Class of 2016 SPECIAL EDITION Meet with Cabinet Developing EPCC Leaders members to learn about College Operations, Programs, Services, and Activities El Paso Community College Leadership Academy Application Packet Class of 2016 1 August26,2015 Greetings The El Paso Community College Leadership Academy is now accepting applications for the Class of 2016, which will run from January through December next year. We will be celebrating our 12th year in offering a unique professional development opportunity open to all faculty and staff. The goal of the Class of 2016 Academy is to provide participants with a greater understanding of College operations, services, programs, and activities that will enhance their service to EPCC and to the community. Members of the Class of 2016 will participate in monthly training sessions; network with faculty, staff, and administrators; develop a team project; tour EPCC campuses; and attend a special two-day training event. I encourage all employees to consider applying for the Class of 2016. To apply, submit your completed Application, and request that your supervisor and director submit the Supervisor’s Statement of Support. Applications are due by 5:00 p.m., October 23, 2015. Those currently in leadership roles and those seeking to enrich their understanding of the College are encouraged to apply. A schedule of the Class of 2016 SPECIAL EDITION sessions, additional information about the Leadership Academy, and an application can be found at I strongly support and congratulate the Leadership Academy Committee for their dedication in structuring the Academy and their continued commitment to this effort. Sincerely, William Serrata, Ph.D. President, El Paso Community College 2 SPECIAL EDITION Class of 2016 El Paso Community College Leadership Academy MEET WITH DR. SERRATA, EPCC PRESIDENT, EPCC VICE PRESIDENTS AND THEIR STAFF TO LEARN ABOUT EPCC PROGRAMS, SERVICES, OPERATIONS, AND ACTIVITIES OPEN TO ALL FULL‐TIME AND PART‐TIME FACULTY AND STAFF The Leadership Academy is a one‐year program consis ng of monthly training modules. With a couple of excep ons, four‐hour modules are provided by EPCC Cabinet members at the EPCC Administra ve Services Center (ASC) Boardroom from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm on the third Tuesday of each month. The program also includes a two‐day retreat and campus visits. In addi on to a ending monthly informa on sessions, par cipants will work on a team project designed to provide prac cal and realis c solu ons ed to College goals for the current year. A endance at all workshops is expected for con nua on in the program. Our goal each year is to include a diverse group of par cipants in the Leadership Academy that represents each campus, mul ple teaching disciplines, and staff from a wide range of programs, offices, and departments. 3 El Paso Community College Leadership Academy SPECIAL EDITION OPEN TO ALL FULL‐TIME AND PART‐TIME FACULTY AND STAFF Have you previously applied for or participated in the Leadership Academy? If yes, what year? ____________ EPCC ID # _________________________________________ Name: Title: Preferred name for use on nametents/name badge: Department: Primary Campus: EPCC Phone Number: Administrator ■ Classified Staff Faculty Professional Support Full‐ me Part‐ me Number of Years with EPCC: Seasonal EPCC Email Address: The signed applica on should be received by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 23, 2015. Send applicaƟons to Leadership Academy, Linda Brown, Ph.D. ASC, Office 701 or give it to any commi ee member. The El Paso Community College District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, na onal origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orienta on, or gender iden ty. 4 Name: 1. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Provide a brief summary of your employment within the past five years and a brief descrip on of your job responsibili es, commi ees, or involvement. 2. CIVIC AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES List dates, organiza ons, ac vi es and a brief descrip on of your role in the past five years. For example: par cipa on in ac vi es sponsored by school, church or local community organiza ons. 3. STATEMENT OF INTEREST Why are you applying for the EPCC Leadership Academy? What do you expect to gain from the experience? How will you use what you learn to benefit yourself, students, and EPCC? 5 Name: 4. PERSONAL STATEMENT Use this sec on to share with the selec on commi ee something about yourself that might help them dis nguish you from other candidates. I understand that if I am selected as a participant in the EPCC Leadership Academy I am expected to attend and participate in all sessions and will use my acquired knowledge and leadership skills to enhance the future of El Paso Community College. Signature:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________ The El Paso Community College District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, na onal origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orienta on, or gender iden ty. 6 Supervisor’s Statement of Support By October 23, 2015 please send your sealed statement to Leadership Academy, Linda Brown, Ph.D., ASC, A 701 Note: A faculty member’s supervisor is his or her dean. Staff members are requested to verify participation approval with their manager and their director. —Thank you Name of Candidate: Campus: How long has the candidate worked with you? Name of Manager/Supervisor: Title: Department: Phone: 1. Why are you recommending this person’s par cipa on in the Leadership Academy and how would the candidate benefit from par cipa on in the EPCC Leadership Academy? 2. Please rate the candidate with respect to each characteris c listed , using a scale from 1 to 5 , with 1 being lowest and 5 being highest. Addi onal Comments: Characteris c Leadership abili es or poten al Ra ng Mo va on to learn 5 5 5 5 Other: 5 Interpersonal skills Dependability The Academy is designed to serve the College, the department, the employee, and ul mately, our students. It is im‐ portant that par cipants a end Academy ac vi es provided throughout the year in the personal development, teambuilding, networking, and EPCC project development process. Please take your staffing needs into considera on when recommending an applicant. I agree to support this candidate, if selected, by providing the me and resources necessary to complete the requirements of the EPCC Leadership Academy. Manager: _______________________________ Date_________________ Director: Date _________________ _______________________________ 7 El Paso Community College Leadership Academy Committee Carla Campuzano Claudia Del Hierro William Serrata, Ph.D. President, EPCC Josette Shaughnessy Interim VP, Administration and Financial Operations Linda Brown, Ph.D. Coordinator 831-5841 Transmountain Campus Norma Hinojos 831-2591 831-2269 831-2016 Valle Verde Valle Verde Valle Verde Erick Garcia Martha Garcia Ines Lopez 831-2439 831-3155 831-2659 Valle Verde Valle Verde Valle Verde David Rodriguez Carlos Mejia Mari Reyes 831-3759 831-4235 831-6386 ASC Rio Grande ASC Richard Stevens 831-2491 Valle Verde Building a Culture of Leadership Elvia Lerma 831-3846 Rio Grande 8