrated the centennial of Texas PTA with a gift to Plano ISD’s historic classroom located at the Cox Building on Avenue H in downtown Plano. A historic PTA scrapbook is now showcased in the classroom, which is toured by fourth grade students each year. Plano ISD Council of PTAs President Cara Mendelsohn joined fellow Council officers and past-presidents at the November, 2009 school board meeting where trustees recognized the PTA gift. Karla Oliver, executive director for government and community relations, noted that the PTA’s historic scrapbook is a “special treasure overflowing with notes, letters and memorabilia that focuses on a period of the district from 1951 through 1958. In addition, there is a separate PTA program from 1932-1933 that lists board members with familiar last names such ILLUM INATING LEARNERS as Mathews, Harrington, Haggard, Haynes and Schell.” I L L U M I N A T I N G 2010 L E A R N E R S Annual Report Table of Contents Dear Friends 1 Mission and Goals 2 Vision Statement 3 Quick Facts 4 Class of 2010 College Readiness Indicators 6 National Merit Semifinalists The Plano Independent School District is happy to present this 7 Financial Focus results of a twelve-month journey filled with gains in educational 8 Bond Program Update college readiness, the results of state assessments, state honor 10 School & Community Relationships 12 Education Foundation ratings. And we list our facility and technology bond projects that are 16 Student Achievements These bond projects are revitalizing neighborhoods across the school 20 Professional Pride 22 Faculty & Staff Honors 24 2010-11 District Initiatives Mission Statement The mission of the Plano Independent School District is to provide an excellent education for all students. District Goals Plano ISD has two major ongoing district goals: •Ensure continued improvement in student learning •Ensure efficient use of financial resources/budgeting 2009-10 Annual Report “Illuminating Learners,” which reflects the achievement. You will read about the Class of 2010 and our graduates’ roll schools and numerous student achievements across academic disciplines and in extra-curricular programs. We also proudly report our school district’s superior financial being fulfilled on time and within budget as promised to our taxpayers. district, as existing campuses are being renovated to bring them up to today’s technical and aesthetic standards. Superintendent AND Cabinet Dr. Douglas Otto Superintendent of Schools Danny Modisette Deputy Superintendent School Board This report includes highlights of the many vital programs provided by the Plano ISD Education Foundation and other community partners whose tireless efforts on behalf of our students and staff enhance and support education in Plano schools. Richard Matkin Associate Superintendent for Business Services We are pleased to feature the professional benefits of working in Plano schools, while we shine a spotlight on several achievements of our faculty and staff, educators who have dedicated their lives to the success of our students. Jim Hirsch Associate Superintendent for Academic and Technology Services We conclude the report with a look ahead at our 2010-11 district initiatives, which support two overarching goals: ensuring continued improvement in student learning and ensuring the efficient use of financial Dr. Doug Otto Superintendent of Schools Karla Oliver Executive Director for Government and Community Relations resources. On behalf of the Plano ISD Board of Trustees, administration, faculty and staff, I invite you to celebrate the successes of our district and to share these success stories Denise Gillespie Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and Board of Trustees with your friends and colleagues. Thank you for your continued support of Plano schools. Sincerely, “Illuminating Learners” Annual Report Published December, 2010, by the Plano ISD Communications Department For a summary of this publication in Spanish, visit our website at or call (469) 752-8150. Doug Otto Superintendent of Schools Area Assistant Superintendents: Roxanne Burleson Central Cluster Schools Mike Collinsworth East Cluster Schools Patty Meyer West Cluster Schools 2010-11 Board of Trustees (back row) Lloyd “Skip” Jenkins, president; Carrolyn Moebius; Tammy Richards; Brad Shanklin, vice-president; (front row) Nancy Humphrey, Marilyn Hinton and Missy Bender, secretary. 1 STRATEGIC GOALS COMMUNITY SCHOOLS Student Learning Plano is a multicultural community located 20 miles Number of Schools We will provide an innovative curriculum with instructional programs Participating in Plano ISD and services that develop each student’s potential to graduate prepared for post secondary experiences and the challenges of a schools empowers students global society. to be able to adapt to new Community Connectedness north of Dallas in a high-technology corridor and is home Grade Level Enterprise Services, Bank of America Home Loans, Frito- Elementary (PreK-5) 26,783 Lay, Dell Services and Alcatel-Lucent. Middle (6-8) 12,630 Population 2009* High (9-10) 8,368 Senior High (11-12) 2010 P LA NO INDEP ENDENT SCHO O L DIS TRICT ANNUAL REP ORT 273,000 responsibility, understanding, involvement and support of education to Higher Education throughout their lives, ensure student success. Collin College, SMU in Plano, University of North Texas, collaborate with, and Capacity Development University of Texas at Dallas, Texas Woman’s University, learning opportunities contribute to, the global community and to be creative and disciplined in their thinking. We will provide professional development for all employees to We will analyze and use relevant data to improve student achievement and district operations. Income* maximize student learning. We will work to acquire and manage appropriate resources to maximize student learning. All programs, support services and facilities will be continually evaluated to promote successful student learning. Data-Informed Decision-Making Guiding Principles • We will model and encourage cooperation and teamwork. • We will encourage and be responsive to high community expectations consistent with our mission. • We will strive to ensure a safe, nurturing and orderly environment Mean Household Income 18.6% 33.2% 6.0% 19.7% 14.9% 3.4% 4.1% $101,381 (2009 inflation adjusted dollars) Top Employment Industries 2009* Professional, scientific, management, administrative & waste management services 18.6% Educational services, health care & social assistance 16.9% leadership by all. Finance, insurance, real estate, rental & leasing 13.0% • We will focus on academic and life-long learning skills. Retail trade 11.9% conducive to learning. Plano ISD former Teachers of the Year helped lead 7,000 employees in a flash mob dance to the tune I Gotta Feeling at the 2010 Employee Convocation. Pictured are Aldridge Elementary School Principal Marilyn Carruthers and Literacy Specialist Beth Hubbard with Hedgcoxe Elementary School Music Specialist Linda Arbolino. Total Enrollment University of Dallas Educational Attainment of Citizenry 2009* (25 years and older) Graduate or professional degree Bachelor’s degree Associate’s degree Some college, no degree High school graduate (includes equivalency) 9th to 12th grade, no diploma Less than 9th grade continually develop their professional and interpersonal skills to # of students (October, 2010) to corporate giants like JCPenney Company, Inc., HP We will proactively inform and engage our community to promote social • We will encourage, develop and support bold, responsible 2 Quick Facts PLANO SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITY Manufacturing 9.4% Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation & food services 8.7% Information 5.0% Construction 4.3% Staff Teachers 4,015 Librarians 70 Education Aides 625 Non-Instructional Campus Paraprofessionals 339 Interpreters 11 School Principals 71 Assistant Principals 88 Counselors 156 School Nurses 73 Educational Diagnosticians, Speech Pathologists, Psychologists & Social Workers 149 Superintendent, Deputy, Associate & Assistants 7 Non-Campus Professionals & Paraprofessionals 443 Auxiliary 787 Total Number of Employees 6,834 To celebrate Earth Day, 2010, all 640 Mitchell Elementary School students were able to pick out and take home a two-gallon tree donated by TXU Energy and the Texas Trees Foundation. Pictured are Mitchell 5th grader Jared Friedman and his mother, Terry Friedman. 3 Other services, except public administration 4.6% Wholesale trade 3.4% Transportation, warehousing & utilities 2.3% Public administration 1.0% Agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting & mining 0.8% *Source: Information adapted from U.S. Census Bureau 2009 7,574 55,355 ILLUM INATING LEARNERS Statement VISION ADVANCED PLACEMENT CLASS OF 2010 INDICATORS “In addition to exceptional college entrance exam scores, a significant number of Plano ISD students are challenging themselves by taking Plano ISD students’ scores on college entrance exams far exceeded state and national averages in 2010. The Advanced Placement courses and participating in the International Baccalaureate program and Collin College concurrent enrollment,” noted Paul Weaver, director of counseling and guidance. “These statistics indicate a strong dedication of our teachers and counselors to work diligently to get more students enrolled and involved in honors and advanced courses,” said Mr. Weaver. 2010 P LA NO INDEP ENDENT SCHO O L DIS TRICT ANNUAL REP ORT incomparable performance of Plano ISD students on these exams gives them a competitive edge for college admission and college success. SCHOLASTIC APTITUDE TEST (SAT) RESULTS 2,337 Plano ISD students took the SAT in 2010 as compared to 2,119 students in 2009. Plano ISD students’ average scores far exceeded those of students across the state and nation on all three tests, including critical reading, math and writing. The SAT critical reading score of 556 compares to 481 at the state level and 498 for the nation’s students. The SAT math average score was 595 for Plano ISD students and 504 and 511, respectively, for students in Texas and the nation. SAT writing average scores were 545 for Plano ISD students and 469 and 488 across the state and nation, respectively. AMERICAN COLLEGE TEST (ACT) RESULTS 1,643 Plano ISD students took the ACT exam in 2009-10 as compared to 1,446 last year. The composite score of 25.7 earned by Plano ISD students far exceeded that of students across the state (20.8) and nation (21). The ACT English score of Plano ISD students held steady at ENROLLMENT & SCORES With 2,905 students taking Advanced Placement (AP) tests for college credit, Plano ISD’s AP program is one of the largest in the nation. The number of Plano ISD senior high school students who took AP exams increased to 7,842 students as compared to 7,513 in 2009. 80% of AP test scores at the senior high schools were 3 or higher. This reflects the same percentage as in 2009. AP test-takers at the high school level (grades 9-10) increased significantly from 1,109 in 2009 to 1,826 in 2010, while the number of tests taken increased from 1,192 to 2,156 for the same years, respectively. Also at the high school level, 72% of students scored a 3 or higher on AP tests as compared to 64% of students in 2009. In alignment with district goals, Plano ISD has opened the door for many more students to take AP and honors courses. For many of these students, 2010 was the first time to take an AP test. Middle School AP Spanish test takers numbered 153 in 2010 as opposed to 142 in 2009. INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE PROGRAM The International Baccalaureate Program is a rigorous course of study designed to meet the needs of highly motivated secondary students and to promote international understanding. Many students earning the IB Diploma are awarded advanced college credit at prestigious universities around the world. Since 1995, Plano ISD students have entered the International Honors Program at either Clark High School or Williams High School in the ninth grade followed by the two-year IB Program at Plano East Senior High. In 2010, Plano ISD boasted 97 full diploma candidates through its International Baccalaureate (IB) program. This reflects an increase from 68 students in 2009. 60 IB diplomas were awarded in 2010 as compared to 44 in 2009. Plano ISD students took 642 IB exams in 2010 compared to 623 in 2009, passing 486 exams as compared to 362 the prior year. 25.1 compared to last year. Scores of students across Texas and the nation on the English exam were 19.7 and 20.5, DUAL ENROLLMENT respectively. Since fall, 2005, Plano ISD has offered a dual enrollment program through Collin College. The number of students enrolled has grown from 27 to 603. This is a strong indication of the success of the program and our students’ post-secondary readiness. Students earned college credit through Collin College in the following courses: U.S. History, Government, Economics and English IV. Plano ISD students scored an average 26.9 on the math exam, a jump from the 26.3 average in 2009. Statewide and nationally, students’ average scores on the same exam were 21.4 and 21, respectively. The science reasoning average score 4 Graduates in the Class of 2010, representing all three Plano ISD senior high schools, earned scholarships totaling $34,600,815 to further their studies at institutions of higher education. of Plano ISD students increased from 24.5 nationally, students averaged 20.9 on the science reasoning exam. Plano ISD students and 20.8 and 21.3, respectively, for students in Texas and the nation. Shannon Spangler and Zen Ren spoke together at the Plano East graduation event. Leah Weintrub was among the student speakers at the Plano Senior High School graduation ceremony. 5 in 2009 to 25.1 in 2010. Statewide and Reading scores averaged 25.4 for Plano West graduates Kelsey Acosta and Shanon Adams ILLUM INATING LEARNERS College Readiness I L L U M I N A T I O N Among the first graduates who participated in Plano ISD’s AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) program were Diana Tirado, Bruna Tavares and Walter Neto of Plano West Senior High School. They are pictured at an AVID graduation reception. “All the experiences I’ve had in the AVID program throughout my years have led me to find my full potential and exceed in both life and education,” said Walter. 2010 – 2011 BUDGETARY FOCUS BUDGET BY FUNCTION SEMIFINALISTS Plano East Senior High School Ninety seniors achieved Semifinalist standing in the 2010 National Merit Scholarship 2010 P LA NO INDEP ENDENT SCHO O L DIS TRICT ANNUAL REP ORT 6 Program based on their performance on the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test. These academically gifted students are among 16,000 of their peers nationwide who represent less than one percent of high school seniors. Those who advanced to Finalist standing competed for National Merit Scholarships worth more than $36 million. Andrew R. Austin Amber S. Bhargava Jeremy T. Chang Borithi R. Chean Albert Chen Jared M. Christen Beverly M. Finneburgh Eun S. Kang Natalie R. Lazarescou Brendon B. Lu Marissa Miller Nageen K. Mir Nilay Y. Modi Hari S. Raman Tianhe Ren Suhith G. Shivani Yuan Tao Richa Thakur Carmen R. Tinker Alex C. Wang McIntyre L. Watts Matthew G. Wheatley Shruti R. Zaveri Plano Senior High School Prateek Bhattacharya Katherine E. Borner Julie C. Chang Elizabeth L. Chen Jane Chen Zi-on Cheung Stephen T. Cook Ryan M. Dewey Neil M. Dsouza Jennifer W. Gao Vineet Gopal Kushal Gulati Huashu Huang Benjamin Hwu David Jiang Sravanthi Kadali Ryan A. Kiel Pictured are 2010 Valedictorians Ian Chan (top left), Plano East Senior High School; Julia Chang, Plano Senior High School; and Kenny Lee, Plano West Senior High School. Salutatorians were Carmen Tinker, Plano East; Huashu Huang, Plano; and Michelle Ann Kurkowski, Plano West. Isabella Y. Kuo Xingchen Li Tony X. Lian Huiwen Liu Douglas G. Schadt Parth J. Vyasa Maura K. Wade Jason B. Wan Cindy S. Wang Leah A. Weintrub Brian J. Widder Albert K. Xiao Olyver K. Yau Xinyue Ye Celina C. You Alicia J. Young Haoshu Yuwen Janice R. Zhang Plano West Senior High School Vaibhav Agarwala Davis H. Ballew William L. Butcher Andrea M. Chang Jamison J. Chang Kevin Chiou U Hyuk Choi Carrie D. Dempster Daniel E. Gonzalez Isaac A. Hellemn Justin P. Howard Winston D. Hurst Dmitri V. Ilushin Rebecca John Elliott J. Joo Quinn Marie Leary Kenny A. Lee Elisa B. Lin Louis Lu Corie B. Miller Sylvianne T. Nguyen Joshua H. Ou Tina Ou Grace J. Park Megan E. Poorman Philip M. Rosen Jennifer E. Sheppard Visakha Suresh Tiffany L. Wang Michael S. Wei Grace Wey Megan C. Yu Financial FOCUS SUPERIOR FINANCIAL RESULTS • Annually, Plano ISD undergoes careful financial scrutiny from an independent auditing firm Weaver & Tidwell, LLP. The company INSTRUCTION 70.33% DISTRICT OPERATIONS 14.94% INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT 12.54% GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 2.19% delivered “an unqualified opinion” of Plano ISD’s financial services and records for 2009-2010. BUDGET BY FUNCTION BUDGET BY OBJECT • For 27 consecutive years, Plano ISD has earned a “Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting” by the Government Finance Officers Association of the U.S. and Canada. • Plano ISD has earned, for seven consecutive years, the highest rating of “Superior Achievement” through the Texas Education Agency’s Schools FIRST (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas) program. • The Local Government Assistance and Economic Development Comptroller of Public Accounts presented Plano ISD with a INSTRUCTION “Leadership Circle Award” gold seal, a mark of success indicating implementation of financial transparency. 70.33% DISTRICT OPERATIONS 14.94% INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT 12.54% GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 2.19% 2010-2011 FINANCIAL DATA SALARY & BENEFITS CONTRACTED SERVICES/ UTILITIES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS OTHER OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY 84.82% 10.44% 3.62% 1.05% 0.07% Assessed Values Residential $23,687,339,686 64% $8,714,666,802 23% $886,318,304 2% $2,966,024,473 8% Exempt $1,289,038,107 3% TOTAL $37,543,387,372 Industrial Rural Personal Operating Fund Revenue: Local Funds $360,170,612 78% State Funds $101,306,384 22% $1,472,470 Less than 1% Federal Funds Operating Fund Appropriations Salary & Benefits $347,327,950 83% Other Expenses $72,934,085 17% Flow-Thru Costs Recapture Payments $32,563,702 TIF Flow-Thru $4,900,000 Cost Per Pupil $7,597* 2010 – 2011 AREA TAX RATES Wylie Allen McKinney Rockwall Lewisville Coppell Mesquite Frisco Plano Carrollton/FB Richardson Garland $1.6400 $1.5400 $1.5280 $1.4700 $1.4267 $1.4242 $1.4200 $1.3900 $1.3534 $1.3469 $1.3400 $1.2533 ILLUM INATING LEARNERS National Merit 2010 *Per $100 of assessed home value PLANO ISD TAX RATE HISTORY YEAR 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 *TOTAL TAX RATE $1.7334 $1.5784 $1.2684 $1.3034 $1.3284 $1.3534 *Per $100 of assessed home value 7 *Based on projected enrollment of 55,322 Dooley Elementary School held its first Kids’ Inquiry Conference to increase students’ critical thinking and personalize education through student academic data collection and instruction. PROMISEDFULFILLED Bond Program 2008 I L L U M I N A T I O N Schedules for most of the bond projects are contingent upon bond sales. Construction planning is 2010 P LA NO INDEP ENDENT SCHO O L DIS TRICT ANNUAL REP ORT 8 continuing; however, the interest rate and timing of improvements in the Each year that the award has been given (19 years), Plano ISD has received a “What Parents Want” award from SchoolMatch® of Columbus, Ohio, the nation’s largest school selection firm. Only 16 percent of the nation’s public school districts have been so recognized for meeting the needs of families choosing schools through the consulting company. Capital Improvements – Instruction $10,497,000 Career Education In progress Physical Education Lockers Ongoing Fine Arts Equipment Ongoing Science Labs Ongoing Library In progress Department Requests $15,343,500 Safety and Security Ongoing Food and Nutritional Services Ongoing Transportation Ongoing Additional Capital Projects $9,860,000 Bird Education Center Parking Project Planning for summer 2011 construction Energy Efficient Lighting 48 sites completed (as planned) Water Conservation Irrigation Upgrades Ongoing Athletic Capital Improvements Ongoing District-wide Capital Projects Ongoing Systems and Compliance market will determine actual (Capital Improvements – 47 Sites) bond expenditures. security systems, roofs, flooring, HVAC, energy management, fire alarms, fire lane parking PROMISED FULFILLED Pre-funded Projects $27,850,000 Schell Elementary School Construction completed summer 2007 Employee Child Care Center Building purchased and opened fall 2008 Land Acquisitions Capital Improvements – Instructional Sara Isaacs Early Childhood School Barron Conversion New Elementary School Douglas W. Otto Middle School McMillen High School $140,855,112 Construction completed fall 2009 Construction completed fall 2009 Planning and construction TBD Construction completed summer 2010 Construction to complete summer 2011 Renovations (Elementary Schools) Bethany Brinker Daffron Hedgcoxe Jackson Memorial Mendenhall Mitchell Rasor Weatherford $121,166,629 Planning to start in third phase Planning to start in fourth phase Planning to start in fourth phase Planning to start in fourth phase Construction to complete fall 2011 Planning underway, construction to complete fall 2012 Construction to complete fall 2011 Planning to start in third phase Planning to start in third phase Planning underway, construction to complete fall 2012 Additions/Modifications Plano East Senior High School Science/Kitchen & Dining Vines High School Fine Arts & Science Addition Plano West Senior High School Kitchen & Dining $36,154,394 District-wide facility upgrades/replacements for $62,182,369 Construction completed fall 2010 Construction completed fall 2010 Planning to begin following enrollment evaluation Haggard Middle School Fine Arts Addition Planning underway, construction to complete fall 2011 Plano Senior High School Fine Arts Addition Construction to complete fall 2011 Forman Elementary School Addition – Classrooms Construction completed fall 2010 Guinn Center Addition – Classrooms/Kitchen/Serving Line Construction completed fall 2010 Dr. Doug Otto, superintendent of schools, was the guest of honor at the dedication of Otto Middle School. The school opened with 835 students in August, 2010. The school was constructed with funds from the 2008 bond program. Ongoing Curriculum and Technology (Capital Improvements – District-wide) $66,090,996 Replacement Program: Classroom Technology Initiatives Ongoing Digital Visual Presenters (K-12) In progress PC operating and productivity systems upgrade (K-12) Ongoing Digital Cameras (K-12) Completed Web-based enterprise applications Ongoing Curriculum Specific: Art (K-5) Completed Career and Technology Education (6-12) In progress Elementary (K-5) In progress Foreign Language (6-12) Completed Health and Physical Education (K-12) Ongoing Learning Media Services (K-12) In progress Mathematics (6-12) Completed Science (6-12) In progress Special Education (K-12) Ongoing Speech (9-12) In progress Theatre Arts (6-12) In progress Central/Auxiliary Services Initiatives: (Below) Plano ISD Employee Child Care Center Director Stacie Kaeuper and a child are pictured at the existing center located at Spring Creek Pkwy. and Coit Road. With the construction of the new Mendenhall Elementary School, the newest wing of the existing facility will be saved to house an additional employee child care center in the east side of the district. 9 Communications Completed Food and Nutritional Services In progress Technology – upgrade wireless infrastructure Completed Transportation In progress Total Bond Program (Above) An architect’s rendering of the new Mendenhall Elementary School front entrance shows how the campus will look when completed in fall 2011. $490,000,000 ACADEMY VISIONING ADULT EDUCATION & FAMILY LITERACY WEEK City of Plano Mayor Phil Dyer proclaimed September 13-19, 2010, as “Adult Education and Family Literacy Week” in Plano with a special presentation of the proclamation to the Plano Family Literacy Program held at the literacy center. PTA PRESIDENTS HONORED BY DISTRICT City Councilwoman Jean Nearly 200 guests, including PTA presidents, principals, district administrators and school trustees, attended Plano ISD’s annual appreciation luncheon for PTA presidents held in March, 2010, at Excellence in education is best achieved through a shared vision and the cooperative efforts of 2010 P LA NO INDEP ENDENT SCHO O L DIS TRICT ANNUAL REP ORT schools, parents, community volunteers and business partners. These community stakeholders donate their time, talent and treasure to Plano’s most valuable resource — its students. Collin College. Jane Lilliston and Jean Callison Superintendent of Schools Dr. Doug Otto made remarks. Paul Weaver, district director of counseling and guidance, provided the keynote speech. Karla Oliver, executive director for government and community relations, welcomed guests, and Cara Mendelsohn, Plano ISD Council of PTAs, provided the PTA greeting. Superintendent of Schools Dr. Doug Otto, during his remarks to luncheon guests, said, “You understand how important it is to be involved in this great enterprise of serving children. Our schools are not just good, but they are great, in large part due to our PTA volunteers.” To kick off the 2010-11 school year, the new PTA Council President Angela Miner addressed the school board, sharing PTA’s vision and facts with trustees. PTA COUNCIL VISION & FACTS The vision for the council this school year is to make every child’s Lilliston with city officials, In the proclamation, Mayor Dyer encouraged all citizens to join him and the Plano City Council in supporting Plano lSD, the Plano parent, community, business, district and student representatives, met each week Plano ISD. During the printing of this report, the committee was preparing its recommendation to the Plano ISD Board of Trustees regarding the feasibility of a grade 9-12 option for students that offers program choices not currently available in the comprehensive high schools and senior high schools. In addition to meetings, the committee ISD Education Foundation and the Family Literacy program for the hosted an education summit to share its dedication of the teachers, staff and participants involved in the findings with Plano ISD parents and patrons program who positively affect the children and families of the city. and to solicit public input on an important district initiative. Committee members DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., TRIBUTE EVENT presented an overview of their work, including More than 1,000 guests enjoyed Plano ISD’s Annual Martin Luther ideas for the academy’s educational focus. King, Jr., Tribute event held in January, 2010, at Plano Centre. “Free Guests conversed with committee members to Lead” was the theme for the event, which was open to the public and which showcased hundreds of students in a parade who facilitated table discussions and served as resources. Each table group posted concerns and interests to the larger group via a shared electronic work space. of nations and in the Plano Children’s Chorale. • There are currently 32,797 PTA members in Plano ISD. Also performing were • Recent training conducted for PTA members included a presidents’ students in the Plano Senior training attended by Angela Miner and paid for by the Texas PTA, a High School Wind Ensemble council board orientation meeting provided by Texas PTA and a and featured in a video were Student speaker Yemi Adewuyi of Williams High School is pictured with MLK Chairwoman Dr. Myrtle Hightower. Beaty Early Childhood School students. Speech students lent their talents to the words of Dr. King, while student authors shared their letters to the civil rights leader. contest, and the Plano ISD Diversity Advisory Committee’s diversity Current senior high school students addressed the Academy Visioning Committee regarding their school experiences and ideas for an academy school. leadership awards nominees and winners were announced. A WELCOME FOR NEW PLANO ISD TEACHERS Four hundred new-to-Plano ISD teachers were hosted at an August 2010 luncheon sponsored by the school district, InTouch Credit Union, The Shops at Willow Bend and the Plano Chamber of Commerce. The annual back-to-school event is held during new teacher inservice and is attended by teachers, principals, district Plano West Senior High School Principal Kathy King and PTA President Mondrell Oz were among guests who attended an annual luncheon held in honor of PTA presidents and hosted by the school board, district administration and school principals. approximately 60 research the concept of an academy school for At the event, awards were given to the winners of the student art 10 comprising continue to meet in January, 2011, to study and The group then toured the literacy center. support local PTAs. Sharon Goldblatt currently serves as president of the Texas PTA. For many years, Sharon has served as a leader in the Plano ISD Council of PTAs and as president of the Plano ISD Key Communicators group. Committee, Literacy Program Director Jane Services Dr. Cathy Galloway and other administrators in attendance. • The Plano ISD Council of PTAs has 28 board members to Building Success!” Academy Visioning throughout the fall semester 2010, and will Monica Shortino, Plano ISD Executive Director for Student and Family • The Plano ISD Council of PTAs supports 69 local PTA units. • This year’s theme for the Plano ISD Council of PTAs is “Let’s Start The Plano ISD proclamation to Plano Family Board of Trustees, Plano ISD Education Foundation Executive Director community to advocate for all children. Plano PTA leaders. STUDY FOR SCHOOL BOARD Callison presented the official members of the Plano ISD potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and the summer leadership seminar held in Austin and attended by 70 COMMITTEE CONDUCTS ILLUM INATING LEARNERS Relationships SCHOOL & COMMUNITY trustees and administrators and sponsors. 11 Plano Senior High School new teachers were pictured with school and district administrators at the 2010 luncheon. Foundation PLANO ISD EDUCATION ALUMNI NEWS Last year, the Plano ISD Education Foundation announced its initiative to bring together alumni in support of Plano ISD. As part of that effort the foundation introduced a new website at and a quarterly newsletter. The foundation uses social media as a new form to reach alumni and allow a forum for interaction among alumni. The launch of a Plano In 2009-2010, the Plano ISD Education Foundation raised nearly $1,000,000 in private donations supporting quality education in Plano schools, made possible through an annual “Ski Plano” gala, Plano ISD 2010 P LA NO INDEP ENDENT SCHO O L DIS TRICT ANNUAL REP ORT 12 MAJOR DONORS 2009-2010 Valedictorian $50,000 - $100,000+ Employees of Plano ISD Texas Instruments Foundation Texas Health Presbyterian Plano Salutatorian $20,000 - $49,999 Capital One Dollar General Foundation Gay, McCall, Isaacks, Gordon & Roberts, P.C. The Medical Center of Plano Park Place Lexus Plano employee donations, a parent and community annual fund drive and gifts from corporations, foundations and individuals. As a result more than $800,000 was gifted to the Plano ISD for ISD Alumni Facebook page offers an interactive opportunity for Plano ISD alums to communicate with each other and encourages alums to stay engaged with the school district. The fan site will include regular volunteer opportunities in the district, reunion updates, sporting event updates, alumni spotlights and more. “Plano ISD has more than 100 years of graduates who know first hand the value of a Plano ISD education. It seemed logical to engage alumni as they have potential to be the district’s biggest cheerleaders and supporters,” said Bart Ridley, co-chair of the alumni committee. “College and university boosters make a huge impact on their campuses. They can also help lay an important educational foundation at the K-12 level.” Doyle Dean was honored in May, 2010, are college ready; recruit, retain and recognize the very best teachers; by the Plano ISD Education Foundation and support the role of parents and families in students’ learning. The with a resolution honoring his 45 years foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization governed by a board of service. Dr. Dean was presented with of 32 business and community leaders. a lifetime honorary membership to the Plano ISD Alumni Association. COMMUNITY HONOR ROLL CAMPAIGN “I Love Plano ISD” yard signs will be seen at homes and businesses With Honors $5,000 - $9,999 Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd & Joplin, P.C. The Andrea-Mennen Family Foundation ATMOS Energy Boeing Central Market Plano Flextronics Foundation Innovative Solutions for Education Sharon and David McCall Plano ISD Council of PTAs and Local PTAs Pogue Construction SHW Group, LLP Texas Instruments UDR Verizon ViewPoint Bank scholarships, and many others will be sustained by these funds. Also as part of the alumni initiative, the 2011 Ski Plano event’s Honorary throughout the district as part of the Community Honor Roll Campaign Chair will be Plano ISD alumni W.T. Greer, sponsored by the Plano ISD Education Foundation. This campaign benefits Plano ISD by allowing the district to incorporate priority MORE FOUNDATION NEWS Retired Plano Senior High Principal Dr. priority programs that enhance student learning; ensure all students Distinguished Achievement $10,000 - $19,999 Baylor Regional Medical Center at Plano City of Plano Ebby Halliday REALTORS® InTouch Credit Union ExxonMobil THE HEART HOSPITAL Baylor Plano Plano Arts & Cultural Endowment, Inc. Dr. Doyle Dean was honored by foundation President Beth Webb during a foundation board meeting upon his retirement and for his 45 years of service to Plano schools. Boggess Elementary School faculty, staff and families were among the 1,200 participants in the foundation’s 2010 Thrill of the Grill 5K fundraiser. a musician and singer. ILLUM INATING LEARNERS PLANO ISD EDUCATION FOUNDATION programs for which tax dollars are not available. District-wide enrichment programs such as additional mathematics and technology instruction, science camps for all fifth grade students, educator grants, programs to recruit, retain and recognize outstanding teachers, student THRILL OF THE GRILL 5K The foundation held its second annual “Thrill of the Grill” 5K, which grew to more than 1,200 runners and walkers who supported Plano schools. Superintendent of Schools Doug Otto served as honorary chair of the event, which included the 5K run/walk, food, live music, art and more. Proceeds from the event benefit the Plano ISD Education Foundation and its programs to support students and teachers. Becky Brownlee joined approximately 30 volunteers from Capital One who donated books and shared their love of reading with children and parents at the Plano Family Literacy Program. Students from Jackson Elementary School joined in the fun by producing artwork for the annual “I love Plano ISD” community honor roll campaign. Each year the campaign begins in October and continues through the school year to raise funds from the community to benefit Plano ISD students. 13 I L L U M I N A T I O N Community CORPORATE The Plano ISD Education Foundation has raised more than $5 million to support quality education in our schools. AND EDUCATION TEXAS HEALTH PRESBYTERIAN PLANO 2010 Texas Instruments Foundation Innovations in AWARDS $55,000 GRANT TO PLANO ISD STEM Teaching Award Winners EDUCATION FOUNDATION Plano Senior High School’s Karen Shepherd, science department chair, on a new fitness program designed to help them establish good exercise and Janet Greene, Frankford Middle School eighth grade math teacher, and eating habits at an early age, thanks to a grant from Texas Health captured the 2010 Texas Instruments Foundation Innovations in STEM Presbyterian Hospital Plano. The grant funded the the pilot project (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Teaching Awards. They for 630 students during the 2009-10 school year and 1,770 students were among six Plano ISD teachers honored for superior teaching by during the 2010-11 school year. Students enrolled in the pilot have been the TI Foundation and the Plano ISD Education Foundation. introduced to the program in the fifth grade and will continue in the program during the sixth grade. Barksdale Elementary School students were pictured with their pedometers and Melinda Smith, Plano ISD PE/Health coordinator. Supporting public schools was the topic of a firstannual CEO breakfast hosted by the Plano ISD Education Foundation and Southwest Airlines. Pictured at the event are Lisa Raskin, foundation director; Gary Kelly, Southwest Airlines CEO; Dr. Doug Otto, superintendent of schools; and Michael Urtso, 2010-11 foundation president. Also sponsored by the foundation • STEM education improvement initiatives. GRANTS TO EDUCATORS In 2009-2010, the Plano ISD Education Foundation funded $68,000 in grants for innovative teaching programs through its annual “Grants to Educators” program. In November, 2009, foundation volunteers and program sponsors visited schools across the district, distributing awards to teachers as a “Grant Patrol.” The “Grants to Educators” program is intended to help Plano ISD educators enhance instruction in schools and classrooms across the district. Teachers had the opportunity to complete applications for grants for programs for their classes, schools or joint programs at multiple schools. • Student scholarships for economically disadvantaged students to attend fifth grade camp. • Plano ISD’s annual teacher of the year gala, recruitment open house, new teacher dinner and employee convocation. • Emergency grants to Plano ISD employees experiencing short-term crisis. • Funding for Plano ISD pilot programs that hold promise of bridging student achievement gaps and ensuring all students are college ready. • Funding for family service and literacy programs. ILLUM INATING LEARNERS 2010 P LA NO INDEP ENDENT SCHO O L DIS TRICT ANNUAL REP ORT Fifth grade students at six Plano ISD elementary schools have embarked Funding for the 2009-10 grants was made possible by the generous contributions of the following sponsors: Park Place Lexus, Plano ISD Council of PTAs, Andrea-Mennen Family Foundation. Christie Elementary School educators earned three grants for their school. SKI PLANO 2010 BREAKS FUNDRAISING RECORDS! The Plano ISD Education Foundation’s “Ski Plano 2010” fundraiser enjoyed another record-setting year for underwriting and net 14 proceeds. Surpassing its goal of $200,000, Ski Plano 2010 was a huge success. Seven hundred guests joined friends and colleagues at Southfork Ranch Lodge in January, 2010, to support the foundation. Guests enjoyed silent and live auctions, dinner and dancing. Proceeds from Ski Plano underwriting, auctions and raffle sales will benefit the foundation’s programs for Plano ISD students, teachers and schools. Joa Muns and Lisa Raskin co-chaired Ski Plano 2010. 15 TI STEM Award Winners Janet Greene and Karen Shepherd (front, center) are pictured with (front row) Beth Webb, Plano ISD Education Foundation president, and Torrence Robinson, TI director of education and workforce, and (back row) Monica Shortino, Plano ISD Education Foundation executive director; Dr. Jim Wohlgehagen, secondary math coordinator; Finalists Catherine Stolarski, Rice Middle School; Julie Baker, Williams High School; Sara Freeman, Plano East Senior High School; Dr. Jim Wussow, secondary academic services executive director; Finalist Laura Mondeel, Vines High School; and Linda Flack, secondary science coordinator. I L L U M I N A T I O N Achievements STUDENT ExxonMobil Texas State Science and Engineering Fair “Best in Fair” Award – Amy Chyao, Williams High School Second Grand Prize – Rounok Joardar, Plano West Senior High School Twenty-three Plano ISD schools have captured the prestigious National Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence honor awarded by the U.S. Department of Education. Several Plano ISD schools have been twice honored. Plano ISD students earned 52 awards, including scholarships and 21 special awards. Elementary Science Fairs National & Texas Junior Science and Humanities Symposiums Campus Fairs For the first time ever, Plano ISD had a first place winner at the 7,369 Entries (grades K-6) National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium. Rounok Joardar, 298 First Place & Grand Prize Awards in the nation to win first place awards at the event, earning a $12,000 District Fair college scholarship and expense-paid trip to London, England. 2010 P LA NO INDEP ENDENT SCHO O L DIS TRICT ANNUAL REP ORT 16 Engineering Fair Pranav Civi, Wyatt Elementary (lower elementary level) Jesse Zhong, Hightower Elementary (upper elementary level) Jacqueline Pecha & Klye Newman, Frankford Middle School (6th grade) Highest Participation Hickey Elementary School – 64% Frankford Middle School – 24% Most Projects Hickey Elementary School – 365 Murphy Middle School – 104 District High Point Awards Hightower Elementary School Amy Chyao is pictured with Dr. Doug Otto, superintendent of schools, and her father Tim Chyao. Grand Awards • 1st Place - Amy Chyao, Williams High School Chemistry $3,000; Best in category $5,000; Gordon E. Moore Award $75,000; “Best in Fair” award. Amy was among eight students who were invited to present their science research at the White House for President Barack Obama in October, 2010. • 2nd Place - Sheryl Li, Jasper High School, Plant Sciences $1,500 award • 2nd Place - Elisa Lin, Plano West Senior High, and Ian Chan, Plano East Senior High, Team Projects $1,500 award • 3rd Place - Rounok Joardar, Plano West Senior High, Energy and Transportation $1,000 award Special Awards Amy Chyao, Williams High School • Office of Naval Research $8,000 tuition scholarship • Patent and Trademark Office Society - $250 • International Optical Engineering Award • Applied Spectroscopy Award • United Technologies Award - 2,000 shares of stocks Rounok Joardar, Plano West Senior High School • GE energy award - $2,500 Rounok captured grand prize at the Texas symposium. Additional students who advanced from state to the final round were Elizabeth Quigley from Clark High School, Michele Myong from Williams High School and Andrew Mahre of Plano Senior High School. Teacher Deanna Shea of Shepton High School was presented with the Outstanding Teacher Award at the state symposium. Texas Junior Academy of Sciences Eight Plano ISD students won first place and will present their ILLUM INATING LEARNERS Grand Prize Awards International Science & Rounok Joardar a student at Plano West Senior High School, was among six students science research at the American Junior Academy of Sciences in Murphy Middle School February, 2011. 2010 North Dallas Regional Elementary Science Fair Grand Prize Awards 105 Qualifying Entries Kyle Webster, Clark High School,1st grand prize 54 Awards Amy Chyao, Williams High School, 2nd grand prize Grand Prize Suhasini Ravi, Williams High School, 2nd grand prize Annika Watson, Rasor Elementary School Christopher Mao, Murphy Middle School Secondary Science & Engineering Fairs First Place Awards Amy Chyao, Williams High School Sirish Kamarajudadda, Plano East Senior High School Darien Lee, Vines High School Beal Bank Dallas Regional Science & Engineering Fair Michele Myong, Williams High School 400 Plano ISD Entrants (Grades 7-12) Suhasini Ravi, Williams High School Two of Four Grand Prize Awards (Junior Division) Kyle Webster, Clark High School Lisa Michaels, Renner Middle School Dylan Hunn and Birinder Nijjar, Frankford Middle School Kyle Yuan, Williams High School Shannon Zhou, Jasper High School Grand Prize Awards Sweep (Senior Division) Elisa Bisi Lin Param Jaggi, Plano East Senior High School Sheryl Li, Jasper High School Amy Chyao, Williams High School Shravan Shaastri, Jasper High School First Place Team Projects Neeraja Balanchandar and Elise Howard, Shepton High School Elisa Lin, Plano West Senior High School and Ian Chan, Plano East Senior High School Siemens Foundation Competition Ten Plano ISD students captured Finalist or Semifinalist standing in the prestigious national Siemens Foundation’s Intel Science Talent Search Competition in Math, Science & Technology. Regional Elisa Bisi Lin, Plano West Senior High School, was Finalists were Favyen Bastani and Jonathan Lin of Jasper among 40 high school seniors from across the High School. Semifinalists were Ian Chan, Plano East country selected as finalists in the prestigious Intel Senior High School; Amy Chyao, Williams High School; Science Talent Search competition. Semifinalists Julie Chang, Neil Dsouza and Stephen Zhou, Plano Senior included Andrew Mahre and Janice Zhang, Plano High School; and Justin Kalisher, Edward Strecker and Senior High School. Elisa Lin, Plano West Senior High School. 17 Fine Arts Awards For the past 10 of 11 years, Plano has been named among the “Best UIL One-Act Play Communities for Music Education” in a survey sponsored by the National The Plano Senior High School and Association of Music Merchants Foundation. Plano East Senior High School theatre Orchestra For the thirteenth consecutive year, a Plano orchestra was named top orchestra in the state of Texas. The Plano West Senior High School Chamber Orchestra, under the direction of Jo Wallace-Abbie and Amy Mabel, earned the designation as 2010 High School Honor String Orchestra from the Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA). Also among the top five high school string orchestras in the state of Texas was Plano ISD’s Jasper High School, directed by Julianne Booth, which placed 3rd. 2010 P LA NO INDEP ENDENT SCHO O L DIS TRICT ANNUAL REP ORT The Robinson Middle School Orchestra, under the direction of Mary Havenstrite, captured the “Outstanding Student Performance” Award from “Live Spelling Bee Chetan Reddy, Andrews Elementary School fifth grade student, won the Dallas Morning News Regional Spelling Bee. As the winner, Chetan represented North and East Texas in the Scripps National Spelling Bee. He is pictured with his parents Geetha Manku and Vijay Reddy. High School’s awards included: Jessica Lawrence, best actress; J. Collin Spring, best actor; Auburn Berry, best technician; Travis Tope, honorable mention actor. Plano East awards included: Matthew Eitzen, all-star cast; Leah Scaduto, honorable mention all-star cast; Sarah Schultz, honorable mention all-star cast; and Cassidy Atchison, all-star technical crew. This represented Plano East’s seventh advancement to the regional contest since 2001. David Pluebell, a senior in the International Baccalaureate and Theatre award by TMEA Executive Director Robert Floyd. Major Studies programs at Plano East Senior High School, won the Choir The Plano Children’s Chorus, made up of 5th grade students from across Texas Educational Theatre Associations’ Playfest Competition for his play UnknOwen. the district selected by audition, performed by invitation for the Organization Art of American Kodály Educators national conference held in Dallas in March. Five Plano ISD students’ artworks were selected to be part of the Texas Art The Chorus is under the direction of Kendall Allen, music specialist at Schell Education Association’s Youth Art Month Capitol Exhibit: Jean-Jean Gwo Elementary, and Brenda Keen, music specialist at Hightower Elementary. and Luisana Reyes, Plano West Senior High School; Nicole Midgley, Jasper the leadership of musician Winton Marsailis. The group participated in clinics, master classes and performances with members of the Jazz at Lincoln Center ensemble during the May festival. Jeremy Kondrat is the Director of Bands for Plano Senior High School. The Texas Bandmasters Association (TBA) selected the Haggard Middle School Band Program, under the direction of 30-year veteran Ken Valliant and assistant Don Fabian, to receive the 2010 Exemplary Middle School Band Award 18 from the Area to the Regional UIL One-Act Play competition. Plano Senior the 2009 Texas Music Educators Association’s conference was submitted for the Essentially Ellington Jazz Festival sponsored by Jazz at Lincoln Center under The Plano Senior High School Academic nearly 300 5A high schools to advance Playfest The Plano Senior High School Jazz Band earned a coveted invitation to the Regional Academic Decathlon Title casts and crews were among 24 out of From Lincoln Center” of New York City. The orchestra’s winning performance at Band Plano Senior High School Wins 7th Theatre during the bandmasters’ summer conference. Also recognized during this event was former Plano ISD Director of Fine Arts Larry Tucker who was inducted into the TBA Hall of Fame. High School; Heather Chambers, Vines High School; and Lala Xu, Robinson Middle School. Williams High School art students’ “Below the Surface - Above the Surface” was selected for the “Young Artists Program and Exhibition” at the Dallas Museum of Art. Several Plano ISD students captured top awards in the 2010 State Visual Arts Scholastic Event (VASE) competition. Sixty-six artworks from Plano received the exemplary rating and were awarded a gold medal. Seven percent of all of the entries at state were chosen to receive a gold seal. Twelve out of the 150 gold seals were awarded to Plano ISD students. Of the artworks from Region 10 that advanced to state, 47% were from Plano ISD. Two students from Plano East Senior High School captured awards in the 2010 Congressional Art Contest for the Third District of Texas. Zarina Karapetyan won fifth place, and Julia Kerwin received an honorable mention. Decathlon Team captured its seventh All-State Band/Choir/Orchestra consecutive regional championship. Seventy-seven Plano ISD students were selected by TMEA judges for coveted Holiday Greeting Card Art Contest, sponsored by the school district, Webb The win qualified the teammates for the positions in 2010 all-state music groups, including concert and jazz bands, & Webb attorneys and the Plano ISD Education Foundation. The winner was state meet where they placed seventh treble, men’s and mixed choirs and full and string orchestras. Students spent Tanya Trisna, Grade 9, Jasper High School. Finalists were Amanda He, Grade and earned nine individual medals. Also three days in intensive rehearsals with outstanding guest conductors and 3, Mathews Elementary School; Sanchana Vasikaran, Grade 8, Rice Middle at the regional meet, teams from Plano performed a concert before the TMEA membership at the annual conference. School; and Gabrielle Harrison, Grade 11, Plano West Senior High School. East and Plano West ranked fifth and OAKE Honor Choirs sixth, respectively. Plano East’s team Sixteen singers from around the district were selected through recorded also advanced to state where teammates auditions for positions in one of three honor choirs sponsored by the earned five individual medals. Organization of American Kodály Educators (OAKE). These students joined others from around the nation to work with renowned conductors and perform for the OAKE conference participants at the Meyerson Symphony Center. Approximately 1,000 students entered original artwork in the Plano ISD Baseball Plano East 4th in district, advanced to bi-district round; Plano West (tie) 2nd in district, won regional final, played at state Basketball Plano West girls district champs, advanced to regional quarterfinal; Plano & Plano East girls district 2nd place (tie), advanced to bi-district playoff; Plano West boys 2nd in district, advanced to regionals Cross Country Plano West girls district champs; Plano West boys 2nd in district; Plano East boys 3rd in district. Football First time all three senior high school football teams advanced to playoffs in the same year. Plano & Plano East advanced to area; Plano West advanced to bi-district Golf Plano East advanced one athlete to regionals; Plano West advanced 3 athletes to regionals Soccer Plano girls advanced to area round; Plano West girls advanced to regional final; Plano East boys advanced to bi-district round; Plano boys advanced to regional quarterfinals Softball Plano East district champs, advanced to area; Plano West 2nd in district, advanced to area; Plano 3rd in district, advanced to regionals Swimming Plano boys state champs in 400yd freestyle relay, 2nd place in 200-yd individual medley, 100-yd butterfly & 200-yd freestyle relay, 3rd place in 200-yd medley relay, 50-yd freestyle and 100-yd butterfly; Plano girls 2nd in 200-yd freestyle relay; Plano West boys 2nd in 500-yd freestyle; PISD diving team advanced 4 athletes to regionals ILLUM INATING LEARNERS Student Achievements Jessica Lawrence, best actress award winner, is pictured performing with fellow cast mate Melanie Notinger. Sports Achievements Tennis Plano advanced 3 athletes to regional tournament and one to state; Plano West advanced 8 athletes to regional tournament, 4 to state Track Plano East boys & girls district champions, advanced 37 athletes to regionals and one to state; Plano advanced 10 athletes to regionals and 2 to state, won 3 state medals; Plano West advanced 19 athletes to regionals, one to state, one state medal Volleyball Plano West 3rd in district; advanced to area playoff; Plano 4th in district; advanced to area playoff Wrestling Plano advanced 3 athletes to state; Plano East advanced 2 athletes to state 19 Accountability Indicators PRIDE Competitive Starting Salaries Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree $46,150 $48,150 Average Years Teaching Experience 36% 11 Teachers Highly-Qualified as defined by federal No Child Left Behind Law 100% Plano ISD hired 586 new employees for the 2010-2011 school year. 2010 P LA NO INDEP ENDENT SCHO O L DIS TRICT ANNUAL REP ORT This includes approximately 349 new teachers. Employee Benefits Team Leader Academy Aims to Grow Leadership Capacity • Master’s degree program for career enhancement • Teacher mentor program • Bilingual stipends • 401(a) retirement savings • Comprehensive health program • Employee assistance program • An educations foundation which raises funds for teacher grants, A record 14 Plano ISD schools were indicators. The “all students” group maintained an Exemplary rating in named as Texas Business and Education all five content areas of reading - 98%, writing - 99%, social studies - Coalition’s 2010 Honor Roll Schools. The 100%, mathematics - 97% and science - 97%. At the campus level, 34 coalition identifies honor roll schools by schools received an Exemplary rating, 26 were rated Recognized and 4 analyzing three years of performance Academically Acceptable. data. Honor roll schools have the highest recognitions and emergency employee assistance at the state’s most rigorous standard accountability rating is but one measure of our campuses and our - commended - in every subject on district as a whole, and we realize its significance,” said Dr. Doug Otto, state-mandated tests. Selection criteria superintendent of schools. “Earning the anticipated Recognized rating also considers schools’ demographics, further indicates that Plano ISD is a place for learners, and we are number of subjects tested and grade about student success.” levels. Congratulations to these honor roll schools. Recruitment Open House Huge Andrews Elementary School Success Bethany Elementary School Plano ISD’s 16th Annual Beverly Elementary School Teacher Recruitment Clark High School Open House was a huge Daffron Elementary School success with a record 1,470 Hendrick Middle School applicants. Plano ISD has Hickey Elementary School historically garnered one- Hightower Elementary School third of its new teaching Jasper High School staff each year from the Mathews Elementary School popular event, which is Plano ISD instructional administrative staff presented an introduction sponsored by the Plano ISD and overview of the Instructional Rounds model of review of campus Education Foundation and classroom learning practices at a special principals meeting held Ebby Halliday REALTORS. during the fall of 2010. Developed at Harvard University based upon across the school district Certified teachers, the concept of evidence based observation, this method is a narrow counselors, librarians and gathered to explore facets of and deep look at classroom practices providing a laser look at other education professionals were invited to attend the open house educational leadership during classroom components which contribute to quality instruction, student where Plano ISD administrators representing every campus in the achievement and any necessary adjustments. The Instructional school district met with applicants about teaching opportunities. the school district’s fourth annual Rounds method of classroom practice review will be “We saw some of the strongest Highly-Qualified team leader academy. Teachers implemented by principal request for a trained team candidates currently in the job market,” to visit their campus. The teams will be comprised reported Tamira Griffin, executive director of of principals, team leader teachers and central human resources. More than 500 volunteers office personnel. assisted at the event, which was hosted at Cultural Competency Training Renner Middle School. 220 teacher team leaders from pointers from one another and honed new skills in the academy for new and veteran teachers while sharpening their leadership, percentage of students performing accomplishments and the great efforts of our staff is simply a joy. This Instructional Rounds Model Implemented shared strengths, picked up 20 20 • On-site professional development TBEC Honor Roll Schools (TEA) in the fall of 2010, Plano ISD rated Exemplary on all 25 academic “Expressing the pride I feel for our students and their Professional Teacher Profile Higher Education Degrees In accountability ratings released from the Texas Education Agency Rice Middle School Skaggs Elementary School ILLUM INATING LEARNERS Professional Plano ISD Rates Exemplary on All 25 State Vines High School 2010 Recruitment Open House Wyatt Elementary School During the summer of 2010, two teachers from each Plano ISD campus were trained on cultural competency in a “train-the-trainer” format to allow them to help train employees communication and management on their campuses. The training, supported skills during the workshop. by funds from the Plano ISD Education Foundation, is part of a multi-year school board initiative designed to enhance cultural competence among employees and improve relationships with students, parents/community and colleagues. Two Plano ISD employees are pictured discussing cultural competency during the school district’s “train-the-trainer” workshop held during the summer of 2010. 21 Honors FACULTY & STAFF Top 10 Most Memorable Texas Football Coaches Plano ISD’s Legendary Tom Kimbrough, who led the Plano Wildcats to a 171-28-7 record during his 16 years as head coach from 1976 to 1989, was featured among the “Top 10” most memorable Texas football coaches in Dave Campbell’s 50th Anniversary Texas Football magazine Coach Kimbrough is shown with Wildcat players at a 1988 playoff game. published in January, 2010. Only four high school coaches made the Marylou Boardman, Hightower Elementary School literacy specialist, and Lorraine Seawright, Jasper High School chemistry teacher, captured the 2010 Teacher of the Year titles at Plano ISD’s Teacher of the Year Gala celebrated on May 13 at Plano Centre. Highlighting the gala evening were recognitions of 69 experienced Superintendent’s Service Award 2010 P LA NO INDEP ENDENT SCHO O L DIS TRICT ANNUAL REP ORT Winners by the peers at their schools, and the surprise announcements of 10 experienced teachers and two first-year teachers who captured “Excellence in Teaching” awards. Excellence in Elementary Teaching Awards Marylou Boardman – Hightower Elementary School Kristina Kardos – Pearson Early Childhood School Karen Morris – Andrews Elementary School Karon Phelps – Bird Special Programs Center Kristen Roemer – Memorial Elementary School Excellence in Secondary Teaching Awards Winners of the 11th Annual Treesia Brannon – Carpenter Middle School Superintendent’s Service Award, Jeremy Kondrat – Plano Senior High School announced at the school district’s 45th Jacqueline Lewis – Williams High School Annual Service and Retirement Celebration, Mike Mathis – Clark High School were Jennifer Carlin, Plano Senior High Lorraine Seawright – Jasper High School School food services manager; Hortensia Chaves, Mendenhall Elementary School office manager; Blanca Colato, Sigler Elementary School bilingual teacher Excellence in Beginning Teaching Awards Sarah Davis McKee – Pearson Early Childhood School James Bohannon – Hendrick Middle School assistant; and Ceil Gandolfi, Plano ISD Administration Building receptionist. This prestigious award recognizes members of the Plano ISD support staff whose dedication, commitment and effort rise above and beyond expectations. Also recognized at the event were retiring employees and approximately 300 22 and 52 beginning Teacher of the Year nominees, who were selected employees with 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 years of service to Plano schools. Dr. Doug Otto, Superintendent; Lorraine Seawright, Secondary Teacher of the Year; Marylou Boardman, Elementary Teacher of the Year and Dr. Allan Bird, Gala Honorary Chair. “Top 10” ranking in the coaches’ category. Employee Achievements & Awards • Burton Smith, Shepton High School principal, captured the 2010 Region 10 Principal of the Year award for his compassionate leadership and creating a supportive learning environment. • Plano ISD Diversity Advisory Committee Leadership Awards were presented at the annual Martin L. King, Jr., Tribute event to Davis Elementary School’s “Hands in Harmony:” Angela Williams, Memorial Elementary School; Mary Ann Bargmann, Skaggs Elementary School; Judith Alfaro, Bowman Middle School; and The Dallas Concilio. • Shelli Brown, Vines High School Spanish teacher, won the Southwest Conference on Language Teaching’s “Excellence in Secondary Teaching Award” for 2009. • Len Stevens, principal at Huffman Elementary School, was a featured guest on the nationally televised program Ideas In Action, hosted by veteran news caster Jim Glasman, executive director of The George W. Bush Institute. He spoke about educational leadership and how it relates to turn-around schools that have experienced challenges. • Alisa Meli, Schell Elementary School art teacher, wrote the 2010 Texas Youth Art Month application, garnering the Texas Art Education Association’s top Award of Excellence in a national contest celebrating how state’s are teaching and encouraging young artists. • Craig McKinney, humanities and English teacher at Shepton High School, was one of 10 high school and two elementary school teachers selected from among nominees across the state for a “Texas Exes Award for Outstanding Teaching” and was recognized at a ceremony held at the University of Texas. • Bob Weir, Plano Senior High School boys soccer coach, captured the 2009 National Soccer Coach of the Year Award by the National Federation of State High School Associations. • Karen Shepherd, Plano Senior High School science department chair, won the “2009 Siemens Founder’s Award.” The 2006 Plano ISD, Region 10 and Texas Teacher of the Year was among a select group of five U.S. educators who were presented with the award during a ceremony held in New York in 2009. • The photo-based work of Plano West Senior High School Art Teacher Ted Kincaid was exhibited in 2010 at the Marty Walker Gallery in Dallas. “Elise,” a print which originated from an oil painting of Plano East Senior High School Art Teacher Lori Whitaker’s daughter, was exhibited during the North Texas Art Educators Invitational at THE ARTS Gallery at Collin College in 2010. • Maria Arena, Plano Senior High School advanced placement government teacher, earned a coveted spot in the Distinguished House Fellows Program in the Office of the Historian for the United States House of Representatives. • Larry Tucker, retired director of bands and executive director of fine arts and special academic services for Plano schools, was voted into the Texas Bandmasters Hall of Fame at the Texas Music Educators Association convention in San Antonio in 2010. Shelli Brown, Vines High School Spanish teacher ILLUM INATING LEARNERS 2010 Teachers of the Year Plano ISD Student and Family Services’ new mobile learning lab was unveiled during a ribbon cutting ceremony held in April, 2010. Pictured are Danny Modisette, deputy superintendent; Lloyd Jenkins, school board president; Dr. Doug Otto, superintendent of schools; and Dr. Cathy Galloway, executive director of student and family services. Plano ISD’s implementation of the mobile learning lab garnered a 2010-11 Magna Award from the National School Boards Association. 23 Initiatives 2010-2011 Principles and Premises We Embrace Principles and Premises We Embrace Digital Learning Environment Digital Learning Environment • Continue to support and expand the use of student-owned wireless devices for learning. • Continue to support and expand the use of student-owned 2010 P LA NO INDEP ENDENT SCHO O L DIS TRICT ANNUAL REP ORT • Implement interactive DLP projection systems in each elementary elementary classroom and video image display devices (ELMO) classroom and video image display devices (ELMO) in in all classrooms. all classrooms. Learning Standards Learning Standards • Continue to develop instructional rounds as a process to improve • Complete the secondary Special Education curriculum instructional practice. development project funded by stimulus dollars. resources. • Implement Project Lead the Way in the Career and Technology curriculum. • Create relevant online learning experiences for parents and families to use at home. Modules will cover issues such as bullying, sexual harassment and parenting skills. Also, pilot “Parent Mentoring” program at four campuses. Assessments for Learning • Refine test item creation for NWEA calibration and End-of-Course (EOC) correlation. • Design and implement updated student learning growth charts to include college readiness and district performance metrics. Organizational Transformation • Plan and implement construction of existing structures and complete new school facility to incorporate new feeder school alignment to be fulfilled over the next 3 years. • Research and develop a Plano ISD nutritional plan for the school breakfast and lunch program. • Research and implement additional methods of providing relevant and useful information to internal and external audiences using digital tools such as dashboards, electronic media and multi platform communications. • Identify and develop tools to improve decision-making in all Human Resource areas. Accountability for Learning Balanced State and Local Partnerships • Prepare for STARR assessment with new proficient and college • Develop a financial budget plan for the next biennium. readiness standards. • Expand and strengthen relationships, in conjunction with the • Provide common district understanding for EOCs and new Plano ISD Education Foundation, to encourage awareness in accountability system. seeking new and dynamic donors to ultimately support the Organizational Transformation academic programs and events of the district. • Provide iLead (instruction, leadership and development) learning Middle School Whiz Quiz Champs Capturing first place in Plano ISD’s Middle School Whiz Quiz competition were Robinson 6th grade, Rice 7th grade and Rice 8th grade teams. The district event is designed in a modified college-bowl whiz quiz format, challenging 6th, 7th and 8th grade students’ knowledge on topics such as history, math, science, art, literature, world events, entertainment, current events and politics. Pictured are Rice 7th and 8th grade teammates. wireless devices for learning. • Implement interactive DLP projection systems in each • Implement new Reading/Language Arts program/textbook PTA Reflections The Plano ISD Council of PTAs honored 355 award winning students at its annual Reflections Awards Ceremony. Plano ISD was represented strongly at the state level as well, with 57 of the Council Award of Excellence entries advancing to state for judging, where 60% (34 entries) received awards. One film entry, entitled Beauty is Difference from Daniel Wang, a fifth grader at Hughston Elementary School, advanced to the national level. In addition, 10 Plano ISD visual arts and photography entries are currently on exhibit at government buildings in Austin. Reflections is a National PTA program that challenges students to create artwork in six categories: dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography and visual arts. Pictured are Dylan Pierce and Lauren Murray at the Plano ISD Council of PTAs awards event. Ensure that Plano ISD efficiently uses its financial resources/budgeting ILLUM INATING LEARNERS Ensure continuous improvement in student learning GOAL GOAL PLANO ISD DISTRICT TI Junkins Scholars Seven Plano ISD students were among 21 recipients from across the nation to earn the 2010 Texas Instruments’ Jerry R. Junkins Memorial National Merit Scholarship®. The scholarships, named in honor of TI’s former chairman, president and CEO, are awarded to National Merit Scholarship Program Finalists who are sons or daughters of active, retired or deceased TI employees. Congratulations to Marissa A. Miller, Carmen R. Tinker and Richa Thakur, Plano East Senior High School; Joshua H. Ou, Grace J. Park and Michael S. Wei, Plano West Senior High School; and Brian J. Widder, Plano Senior High School. meetings monthly for campus administration. • Re-implement Professional Learning Period (PLP) at secondary campuses. 24 Balanced State and Local Partnerships • Continue to participate in the Texas Virtual School Network by providing existing eSchool courses for review. 25 Plano Independent School District Communications Department 2700 W. 15th Street Plano, TX 75075 NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #421 PLANO, TX BEST PLACES TO WORK AWARD Plano ISD employees voted their school district among the top 13 “Best Places to Work in 2010” in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex through an online survey conducted by the Dallas Business Journal. This marks the fourth time that Plano ISD employees have chosen their workplace for the award. Previously, employees voted PISD among the best places to work in 2006, 2008 and 2009. Plano ISD representatives attending the awards luncheon were Suzanne Drotman, human resources coordinator; Tramy Tran, Forman Elementary School principal; Tracy Ryerson, Plano Senior High School assistant principal; Sarika Pride, Memorial Elementary School principal; Tamira Griffin, human resources executive director; Lloyd “Skip” Jenkins, school board president; Courtney Washington, Carpenter Middle School principal; and Cindy Savant, Rose Haggar Elementary School principal. Also attending the luncheon were Danny Modisette, deputy superintendent of schools, and Lesley Range-Stanton, director for communications.