Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) RIETI BBL Seminar Handout November 17, 2015 Speaker: Mr. Bruce STOKES Global Concern about Climate Change Wide Support for Limiting Emissions Partisan National Divisions May Mean Challenges Ahead Bruce Stokes Director, Global Economic Attitudes Japan, November 2015 Pew Research Center • Established 1996 • Funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts • Non-profit, non-partisan fact tank in Washington • Survey topics: U.S. domestic politics and economic conditions, values, U.S. image abroad, global views toward major powers, terrorism, democracy, country conditions, aging, economy • Since 2002, we have surveyed in 85 countries, including 40 nations in 2015 • November 17, 2015 2 Methodology • Surveys conducted across 40 countries from March 25 to May 27, 2015, totaling 45,435 respondents • Based on nationally representative telephone and face-to-face interviews with adults 18 and older conducted under the direction of Princeton Survey Research Associates International • The margin of sampling error for the complete set of weighted data is ±2.8% - ±4.3% November 17, 2015 3 KEY TAKEAWAYS November 17, 2015 4 Brazilians Most Concerned about Climate Change, Chinese Least Worried Global climate change is a very serious problem November 17, 2015 5 Latin Americans, Sub-Saharan Africans More Troubled by Climate Change than People in Other Regions Regional medians Note: Russia and Ukraine not included in Europe median. Asia-Pacific median includes China. November 17, 2015 6 Global Support for Both Personal and Policy Changes Global medians on climate change solutions November 17, 2015 7 Top Polluters Less Concerned about Climate Change But Their Publics Still Willing to Limit Greenhouse Gas Emissions Climate change is a very serious problem Support limiting greenhouse gas emissions as part of an int'l agreement China 18% 71% 45 U.S. 69 India Russia 70 33 76 65 45 Japan 83 Germany 55 GLOBAL MEDIAN 54 87 78 Note: Data shown for top six CO2 emitting nations based on 2011 emissions data from the World Bank. Median calculated from all 40 nations surveyed. November 17, 2015 8 Japanese Say Climate Change Is Harming People Now and Want Limitations on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Japan Global Median 45% Climate change is a very serious problem 54% 71 Climate change is harming people now 51 34 Very concerned climate change will harm me personally 40 People will have to make major lifestyle changes to reduce the effects of climate change 53 67 83 Support limiting country's greenhouse gas emissions 78 Rich countries should do more than developing countries to address climate change 34 54 Note: Japan included in global median. November 17, 2015 9 CONCERN ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING AND A WILLINGNESS TO ACT November 17, 2015 10 Drought Tops Climate Change Concerns Except in Japan Regional medians of most concerning effects of global climate change Note: Japan included in Asia-Pacific median. Russia and Ukraine not included in Europe median. November 17, 2015 11 Intensity of Climate Change Concern Varies Globally Global climate change is a very serious problem November 17, 2015 12 Climate Concern in U.S., China, Japan Trails That in Many Other Regions Global climate change is a very serious problem Latin America 74% Africa 61 Europe 54 Asia/Pacific 45 Middle East 38 U.S. 45 Japan 45 China 18 Note: Japan and China included in Asia-Pacific median. Russia and Ukraine not included in Europe median. November 17, 2015 13 In Asia, India Most Concerned about Climate Change, China Least Worried Global climate change is a very serious problem India 76% Philippines 72 Vietnam 69 South Korea 48 Japan 45 Malaysia 44 Australia 43 Indonesia 41 Pakistan China November 17, 2015 29 18 14 Europeans Most Supportive of Limiting Greenhouse Gas Emissions Do you __ our country limiting greenhouse gas emissions as part of an international agreement? Oppose Europe 13% Latin America 11 Africa 10 Asia/Pacific Middle East Support 87% 83 77 13 76 17 73 U.S. 24 GLOBAL MEDIAN Japan 69 12 78 83 10 Note: Japan included in Asia-Pacific median. Russia and Ukraine not included in Europe median. Global median is calculated from all 40 nations surveyed. November 17, 2015 15 Among Many Top Polluters, Young Are Strongest Supporters of Limiting Emissions, No Generational Difference in Japan Support limiting country’s greenhouse gas emissions Youngestoldest gap 18-29 30-49 50+ % % % U.S. 85 69 60 +25 Poland 71 65 57 +14 France 95 85 84 +11 India 74 70 64 +10 Australia 84 83 75 +9 Japan 83 85 82 +1 Note: Japan difference not statistically significant. All other differences shown are statistically significant. November 17, 2015 16 Globally, Majority Support for Rich Countries Doing More, But Not in Japan To address global climate change … Developing countries should do just as much Middle East 51 44 50 35 Asia/Pacific GLOBAL MEDIAN 56 41 Africa U.S. 62% 29% Europe Latin America Rich countries should do more than developing countries 42 40 40 50 54 38 34 Japan 58 Note: Japan included in Asia-Pacific median. Russia and Ukraine not included in Europe median. Global median calculated from all 40 nations surveyed. November 17, 2015 17 Generational Divide on Who Should Do More to Address Climate Change Rich countries should do more to address climate change than developing countries Youngestoldest gap 18-29 30-49 50+ % % % U.S. 51 42 34 +17 Japan 45 35 31 +14 Australia 55 55 45 +10 France 44 51 60 -16 Germany 47 56 65 -18 Note: All differences shown are statistically significant. November 17, 2015 18 Majorities in Japan, Most Regions Say Lifestyle Changes Necessary Do you think people will have to make major changes to reduce the effects of climate change OR can technology solve the problem without major changes? Technology can solve problem Latin America Europe U.S. Make major lifestyle changes 83% 13% 73 21 66 23 Africa 21 65 Asia/Pacific 23 61 48 Middle East 34 GLOBAL MEDIAN 67 22 Japan 36 53 Note: Japan included in Asia/Pacific median. Russia and Ukraine not included in Europe median. Global median calculated from all 40 nations surveyed. November 17, 2015 19 Women, More than Men, Say Personal Changes Necessary to Combat Global Warming To reduce the effects of global climate change people will have to make major changes in the way they live Women Men Diff % % U.S. 75 57 +18 Canada 81 66 +15 UK 74 60 +14 Australia 71 57 +14 Spain 83 71 +12 Germany 81 70 +11 South Korea 89 78 +11 Poland 53 44 +9 Ukraine 53 44 +9 France 86 80 +6 Japan 54 52 +2 Note: Japan difference not statistically significant. All other differences shown are statistically significant. November 17, 2015 20 CLIMATE CHANGE IS DIVISIVE WITHIN COUNTRIES November 17, 2015 21 In Europe, U.S.: Deep Ideological Divide on Climate Change Concern Global climate change is a very serious problem Left-Right Diff Left Right % % Italy 69 42 France 70 UK Global climate change is harming people now Left-Right Diff Left Right % % +27 74 64 +10 49 +21 71 50 +21 53 34 +19 59 44 +15 Spain 60 46 +14 69 51 +18 Germany 58 57 +1 73 59 +14 Poland 16 18 -2 25 36 -11 Liberal Conservative Lib-Conserv Diff % % 59 32 Liberal U.S. Lib-Conserv Diff Conservative % % 68 30 +38 +27 Note: Statistically significant differences in bold. November 17, 2015 22 Stark U.S. Partisan Differences on Climate Change November 17, 2015 23 JAPAN DEMOGRAPHICS November 17, 2015 24 In Japan, Older Generation More Concerned about Climate Change Climate change is a very serious problem Climate change is harming people now Very concerned climate change will harm me personally % % % TOTAL 45 71 34 Men Women 82 88 69 73 32 35 18-29 30-49 50+ 29 38 52 61 74 73 27 32 36 Lower income Higher income 47 43 67 75 38 30 Secondary Post-secondary 49 40 70 73 37 29 November 17, 2015 25 … But Young and Old Both Willing to Act, and Young More Likely to Say Rich Countries Should Do More to Address Climate Change People will have to make major lifestyle changes Support limiting country’s greenhouse gas emissions Rich countries should do more than developing countries % % % TOTAL 53 83 34 Men Women 52 54 86 80 36 32 18-29 30-49 50+ 48 52 54 83 85 82 45 35 31 Lower income Higher income 54 53 81 87 33 36 Secondary Post-secondary 51 57 82 86 33 36 November 17, 2015 26 All Pew Research Center reports and data are available online at November 17, 2015 27