EL PASO COMMUNITY COLLEGE EDUCATION AND CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION DIVISION FACULTY DEVELOPMENT HANDBOOK SPRING 2016 INSTRUCTIONAL DEAN Dr. Jaime D. Farias Office Phone: 831-2394 Location: M103 jfarias@epcc.edu ADMINISTRATIVE ASSOCIATE Jessica H. Diaz Office Phone: 831-2544 Location: M102 jdiaz63@epcc.edu ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS Monica Guerra Office Phone: 831-3118 Location: M104 mguerr64@epcc.edu Rosa Melina Saldana Office Phone: 831-2865 Location: M101 rsaldan1@epcc.edu http://www.epcc.edu/InstructionalPrograms/Pages/JaimeFarias.aspx TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION 1-4 INSTRUCTIONAL COORDINATORS NUMBERS ADDITIONAL PERSONAL MISSION STATEMENT PERSONAL REQUIREMENTS IMPORTANT DATES DIVISION MEETINGS 1 2 3 3-4 4 4 COURSE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION 5-9 ON THE FIRST DAY OF CLASS ATTENDANCE STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT WITHDRAWAL/REINSTATING STUDENTS REINSTATEMENT APPEALS PROCEDURE STUDENTS SWITCHING SECTIONS SYLLABUS GRADE INPUT GRADE RECORD CHANGE OF GRADE OFFICE HOURS GUIDELINES FOR PART-TIME FACULTY OFFICE UTILIZATION PERSONNEL SERVICE UPDATE BAD WEATHER FINAL EXAMS INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9-11 INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES CENTER DUPLICATING TESTING CENTER ACCOUNT NUMBERS SUPPLIES TYPING MESSAGE CENTER MAIL SERVICE MEDIA SERVICE TEST SECURITY FAX SERVICE ROOM CHANGES NOT ABLE TO MEET CLASS 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10-11 11 11 11 11 11 PAY AND ABSENT INFORMATION 12-16 PAY DATES ADDITIONAL INFORMATION INSTRUCTOR ABSENCE FULL TIME INSTRUCTOR PART TIME INSTRUCTOR SUBSTITUTE PAY GRADUATION PERMISSION TO BE ABSENT FORM (EXAMPLE) PERMISSION TO BE ABSENT FOR COLLEGE RELATED DUTIES (EXAMPLE) FINAL EXAMINATION SCHEDULE 12 12 12 12-13 13 13 13 14 15 16 INSTRUCTIONAL COORDINATORS NUMBERS (If you require additional information concerning policies and procedures of the Education & Career and Technical Education Division, instructional methodology, course objectives, or class related matters, you should contact the appropriate Instructional Coordinator indicated below.) Discipline Name Extension Room # Accounting Becky Hancock 831-2231 A-2213 Automotive Elaviano Willars 831-3261 A-1604 Business Management Grace Vaughn 831-3345 A-2306 Child Development Dr. Cristina Salas 831-2429 A-1108 Scott Mann Blanca Campa 831-2285 831-2356 A-2209 B-212 Irma Camacho 831-2236 A-2203 Information Technology Systems Dell Najera Russ Myers 831-2056 831-2041 A-1716 A-1717 Fire Technology - Basic Richard Bahena 831-2289 ATC 310 Frank Lujan 831-3376 ATC 310 Paralegal Leo Villalobos 831-2433 A-ll05 Sign Language/Interpreter Adriana Garcia 831-3147 B-251 Social Work Teacher Preparation Stephen Kahoe Isela Castanon-Williams 831-2428 831-2430 A-ll02 A-1719 Criminal Justice Education 1300 Firefighter & Recruitment Fire Technology - Fire Science & Administration 1 Additional Personnel Program Lab Manager Business Programs Labs Name Martha Garcia Robert Espinoza Richard Stevens Extension / Room # 831-3155 831-2491 A-2320 Juanita Hunter Gabriela Asbell Patricia Fernandez Cindy Cisneros Maria I. Santos Child Development Lab Carolina Rojas Leticia Espinoza Salvador Rubio Candido Elenez Elaine Duran 831-2114 A-2327 831-2509 A-1517/A-1713 831-2218 A-1127/A-1128 Sign Language Lab Jose Prieto Fire Technology Lab Anthony Welch 831-2073 B-254 ATC-310 831-2485 Automotive Lab Valle Verde Library Head Librarian Administrative Office Asst. Kerry Ann Gardner Christiane Gomez 831-2255 831-3256 Librarians Oscar Baeza 831-2340 Library Public Service Supervisor Samuel Ruiz 831-2139 Library Assistants Alma Anchondo Rebecca Retana Astrid Montes Brenda Ramos 831-2645 C-200 Valle Verde Library Technical Services Director Luis Chaparro 831-2132 Administrative Assistant Maria Villalba 831-2339 2 EDUCATION AND CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION FACULTY DEVELOPMENT SPRING 2016 DIVISION HANDBOOK MISSION STATEMENT The Education & Career and Technical Education division strives to anticipate and meet the needs of our students to prepare them for the technological challenges and demands of the 21st century. We are committed to providing excellence in our instructional environment and nurturing growth in the capabilities of our students. Welcome to the Spring 2016 semester. I hope that each one of you had a wonderful summer break with your family and friends. I look forward to another exciting semester working with you. Have a Great Semester! INFORMATION FOR DIVISION OFFICE Instructors are required to provide the Division office with the following information: ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ Complete name Employee ID number Current address Home, work, and cell phone number(s) Campus where you will receive your college mail-RG, VV, TM, MDP, NWC E-mail Address PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS To help assure the timely distribution of your paycheck, please make sure all personnel required paper work is completed prior to the first day of classes. PRIOR TO FIRST CLASS DAY: (1) Obtain course outline and syllabi samples from your District Wide Program Coordinator, Faculty Coordinator or Instruction Dean, and create your course syllabus following the EPCC format, part II is now available on the web. A copy of your syllabus must be uploaded online within 7 days of the first day of classes. If you need assistance, you can call 831-2542. Submit a copy to your instructional coordinator by Friday, January 29th. (2) Obtain instructor copies of official course textbooks from Business Lab Room A2320 unless otherwise instructed by your District Wide Program Coordinator or Faculty Coordinator. Instructors are expected to use the textbooks specified for the courses they have been assigned to teach. Read the preface and any other special Instructions to the instructor. Obtain any3special teacher’s manuals (if available) which accompany your texts. (3) Request a mailbox from the Instructional Service Center on your campus and make sure the Division Office is notified if your mailbox is at another campus. (4) Locate your classroom(s) prior to the first class day. Important Dates for Spring 2016 7 DAYS AFTER SEMESTER BEGINS SYLLABI MUST BE UPLOADED TO MEET COMPLIANCE WITH HB2504. January 11-15 January 17 January 18 January 29 February 3 February 9 March 7-13 March 21 March 25 March 28 March 31 April 15 May 8-14 May 13 May 20 Faculty Development Classes Begin Institutional Holiday (No Classes) PT Faculty-Syllabus due to Instructional Coordinators FT Faculty-Syllabus due to Division Office Census Date Professional and Organizational Development Day (Evening Classes Only)No Student Services available, All offices closed Institutional Holiday (Spring Break) 2nd Minimester Begins Institutional Holiday (No Classes) Census Date 2nd Minimester Institutional Holiday (No Classes) Last Day to Drop with a “W” (Spring Semester and 2nd Minimester) Finals Commencement Grades Available Division Meetings Spring 2016 Date Time Room # As Needed-Meetings will be announced 2 weeks before. COURSE MANAGEMENT: 4 This checklist is designed to help instructors with the record keeping and other standard procedures which must be accomplished during the regular semester. On The First Class Day Enrollment Reports will be available on-line. Instructors must get these reports and VERIFY THAT STUDENTS ATTENDING THEIR CLASS (ES) ARE VALIDLY ENROLLED. If the student’s name does not appear on the enrollment summary, and he/she does not have a receipt, refer him/her to Registrar’s Office. Under No circumstances should the instructor allow the student to remain in the class. Faculty must verify that all students in their classes have met the prerequisites for enrolling in the course. Completion of a prerequisite course or placement test results can be used to verify proper enrollment. Prerequisites are listed in the paragraph describing courses in the description section of the current College catalog. Do not allow students to continue attending without documenting their official enrollment in your course(s) and do not accept students from other sections. VERY IMPORTANT! KEEP DAILY ATTENDANCE FOR YOUR CLASS. If the computer shows that space is available in your section, and the student is eligible to enroll in the course, the student will be admitted. Otherwise he/she will have to select another section. Remember, not all students attend class the first week. Twenty students the first day may turn into thirty-three the next class period. Your cooperation is needed. NOTE: Must meet classes for the amount of time scheduled. Please do not release your class early, specifically the 1st day. Attendance and Withdrawal / Reinstating Students The student attendance and course pursuit on the course syllabi is as follows: Attendance: Faculty are expected to maintain an accurate record of attendance. It is the student's responsibility to consult with the instructor regarding absences. Instructors are authorized to refuse to admit students who are tardy when such admittance would be disruptive to activities in progress (i.e. examinations, structured learning activities). Student attendance records will be considered and reported to the Office of Admissions and Registration when the instructor initiates a drop action for attendance and course pursuit. Please notify students of your attendance policy and include it in your syllabi. Student Code of Conduct: It is strongly recommended that a copy of the Student Code of Conduct or the Summary Memo from the vice presidents be handed out to your classes. Withdrawal/ Reinstating Students: 5 Prior to dropping a student for failure to maintain satisfactory course pursuit, make every effort to assist the student. Missing one test and one homework assignment is not sufficient to demonstrate lack of course pursuit. However, a student who consistently fails to submit assignments or take tests can be withdrawn from the course. We want students to stay in class. If they put forth an effort and are progressing academically, then they should be considered meeting course pursuit requirements. Every reasonable effort should be made to retain the student in the class. Instructors are encouraged to contact the student when attendance or course pursuit becomes a problem. Many times this communication between the instructor and student results in the student remaining enrolled in the course and satisfactorily pursuing the objectives. A student may be withdrawn from a course for lack of course pursuit or by the VP of Student Services for disciplinary actions (See Student Code of Conduct page 71-77 in 2015-2016 (catalog). Remember to complete all parts of the withdrawal form (address optional - if you have it, please fill it in). Submit the form in person or by mail. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the district wide coordinator or the instructional dean. The effective date of reinstatement must be the same date as the date the withdrawal form was submitted. Reinstatement forms must be submitted to the Division Office with a memo of justification. Withdrawal and reinstatement forms can be obtained from the Student Services Office. The reinstatement appeals procedure is as follows: 1. 2. 3. First, the student appeals directly to his/her instructor who will review both the attendance record and the student's academic progress. In most instances the decision of the instructor is final. If further appeal is desired, the student must next schedule an appointment with the Instructional Coordinator who will review the circumstances of the withdrawal and make a recommendation to the instructor. If further appeal is desired, the student must appeal in writing to the Instructional Dean within ten days from the date the withdrawal form was received by the Admissions and Records Office. The Instructional Dean will review the circumstances of the withdrawal in consultation with the student, instructor and Instructional Coordinator. If a student is administratively dropped, he/she cannot remain in the class. If a student is administratively reinstated, the student can return to class. THE COLLEGE DESIGNATED DROP DATE APPLIES TO ALL CAMPUSES. PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR STUDENTS THAT THE LAST DAY TO DROP WITH A “W” IS: APRIL 15TH (SPRING SEMESTER AND 2ND MINIMESTER). 6 Students Switching Sections 4. The only students that should be attending your class (es) are those who have officially enrolled in your course and section. Under NO circumstances are you to allow a student who is enrolled in another instructor's section to attend your class. Students having a legitimate conflict which prevents them from attending your class should be referred to the Instructional Dean. Syllabus The course syllabus is an official statement to the student of the nature and objectives of the course. Be sure to follow the objectives and if you have any questions, contact your District Wide Program Coordinator or Faculty Coordinator. The syllabus should be distributed to all students during the first week of class. Discuss thoroughly any points that are in question. It is especially important that you discuss the attendance, course pursuit and reinstatement policies and procedures with the student. Be sure to include any special rules that relate to your classes. Any questions regarding format for the syllabus should be referred to the appropriate Discipline /Faculty/ Program Coordinator. Your District Wide Program Coordinator or Faculty Coordinator is your resource for the proper format. Some courses use a standardized Part I, while others require the instructor to draft his/her own Part I (following the college approved format). Your District Wide Program Coordinator or Faculty Coordinator will inform you as to the type of syllabus used in the course(s) you are teaching. Your Syllabus must include the current semester and year. It must also be uploaded to comply with HB2504. All course syllabi by Part-Time instructors to be used during the Spring 2016 semester should be forwarded for review to their Instructional Coordinator and all Full-Time instructors should forward their syllabi to the Division Office M101 by January 29th . Grade Record / Grade Input Instructors should be sure that all grades used in calculating the students' final grade are included on the Grade Record. The title and value of the assignment and points, percentage or letter grade should also be recorded. Grades must be submitted on the web between May 9th- May 16th (web closes at 8 am on the 16th) a grade record form must be uploaded by May 16th (8am). When uploading your grade record to there are a few requirements that must be followed: font size is 14 or above, no shading of any kind or any color, no red pen or pencil, and must contain all the information that the official EPCC grade record contained. *Grades Will Roll Over Every Night. Change of Grade Change of grade forms along with a memo must be submitted to the Division Office. Revised grade record must be uploaded online. 7 Office Hours Full Time Faculty are expected to keep a minimum of ten office hours per week. Please spread the office hours over five days (Monday through Friday), and include both morning and afternoon times. If you are teaching an evening or weekend class, consider holding office hours before or after these classes. Office hours should be posted on your office door and clearly identified on your syllabus. If you are not in your office during the scheduled time, please post your whereabouts on your office door. Also let the division office know where you can be reached. An additional hour per week is required for each overload class. Part-Time Faculty is expected to make time available for students before and/or after class and to note this in your course syllabus. PT instructors should hold one office hour for each class taught. The hour can be held on campus, such as thirty minutes before and after your class. It can also include time you are available to consult with students by phone. Guidelines for Part-Time Faculty Office Utilization Part-time faculty office space is available at each campus at the following locations: 1. Campus Location Mission del Paso Campus C145 Northwest Campus 66A Rio Grande Campus E1l4 Transmountain Campus 1223 Valle Verde Campus A2130, B242 and C200G (Inside Library) 2. All part-time faculty office space, furniture, and equipment are SHARED. As a shared space, it is expected that all individuals using the space will adhere to professional standards in the following areas: a. b. c. Post anticipated schedule for use when possible Maintain cleanliness and order in the office in general If leaving textbooks or other materials in the office, arrange them neatly on the bookshelf, files, or back of the desk while leaving adequate work space for others who may need to use the office. 3. Problems with the office, to include facilities issues, furniture, and equipment problems should be reported to the appropriate campus dean. Replacement printer toner/ribbons/ink needs should also be reported to the campus dean (831-3118). 4. If shared faculty office space/equipment is abused, disciplinary action may be taken. 8 Personnel Services Update All records should be updated at the Personnel Office. If you have completed additional college course work, have an official copy of the transcript sent to the Personnel Department. In addition, notify the Division Office that an updated or additional transcript is being submitted to the college, P.O. Box 20500, EI Paso, TX 79998. Also Notify the Division Office and Personnel Department if your address or phone number changes. Upon receiving and verifying the new transcript, it will entitle you for a possible salary upgrade. Bad Weather Classes will be held as scheduled during bad weather unless you are notified as follows: (1) radio, television and www.epcc.edu web page announcements indicating that classes are canceled; (2) the message on the Division Office answering machine (831-2544) indicates that classes are canceled, or (3) the Instructional Coordinator indicates that classes are canceled. Final Exams Institutional policy requires that classes must meet during the scheduled final exam period. Instructors not holding class during the designated final exams time may have consequences that that lead to administrative actions, including adjustment of leave time. Instructional Service Center Valle Verde RM # A2428 Phone # 831-2617 Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 5:45 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 5:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. to Noon 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Instructional Service Center is a major source of support to all full-time and all part-time faculty. The ISC offers photo duplicating, typing, word processing, message center, fax services, mail distribution and distribution of supplies. This service is provided to all faculty and staff as part of instructional support. There is a 24 hour turnaround time period on all duplicating. Please note that the account numbers are to be used only by faculty who are teaching classes. Duplicating jobs are monitored through the Division Office. Please note: The Division Dean will monitor the duplicating ticket and office supply budgets. Any duplicating requests over $8.00 must be justified in writing on the ticket if it is for syllabi or exams. Any other requests over $8.00 must have prior approval of the Instructional Coordinator. Please make sure that you use the correct banner account number for your discipline and campus that you are teaching in. 9 9 Account Numbers Accounting Automotive Child Development Information Technology Systems Criminal Justice Education 1300 11000-55210 11000-55370 11000-55389 11000-55215 11000-55380 11000-55435 Fire Technology Business Management Paralegal Sign Language Social Work Teacher Preparation 11000-55387 11000-55235 11000-55421 11000-55424 11000-55417 11000-55375 Instructional Testing Services 831-2657 Monday & Thursday Tuesday & Wednesday Friday Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Supplies Part-time instructor's request for classroom supplies should be made through the appropriate faculty coordinator, full-time instructors needing office or classroom supplies should request them through the Division Office. All supply requests must come through the Division Office before approval is granted. Typing / Word Processing The service is provided to faculty members through the ISC on a first come first serve basis. There is a four working day turnaround time required on all typing requests. Materials submitted to the ISC for typing must be legible. If the materials are illegible, the ISC Supervisor has the option to refuse the job(s). Message Center The ISC at each campus serves as a message center for full-time and part-time faculty. Part-time faculty should refer students to the message center phone numbers (831-2617) to leave a message. A member of the ISC personnel will take the message and place it in the instructor's mailbox/mail folder. Faculty should include the telephone number and email address (if available) on their course syllabus for students to leave messages. Do not give the Division office number to students to leave messages. Mail Service / Email Although email is the primary form of communication a physical mailbox or folder is also required. The ISC is a receiving point for all incoming mail. The mail is delivered to the ISC twice a day and the ISC staff is responsible for the distribution of the mail. Mailboxes are issued to full-time faculty. Parttime faculty will be issued a mail folder or mailbox (depending on availability). It is the responsibility of the faculty member to fill out a Mailbox Request Form as soon as possible at the beginning of each semester. When requesting a mailbox you will need the following information: the 10the account number. If you teach at more than name of your Instructional Dean, office number, and one campus, request a mailbox at only one campus. Let the Division office know at which campus you will be receiving your mail. Pick up your mail at least twice a week (except for faculty teaching once a week, they may check it only once). Mail that is not picked up for a period of two weeks will be forwarded to the appropriate Division Office and then forwarded to the appropriate Faculty Coordinators for distribution . Media Service This service is provided to all faculty and staff as part of instructional support. There is a 24 hour turnaround time period on all checking in/out equipment in the media center. This service also provides laminations, overhead transparencies, videotapes and audiotapes, etc. Note that your account number is required. Test Security All test materials must be submitted to the ISC / Testing Center personnel by the faculty, in a sealed manila envelope unless confidentiality is not a concern. Those exams submitted in a manila envelope will be secured in a locked filing cabinet, with a Test Security Label affixed to the envelope flap. If the Test Security Label appears to have been tampered with the ISC Supervisor should be notified immediately. All imperfect copies of exams will be destroyed by the ISC staff member completing the test. Test materials not delivered to the ISC in a manila envelope will be treated like any other course material and will be stored in an unlocked cabinet. Fax Service A fax machine is available and located at the ISC (831-2155). This service is provided to college personnel and can be used for local transmittal only. The Education & Career and Technical Education Division fax number is 831-2112. Room Changes All classroom changes are to be initiated within the Division Office. When space has been identified and reserved, the instructor will be notified and can move to the new room. Classes should not be canceled or moved without informing and approval from the Dean. However, emergencies or other event will be considered. An empty classroom does not necessarily mean that the room is available. Frequently these empty rooms are reserved for continuing education classes, which have different starting dates than the credit courses. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Not Able to Meet Class If you are running late for class between 8am and 5pm, you can call the Division Office (831-2544) or the evening coordinator (831-2222) if class meets after 5pm to post a sign in your class room, or give your students a message. NEITHER STAFF NOR LAB ASSISTANTS ARE ALLOWED TO PROCTOR ANY EXAMS. 11 *Pay Dates January 25th February 25th March 24th April 25th May 25th *Pay dates are subject to change **Due to enrollment not all Part-time faculty may receive a paycheck in January. . Additional Information Full-time and Part-time instructors will be mailed a copy of their Faculty Assignment Action Form (FAAF) from the Division Office. Please call the Division Office with any questions related to your FAAF. Drop slips, reinstatement forms, change of grade forms, and incomplete grade forms can be obtained from the Student Service Center or from the Division Office. Reinstatement and Change of Grade forms must be submitted to the Instructional Dean for signature, accompanied by a memo with explanation. Staff Members are available to handle faculty and student concerns at the Student Service Center Monday and Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Concerns related to the Valle Verde Campus instructional program will be addressed by the Division Office (831-2544 - Room – M101) or the appropriate District Wide Coordinator or Division Assistant. Maintenance Requests for classrooms (clocks, broken chairs, screens, etc.) need to be turned into the Division Office. We are asking each faculty member to review classrooms and building for needed attention. Please review classroom bulletin boards to ensure inappropriate or unneeded materials are removed. College procedures and syllabi are available online at www.epcc.edu for all faculty to view. Instructor Absences Full-time Instructor Unanticipated absences must be reported by phone call as soon as possible to the Division Office and to your District Wide Program Coordinator or Faculty Coordinator. In addition, contact the evening Campus Coordinator/monitor at 831-2222 if the class meets after 5:00 p.m. Non-emergency absences must be coordinated in advance with Division Office. Attempt to locate full-time or part-time discipline/course qualified instructors to cover your class (es). Full-time instructors cannot be paid by the institution for substituting. Full-time instructors are expected to assist in covering other full-time instructor's classes on occasion. Such practice is considered a professional courtesy on a short-term basis. 12 If you are unable to arrange coverage for your class (es) by a full-time or part-time instructor, the District Wide Program Coordinator or Faculty Coordinator will help you make arrangements. A substitute will not be required in the case of a one-day absence, unless the class to be missed meets in the evening or on the weekend for longer than two hours. A leave form should be submitted to the division office within 24 hours of your return to work. If an absence is anticipated in advance, a leave form should be submitted prior to the day(s) of absence. Faculty who are going to be absent from a class (es) should provide the substitute with lesson plans when time allows for planning. Part- Time Exchange Pool If you are interested in participation in the part-time faculty exchange pool, please fill out the request to substitute and return it to the Division Office. Participation is voluntary and you would not be obligated to substitute every time you are asked. Participation in the part-time pool allows you to substitute for other part-time instructors and vice versa and not be docked for missing classes. Participation in the part-time pool is voluntary. Participants in the pool are not obligated to substitute every time they are asked. It is an individual decision each time. Only discipline/courses qualified substitutes may be used to cover class. The pool may be used only for legitimate reasons (i.e., jury duty, illness, professional obligation, and sickness of a child that requires parental attendance). Part-time instructors can only use the exchange pool three (3) times per year and no more than (2) two times per semester. The instructors instituting the exchange will notify the dean as soon as possible of the exchange and will then fill out and submit to the Dean the Part-time Exchange Form. When advance notice is not possible, the form must be filled out and turned in to the division office within five working days of the exchange date. All instructors must report all absences and / or class cancellations to the Dean's Office prior to (if possible) the designated class meeting time. No money will be exchanged for the purpose of substitution under this plan. Note: The exchange pool is separate from the EPCC paid-substitute pool. Substitute Pay All part-time instructors have a one-day sick leave per semester (Spring and Fall) jury duty is also covered. Otherwise, your pay will be reduced if a non-member of the exchange pool substitutes for you or if a full-time instructor substitutes for you. If you are not available for class, as required each week, your pay will be reduced accordingly. Full-time instructors may substitute for each other as professional courtesy, Part-time instructors will be paid for substituting for full-time faculty. Arrangements to pay substitutes will be made only by the Dean. Instructors are not to offer substitutes any compensation. Graduation & Professional Development It is a requirement for all full-time faculty to attend at least one graduation a year and two faculty development approved workshops per semester. We'll see you there! EL PASO COMMUNITY COLLEGE 13 EDUCATION & CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION DIVISION PERMISSION TO BE ABSENT FORM PT FT DATE: (Requestor) REASON FOR LEAVE: (This portion only pertains to PT instructors) TYPE OF COMPENSATION: Sick Leave Jury Duty Only one day per semester is given to PT instructors (Fall & Spring) Other SUBSTITUTE PAY SUBSTITUTE EXCHANGE (Only two consecutive exchanges per semester) Number of Exchanges 1 2 3 Note: The portion below must be filled out completely or it will be returned. I was absent from my class (es) on: Date(s) / Time Substitute Name Course Prefix & Number (Example: ITSC 1301) If the credentialed instructor is not employed within our Division, please provide us with the following information. Sub Name ID# Address City, State, Zip Approved Not Approved Approved Not Approved Coordinator/Date Instructional Dean/Date EL PASO COMMUNITY COLLEGE 14 EDUCATION & CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION DIVISION PERMISSION TO BE ABSENT FOR COLLEGE RELATED DUTIES Request permission to be absent from the College during the date(s) and/or time(s) indicated below. Name: Dept: _______________________________________ _______ Purpose: __________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: The portion below must be filled out completely or it will be returned to you. Date(s) Time Signature: Substitute Name(s) Course Prefix & Number Date: _______________ _________ Approved Not Approved Approved Not Approved Coordinator/Date Instructional Dean/Date Upon action by the Dean, copies to be forwarded to the initiator 15