U.S. Diplomatic History Since 1914 HIUS 352 Spring 2006 Mid-Term II Review Sheet

U.S. Diplomatic History Since 1914
HIUS 352
Spring 2006
Mid-Term II Review Sheet
The following list includes most of the major events, ideas, people, and programs that we have either
discussed in class or read about in the texts. You should have at least a passing familiarity with each
of these items.
For this section of the exam, I’d like you to identify the item in question and comment on its
significance to American foreign relations during the period we’ve been studying.
Fall of France
The “Big Three” or “Grand Alliance”
The “Second Front”
Anglo-Soviet Agreement (1941)
Anglo-Soviet Treaty (1942)
Operation TORCH
“Unconditional Surrender”
Katyn Forest Massacre
Wartime Conferences (Casablanca, Moscow,
Cairo, Tehran, Yalta, Potsdam)
Operation HUSKY
Operation OVERLORD
The “Percentages Agreement”
“Declaration of Liberated Europe”
JCS 1067
Atomic Diplomacy
The Baruch Plan
The “Long Telegram”
The “Iron Curtain” Speech
National Security Act of 1947
Truman Doctrine
Marshall Plan
Czech coup
Italian Elections
Berlin Blockade
Brussels Pact
The “Wedge Strategy”
The Korean War
Pleven Plan
Stalin Note
Operation Solarium
Henry Cabot Lodge
Henry Stimson
Franklin Roosevelt
Cordell Hull
George Kennan
Walter Lippmann
Josef Stalin
Viacheslav Molotov
Adolf Hitler
Francisco Franco
Neville Chamberlain
Benito Mussolini
Neville Chamberlain
Winston Churchill
Harry Truman
James Byrnes
Arthur Vandenberg
James Forrestal
George Marshall
Averell Harriman
George Kennan
Walter Lippmann
Ernest Bevin
Dean Acheson
Frank Wisner
Paul Nitze
Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek)
Mao Zedong
Kim Il-Sung
Syngman Rhee
Joep Broz “Tito”
Rene Pleven
Konrad Adenauer
Nikita Khrushchev
John Foster Dulles
European Defense Community
East German Uprising, June 1953
West German Rearmament
Suez Crisis
Flexible Response
Vienna Summit
Bay of Pigs
Berlin Wall
Cuban Missile Crisis
Alliance for Progress
Partial Nuclear Test Ban, 1963
Neutralization of Laos
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
Rolling Thunder
Tet Offensive
The” New Look”
Nuclear Sharing
Credibility Gap
Eisenhower Doctrine
HIUS 352—Mid-Term Review |
Allen Dulles
Dwight Eisenhower
Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
Mohammed Mossadegh
Jacobo Arbenz Guzman
Gamel abd el-Nasser
Patrice Lumumba
Fidel Castro
John F. Kennedy
Lyndon B. Johnson
Charles de Gaulle
Juan Bosch
Ngo Dinh Diem
II. Essays
In preparing for the essay portion of the exam you should consider:
- the challenges of alliance management during World War II;
- the origins of containment;
- the expansion of the Cold War over time and space;
- the challenges of alliance management during the Cold War;
- key turning points in the Cold War;
- the role of ideology, individuals, and the international system in spawning and
perpetuating the Cold War.
N.B.: This guide is intended to aid you in your studying. It is not intended to be inclusive of
all the terms, events, individuals, and ideas mentioned in class or in the texts. It is, however, a
pretty fair representation of the pool from which the IDs and essay questions will be drawn.