Jönköping University 2004 09 12 The Nordic countries - Leaders in the New Economy? ICT, Innovation and Economic Performance Thomas Andersson RIETI April 12, 2006 Systematic reductions in transport and communication costs 120 Sea freight 1) Satelite Charges Air transport 2) Bandwidth cost Telecommunication 3) Index (1930=100) 100 80 60 40 20 0 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Note: 1) Average ocean freight and port charges per short ton of import and export cargo. 2) Average air transport per passenger mile. Cost for 1920 not available. 3) Cost of a 3 minute telephone call New York to London. Cost for 1920 not available. Source: Georg Hufbauer: World Economic Integration: The Long View, in Economic Insights, Vol. 30 (1991), pp. 26-27, Globalisation and the Competitiveness of Regional Blocs, Bernhard Fisher, Intereconomics 1998/04, and Tariffs, Transport Costs and the WTO Doha Round: The Case of Developing Countries, Mattias Busse, in Journal of International Law and Trade Policy, Vol. 4 (2003), No. 1, pp. 15-31. Systematic reductions in transport and communication costs 120 Sea freight 1) Satelite Charges Air transport 2) Bandwidth cost Telecommunication 3) 100 Index (1930=100) Phase 1: Sea freight and air transport rates fall 80 60 40 20 0 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Note: 1) Average ocean freight and port charges per short ton of import and export cargo. 2) Average air transport per passenger mile. Cost for 1920 not available. 3) Cost of a 3 minute telephone call New York to London. Cost for 1920 not available. Source: Georg Hufbauer: World Economic Integration: The Long View, in Economic Insights, Vol. 30 (1991), pp. 26-27, Globalisation and the Competitiveness of Regional Blocs, Bernhard Fisher, Intereconomics 1998/04, and Tariffs, Transport Costs and the WTO Doha Round: The Case of Developing Countries, Mattias Busse, in Journal of International Law and Trade Policy, Vol. 4 (2003), No. 1, pp. 15-31. Systematic reductions in transport and communication costs 120 Sea freight 1) Satelite Charges Air transport 2) Bandwidth cost Telecommunication 3) Index (1930=100) 100 80 Phase 2: Freight rates stabilize; communication costs plummet 60 40 20 0 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Note: 1) Average ocean freight and port charges per short ton of import and export cargo. 2) Average air transport per passenger mile. Cost for 1920 not available. 3) Cost of a 3 minute telephone call New York to London. Cost for 1920 not available. Source: Georg Hufbauer: World Economic Integration: The Long View, in Economic Insights, Vol. 30 (1991), pp. 26-27, Globalisation and the Competitiveness of Regional Blocs, Bernhard Fisher, Intereconomics 1998/04, and Tariffs, Transport Costs and the WTO Doha Round: The Case of Developing Countries, Mattias Busse, in Journal of International Law and Trade Policy, Vol. 4 (2003), No. 1, pp. 15-31. The Economic Evolution towards the Networked Society Data Information Knowledge Ubiquitous Product Solution Innovation Ecosystems Competition Cooperation Collaboration Coopetition 50’s – 70’s 70’s – 90’s 90’s – 2000’s Today? ICT for Business Ecosystems [Source: Gerald Santucci, European Commission Directorate-General Information Society Unit D5: ICT for Business, Global Forum 2004] The Digital Divide and ICT Infrastructure Telephone mainlines (per 1,000 people) Per 1,000 people 800 1995 2002 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 North America Western Europe East Asia & East Europe Middle East Pacific & Central & North Asia * Africa Source: World Development Indicators, 2005 Latin America & Caribbean South Asia SubSaharan Africa * Least developed countries * The Digital Divide and ICT Infrastructure: Internet Users (per 1,000 people) Per 1,000 people 600 1995 2002 500 400 300 200 100 0 North America * Western Europe East Asia & East Europe Middle East & North Pacific & Central Africa Asia Source: World Development Indicators, 2005 Latin America & Caribbean South Asia SubSaharan Africa Least developed countries The Digital Divide and ICT Infrastructure: Mobile Phones (per 1,000 people) Per 1,000 people 900 1995 2002 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 North America Western Europe East Asia & East Europe Middle East Pacific & Central & North Asia Africa Source: World Development Indicators, 2005 Latin America & Caribbean South Asia SubSaharan Africa Least developed countries Mobile subscribers across regions, 2004 Subscribers in Million, 2004 Current growth Rates, % 800 80 700 70 600 60 500 50 400 40 300 30 200 20 100 10 - Asia Europe U.S. China Cellular mobile subscribers 0 Asia Europe U.S. China Growth rate of Mobile subscribers, 1999-2004 Penetration of Mobile subscribers, 2004 Source: International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Looking for the effects • From producer to the user side • Levels: firm, industry, aggregate • From individual production factors to total factor-productivity • From static to dynamic: processes over time • Complementary/enabling factors Crucial determinants • Regulation - competition • Human capital: from quantity of education to quality, learning, use of skills, learning • Research, innovation, linkages • Organisational change • Entrepreneurship, risk-taking Investment in education in relation to GDP 2001 Per cent 8 Other levels of education 7 Tertiary education 6 5 4 3 2 1 Source: OECD (2004) d lan Ire pa n Ja ds lan Ne th er an y Ge rm nd it z Sw ng d Ki d Un ite er la om nd n la Fi Fr an ce ay No rw n Sw ed e k ar De nm Un ite d St at es 0 Exchange of tertiary level students, 2000 43 415 66 982 22 227 EU 1 456 USA A.ASEM 169 464 2 170 Note: Luxembourg and Greece are not includen in the EU aggregate. Brunei, Singapore and Vietnam are not included in the A.ASEM aggregate. Source: OECD Education database. Social trust ranking Source: Norris (2001). R&D in the OECD and non-OECD area 2003, GERD in billion USD Researchers per 1000 employment 12 Sweden; 10 10 Japan; 113 Russian Federation; 17 United States (2002); 276 8 Chinese Taipei; 13 6 EU25; 211 4 2 India (2000-01); R&D expenditures in billions of current PPP China; 85 21 0 0 1 2 3 4 GERD as % of GDP Source: OECD, Main Science and Technology Indicators 2005-2 (MSTI) and OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard (STI) 2005 5 Business R&D expenditure in relation to GDP 1981–2003, percent Percent of GDP 4,0 Israel Sw eden 3,5 Finland 3,0 Japan United States 2,5 Korea 2,0 Germany Denmark 1,5 France 1,0 United Kingdom 0,5 Russian Federation Czech Republic 0,0 1981 1983 Source: OECD MSTI, 2005 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 Italy Cluster dynamics and linkages: cooperation and competition Source: IKED (2003) R&D expenditure in relation to GDP 2003 Business sector Universities & colleges Government organisations Israel Sweden Finland Japan Korea United States Germany Denmark France Netherlands (2001) United Kingdom Russian Federation Czech Republic Ireland (2001) Italy (2001) 0 0,5 Source: OECD MSTI 2005 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 Percent of GDP 5 Science & Engineering articles by country 2001 Number 1400 Number of publications per million population Percentage of world total Per cent 35% C hina K o re a, R e p. R us s ia n F e deration Source: National Science Indicators (NSI) database, 2002 and World Development Indicators 2005 C z e c h R ep u b lic S pa in Ita ly Ire lan d J ap a n F ran c e 0% G e rm a ny 0 A us tria 5% B e lgiu m 200 U n ited S tates 10% N o rw ay 400 C a nada 15% N e th erlan ds 600 U n ite d K in g d o m 20% D e nm a rk 800 F in la n d 25% Is ra e l 1000 S w itz e rla nd 30% S w eden 1200 Patents to EPO & USPTO, relative to population, 2004 USPTO 0,040% EPO 0,00025% 0,00020% 0,035% 0,00015% 0,030% 0,00010% 0,00005% 0,025% 0,00000% Russian Federation China India China India 0,020% 0,015% 0,010% 0,005% 0,000% Japan United States Sweden European Russian Union (15) Federation Source: OECD Patent Data base (2005) and World Development Indicators (2005) High-technology exports in percent of manufactured exports, 2000-2003, percent China 35 European Monetary Union France 30 25 Percent Germany 20 India 15 Japan 10 Norway 5 Sweden 0 United States 2000 Source: WDI Database, 2005 2001 2002 2003 GDP based on PPP per capita GDP (USD), 1980=100 600 500 Index 1980=100 400 300 200 100 Czech Republic Finland France Ireland Japan Russia Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom United States 0 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 Source: IMF World Economic Outlook Database. 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Abandoning the linear model Source: IKED Lack of seed funding Public Science Gap Developm. Private Launching Expansion Established technology High-tech venture capital as a percentage of total venture capital investment, 2000-2003 % 100 Communications Information technology Health/biotechnology 80 60 40 (1) 2000-2002, (2) 1998-2001 Source: OECD, Science Technology and Industry Scoreboard, 2005 Spain Slovak Republic Portugal Netherlands Australia (2) United Kingdom Italy Japan (2) EU France Germany Sweden Korea (2) Switzerland Belgium Finland Greece Poland Iceland (1) Austria Hungary Czech Republic Norway New Zealand (2) Denmark United States Canada Ireland 0 OECD 20 Entry and exit of firms, manufacturing and business services, 1997-2000, percent Exit rate (%) 11 United Kingdom 10 9 Denmark United Kingdom Belgium 8 Netherlands Finland Spain 7 Finland Italy Spain Netherlands Denmark 6 Belgium 5 Portugal Sw eden Portugal Sw eden 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Entry rate (%) Source: OECD, STI Scoreboard 2003 Japan B e lg iu m R u s s ia F ra n c e S p a in Sw eden S lo v e n ia UK G e rm a n y F in la n d N e th e rla n d s P o la n d Ita ly D e n m a rk H u n g a ry N o rw a y S w itz e rla n d Ire la n d A u s tra lia S o u th A fric a C anada Ic e la n d U .S . K o re a C h ile M e x ic o B ra z il A rg e n tin a In d ia P e rc e n ta g e o f 1 8 to 6 4 y e a rs o ld Female and male entrepreneurial activity 25 Female Male 20 15 10 5 0 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Countries (2002) Source: Scientific Analysis of Entrepreneurship and SMEs (SCALE) paper N200510, 2006.