2015 ANNUAL REPORT The mark of excellence “Whatever your discipline, become a student of excellence in all things.” Michael Gelb PLANO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Plano Independent School District Communications Department 2700 W. 15th Street Plano, TX 75075 2015 ANNUAL REPORT Pl a no IS D Ca p tu re s 32nd A n n ual C er tificate o f Ac hi eve me nt f o r Exc e llen ce in Fin an cial Re p o r ti ng Plano ISD has made its mark for 32 consecutive years by earning the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government and Financial Officers Association of the United States and Canada. Financial Services Executive Director Linda Madon has served in the school district’s financial department all of those years. Achievement of this award is possible through the effort of Plano ISD’s entire financial services department. Find more examples throughout this report of how Plano ISD students, faculty, staff and partners have made their mark on our school community. Plano ISD financial services teammates Kathy Waskow, director of construction and special revenue; Linda Madon, executive director; and Christie Tate, director of accounting and budget.