Patents in the Knowledge-Based Economy Dominique Guellec Chief Economist EPO 2005/12/1 1 Outline of the presentation 1. 2. 3. 4. Recent evolutions in patent numbers The new roles of patents in the economy The economics of patents Current challenges for the patent system 2005/12/1 2 Ever more patents EPO and USPTO filings: Total num ber of applications JPO filings: Total num ber of claim s 4,000,000 400,000 JPO filings 350,000 3,500,000 300,000 3,000,000 250,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 200,000 USPTO filings 150,000 EPO filings 1,500,000 1,000,000 100,000 500,000 50,000 0 0 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2005/12/1 3 Surge in filings to the EPO Applications to EPO (2005: + 5%)) 200 000 181000 175 000 Euro-direct Euro-PCT 150 000 Total 125 000 120 100 100 000 75 000 58 743 50 000 25 000 0 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 2005/12/1 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 4 The surge in patent numbers Patent filings have doubled in OECD over the past decade. It is the sharpest increase since the 1870s in the US. ... What happened? 2005/12/1 5 The surge in patent numbers => Major sources of the surge: - increased innovation: Emergence of new technology areas (software, biotech); - strengthened role of patents in competitive processes; - changes in patent regimes. 2005/12/1 6 The surge in patent numbers Corresponds first with a surge in innovation: - Sharp increase in business R&D expenditure notably in the US, during the 1990s - ICT and biotechnology contributed to 50% of the surge: It is also areas where R&D expenditure grew most rapidly and innovation was more spectacular. 2005/12/1 7 Growth in applications filed to EPO (compound annual growth rate) 14 % 1995-2001 1991-1994 % 14 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 Total Patents Biotechnology 2005/12/1 ICT Other 8 Growth in Business funded R&D GDP and Business Funded R&D in the OECD Area (Index 1970 = 100) 500 450 400 GDP R&D 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 19 70 19 72 19 74 19 76 19 78 19 80 19 82 19 84 19 86 19 88 19 90 19 92 19 94 19 96 19 98 20 00 20 02 0 2005/12/1 9 EPO applications per dollar R&D 0.8 European Union Japan United States 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2005/12/1 10 More than a surge in innovation Patent per dollar-R&D increased in most countries, or was stable in front of a long term decline => increased innovation explains part of the surge in patenting, but far from all of it. 2005/12/1 11 Patents per R&D Dollar Applications to EPO over industry financed BERD* by country of origin 180 Germany 160 EU-15 140 Japan 120 US 100 80 60 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2005/12/1 12 Changes in innovation systems enhance the role of patents - - Innovation is central to business strategy. More competitive, globalised markets. More co-operation between firms. Increased importance of start-ups, with no other asset than their technology. Expansion of markets for technology (esp. licensing contracts). => businesses require more patenting for protecting their inventions and dealing with other companies. 2005/12/1 13 More competitive and globalised markets Deregulation => more intense competition; Competition induces patenting (≠ national monopolies did not need much IP as they had little potential imitators); e.g. telecoms. Globalisation: larger and more differentiated markets as products are sold world-wide, more competition as national borders do not keep foreign companies away. 2005/12/1 14 More cooperation in innovation Innovation used to be mainly done in-house, centred on the firm: It is now more based on knowledge networks and markets. Companies are increasingly specialised (vertically, horizontally), they cannot rely on their own competencies only for inventing new, complex products: need to pool innovation through research joint ventures and other types of cooperative agreements and networks => need to be protected = role of patents 2005/12/1 15 Increased importance of start-ups In emerging technology fields (IT, software, biotech, nanotech) much innovation come from start-ups: companies with no other asset than their technology (no complementary assets that can be used as indirect protection) => need to protect their technology = IP “Fabless” companies in semiconductors. Biotech companies being taken over by big pharmas. Venture capitalists require patents before committing funds. 2005/12/1 16 Expansion of markets for technology Market transactions related to technology, notably licensing agreements, are expanding. - Active policy by many large and small companies to sell their technology (IBM = 1.5 Billion USD a year in licensing revenue, Microsoft now) ... “Rembrandts in the Attic” - Securitisation of IP (emerging) Broadened range of ways to create value from patents => increased incentives to file patents. - 2005/12/1 17 Royalty and Licensing fees (in billion USD) 120 100 Payments 80 60 Receipts 40 20 0 50 9 1 54 9 1 58 9 1 62 9 1 Source: Athreye and Cantwell 2005 66 9 1 70 9 1 74 9 1 78 9 1 2005/12/1 82 9 1 86 9 1 90 9 1 94 9 1 98 9 1 02 0 2 18 Strengthened patent regimes world-wide - - Strong pro-patent policy by government in OECD countries, which believe that patents favour innovation (started with the US) e.g. Bayh-Dole types of policies. Active policy by the US (followed by the EU and Japan) to promote their interest world-wide (TRIPS, bilateral agreements) 2005/12/1 19 Strengthened patent regimes world-wide - - - - Upward harmonisation of patent regimes worldwide (TRIPs, 1994). More powerful governing bodies (e.g. WTO, central courts specialised in IP = CAFC, JP IP High Court, EPO). Enforcement is strengthened (increased damages). Expanded subject matter: biotechnology, software, business methods (cross-countries differences). Narrowing research exemption in the US. Bayh-Dole act types of policies 2005/12/1 20 Economics of patents Expected effects of patents: X Generate a rent which will incentivise innovation. X Disclose inventions which would otherwise be kept secret. But: X Deadweight loss for consumers (static effect). X Barrier to accessing disclosed knowledge. 2005/12/1 21 Deadweight loss Price/Cost Demand Consumer surplus C Monopoly profit P Deadweight loss C’ Q Q’ 2005/12/1 Q opt 22 A good patent system... ... is one which maximises the positive effects while minimising the negative ones: X Incentivises invention. X Minimises deadweight loss and barriers to access to knowledge. X and facilitates further uses of technology: licensing, finance etc. 2005/12/1 23 Current challenges to the patent system Maintaining and adapting quality in the new context X Encouraging the development of technology markets X 2005/12/1 24 Quality Meaning of quality: Only those patents which are good for the economy (invention, diffusion) should be allowed => X Selectivity of the process X Reduce delays in the procedure X Monitor voluminosity of patents 2005/12/1 25 Selectivity Only patents which contribute to invention activities should be granted, and with a scope which does not makes it to difficult further use of the patented knowledge. => increased workload of patent offices => adapting rapidly standards and practice to new fields (biotech, CII, nanotech) Are there too many patents in the world? 2005/12/1 26 Backlog The number of un-examined applications is more than 600.000 in Europe, in Japan and in the US (each), end of 2005 => uncertainty for applicants themselves => unchecked titles which gives already substantial rights to their holder 2005/12/1 27 Voluminosity Patent applications and grants are not only more and more numerous, but each of them is increasingly "big" = number of pages, number of claims. 2005/12/1 28 Voluminosity Avg. number of claims per application received by EPO* 22 20 18 16 14 12 1 19 92 19 93 19 94 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 04 19 9 19 9 0 10 *by year of application 2005/12/1 29 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 7 USPTO 6 5 JPO 20 03 20 02 20 01 20 00 19 99 19 98 19 97 19 96 4 19 95 # claims at JPO 8 # claims at USPTO Avg. number of claims per application received by JPO and USPTO* *by year of application 2005/12/1 30 Avg. number of claims per application and Joint Cluster at EPO, 1995 vs. 2004 40 35 30 15 10 1995 20 2004 25 5 0 BIO COM POC HN TEL MO IC AVM POL EEM ELE 2005/12/1 HP CET VGT 31 Pending applications and claims 950 Number of Pending Claims (in Mio.) 13 850 12 11 Claims 750 10 650 9 Applications 8 7 550 450 6 350 5 4 Number of Pending Applications (in Thsd.) 14 250 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2005/12/1 32 Voluminosity: Why it is a problem Higher number of claims mean usually less disclosure (the real invention is hidden "somewhere"), excessively broad rights and higher cost of processing for the patent office. => need to be reduced (strict enforcement of rules, claim fees etc.) 2005/12/1 33 Fostering markets for technology Markets for technology are essentially good for the economy X Markets for technology (notably licensing) do have certain failures due to imperfect information, transaction costs, inadequate regulation => A policy agenda needs to be set up. X 2005/12/1 34 Markets for technology Current work at OECD, with METI involved (intangibles); Co-operation with EPO => policies should be cautiously designed and implemented (avoiding interference): e.g. Accounting framework for patents and licenses, granting high quality patents, fostering the diffusion of information on supply and demand for particular technologies (JPO), templates for licensing contracts etc. 2005/12/1 35 European Patent Office Thank you for your attention 2005/12/1 36